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Hidden Crime

Page 12

by W L Knightly

  “Why date her?”

  “Because she’s good in the sack.” Sam turned and peeked around the door. “Fuck, I’ll see you later. Sorry about last night, man. Hope you had fun anyway.”

  “Yeah.” He knew as soon as he left that the awkwardness in the room would intensify between them, and he was right.

  Jo shook her head and turned to make a fresh pot of coffee as he went back to eating his breakfast.

  Finally, as he polished off the last of his waffle, she reached across and swiped one of his last two pieces of bacon. “So, should I even ask what really happened last night?”

  “No, you don’t want to know.”

  “You’re probably right. What do I care? I’m just your friend.”

  “Is that what you want to be? My friend, Jo? Do you think I’m going to confide my secrets and make like what happened didn’t?”

  “I just thought that you’d want to talk about it.”

  “I’m good. Let’s just get back to work and try when we get that warrant.”

  “You know, maybe you should try to have a relationship. I wouldn’t blame you. You’re a catch, and I know someone would be happy.”

  “Are you really saying that to me?”

  “I’m just saying, it might be a good thing. Someone to make you happy. Someone that could help you sleep.”

  “Why? So I’ll quit whoring around with strangers?”

  “I just thought—”

  “You don’t think for me, and I am not going to get wrapped up or tied down by any woman.” He wadded up his trash from his meal and threw it in the wastebasket.

  Chief Milner came into the office. “Well, that was like pulling teeth, but here it is. I want that place gone over with a fine-toothed comb. Take anything you want. I don’t care if it’s the goddamned kitchen sink. I want to know where this asshole might have gone.”

  Jake got to his feet. “We’re on it, Chief.”

  She wagged her finger at him. “I’m counting on it.” She turned and headed out of the office.

  Jake followed with Jo behind him, and as they walked through the station, there were a few chuckles from some of the officers who had been at the bar.

  “Get it all out of your systems,” mumbled Jake, knowing they wouldn’t give up until they did.

  As they walked toward the car, Jo caught up to him. “Hey, I’m sure they’ll forget all about it by the end of the day.”

  “I’m not worried about it. We’re always busting on each other like that. I’d first have to give a fuck about their opinions for it to affect me.”

  “Right, Mr. Thick Skin. I should have known nothing would faze you.” She got in the car and buckled up as Jake walked around.

  He slid into the seat beside her. “We’ve got our warrant, and I keep a couple of kits in the back. I’ll call Kevin and have him meet us at the house, and we can take things we need and look for more.” He started the car and backed out of his spot. Then he drove out of the lot and headed out toward the other end of town.

  Jo eased back in her seat and looked out the window beside her. The sun reflected off her face, and Jake liked the light dust of freckles across her nose that not even her makeup could hide from the sun.

  “I hope we find something to show us where he might be hiding out,” she said. “There’s bound to be something written down somewhere. A name, a number, something.”

  Jake was glad that she was at least talking to him. “I’m sure there is. He’s human. And if there’s one thing you can count on, it’s that human’s make mistakes.” He’d sure made one last night, but that was best left in the past.

  “Preston has been out of town. Surely, he didn’t know where the man went. Then there’s my father. He’s gone now. That leaves my brother, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t live around here.”

  “Why don’t you ask your dad where he is? I’m pretty sure that Kyle isn’t around here. He’d be an idiot to stay in town or to come back after what he did.”

  “You’ve never looked him up?” she asked.

  “No, I didn’t have a reason to. I’m not his family. You haven’t since finding out about him?”

  She gave him a hard look. “The minute I found out my brother was Kyle Young, I found out he was responsible for the Hangman’s revenge scheme. I haven’t really had the urge to find him. I figured my Dad could get us in touch with him if we needed to, but until then, he’s handling it. So, why should I?”

  “Well, it could tell us what the Hangman is up to next.”

