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Exposure: Bloodlust Series Book 1

Page 15

by L. L. Ash

  It wasn’t long before I was throwing my head back and bleating like a porno. Between his hips speeding up and his fingers expertly manipulating my pearl until I was contracting through my whole belly. Wave after wave washed over me like the sun, as if I were lying by the ocean. Warm fire filled me and I got giddy.

  Clarence brushed at me for just a minute longer until I had descended back down and my eyes opened. He grabbed onto my hips again and now only had himself on his mind. His hips pumped harder and I started wailing my head on the bed until I placed my hand over my hair to stop the harshness of the bumping. He sped up and intensified his thrusting until he ground out a grunt through his closed lips and began throbbing inside me.

  His grip slackened and my legs loosened around him until my butt dropped back down to the bed. Or rather, onto his knees that were still tucked under me. He sighed in contentment and smiled, then leaned over me again and kissed my forehead.

  “Now, BATHE,” he ordered and wiggled out from under me before standing.

  “Not even a cuddle?” I teased him.

  “If we cuddle I’ll end up making love to you again and we’ll never eat or get out of this room. Check out is at 11.”

  I groaned and hefted my limp-noodle body up. I held the sheet to my chest and got out of bed, immediately spotting our barely touched bottle of champagne and the tray of chocolate strawberries.

  “I found breakfast!” I called to him in the bathroom, stuffing one perfect fruit into my mouth.

  “I forgot about these,” Clarence said, standing stark naked after leaving the bathroom.

  He took one, bit into it and closed his eyes, savoring the flavor before opening them again and asking me, “What would you like for breakfast?”

  “Whatever you have is fine,” I told him, reaching for another berry.

  He nodded, grabbed another for himself then leaned in to kiss my cheek before heading into the living area of the room. I watched him walk away, no shame in his nudity as he picked up the phone near the couch.

  I stared for just another moment before grinning and retreating to the bathroom. Running the bath, the only thought running through my head was how grateful I was to have him in my life. And how lucky I was that he wanted to stay in it.

  Now that the nerves and the pressure was off, I could honestly see myself with him forever. We would get married, I’d go to college, and we’d have two, maybe three kids. Each with blond hair like their father. I hadn’t considered it before when he was a vampire, but now, it was almost as if that part of him had never even existed.

  I dropped a bath bomb into the water and watched it explode with fizz before lowering my sore body into the water.

  Last night had been painful, but he’d been incredibly gentle and careful with me. Today however, he’d pumped so hard I felt a little bruised down there. So I took a moment to clean myself off fully and let the hot water soak against the bruises until I was again, a limp noodle.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The ring of the doorbell of the suite got my attention. I knew that meant breakfast, so I unstopped the tub and dragged myself out. When I got back into the room my underwear and dress were both lined neatly on the bed, my shoes on the floor beside them. I grinned at the care Clarence took in retrieving my clothes, but quickly shoved it all into my bag before getting my skinny jeans and a silky halter top out of my bag followed by navy panties and a matching strapless bra.

  I wasn’t entirely sure what I’d been thinking when packing this outfit, but it was comfortable and we had a long drive ahead of us. After smearing on some eyeliner and a little mascara, I slipped back into my heels and met Clarence in the dining room.

  He was fully dressed, worn jeans on his legs and a tight t-shirt spread like paint across his chest. When he saw me, he smiled broadly.

  “Just in time, Darling. Breakfast is here.”

  “I heard the doorbell and assumed,” I told him, joining him at the dining room table.

  We both sipped on coffee and savored eggs benedict before looking at the time.

  “We’ve got to go,” he told me, heading back to retrieve his bag. “Do you need help packing, Addie my love?”

  “No, I’m packed and ready.”

  He nodded and took his bag in his hand before heading back to join me.

  “I suppose we should go then. Your father is probably wondering where you are. I promised you’d be home this afternoon.”

