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Page 26

by Jessie Rose Case

  Regin laughed again and shook her head. “Everything in this house is an antique including Arturo.” Luce looked surprised and a little scared. “Err I won’t be telling him that.” Regin linked her arm and pulled her towards the desk. “It’s all yours so make the most of it. If your thirsty or hungry, dial 7 on the phone and it will be the kitchens and I know, Alice would be very happy to make you anything you want.” “Wow really. Anything?” Luce had her happy bug on. O yeah. “Anything. If we don’t have it, we will get it ok.” Regin told her. “That would be great thank you.” Luce walked round the table and ran her hand along the surface. It was like silk. Beautiful. The workmanship a masterpiece. Taking her seat and laying her lap top down on the blotting paper she heard Regin tell Charlee to make sure she ate. Just loving this job, thought Luce as she opened her lap top and plugged herself in.

  As Charlee and Regin left her Luce looked around the room. It was hardly private with one door to the hallway and one to Arturo’s office. It did make a perfect secretary’s office, with two desks, another identical to hers and several chairs dotted about in groups and an ornate fireplace. The full-length windows were a surprise. She’d have thought that Vamps would avoid windows, but looking again she would see a film on them. Interesting she thought. UV protection. Smart. That didn’t help with her feeling of being ‘on show’. Then she remembered seeing a screen of some kind in the room before this on the other side of the hallway. Luce got up and walked round her desk to the doorway and poked her head out. No one around. Tip toeing along the corridor she came to the open doorway and peeked round it. Another sitting room of some kind. Luce grinned as she saw the screen. Perfect. Walking quickly over to it, she gently folded it closed and lifted it. Dam it was heavy. She managed half a dozen steps then had to put it down. Jeepers, that’s heavy, she thought. Taking several deep breaths, she hosted it again and walked on. Another stop near the doorway. Breathing hard she peeked out and checked it was still all clear while rubbing her arms. They were killing her. She needed to get to a gym. Steeling herself she had to cross that hallway into her office space. She took several deep breaths. Braced her arms on the sides of the screen and lifted heading straight out into the hall and down the corridor to the open doorway of her space.

  OMG her arms were screaming. She put it down inside the doorway unsteadily and held on. Shaking her arms out and breathing deep she walked around the space. She was going to need a drink after this. Coming back to the screen she prepared for one more lift. Taking a deep breath and holding it she braced her arms and lifted. It came with her smoothly and she almost ran across the room with it and stopped just about where she wanted it. Again shaking out her arms and hands she opened the screen to the left and blocked the view of her desk from the doorway. She opened the right and blocked Arturo’s office door. Luce was very satisfied if exhausted and in need of that drink. She had an entry way to her desk along the windows and the two chairs in front of the desk were still in place if someone came to see her. Perfect. She was not a secretary. Lifting the phone she pressed 7. A female answered. “How may I help you?” “Hi I’m working in the room beside Arturo’s and I’d appreciate a chocolate milkshake or any milkshake and something to eat. Any sandwich as long as its not fish if possible.” She asked. “Of course. Milkshake with ice cream and cream?” “Ooo yes please.” “Turkey salad and mayo in the sandwich?” “O yes that sounds great.” “Maybe a cake too?” “Lady, I just died and went to heaven. Thank you I would like that very much.” Luce heard chuckling on the other end of the phone. “Your welcome. Carol will bring it up shortly.” “Thank you.” Luce told the phone as it went dead. Luce sat back in her chair. Wow this was just amazballs.