  She sighed, exhaling a long breath. “I’ll ask my father where he is. He’s supposed to call me later.”

  Jake wondered if she was still cozy with her father after what had gone down. He had been trying to get in her life, and now with the revelations, he was shocked to hear she was still taking his calls.

  They pulled up to the house, down the long drive, and parked around back. The officers, Wyler and Holland, both smiled when Jake got out of the car.

  “Teenie!” said Holland. “I heard you had a bit of trouble last night at the bar.”

  Wyler grinned. “Man, did you let work get to you or something?”

  “Funny,” said Jake. “Have you guys seen anything since you’ve been here? Anyone come down the drive?”

  “Nope,” said Wyler. “But I did see that girl you tried to nail last night. She blew chunks and got carried out. So maybe you dodged a bullet.”

  Holland slapped Jake on the shoulder. “Yeah. Don’t let that shit get to you man. We all know you work hard on your cases.” He belly-laughed, and Jo covered her mouth to keep from laughing with them.

  “We’ve got our warrant, so we’re going inside. Do me a favor and call Kevin in forensics. Tell him to get a crew down here. We’re going through this place with a fine-toothed comb.”

  “I’m sure you’ll bang it out quick.” Holland and Wyler kept laughing.

  “Are you done? Or do you need me to whip it out and slap you in the face with it?”

  “Okay, we’re done.” Holland walked over to the squad car to make the call.

  Wyler gave him an apologetic look. “Sorry, man. We’re just messing around.”

  “I know. And I just want to get back to work.” He walked into the house and into the kitchen, where he looked around the bar and the kitchen table. There was a chair that was pulled out like someone had been sitting in it. He looked over and saw the basement door that had been left open by the officers who had gone down against protocol.

  He turned on the lights and went down the stairs. Sure enough, there was a broken beam, and the more Jake stared at it, an idea developed in his mind.

  “Do you think this is where he kept Clay White?” Jo asked.

  “No, I think this is where Madden died and the Hangman was born.”

  Chapter 20


  As the courtroom cleared for lunch, Kyle watched as Judge Bodin walked out into the hall. He kept his distance but followed the man just to see what his routine was like. It helped that Tate didn’t know what he looked like, and they had never met. It would make things even easier for him.

  To his surprise, the man walked out on the courthouse lawn and was stopped by a passerby. Tate’s face lit with a shit-eating grin, and the two shook hands and slapped each other on the arm. Old friends? He wondered how familiar Tate was with the rest of the community or if he had just been fast at making friends.

  Meanwhile, Kendra was left alone in the lonely house to wait for galas and charity events to have a social life. Kyle could give her so much more and would, just as soon as he carried out his plans. But first, he would need to find out all he could about Madden’s killing spree.

  As Kyle was about to walk out of the building, he pushed the door open just in time for a beautiful young woman to say, “Thank you.”

  He held on to the door, and she slipped out in front of him. “You’re welcome.” He looked back at the judge, and the young woman stopped.

  “Are you new in to
wn?” she asked.

  He turned and was surprised she was still there. “I used to live here, but I’m back visiting.” The girl’s beauty commanded his attention.

  “Are you here to see the new judge?” She gestured toward Bodin.

  Kyle played it off. “Who? Oh, him? No. I thought about observing in the courtroom, but I decided that particular case might be too boring. I’ve been dabbling with becoming a writer. I’ve always been interested in courtroom dramas.”

  “It can be fascinating. Depends on what case you listen in on.” She stuck her hand out. “I’m Dannie, by the way. I work just across the street.”

  He took her hand and gave it a firm shake. “Nice to meet you, Dannie. I’m Kyle. You work at the police station?”

  “Yes, I work at the front desk. I’m about to head to lunch. I was just dropping off some paperwork.”

  “I was just about to do the same, actually. Are you dining alone?” He hoped she didn’t have a boyfriend or a husband.

