Devoted: Emerson Falls, Book 5 (Emerson Falls Series)

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Devoted: Emerson Falls, Book 5 (Emerson Falls Series) Page 6

by Harlow James

  Her smile stretches across her lips, pulling my attention to them momentarily, before I focus back on her eyes. “I agree.”

  Suddenly, she’s pulled back into the conversation by one of the other nurses, allowing me to sit back and observe some more, listening and conversing with these women who I’ve come to respect and wholeheartedly enjoy working with.

  But there’s so much more to learn about Jess and all I know is that I want to know it all, even if that means derailing from my plans I developed upon returning home to Emerson Falls. Lord knows Jess wasn’t part of that plan—but as she laughs, jokes, and relaxes around her friends, granting me a small glimpse of who she is besides a nurse—I get the feeling she might just be the most welcome detour I could have asked for.

  Chapter 5


  “Speed dating? You can’t be serious?” Rachel widens her eyes at me while I stare her down. We’re all seated on a bench, Piper on the other side of her watching Grayson playing on the playground equipment while Rachel and I talk.

  “I am. I need to get back out there. My hymen is growing back,” I whisper as Piper and Rachel both laugh at my theatrics.

  “You and I both know that is not humanly possible,” Piper counters. “And second, I thought you were hot for Doctor McSteamy at work?”

  I slump back on the bench, reliving our run-in at Tony’s a few days ago during our girl’s night. Seeing him in the bar made the reality of my crush that much more apparent, and after our conversation, I officially have declared myself screwed. For a man to bare his honest feelings to a woman he hardly knows—well, it speaks volumes about who he is. Listening to him talk about how his job affects him—well, it struck a chord with me. And after watching him work over the past few weeks, I’ve come to the following conclusion—Brooks in a hospital setting is dangerous, but him outside of the hospital is even more alluring.

  Even after I sang karaoke and we all conversed for a little while before heading home, I told Piper I still feel nervous about how strongly I’m attracted to him. “Come on Piper, we’ve had this discussion. We work together. It wouldn’t be smart to start something with him. So what if he’s just the hottest man I’ve ever seen in my life? It’s not like he’d actually make a move. Plus, what if he’s another victim of my curse?” I admit in defeat as Grayson comes running up to us.

  “That curse is all in your head,” Piper retorts.

  “Easy for you to say since you met the love of your life,” I fire back. Ever since the ripe ol’ age of twenty-two I’ve been unlucky in love, a cataclysmic reaction to the worse moment of my life—when my mom died.

  “I need a drink, Rachel,” Grayson says, out of breath, his cheeks red from sprinting around like a maniac. Rachel swears the best way to tire this kid out is to let him run it out at the park for a bit. She flashes him a look, freezing in place with his water bottle in her hand.

  “Please,” he huffs dramatically. At least I know there’s one less kid in the world that will end up being an asshole without manners.

  “Thank you for using your manners, Grayson,” Rachel replies.

  “Uh, huh.” He nearly throws the bottle back at her before sprinting away, climbing up the stairs and darting for the highest slide behind another little boy he’s quickly become friends with.

  “He is so cute,” I croon as Piper nods in agreement.

  “Yes, he is. And the kid knows it, I swear. He tries to manipulate me with those dimples, the same ones his father has…” Rachel starts, but I cut her off.

  “Speaking of Professor Hottie, how is that situation going?” She wasn’t so eager to go speed dating, I’m assuming it’s because she’s harboring a crush on her new boss, which means I need to prod her a bit.

  “Professor Hottie? Real original, Jess.” Piper rolls her eyes.

  Rachel searches the playground for Grayson, locating him before answering me. “Things are great. I really can’t complain. We’ve established a routine and schedule that works for us. Luke is awesome about making sure I don’t feel like a housekeeper on top of a nanny, but I honestly don’t mind taking care of stuff for them. Grayson has slowly showed me his true colors as a four, almost five-year-old, but that was to be expected. Honestly, everything is going so smoothly, it’s kind of scary—kind of like we’re a family, but not.”

