Best Friend's Boyfriend (Be My Boyfriend Book 2)
Page 5
“Damn.” I sighed on a deep exhale and I felt Nate’s pleased chuckle rumble through me, sending another aftershock crashing through me.
Gently, he wiped a damp cloth that I have no idea where he got, across my body, my thighs before I finally had the strength to turn around.
He was sheepishly holding my torn lace panties.
“I think I owe you another pair.”
“Worth it.” I said with a contented shrug. It was so worth it. I would go through any number of ripped panties for another taste of that man.
“Well, maybe you can let me take you out on a date and I can make it up to you.”
I glanced over at him, still standing there with my ripped panties in his hand, and a slow grin spread across my face.
“I can think of a few ways you could make it up to me, actually.”
“Really?” He smiled back, his dark eyes suddenly burning once more with desire, “I can think of a few ways myself. So, is that a yes?”
I stared at him, biting my lower lip, all the reasons I should say no rushing through my head. But I couldn’t deny myself anymore. I wanted him, damn it. And here he was, offering himself to me on a silver platter.
“That, Doctor Williamson, is a yes.”
“Can you believe this jack ass?”
I looked up from the sketchbook in front of me and over tiny kitchen table at where Thalia was sitting, her feet propped up on the edge of the counter, reading the latest edition of the fashion bible, Vogue.
“What are you talking about?”
“What am I…? Poppy, I know you were in the hospital for the last three days so I’ll forgive you for not knowing.”
“Knowing what?” I asked hesitantly. I had been back at the apartment I shared with Thalia for exactly twenty four hours. My thoughts raced. What could have happened? Had Thalia somehow figured out about me and Nate on her own?
I felt a surge of guilt. I had meant to tell her when I’d come home from the hospital the day before. Well, not everything. Not even most of everything. I was just going to casually mention that Nate had asked me out on a date. But…it had never seemed like the right time. Maybe it was too late, now. Maybe she already knew about us.
“Just, read this. And try not to vomit.” Thalia said as she flipped the magazine across the table towards me and I grabbed it, relieved. I didn’t know what had gotten Thalia’s panties in a bunch but at least it wasn’t finding out about me and Nate.
“Avant Garde Los Angeles based designer Grant Davis is revolutionizing the fashion industry with his innovative and inclusive curvier designs.”
I read the headline, and then scanned over the images with a snort of disbelief. His ‘curvier designs’ were draped over size two models instead of size zero. Not at all like my own designs that were made with real women and their various body sizes and types in mind.
“This is ridiculous. Grant is a trash bag human who doesn’t care at all about advocating for women with curves.” I shook my head as I read the article, my stress level rising with every word. “The only thing he cares about are headlines. And besides, the designs aren’t all that innovative. Unless your idea of innovation is miles of sparkly rayon and ruched seems. That’s a hard pass from me.”
“Did you read the last quote?” Thalia asked, glancing at me hesitantly over the rim of her oversized coffee mug.
I quickly scanned the article, snickering even more at the pompous, self-inflated words from Grant Davis. I had known the man for nearly as long as I’d lived in L.A., and I knew he’d always been a self-important windbag with an inflated ego who couldn’t take any criticism, not even the well-meaning kind.
Finally, I got to the end of the piece. And froze. I read it again, and again. Then one more time just to be really sure that I was comprehending the words correctly and not just hallucinating them.
“I, unlike other fellow designers in L.A. who have cropped up like weeds in plus-sized fashion, rely on my designs to do the talking instead of relying on dramatic stunts, like launching myself from the catwalk of my own show,” Davis went on to say, “I would never stoop as low as others, or take away from the importance of the designs. True artistry doesn’t need antics.”
“What the actual hell?”
“You got to the last bit, didn’t you?”
“That…that jack ass!” I fumed, closing the glossy magazine with a smack and slamming it down on the table. “I can’t believe that he would…that he would…”
“It’s okay, Poppy. Calm down. You were just hospitalized for stress. Deep breaths. Come on, Poppy, just take deep breaths. In and out. In and out.” Thalia inhaled dramatically and then exhaled, forcing me to join her and after a moment I actually did feel my heart rate start to drop back into more normal realms.
“You know Davis is just jealous of you. He always has been.” Thalia said with a snort and I nodded, knowing she was right. It didn’t make it sting any less though.
“You know he was talking about me.”
“Just forget about it. I shouldn’t have showed you.”
“No, I’m glad you did. I can’t avoid anyone and anything that stresses me out. I’m just going to have to learn to deal with it.” I crossed my arms across my chest, tapping my boots sharply on the tile floor. “I did not launch myself off the catwalk. I passed out, for Pete’s sake!”
“I know that. And so does anyone who matters,” Thalia leaned over the table and patted me on the shoulder, “and believe me, Grant Davis sure as hell does not matter. He’s no where near as talented as you are.”
“You’re right.” I said, rising to my feet. “Of course you’re right. I know that. It doesn’t make it feel any better though.”
“I know, doll.” Thalia jumped up, and gave me a hug, “I’m glad you’re home.”