  Dannie didn’t hesitate one bit. “As a matter of fact, I am. Would you like to join me?”

  “Sure.” He put his hand over his heart. “But I insist it’s my treat.”

  “I won’t argue with you about that,” she said with a shy smile.

  Kyle chuckled. This was too good to be true. “Maybe, since I’m picking up the tab, you’d let me pick your brain?”

  “Certainly,” she said, the excitement showing in her bright eyes. “It’s the least I can do.”

  “I bet you know a lot of interesting drama working right in the middle of the police station.”

  “I’d say so,” she said, walking out across the lot with him. “I know everything, really. I’ve dated a few cops, and nothing gets in or out of the station without going past my desk.” She grinned, and her lips were so full and perfect that he found himself fascinated, wondering what she might do with them.

  “You don’t have some big cop boyfriend who might beat my ass for taking you out, do you?”

  “No. I mean, I was seeing someone, but it’s not working out. We’re open to see who we want and never had any official standing.”

  Kyle kept a casual and carefree tone. “I’m single too. Do you make friends with the other girl cops? You know girl power and all that?”

  Dannie giggled. “Not exactly. There aren’t many female cops, but I do like the new chief, and then there’s a new detective. Her name is Jo. She’s okay, but I’m convinced she’s a spoiled, rich girl.”

  My sweet sister, spoiled and rich, just like her baby bro. “Why would you think that?”

  “I heard a rumor that her father got her the job. He’s someone important apparently.”

  “My own father is a senator,” he said. This was indeed his lucky day. This girl would be the perfect person to introduce him to his long-lost sister.

  Her cheeks turned red. “Oh, well, I didn’t mean anything by that. And I didn’t want to say anything to her of course, but I overheard the new chief talking to the old one about it when he wanted her to take his place temporarily.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” He waved his hand as if to brush it off. “The new judge is just a temp?”

  “She was, but not now. Our old chief was killed.”

  “Ah, that’s why there are black wreaths all over the place. It’s such a shame.”

  Dannie sighed. “Well, that’s why we have them at the station, but the ones on the courthouse are for Judge Mathews and that attorney, Elliot Gaines.”

  “Wow, people are dropping like flies around here.” He had to give Madden credit. He had been pretty ballsy killing so many officials and all from the same units. “Forgive me. That sounded insensitive.”

  She waved her hand dismissively. “Don’t sweat it. I know you didn’t mean anything by it, and it’s true.” She stopped in the parking lot. “Where do you want to go?”

  “I’d have to call a car, I’m afraid. I’m new in town, remember?”

  “Oh, I have a car. I don’t mind driving. Would you like to grab something fast or perhaps one of our local diners? They have great burgers, and then I could get a salad. I’ve got to keep my figure.”

  “Your figure looks just fine to me,” he said with a grin, drinking her in. He walked on with her as she got to her car, a late model, black Honda Accord. “Let’s go to one of those diners.”

  “Sure thing.” She started the car, and Kyle smiled inside, thinking of how easy it would be to take the woman to the edge of town, fuck her brains out, and then choke the life out of her. Lucky for her, he needed her for more than the satisfaction. She would play a big part in him getting what he needed.

  His phone rang as they were pulling up at the diner. “Excuse me, please.” He put up a finger and then turned away to answer. “Hello, Dad.” He and Dannie got out of the car, and he headed around front to meet up with her.

  “Have you paid Stan yet?” Michael’s voice was rough with anger.

  “Not yet, but don’t worry. I will as soon as I can. I had a little something come up, and I’m going for some lunch with a new friend.” He turned to Dannie. “Say hi to my dad, Dannie.” He held the phone, and Dannie leaned in.

  “Hi, Kyle’s father.” She giggled.

  “Listen, Dad. I have to go. I’ll call you later.” He hung up the phone before the old man could yell his head off.

  “He’s always checking in on me,” he said, rolling his eyes. “I come to a new place, and he acts like I’m seven. But that’s how it is. He’s lonely over in D.C.”

