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My Truth My Time My Turn

Page 21

by Shelia E. Bell

  “Let’s do both.”


  Stiles watched as Victoria easily moved around the space. She seemed so comfortable, like she’d been here a thousand and one times when this was her first time being in his home. Actually, this was the first time since his return to Holy Rock and Memphis that he’d invited any one to his humble abode. First, whenever he did come to Memphis he was always on the move. By the time he finished his ministerial duties he wanted nothing more but to come home and chill. Second, there was nobody, other than maybe Fancy or her sons who he would feel comfortable inviting to his place.

  Victoria changed all of that, evident by her prancing around singing one of the songs they’d danced to at the festival.

  They ate their Chinese food. Victoria had spring rolls and tofu fried rice no egg while Stiles dined on spring rolls and vegetable linguini.

  “This is to die for,” Victoria said as she took a forkful of rice into her mouth.

  “Yea, every time I come to Memphis, I try to make sure I stop by this place. It’s the best I’ve had.”

  “I’ve never stopped there. Then again, it’s not too often that I venture on this side of town, unless it’s to go shopping. I guess I never paid attention to it.”

  After eating, Stiles invited her into his den or ‘man cave’ as he called it. He turned on his playlist, and he and Victoria sat on the couch, talked, and sipped on the white wine.

  “I feel so relaxed,” she said. “This has been one of the best evenings I’ve had in a long, long time. Thank you.” She looked into Stiles’ eyes.

  Stiles reciprocated with a smile and took a sip of his wine before setting it down on the table in front of them.

  He returned to his position, but not before cautiously reaching out and pulling Victoria in his arms. Without protest, she accepted, no welcomed, his kiss. It was warm, inviting, and stirred emotions inside of her she hadn’t given into for a very long time. What they shared felt right and good, making Stiles throw caution to the wind.


  “May the bridges I burn light the way.” Dylan McKay

  Hezekiah’s trial lasted nine days before it went before the jury for deliberation. The cramped courtroom was almost packed this time with Holy Rock staff members again, only this time it included Eliana, Sista Mavis, and three quarters of the deacon board, the ministerial staff, and ministry leaders—all anxiously waiting to hear the verdict.

  On Hezekiah’s side sat George, Benny, along with a handful of other people Fancy and Khalil didn’t recognize.

  Today, Xavier and Pepper showed up at court. Xavier had been present every day of the trial, but this was Pepper’s first appearance, more than likely because she didn’t have the perks like Victoria to miss days off work.

  Fancy was pleasantly surprised to see Stiles appear with Victoria walking in next to him. It was like an award show instead of a trial.

  Fancy gave Victoria a wink and a smile of approval. Looking away from Victoria, she spotted Detria parading into the courtroom and taking a seat in the far back on their side.

  “What’s she doing here?”

  “Who?” Khalil looked over his shoulder and grimaced when he saw who his mother was talking about.

  Detria did a cute little rolling finger wave at him followed by a wicked looking smile.

  Khalil scowled then turned back around to face the front of the court. “Who cares? I certainly don’t.”

  “Some people have no morals.” Fancy huffed before turning back around. She looked at Hezekiah sitting at the front of the courtroom with his lawyers. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, the man looked doggone good. His premium Italian wool suit made him look dignified and charming. He’d grown a close facial beard, something she’d never seen on him. The close to the skin beard was mingled with bits of gray, making him look sophisticated, debonair and oh so fine.

  Hezekiah wasn’t called to take the stand during the trial, but the day before there had been a huge uproar when the defense attorney accused Fancy, Khalil, and Xavier up setting up their father because he had chosen to leave their mother and divorce her.

  This was Stiles’ first day in attendance, so he was spared hearing the sometimes horrid accusations that made Hezekiah’s family look like spiteful, vengeful and jealous people. This farce had no doubt been fed to the attorneys by Hezekiah. It certainly might cause the jurors doubt of Hezekiah’s guilt.

  Hezekiah looked over his shoulder. His and Fancy’s eyes met. An electric like shock raced through her body. He still had a magnetic effect on her and she hated that about him. After all he’d done to cause upset in her life, she still had feelings for the man.

  Hezekiah nodded and gave her one of his charming smiles. You’re one sexy woman, Fancy McCoy. Why did you have to ruin what we had?

  The bailiff appeared. “All rise. The Honorable Judge Meredith Gray presiding.”

  The judge appeared through a door at the left front side of the courtroom. Climbing the three steps, she took her seat at behind the judge’s bench.

  “You may be seated,” the bailiff instructed and everyone returned to their seats.

  “Do we have a verdict?” Judge Gray asked.

  “Yes, your honor, we do.”

  The jury foreman passed the verdict to the bailiff who took it to the judge.

  “Mrs. Foreman, members of the jury, have you reached this verdict unanimously?"

  “Yes, your honor," the jury members responded.

  Opening the sealed envelope and removing the piece of paper, she read it.

  “What is your verdict?” the judge asked.

  “Your honor,” stated the jury foreman, “the jury finds the defendant, Hezekiah McCoy….”

  Fancy, Khalil, and Xavier sat in their seats on pins and needles. Detria held her paralyzed hand inside the other and clinched her teeth. George and Benny sat stoic, and Sista Mavis mumbled a short prayer for God’s will to be done.

  Stiles didn’t want to see his brother return to prison, but at the same time, if Hezekiah was guilty he wanted justice to be served.

  “We the jury find the defendant, Hezekiah McCoy—NOT GUILTY.”

  Gasps, thank you Lord, and oh my God, could be heard throughout the courtroom.

  Hezekiah clasped his hands together, and immediately looked upward toward the ceiling. “Thank you!”

  His lawyers gathered around and embraced him.

  Departing the courthouse, Khalil was furious and in a state of utter disbelief. How could they have found his father not guilty? It didn’t make sense.

  Walking outside and down the steps of the courthouse with his mother, Eliana, Xavier, Pepper, Stiles, and Victoria flanking each side of him, Khalil halted briefly when Hezekiah appeared at the bottom of the steps.

  Hezekiah stood, hands clasped, and waited for Khalil and his entourage.

  “What do you want?” Khalil swallowed hard, lifted his chin, and boldly met his father’s gaze.

  “Stop, I want to hear what he has to say.” Xavier stepped up almost like he was defending his father.

  “I just want to say I forgive you, son.” He then looked at Fancy and all who gathered around Khalil. “I forgive you all.”

  Turning and walking away just as quickly as he’d walked up, George and Benny stood on each side of him and the three of them walked toward Benny’s car.

  Looking back at his family one more time, he said to George and Benny while shaking his head and laughing wickedly, “Man, those folks at Holy Rock.”

  The series continues Fall 2019

  Words from the Author

  This series keeps revealing so much to me each and every time I write the next installment. Just when I think things are about to change for the good between the McCoy’s and the Graham’s, life throws another curveball. But isn’t that the way it is in REAL LIFE? Just when we think everything is going our way, or things have changed for the better, something can come soaring into our lives and disrupt everything.

sp; Both of these families are interconnected. Both have some serious issues personally and family wise. Sons pitted against fathers. Fathers pitted against sons. Betrayal. Adultery. Backstabbing. Mistrust. Jealousy. Anger. The list can go on and on.


  The one thing they each have in common is their belief system. They are believers in God. They pray. They repent (sometimes). They seek forgiveness (occasionally) and like all of us, believers or not, they are imperfect vessels.

  However, the good news remains true: We all fall short but we can all be forgiven. We all make mistakes. Yet, God, the Supreme One, loves and accepts us unconditionally—flaws and all.

  The McCoys and the Grahams are no different even though they’re in a story book!

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