“Me too.” I hugged her back, “Now, I’m going to go put on something cute. I need some clothes therapy.”
I walked to my room, opening my closet full of custom clothes, most of which I’d made myself and let out a sigh. I was a great designer, I understood how the cut and fabric needed to be different to flatter a woman with curves, and I’d learned that from a lifetime of personal experience.
I had learned at a very young age that most clothes weren’t made for girls that were on the bigger size, and shopping for school every year was pure torture, especially after my weight settled into luscious curves. A sixteen year old with double d’s was already bound to be uncomfortable enough and trying to find clothes that fit me and felt comfortable and flattering had turned out nearly impossible. It didn’t help that all my mom could afford was second hand clothes from resale shops.
So, I’d taken things into my own hands. I’d searched the thrift stores and found vintage dresses and outdated blouses that I had to cut the shoulder pads out of. I had pulled out the old sewing machine my mother never touched, and I had taught myself how to sew, how to alter the clothes so that they fit me like a glove.
After that, I’d started getting compliments on my style, fellow students even asking me where I got my clothes and a few asking me to alter some vintage garments for them. And that was when I’d learned the power of clothes. Not in the shallow way, but as a real, deep form of self-expression. For the first time in as long as I could remember, I felt like myself. I felt like I could be myself, comfortable in my own skin.
My obsession had grown from there and I had obsessed over any fashion magazine I could get my hands on. I’d always known that I wanted to be in the industry, I wanted to be one of those glamourous, dolled up models on the glossy covers looking beautiful and strong and powerful all at once.
My cell phone buzzed from my nightstand, drawing me out of my memories and a grin spread across my face despite myself. It was from Nate.
You ready for tonight? I’ll pick you up at 7.
I bit my lower lip. That wasn’t going to work. He couldn’t pick me up. What if Thalia saw? I wanted to be the one to tell
her. I didn’t want her to find out any other way.
I’ll meet you. Just text me the address. I sent off the text, hesitating for a moment. I can’t wait.
I tossed my phone on my bed with shaking hands and let out a nervous laugh. I felt like a teenager about to go out on their first date. Exhilarated, excited, and just a teensy bit nauseous.
I looked back at my closet. Now, what the hell was I going to wear? I plucked out a few dresses, finally settling on a deep, scarlet red dress that hugged my curves in all the right way. It was quite modest in the front, with a sweetheart neckline, but the back plunged nearly all the way to my hips, emphasizing the curve of my thighs.
The fabric was as soft as silk as I pulled it on and zipped up the side, shimmying it into place. My hair was a simple affair, just pulling the long, dark locks up into a messy pony and finishing it with a quick spritz of hairspray. My makeup was just as simple, a small cat eye with black liner and a swipe of deep red lip gloss made my baby blues shine in the mirror as I surveyed my handiwork.
“Whoa, glamourous lady. Hot date tonight?” Thalia asked from my doorway and I turned around, knowing that the time had finally come to tell her the truth. To tell her that I was going to go out on a date with Nate.
Before I could get a word out though, Thalia’s face crumpled into tears and she rushed forward, throwing herself on my bed, racked with sobs.
“Thalia? What’s wrong?” I sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for her sobs to subside and after a moment she finally sniffled her last and sat up next to me, crossing her legs as she turned to face me.
“I didn’t want to tell you when you were in the hospital, you were already going through so much, and I didn’t want you to have to deal with my shit on top of all that.” Thalia sniffed, wiping her eyes. Even puffy and red-faced from crying she was still gorgeous. I tried not to be jealous. I just looked like I’d been attacked by a hundred bees whenever I cried.
“What happened, Thalia? You can talk to me.”
“I know,” She said, reaching out and grabbing my hands in hers, “You’re the best, Poppy. I was going to keep it to myself, but…”
“Spill it, girl.”
“Nate…Nate broke up with me,” Thalia said, her chin shaking with every word and she burst into another round of pretty tears.
“He did?” I asked faintly, my ears starting to ring faintly as she continued.
“I know! Can you believe it!”
“But, I mean…” I paused, trying to figure out what to say, “I thought you didn’t love him?”
“Love him?” Thalia snorted, “Of course not. You know why I dated him so long. I thought we understood each other. I thought we had an agreement. But…Poppy, no one has ever broken up with me before!”
She started sobbing once more and I patted her on the shoulder, really not sure what to say now. I knew she didn’t care about Nate, but I also knew there was no way in hell I could tell her about my upcoming date, at least not now. In fact, maybe it would be better if I called the whole thing off, at least until Thalia calmed down and I was a little more clear on what my feelings were too.
“It’s okay, Thalia. There are lots of other fish in the sea. He just wasn’t meant for you.”
“What am I going to tell my parents, Poppy? Nate was the only reason they’d been so chill lately. They are going to be worse than ever now.”
I shrugged, not sure what to tell her. All I could do was comfort my friend. Even knowing that Thalia and Nate never had any real feelings for each other, I still felt a lump of guilt in the pit of my stomach for sneaking around behind Thalia’s back.
“Hey, why don’t you go make a bag of popcorn and we’ll have a girls night, just us, okay?” I said, and Thalia beamed at me.