  “Aw, that’s so sweet.” Dannie locked her car as they walked away from it.

  “Yeah, he’s a good guy.” He walked her to the door and held it open. The diner was busy. The place had more of a coffeehouse feel and had a big display of pastries near the front counter and a large sign behind it reading “Murphy’s Grub Hub”.

  “Do you like salads?” she asked as they waited to be seated. “They have big ones.”

  “Get anything you want. Anything at all.” He wanted her good and comfortable when he picked her brain.

  The hostess came over and took them to their table.

  “What are you having?” she asked, sliding into the booth.

  “I don’t know. You’ve got me so excited, I honestly don’t know if I can eat.” She gave him a sideward look like she didn’t know whether to be flattered or if he was just pulling her leg. “I’m serious. You’re gorgeous, and how lucky am I to meet you?”

  “You should be careful. Flattery will get you everywhere with me.” She gave him a flirty look and then smiled when the waitress came over.

  They went ahead and ordered their food with their drinks, and then he leaned into to the table to be closer. “So, tell me what’s going on around here with all of those people dying.”

  “Oh, I’m not really too familiar. The detectives are keeping a tight lip about it, but I think they’re onto the man who is killing everyone. My ex, Sam, he said that it’s some kind of revenge killings. He said this man’s family was brutally murdered, and the rich prick got away with it, and so this guy is going around killing everyone who didn’t help him. Something about a corrupt system.”

  He hoped she knew more. “Is that all he told you?”

  She looked around as if what she had to say was not for just any ears. “Well, he said that the killer left horribly gory scenes. The guy, like, stabbed the people, cut them open, and one man even had his guts pulled out.” She made a face. “I didn’t want to hear it all, of course. I mean, disgusting, right? But Sam liked to gross me out.” She leaned in even closer and lowered her voice to a faint whisper. “He said one man’s eyes popped out from the hanging. Something about the force of the rope breaking necks. I asked him to stop, and I’m sorry I just told you that. I don’t know why I did. I just feel like I could tell you anything.”

  “That’s actually great stuff, especially as far as the kind of things I want to write about. I mean, it’s hard to dream up stuff like that. You need a certain kind of
imagination. I’m getting there, but I’ve always been accused of being such a gentle soul.”

  She gave him a look like she was sizing him up again. “I think you are a gentle soul too.” She gave him an evil grin. “So, tell me. What does a gentle soul like yourself do for fun? I mean, you have to unwind, right? Are you always gentle?” He felt her foot brush against his leg, and suddenly her body language, the way she leaned into the table, the way she played with the front of her shirt, drawing attention to her ample cleavage, seemed to say she was down to fuck.

  And this day just keeps getting better.

  “I’ve been called adventurous. I mean, not everything can be gentle, right? I guess I know how to give the best of both worlds, and what better place than the bedroom? If that’s what you mean.”

  “I’ve been called adventurous too,” she said with a fire in her eyes.

  He was sure she’d been called plenty. And while he still had his mind set on Kendra, he wanted nothing more than to fuck Dannie and see if she was all she thought she was, more than just a means of information.

  “Maybe we could go out another time and put each other to the test,” he said.

  “I don’t have to be back to work for another hour.” She undid the button on her shirt and opened it a little to show more of her breasts.

  “Then maybe we should take our food to go? I’m staying at the Rockford.”

  “Oh? I love the Rockford.”

  “I was hoping you would.” He waved the waitress over. “Could you make that to go?”

  The woman gave a nod, and when she walked away, Dannie eased back in her chair with a satisfied look on her face.

  This was going to be a lot easier than he’d thought.

  Chapter 21


  Going through the Hangman’s house proved to be a long and tedious task. As Jake left the bathroom from gathering the photographs with Kevin, Jo walked down the hall to meet him. “I was just in the little girl’s room and found this.”


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