  Luce was on her second milkshake and piece of cake. Both were delicious. Not wanting to overhear anything she shouldn’t she’d printed off, having found a wifi printer in Arturo’s office, a sign that said ‘Do Not Disturbed Working’ on it, alerting people to her presence. Not wanting to stick it to the screen she had folded it over the top so it could be seen should anyone bother to look. Good enough, thought Luce. She was here to work. She was completely engrossed in her new networking system that she didn’t realise that her milkshake had disappeared from the desk and was being slurped. Only when the noise registered did she turn in its direction confused by the interruption. Annoyed that it had disturbed her. Leaning against the window the Vamp Alex appeared to be drinking a milkshake. It took her a minute to realise it was her milkshake. O hell no. “What the hell are you doing that’s mine.” She called out jumping up from her desk. She watched as Alex took a deliberate long pull of the liquid deliciousness. Luce squinted her eyes at him. Payback’s a bitch, she thought and she’s called Luce. She watched him as he let the straw go and pointed the glass in her direction. “Want it back?” Ewww. Thought Luce. “Not now no.” She told him and sat back down again. Dam she’d been saving that bit. Alex put the glass back on the counter. He’d even left some. Sacrilege. The bastard. Cos she was gazing annoyed at the glass she missed that he’d picked up her cake and started stuffing it. Luce’s mouth opened. “That’s taking the piss. Get out.” She told him pointedly and seriously fucked off. She watched as he stuffed the last bit in his face. “Thank you for sharing your tea.” He told her as he turned and walked away. “Who the hell was sharing. You stole that. Don’t delude yourself.” She shouted after him. Bloody hell. She couldn’t ring down and ask for a third. Luce slumped in her chair. Next time she’d hide it. Luce smiled. Pulling up the list of phone contacts she found Alex’s. Luce smiled again. O yeah. He wanted milkshake did he. Kelis. Here it comes. She said to herself laughing out loud to no one. Sending an email to Arturo that everyone in the meeting tonight should ring and check each other’s phones were working correctly.

  Arturo listened to the co-ordinated move they were going to make that night on the unauthorised Vamps in his area. Pete and Charlee’s information from the day walkers was invaluable in targeting areas they had not known about, that had come from informants and bribes. All his senior staff were present as were his lieutenants. His people had arrived in force and he was their Lord. Brandon and his staff were also here as were Alex and his men. They threw options around the table to keep things as quiet as possible away from the public. A few places were heavy in human population so caution needed to be taken. Others, numbers were a factor. It was not clear how many there were. Arturo had told John and Pierre he wanted a backup plan for each place they were hitting and a precautionary measure for any humans. Both avoidance and casualties. They didn’t know what they might find going in. His people knew what they were doing. They were good at this and he had every confidence in them. “That’s it boss.” John told him. “Right, It’s early and I want to catch them as their getting up. I want everyone to check their on-board camera’s, I will be monitoring as will Luce. And check your ear communications are working.” Each person turned and checked both. Arturo looked at each of them for signs of problems and got none. “Ok I just need everyone to check their phones please. Call several people from your listing and make sure they are all working ok.” He told them. Everyone took out their phones and started calling. In the middle of pressing numbers and holding phones to their ears, ‘Milkshake’ by Kelis sang out loud and clear from Alex’s phone.

  Everyone looked round at him. “Is someone calling me?” He asked confused looking at his phone it said Gia. Gia put her hand up shyly. “Turn it off.” He told her annoyed. It stopped. Then started again. Alex looked again at his phone. Pierre. He looked up Pierre. “You calling me?” Pierre nodded looking strangely about the room at the others as if to say WTF. No one else’s phone was ringing loudly. “Turn it off.” Alex told him annoyed. It stopped. This time Alex called to Arturo’s phone. And Arturo phone sang ‘Milkshake’ loud and clear. Arturo looked down at it and let it run. Alex looked at him. Regin burst out laughing along with James, Pete and Charlee. “Looks like you have a theme tune Alex”. She told him. The room erupted in laughter. “Wanna
tell us what that’s about? Into ‘Milkshake’ are you Alex?” Some had tears running down their faces. Alex sat stony he looked pissed and that made it worse. The music stopped. Then started again, ‘I know you want it. The thing that makes me. What the guys go crazy for. They lose their minds. The way I wind, I think its time. La la-la la la’