  “Yeah, it is kind of like you became a mom and housewife overnight,” I add trying to mask this sudden surge of jealousy I feel. What the hell? Now I want to play house with a man and be a nanny to his kid? If there’s any more clarification necessary as to why I need to date, I think it’s that farfetched thought. I mean, the dream is to have a family and kids one day, but not right this second. However, that will never come to fruition if I don’t get my butt back out there in the dating world.

  “Sort of. But honestly, Luke and I don’t talk much, except about Grayson. He’s actually a very closed off person, and I don’t feel like I know him much more than I did when we met. Except maybe for the fact that I know he likes his coffee black and eggs scrambled, and he actually enjoys doing laundry.”

  “Maybe he can rub off on Cash then,” Piper teases, referencing her almost husband. Their wedding is in a little over a month and she’s been busy making sure everything they want for their small ceremony is perfect. I remember when she told me about their first date and the lock fence in the park they discovered together. Now they’re getting married there on the third Saturday in April, and I get to be a bridesmaid. Our sky blue dresses she picked out aren’t hideous either, so I’m thinking I might actually enjoy this wedding.

  “No, I think that’s a unique thing to him. But seriously… I know he has a story, one that obviously included losing his wife. I see her face all over their house and I know she died. But he never really talks about her. Do you guys know what happened?”

  Piper shoots me a hesitant look as we hold a silent conversation between us. I didn’t live in Emerson Falls when his wife died, but I’ve heard from people around town and coworkers in the hospital that it was a gruesome car accident and he arrived on the scene. However, you can’t really trust gossip and someone else’s interpretation of the events, so I don’t really feel comfortable relaying the information. I let out a sigh as Piper nods before Rachel turns back to me.

  “I know you’re curious, Rach. But I honestly think he should be the one to tell you…”

  “O-kay,” she draws out. “Is it that bad?”

  Piper continues. “From what Cash has told me, Luke quit his job as a sheriff because of how his wife died. He continued to work there even though it’s been almost five years, but he was always anxious about being on duty. That’s all I know, but I can't imagine what that must mean.”

  “I’ve heard things from people at the hospital, but I don’t know enough to feel right telling you what I know unless I was sure. Just know, it was traumatic and he’s never been the same since… at least that’s what people that were here when it happened have told me,” I claim, feeling comfortable in my response just as Rachel’s head darts towards the playground as squeals fill the air.

  “I just feel for the guy… he seems so lonely…”

  Piper eyes her friend sitting between us. “Has he told you that?”

  “He doesn’t have to. I can see it on his face. I swear, the only time I don’t see it is when we talk to each other on the couch after Grayson’s gone to sleep.”

  Piper and I both smirk, and then I shoot Rachel an inquisitive look. “Are you keeping him company then?”

  “As a friend, yes…” She says, avoiding our faces.

  “A friend with benefits?” I suggest just as Rachel rolls her eyes.

  “No. Not at all.”

  “Perfect! Then you can go speed dating with me,” I exclaim, yanking on her arm to get her attention.

  “Jess…” She whines, knowing there’s no way I’m going to let her get out of this. “Fine. When is it?”

  “This Saturday.”

  “Okay. I�
�ll do it,” she relents. “But you’ve been warned… if this ends horribly, I will never do something like this with you ever again.” Her voice is stern as she faces me and points a finger at my chest.

  “I can accept that. But this will be good for you, for us. Maybe it can help you move past the crush you have on Luke,” I slip in as Rachel chokes on her saliva. It’s cute how she thinks she’s masking her crush, but Piper and I can see it clear as day.

  “What? I don’t… I mean… I…”

  “Oh, now I know for certain.” I tease and flash her a wink.

  “Rachel, do you like Luke?” Piper leans forward in her seat so she can see her as Rachel closes her eyes and finally surrenders to my suspicions.

  “How can you look at him and not find him attractive?” She whispers, opening her eyes to find Grayson again, scaling the playground for the umpteenth time.