  “I’ll be home by 2,” I waved my hand around. “That’s still afternoon.”

  He conceded the statement, but still his expression sobered.

  “I do not look forward to bringing you home,” Clarence confessed as we left the room, both our bags thrown over his shoulder. “I’ve enjoyed our evening and morning. Sleeping without you is going to feel lonely, now.”

  I smiled at his words.

  “Maybe you can come back tonight,” I suggested only half joking. “Sleep on a bed and everything. You shouldn’t have to go bedless just because you’re no longer a V.”

  He laughed.

  “If I get desperate enough for you, I just might,” he kissed me quickly as we got onto the elevator.

  After riding down to the first floor, we turned in our key with the front desk and headed out the doors, afternoon already in full swing outside. Clarence gave the valet his ticket and one ran to go find the car as we waited.

  We held hands silently until the car arrived and the valet gave Clarence the key. He exchanged it silently for a 10 dollar bill before opening my door. I slid in, taking our overnight bags into my lap as he closed the door and went around to the other side. Getting in, he buckled and took off.

  Maneuvering out of Seattle on a Sunday afternoon wasn’t so easy, but once we were on the freeway, we flew back to Greyland in what seemed like no time at all. Clarence held my hand the entire time, playing with my fingers between his but we didn’t talk much.

  “You ok?” I asked him as we took our exit.

  “I’m well,” he responded.

  “You don’t seem like it. What’s going on?”

  “I’m well, Addie. No need to worry.”

  I sighed and sank further into my chair.

  A couple of minutes later I jerked around in my seat and demanded, “So you say we’re going to get married, that you love me, that we’re soulmates. But something’s up with you, I can feel it in my gut, but you refuse to talk to me.”

  Clarence sucked on his lip for a full minute before he shoved the blinker bar up and swerved onto the side of the road. He sat in silence for a moment longer before turning to me and dragging in a deep breath.

  “It has nothing to do with you, Addie. I’m… I’m struggling in many ways with being human. Sometimes when I’m with you I forget that life was not always this way, but when I’m away from you I feel anxious and confused. After 300 years as a vampire I think I forgot what it’s like to be human, and what it means to be human. I feel so much more now, I can’t control some of the human cravings… It’s just new and frustrating and I’m afraid of losing you in a way that makes me sick inside.”

  Taking a deep breath he gripped the steering wheel in a white knuckle grip before letting it go with a gusty sigh.

  “These are things for me to worry over, Addie, not you. I don’t wish to weigh you down with my insecurities and petty worrying. I love you. I will always love you. I’m just working through this and it will take time. Don’t take my silence as indifference or dismissal, please.”

  I touched his knee and he met my eyes, his blue ones drenched in apprehension.

  “So you’re human, experiencing human emotions and uncertainties and you’re struggling with that?”

  “Yes,” he nodded, dipping his head.

  “And you don’t think I’d understand what you’re going through? Hell’s sake, I deal with the same stuff every single day, Clee! I understand what you’re going through, and if you don’t want my help or my comfort, fine. But don’t pull away from me thinking you’
re saving me from something I experience every day.”

  His lips tipped upwards, just at the corners and the apprehension dissipated.

  “You surprise me every day, Addie. You’re correct, of course. When one lives life on their own for so long, it’s easy to forget what it is like to have someone who cares for you and wants to share your burden. I’m sorry I tried to keep it to myself. I didn‘t realize that it would hurt you for me to not share my thoughts with you.”

  I shrugged, not sure what to say to that.

  “And thank you, for voicing your thoughts on the matter.”

  “If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s voicing my thoughts.”

  Clarence laughed.

  Shifting the car into drive again, he flipped on his blinker and looked for a space to get back into the flow of traffic.

  After that, Clarence made an effort to get me talking about anything and everything, and soon it was effortless.

  “How was your trip?” Dad asked from his chair as I stepped in the door.