  Alex looked at his phone. What the hell was wrong with it? Their laughter doubled and some were sliding off their seats. “I don’t get what’s so funny.” He told them. And they doubled in laughter again. Arturo watched holding in his own laughter barely in check as Regin appeared to calm somewhat to answer him. “I’m guessing you pissed someone off. You might want to check out that song. And grovel.” She told him. Arturo looked at Alex. He sat completely still for a moment then nodded yes in a slow manner. And grinned ear to ear. Arturo guessed that whatever had triggered that, Alex liked it a lot. “Ok now we all know Alex’s ring tone. Let’s get moving.” He told them. The crowd broke up and moved out. Arturo came around to Alex. “Wanna tell me what that was all about?” He asked him. “Nope.” Alex replied still grinning. “Anything I need to worry about?” Alex got up to stand next to his friend. “No. I just got a shot across the bows.” Raising his eyebrows, Arturo slapped Alex on the back. And walked after his men.

  Regin found Luce in the kitchen leaning on the counter talking to Alice as she was preparing to leave for the day. “That, young lady was inspired. We all needed a good laugh and boy did you give to us.” Luce grinned at her. “Was he pissed?” Regin grinned back at her. “Honestly, at first he was so confused and had no clue till it was pointed out to him. It was classic. Why’d you pick that song?” Luce cringed a bit. “He nicked my milkshake then ate my cake. I was not happy. And then he stood there making sure I saw him enjoy it. I got pissed.” She told Regin with a shoulder shrug. Regin laughed out loud slapping the breakfast counter. “Don’t let me ever piss you off. That was great. But he’s gonna come back at you, you know that right?” Luce grinned. “Yep. Looking forward to it.” She told her. Regin squeezed her shoulder and left her. Looking at Alice shaking her head and rolling her eyes. Regin heard Luce say “What?” to Alice, as she rounded the corner.

  Alex knew when he walked out Arturo’s door that he wouldn’t find her at her desk. And he was right. He gave it a cursory look, shook his head and turned around and headed to the front door. He felt great. She’d buzzed him alright. Alex walked out into the night and spotted his men. He quickly made his way over to his cars. “We ready?” He asked his first and second. They both nodded at him. “We’re ready. The boys are already in place just waiting for you sir.” Alex got in the car and settled back. Doors closed and they pulled away. He hoped it didn’t take all night. Turning his phone in his hands, he had someone to see. For the first time in a long time, Alex was intrigued by a human. That both scared him and made him yearn for more. And this time, he didn’t have to remind himself she wasn’t a child.

  Why did I agree to sit this out? thought Arturo. He could have been far more useful nearer the action. Agreeing to stay back at a mutual central point, in case this was a well-set trap, had sounded like a good idea at the time. Now, he was re-thinking that. Yes, he would co-ordinate should it go pear shaped and he had his personal security with him. But maybe he could have done more. They had three teams in reserve should they be needed as reinforcements at any given point. His lieutenants and senior staff each had their own roles to play tonight. That didn’t worry him. They all knew what to do. He felt like he was hiding and it sat uncomfortable with him. Only his closest circle knew where he was and he could feel Regin in his mind. The bond link just there. Settling back in the car, he watched the screens in front of him. There were several built into the back of the partition in front of him. It showed real time view of each of the raids and drones gave an overhead view of events. Luce had introduced those. He’s seniors, Brandon and Alex as well as his lieutenants each having an on-board camera showing him what they see. Arturo watched the countdown. As the cameras counted down to 00:00:00 and it flashed on screen the cameras were full of action. His people took out fences, doors, security, and went inside buildings. Arturo switched to personal cameras. They had night vision the same as the drones. There was fighting on all fronts. As expected several pockets were larger than they first thought. Arturo tapped his ear communication and sent in a reserve team to back them up. The rest were holding their own.