  “True. Luke is handsome. But don’t do something you’re going to regret, okay? Although… the idea of you and Luke ending up together is something that would make for quite the story. My best friend and one of Cash’s best friends? Falling in love? That’s the kind of stuff romance novels are written about.” Piper smiles, bouncing up and down in her seat.

  “Yeah, well. I don’t see that happening, so let’s forget this conversation ever happened, okay?”

  Piper and I glance knowingly at each other just as Grayson runs up to Rachel. “Yeah, okay,” I scoff as Grayson and Rachel get ready to leave.

  “Hey, don’t you think you’re the pot calling the kettle black, Miss I-have-a-crush-on-my-co-worker?” She says staring down at me, lifting her brow and resting her hands on her hips.

  I cower a bit before recovering, brushing my long, black hair behind my shoulders, and sitting up confidently. “All the more reason why you and I need to partake in this speed dating event, Rach.” I point a finger up at her. “We’re both in sticky situations. Maybe there’s a polite, safe guy that will be there to show us the light. So I guess that means I’ll see you Saturday night.”

  After Rachel and Grayson leave, Piper and I grab lunch before I head home to finish my laundry and clean my apartment before I head back to work for the next three days. I had to trade shifts with another girl to get Saturday off for the speed dating event, so my schedule will be scrambled up this week. But if that night helps me move past my inappropriate crush and maybe meet a new guy to distract me, then it’s worth it.

  The next day at the hospital, I clock in for my shift and get caught up to speed on the patients currently in the ER from Alice when Brooks interrupts our conversation and sends my blood pressure through the roof.

  “Hey, ladies. How’s it going today?” He leans up against the counter of our station, grinning while chewing that cinnamon gum, the scent hitting my nose almost immediately.

  “I was just filling Jess in on the few patients we have right now,” Alice replies. “How are you, Dr. Bennet?”

  “Oh, I’m doing okay. It was a slow night in here, so I’m glad that my shift is almost over.” Brooks worked last night and is scheduled to be off in an hour—not that I scoured the schedule to know when he would be working or not. Nope, totally didn’t do that.

  “Well, I’m just getting started,” I reply when I notice Brooks’ eyes cast down to my lips. A shot of electricity courses through me, travelling up to my face as I feel my cheeks redden, so I turn away from him quickly.

  “Have you spoken to Clara lately? I was wondering how Penny is doing?” Brooks inquires while my back is still turned to him.

  “Actually, I did. I sent her a text the day after we discharged her. Apparently she’s not happy about her limited sexual activity for the foreseeable future,” I chuckle. “But she’s doing alright otherwise.

  Brooks laughs and then clears his throat. “By the way, Jess… I really enjoyed getting to hear you sing the other night.” I glance at him over my shoulder while I notice that Alice has a Cheshire grin on her face as she watches our interaction.

  “Oh. Yeah, thanks.” Smooth, Jess. Real smooth.

  “Isn’t she fantastic, Brooks? Not only can she save lives, but she can sing, and you should see her dance too,” Alice chimes in.

  I shoot her a wide-eyed look in warning. “Alice,” I grit through clenched teeth and I hear Brooks chuckle behind me.

  “I must have missed those moves. I’ll definitely make sure to assess that talent of yours next time, Jess.” When I turn to look at him again, he winks at me. But all I can do is gulp down the nerves I feel as his eyes bore into mine. Suddenly, the vibration of a phone buzzes as Brooks reaches down into his pocket, his brow furrowing as he takes in the caller.

  “Sorry, ladies. I need to take this. Have a good shift, Jess, if I don’t see you.” And then he’s off, gliding in the opposite direction while mumbling low into the phone.

  I let out a harsh breath as Alice chuckles beside me. “Jessalyn Harris. I have never seen you like this! You’re always so put together and confident. What has gotten into you? Do I sense a little romance brewing between you and Dr. Bennet? It sure looked like that the other night at Tony’s.”

  I roll my eyes and feign amusement. “Nonsense, Alice. He’s my colleague.”

  She huffs. “You act like that’s enough to stop you and it’s not blatantly obvious that he’s interested. There are a ton of people who date in this hospital. Hell, I know married couples that met while working together here. Would you even be interested in him?”