  “It was awesome!” I chirped, then toned it down a little. “It was nice getting out of town for the weekend. I didn’t realize how much I missed the city until yesterday.”

  “Yeah,” he said absently, then I heard his recliner thud closed as he stood up. “I’ve got a couple things for you.”

  Heading into the dining room, he came back with two wrapped gifts. One was red with red polka dots, and the other was a poorly wrapped gift in what looked like decade old christmas wrapping.

  “The nice one is from your mom. The other one is from me.”

  I was shocked.

  “Dad, you didn’t need to...”

  “I’ve missed enough of your life. I wish I could have been there for you for every birthday and every Christmas and every silly little thing that I should have been there for. Your mom is a great mom, but there are times when a girl needs her dad and I wasn’t there for you. I know that this isn’t much, but I want you to have it.”

  He handed me the poorly wrapped present and I took it, surprised at the heft of it. Slowly I fingered the paper and wiggled my finger under the tape to open it. Inside the decade old christmas wrapper was a Canon Powershot. My mouth dropped open and I looked up at him with disbelief all over my face.

  “Dad… I can’t take this. This is way too expensive!”

  “Your mom told me you’ve been getting into photography lately and that you were really talented. I thought that it might be nice for you to have something to focus on while you’re here. So that you don’t think too much about everything that’s going on with your mom.”

  Actual tears brimmed in my eyes, threatening to commit suicide from my lashes as I stared at Dad. His eyes were hopeful, but he looked nervous, and kept getting more nervous as the seconds ticked on.

  “I don’t know what to say,” I fumbled, placing the camera down on the stairs as I threw my arms around him.

  Dad took the embrace wholeheartedly and we hugged for a long minute.

  “I can’t tell you how much this means to me, Dad. Thank you so much.”

  He smiled brightly and nodded before handing me Mom’s gift.

  “I’m… I’m going to go upstairs and rest a little, and unpack. If you don’t mind?”

  “Ok, I’ll be here watching TV,” he shrugged with that grin still on his face. “You’re welcome to join me if you’d like. Later, when you’re done resting and unpacking.”

  “Yeah, yeah I’d like that.”

  With a nod he turned and left me to head to my room. Grabbing the camera again, I quickly made my way upstairs and shut the door. I placed the camera box on my desk and tossed my bag onto my bed before looking at the box Mom had sent me. I tore open the wrapping paper and opened the cardboard lid. Nestled into some thick gauzy fabric was a red bead choker necklace with a blood red cross hanging off toward the hollow of the throat. I gaped at it for a moment, thinking how beautiful it was. The beads were crystal-like and clear red, all wrapped around a wire that hugged the neck. The cross was some kind of silver metal with what looked like rubies embedded in it. The entire thing was a little costume jewelry-esque, but it was absolutely my style, and Mom knew it.

  I immediately picked up my phone to call her.

  “Hey Mom!” I said happily once she answered. “I got your gift! Thank you!”

  “You just barely got it today?” she sounded perplexed.

  “I ended up going with Clarence to Seattle for the weekend, so I wasn’t actually here yesterday for Dad to give it to me.”

  “Oh! You did?” She sounded excited. “Well, how’d it go? What did you do?”

  “We went to lunch together and saw all the sights. We went to the top of the Space Needle and it was gorgeous! He was so attentive and… Mom, I’m in love with him.”

  She sighed happily.

  “So what else happened, Honey? What was it that made you so sure you love him? Last time we talked you were still on the fence.”

  “Well, we talked a lot. And we didn’t just talk about music or sports or weather. We talked about us, about what we want in our futures. He wants me as his future, and I’m sure now that I want him to be mine.”

  “I’m so happy for you Addie, Sweetie!”

  I grinned and blushed, knowing Mom would pester me until I told her about the WHOLE weekend.

  “So what else happened? Did he take you out for dinner?”

  “Yeah. We went to this super fancy restaurant and the food was great. Clarence likes food.”

  Mom chuckled and I grinned, remembering the evening.