  Luce was watching from her desk. She had all the feeds from the cameras, they were running through her new network. She also had the ear communications coming across to her as she switched from one to the other. All on an ID tag. It was like a movie. Only this she knew was real. She tried to be neutral but kept going back to Alex’s team. He drew her. The camera gave her a wide angle which was often different to what the person was actually looking at. And this camera was Alex’s. He was in a Warehouse of some kind. There was a central area with a high ceiling and a corridor with several office type rooms. They’d crashed into the main area and Vamps had started to stir. Some that were initially confused suddenly understood what was going on and went on the offensive. Alex had his hands full. His people were fighting and clawing their way through the halls. Luce held her breath while she watched Alex take apart a Vamp that came right at him. To be followed by several others. There were so many of them.

  Fear for him hit her. He clearly knew how to use a sword. He cleared a path and passed a doorway moving forward and Luce got a fraction of movement before the camera moved. “Behind you.” She screamed at Alex punching in his ID number to her ear communication device. She watched him spin and caught a stake aimed for his heart through his back. It struck home but he twisted the attacker’s wrist before it went too deep and plunged it into the heart the attacker. He went to ash. Luce was on the edge of her seat her nerves frayed. That was too fucking close. She watched as Alex, who now appeared unbeatable, deadly, in his anger spun and slashed along with his people till the room was ash. Luce blew out a breath and slumped back in her chair as the action ended. Her mind blanked out. Fuck. Switching to the other channels she saw similar situations coming to an end. It looked like a success. Dam that was something else.

  Luce took several deep breaths and listened to Arturo call for the numbers of casualties from his people. They had lost three. Luce was saddened by that. They all seemed good people. Ok they were Vamps but as it had been explained to her, there were Vamps and then there were Vamps. She was making no sense she realised. Luce shook her head to clear the fog from her brain. Alex could have died tonight her brain told her. Luce wasn’t sure why her brain focused on that but she knew she didn’t like it. “Luce do you have everything recorded?” Arturo asked her. “Yes sir I have it all. I will file it and send it to you to go over later.” “Thank you. Everything worked well tonight. You can go home. We’ll see you tomorrow.” Luce smiled. “Yes sir, thank you.” Luce took her time and downloaded all the files and sent them to Arturo’s email box individually so they wouldn’t frag up. Checking all the software was working correctly she ran a diagnostic. Then disconnected her lap top and removed her ear piece leaving it on the desk. Picking up the house phone she called security. “Car please. I’m finished.” She told them. “Yes, mam coming now.” Luce popped her head into Arturo’s office. She had seen Regin go in after she’d come back from the kitchen. She was sitting in Arturo’s seat, where she could clearly see the vids. “They’re all good and Arturo told me to go. You Ok? Do you need anything?” Luce asked her. Regin looked up. “Thanks, Luce no I’m good. That equipment you suggested worked great. Good call.” Luce beamed at her. “Thanks, Night.” Luce turned away and headed for the front door. Her car was waiting. As she walked out security opened the door for her and she got in. Luce looked up at the house, not a house, a mansion she worked in. People had died tonight. Mostly very bad people who hurt others. But they had still died. She couldn’t feel bad about that or the fact that she had helped them do it. It had been the right thing to do. Hu
mans would be safer because of it. And that’s where her loyalties lay. With the good guys.

  People might think she’s mad but she knew good things when she saw it. And she saw it in these people. Lost in her thoughts Luce was surprised when the car stopped. She looked around her confused. She was out front of some swanky apartment block. Security got out and opened her door. Luce lent forward so she could see him. “Sorry but I don’t live here.” She told him. He knelt down and gave her eye contact. “You do now, mam it comes with the job. Our staff have security 24/7. It’s too much of a risk on your own.” He told her. Luce didn’t know what to say. Sure her place was not in the smartest part of town and it had its problems and yeah, she had to put on several layers of security to make sure unwanted attention kept out but this? It was way over the top. He held out his hand to her. “If you would miss, we’re exposed here and I need you inside.” Dam thought Luce. She held out her hand and let him help her out the car and with the two other security now standing there, they escorted her inside.


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