“That’s a brilliant idea. Just what I need. We can watch cheesy movies and talk about how terrible men are. Especially one man in particular.”
Thalia jumped to her feet and I sent her a weak smile as she rushed to the kitchen. With a sigh, I grabbed my cell phone and sent Nate a text, telling him I couldn’t make our date later that night.
I wasn’t up to answering any questions, so I turned my phone off and tossed it back on my nightstand. I would deal with him later, or never. I wasn’t sure which would be best.
I felt a pang of regret as I traded in my slinky dress for a pair of leggings and a baggy sweatshirt, washed the makeup off my face and went to join Thalia for a night of chick flicks and listening to Thalia bash Nate, all the while knowing that I had to stay silent. It would only hurt her more if I told her. It would have to wait.
Later that night, long after I had dragged myself to bed because I couldn’t take any more rom coms, I was lying in bed, but I still couldn’t get to sleep. I had been laying in the dark for an hour, staring up at the ceiling and relieving my moment with Nate.
Even the memory of him made me all hot and bothered and I tossed and turned for what felt like the thousandth time since I’d tried to go to bed.
I forced my eyes to close, but it didn’t seem to matter one bit. He was there, waiting for me, reflected on the back of my eyelids. With is perfectly swept black hair and dark eyes that could melt me at a hundred paces. His sharp jaw and chiseled features that spoke to an air of confidence and command, and tightly leashed control. But I had experienced first hand just how wild and out of control he could be. And I’d loved it. Every single minute of it.
It helped that he made me feel just as out of control, an odd sensation for me, who was always responsible, always practical, and always, always, in control of myself and my situation.
A sharp sound at my window made me jump in bed and I gasped as I sat upright. What the hell was that?
I peered into the dark and a few moments later, the sharp sound came again. I crept out of bed and walked to the window to investigate and was shocked when I looked down and saw none other than Nate. He was standing below my window with a handful of pebbles and as I watched he threw another one up and hit the brick wall beside my window.
Biting back a hysterical laugh, I opened up the window and leaned my head out into the balmy night air.
“Nate, what the actual hell do you think you’re doing?”
“Yes, it’s Poppy. Were you hoping for someone else?”
“No! No, I wanted you.”
I couldn’t deny the thrill that those words caused inside me, but I tried to keep it out of my voice when I spoke again.
“What are you doing at my apartment? And why are throwing rocks at my window?”
“You cancelled our date.”
“Yes, I did.”
“I tried to call you, and I texted, but you weren’t answering, and I was getting worried. I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
“I turned my phone off.”
“Because I didn’t want to have to talk to anyone,” Namely, you.
“No, why did you cancel our date?”
I stared at him for a long moment, shaking my head at myself but there was nothing for it.
“Just, stay right there, alright? I’ll be right down.”
“I’ll always wait for you, Poppy.”
I rolled my eyes at him, knowing he couldn’t see me in the dark, but I couldn’t stop the smile that curved my lips as I threw on jeans and a blouse before heading downstairs to meet him.
Once more, when it came to Nate, I felt like a teenager only this time I was sneaking out of the house, trying to be quiet enough not to wake up my mother. Well, Thalia, in this case, but I figured the outcome would be roughly the same. Tears and accusations followed by a stern lecture about the foolishness of my behavior.
I didn’t care.
The only thing I cared about, as I walked out into the warm evening air, was the look on Nate’s face as I drew closer to him. The way his whole face lit up and his grin widened enough that I could just make out a dimple on his left cheek. I never k
new he had a dimple when he smiled.
“Hey there.”
“Hi,” He said, that goofy grin still stretching across his face. He held out his hand to me and I took it as if it were the most natural thing in the world. He started walking, tucking my hand into the crook of his elbow and pulling me closer beside him in the process.
“Where are we going?”
“There’s a little park down the street. I’m going to take you there. And then, you are going to tell me exactly why you felt the need to cancel our date. In great detail.”
“Nate, I…”
“Nope, not until we get there.” He said, still smiling, but I could see there was something serious in his dark gaze, “Until then, we’ll just pretend that we’re a normal couple, out for a stroll on this beautiful night. Sound good?”
“Honestly? It sounds perfect.” I leaned into him, letting all the stress from the last three days, and particularly the last three hours melt away.
We walked, chatting sometimes, perfectly content to be quiet for the others, holding hands as Nate led me over a small rolling, grass covered hill and into a small but beautiful park. There were palms and ferns everywhere and riotous flowers lined the walkway.
It wasn’t until we stopped that I noticed the bag Nate held in his other hand.
“What’s that?”
“Oh, I thought I would just come prepared. Just in case I could actually convince you to spend time with me outside of a medical emergency, that is.”
I looked up at him bashfully through a thick fringe of lashes.
“I’m sorry for blowing you off, Nate.”
“I just wish I knew why. Was it something I said? Or did?” He laid out a small blanket and helped me sit before popping open one of the bottles of beer he had stashed away and handing it to me.
I took a grateful sip.
“Man, you really did come prepared.”
“I was in the boy scouts growing up. It’s kind of the motto.”