  “After that, we went back to our room and...”

  “Your room? Singular?”

  “Yeah. One room. He said we could get two, but...”

  “Oh, Addie… Did anything happen? Does that mean…?”

  “Yeah,” I admitted, blushing hair to toes.

  Mom squealed.

  “So? How was it? How do you feel about it? Are you alright? Do you want to talk about it?”

  Mom just couldn’t stop asking questions, so I stopped her midstream.

  “I feel just fine. I’m better than alright, and I don’t really want to talk about it, but I can if you want me to.”

  “So how was it? Did you enjoy it? I hope he was careful with you...”

  “It was fine,” I blurted, feeling absolutely embarrassed to be talking about my first-time sex with my mom.

  Mom sighed.

  “Don’t want to talk about it, huh?” she seemed disappointed.

  “Let’s suffice to say that it was good, and he was really gentle and I am healthy and well. And we used a condom.”

  Two condoms actually. Mom didn’t need to know that.

  “Well good. I’ll stop badgering you, but this is kind of a big day, Sweetie! Turning 18, and losing your virginity in one night? Kind of overwhelming, I bet.”

  “A little, but I’m good. Honest. I couldn’t have asked for a more amazing boyfriend than Clarence. He told me he wants to marry me, once I’m ready for that.”

  Mom hummed.

  “Well, let’s just take things one step at a time. Marriage and weddings and engagements are still a long way out. You should still be focusing on being a teenager right now.”

  “Sure,” I agreed, feeling that she didn’t quite understand how much we loved each other and our degree of devotion.

  “So other then all of that. You had a good birthday? Did you like my gift? I took a chance on it, but it looked so absolutely you I couldn’t put it down.”

  “I freaking love it!” I laughed, feeling a little more comfortable with the subject change. “Seriously, thanks Mom.”

  “You’re more than welcome. I’m just sad I couldn’t be there for your big day.”

  “Yeah me too...”

  There was a pause before I decided to tell her about Dad’s gift.

  “Dad got me a present too,” I said casually and she sounded intrigued.


  “Yeah. I guess
you’d mentioned to him that I like photography and that I’m not awful at it...”

  “You’re great at it,” she interrupted happily.

  “Oh, I’m ok at it. Anyway, he got me a fancy new camera. Like the expensive kind I’ve been begging for for months.”

  “Oh wow, that was really nice of him.” Mom said, sounding surprised.

  “I know. I told him I couldn’t take it but he insisted. I don’t know what to do.”

  “Keep it, Addie. If your dad took the time and spent the money on it, then he wanted to. Believe me, the man does not do anything he doesn’t want to do from a sense of guilt. It’s probably his way of showing you he loves you, since he’s not so good at saying the words.”

  I sighed, feeling my heart grow warm at the love from both of my parents. The feeling was unfamiliar, but absolutely comforting.

  “Ok, I will. And I’ll take the best freaking shots ever with it.”

  “Make sure you send me some!” Mom cut in with a sing-song tone.

  “Don’t I always?”

  “Not always, but usually.”

  We laughed.

  Mom and I talked about a lot of things, until dinner time came around. I felt good and light and carefree as I heated up some microwave dinners for Dad and I, then we sat together in front of the TV to eat. At around 9 I went up to bed and did some homework before collapsing in bed.



  My eyes shot open


  Jumping out of bed, I ran to the window where the faint glass tinkling was coming from.

  Down on the ground was Clarence, a grin on his face and pebbles in his hand, standing in the halo of our garage light that Dad had evidently forgotten to turn off.

  He lifted a hand and gave me a sort of wave before I opened the window.

  “What are you doing here?” I whisper-shouted down at him.

  “I needed to see you,” was his simple reply.

  “How the hell are you thinking you’re going to get up here? Dad’s still probably downstairs!”

  “I’ll climb up,” he said a little too quickly, moving to the moss covered trellis near the side of the house.


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