  I close my eyes, envisioning Brooks asking me out, taking me on a date, kissing me, touching me, like I do multiple times a day. “He’s not bad to look at, I guess.”

  Alice leans back in her chair, laughing wildly. “Oh, you are so transparent, young lady. Listen, if that man has half a brain, he’ll ask you out soon. And when he does, promise me you’ll say yes? Because if you don’t, it’s only a matter of time before some other nurse or woman in this hospital swoops in.”

  The idea of another woman dating Brooks makes my stomach twist in knots. “Dr. Bennet is a grown man. He can date who he wants.”

  “Well, from what I can tell, you are who he wants. I saw the way he stared at you the other night at Tony’s, and the way he looked at you just now. The man hasn’t necessarily said the words, but his eyes don’t lie.”

  I shrug, gather a few charts, and then move to leave. “Then he’d better man up, shouldn’t he?” I flash her a smile and then turn on my heels, praying that even if Brooks does find the balls to make a move, a possible relationship with him doesn’t end tragically for the both of us.

  Chapter 6


  “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” Rachel whispers to me as I drag her by the hand into the comedy club, a fairly new establishment in Emerson Falls.

  Red leather booths and small tables encircle a stage where black velvet curtains fall to the ground and brick walls enclosing the rather large room are painted in a dreary grey. The dim lighting gives the space a more intimate feel, and the long bar along one wall is stocked with liquor bottles against a mirrored background, glistening in the illumination of the lights, waiting to be consumed and influence poor decisions.

  “It’s going to be fun, Rach. We need this. I know I sure do…” I trail off as we come to a stop in the line to check in. This certainly is a first for me so my nerves are going haywire. But after my lack of dating life recently and the insane crush I’m harboring for Brooks, I knew I needed to try something new. I put on my favorite little black dress that hugs my small body but makes my ass look amazing. I may be tiny, but my momma gave me some curves on this five-one frame. My hair is down and straight, and I opted for a bright red lip, something Rachel also felt was necessary. If a man isn’t intimidated by a woman wearing red lipstick, he definitely has potential.

  “You will find someone, Jess. You’re a catch.”

  I huff and then brush my hair behind my shoulders, straightening my spine to show confidence, even though mine is wavering with every awful
date I experience. “Dick is everywhere. Chemistry isn’t.”

  After dating multiple guys that either didn’t show promise of a future or became victims of my curse, I’m jaded by the idea that I will never find someone. I know I’m still young and have time, but constantly striking out when it comes to love wears on anyone after a while.

  And yet I’m still trying to remain hopeful that I’ll find a love like my parents had before my mother died. I will always hold their love on a pedestal to admire and aspire to because to experience an unwavering devotion like they had for each other is everything parents could want for their daughter—and I know my mother wanted that for me.

  And now that Brooks is in the picture—this perfect specimen of a man that I yearn to be that person who changes my losing streak—my fear is exponentially larger at the thought that he might just be another casualty of my unfortunate track record.

  All I’ve done for the last five days is battle what I should do if Brooks ever gets the courage to ask me out. Do I accept and hope that the universe isn’t cruel enough to rip the possibility of him away from me too? Or do I decline and let this paralyzing fear I have of ending up alone win because I’m too scared to risk being heartbroken again?

  Rachel turns to say something to me just as my eyes lock on to an attractive man across the room. The lack of light makes it a little difficult to make out the distinct features of his face, but as I take him in, the recognition dawns on me and my eyes get so wide, they’re practically falling out of my eye sockets.

  “Oh my god, he’s here,” I whisper as Rachel tries to seek out the person I’m referring to.


  I instantly turn my back to him, closing my eyes, inhaling, and exhaling heavily, willing my body to calm down instead of venturing into panic attack territory. “The new doctor from the hospital…”

  “What? Did you know he would be here?” Rachel prods, rubbing her hand along my shoulder as I realize I can’t hide from him. I know he saw me when our eyes locked, so right now I must look like a high school girl whose crush just looked at her across the cafeteria.


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