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Exposure: Bloodlust Series Book 1

Page 24

by L. L. Ash

  “Feel better?” he laughed, teasing me and my appetite.

  “Yeah, sort of. I’m still confused and irritated and I’m mad. Plain mad. Who bit me, anyway?”

  His grin faded as he looked away. Clearly he knew but didn’t want to tell me.

  “He worked for who I worked for,” he said simply.

  “And are you fired now that I got bit on your watch?”

  “I don’t answer to them anymore,” he said seriously, intensely.

  “And what changed your mind?”

  He sat quietly for a minute, taking a bite then chewing before saying, “Let’s not talk about them.”

  “Then what the hell are we doing, Eddie?”

  What could only have been pheromones rushed toward me as his lips quirked upwards in a naughty smile.

  “I could think of a few things to keep us busy...”

  “Eddie!” I whined, but felt my heart quicken and my thighs tremble, I was squeezing them together so hard.

  “You smell that, don’t you,” he asked, coming toward me on his hands and knees. “That’s what lust smells like, Honey. Smells good, hah?”

  I licked my lips, the faint musk brushing against my nose as I smelled him, his arousal as Clarence would call it.

  My throat closed up at the thought of Clarence, but I forced my eyes to stay open, focusing on his smokey green ones.

  His cheek brushed mine, his lips touching my shoulder and neck, licking once, twice before saying, “You’re thinking about him, aren’t you? Clarence.”

  I gulped.

  Backing up an inch he looked me in the eyes again.

  “You need to see him, tell him. Let him see what happened.”

  “How am I supposed to do that?”

  “Invite him here. As long as you’ll have it, this’ll be your new home. The boys and I will take care of you. You won’t want for anything, and you’ll be treated like, well, a queen.”

  “Jo doesn’t like me.”

  He shrugged.

  “She’s a selfish bitch. I didn’t expect her to.”

  “Why do you keep her around then?”

  “Because she’s the Alpha female. I didn’t really have a choice.”

  “Because she’s the only female of your kind?”

  “Right. And you can only mate with females to have cubs. The king who has the queen is the most powerful and envied in the world. I, at the moment, have two.”

  “You make a lot of assumptions, don’t you?”

  “I’m a selfish prick, what do you expect out of me?”

  “How did you become king?”

  He shrugged.

  “I was raised by the last king until he died. I and his other sons fought and I won. The most powerful wolf wins and becomes the king of the pack.”

  “So you won with brutality then?”

  “Welcome to werewolves. I love them, but most of them are bumbling idiots, and they know it. They’re good at taking orders and usually following through. They just need a competent leader.”

  “Again with the assumptions? Nobody said you were competent.”

  “Ouch,” he pressed his hand over his heart for a second before digging his face back into my neck. “You were a fox the other night, but I’ve got a feeling it’s going to be a lot harder to get you to open up to me, isn’t it?”

  “Depends on how you want me open to you.”

  He grinned again.

  “Every way, Addie. I want it all.”

  His nose brushed that soft spot behind my ear and shivers ran all up and down my spine.

  If I didn’t think too hard about it, I could almost pretend that he’d just brought me here to his hideout for sexual adventures. Oddly, the thought didn’t bother me. In fact, it actually enticed me. A lot.

  Another musk suddenly hit my nose, mingling with his. It was faintly familiar, and I realized it was mine. This was the smell Clarence detected on me. It was faintly floral but mostly musky, smelling like sex and salt and sugar.

  His bare chest brushed across my open decolletage as he lowered me back down to the mattress. Fingering the fabric, he spread the front panels and grasped a breast firmly, his tongue and lips meticulous in their exploration of my neck and jaw. The touch felt so different, as if I could feel his skin on every nerve and every molecule in my body.

  Flipping aside the robe at my legs, his hand drew up my knee and thigh, gripping it tightly until it almost hurt. It caused me to gasp, and he took that as a go-ahead, meeting my lips this time instead of focusing on my neck. Minutes passed as he plied my mouth and kneaded my thigh, and then he went back to my neck.

  “You’re not ready, and that’s ok,” he finally breathed into my ear. “I’ve got a lifetime, and so do you. How about let’s get you acquainted with your new body?”

  I wasn’t sure if I was frustrated or grateful that he was retreating, but nevertheless he was pulling away, the bulge in his underwear apparent but his smile was kind and unwavering.

  He helped me up and pulled me out the door as I struggled to fix up my robe.

  “Who dressed me, anyway,” I asked as a whole huge warehouse came into view.

  “I did,” he looked back at me with a grin, gripping my hand and leading me into the room.

  Bunk beds lined the outside walls, and a large set of double doors stood on one side that was the obvious in and out of the warehouse. Boys and men were everywhere, ranging in age to boys of 8 or 9 to men of 70 or 80. All were muscular and well built for their age, and some were as big as tanks, probably in their prime. Some of them ate, some of they were playing like monkeys on the beams and some were gathered around card games and a couple of TVs on each side of the room. A gauzy shadow of lavender breezed through rows of men, easily parting the sea of muscle with just her presence.

  Jo watched us from a few yards away, her eyes narrowed and her jaw set in anger. Eddie seemed to ignore her altogether as he led me through the room, gathering attention from every corner. Finally standing in the center of the room, taking one quick leap up onto a metal picnic table, he raised his hands to his mouth to roar. The whole room stopped in its activities and there was a bustle of scraping chairs and cards scattering as men gathered around the table.

  “Boys,” Eddie said loudly so everyone could hear him, “We’ve got a bit of a surprise for you. Care to tell them, Joey?”

  Jo lifted her middle finger at him before storming off.

  “Since Jo’s a little rattled, I’ll make the announcement.”

  Turning abruptly he held out his hand and motioned for me to join him. He lifted me up and continued his speech.

  “I know the legends say that only one female can be born in a generation, and only one can be alive at each time, so we seem to have a conundrum.”

  A murmur spread through the men.

  “Addie was bit 3 days ago. She’s since turned, healed, and has become one of us.”

  More murmurs before cheering started.

  Eddie grinned.

  “I know, she’s beautiful, isn’t she? But she’s new to this, so be gentle and be nice. If I hear about one of you offending her it’ll be your head. Understand?”

  More cheers.

  “Good boys, now, take care of my girl, huh? She needs something, go get it. She wants something, we supply it. It’s as simple as that. Give Addie the same respect you give Jo. It seems we’ll have two ladies sharing the title of queen, and I can’t seem to find any problem with that.”

  More agreement and cheering as the men looked me up and down.

  I felt exposed and overwhelmed and squeezed Eddie’s hand harshly, hoping he’d stop making me the center of attention.

  “Ow,” Eddie muttered in a quiet voice before wrenching his hand out of mine.

  Blood droplets ran down his fingers as his skin healed over holes pierced into his palm. In shock, I looked down at my hand and saw the claw-like nails protruding from the tips, fingers covered in blood from where I’d pierced his hand.

  My eyes
immediately began to water as I looked up at him, so incredibly sorry for hurting him.

  “Don’t worry about it,” he said, a gentle smile pulling his lips. “It’ll take some time to be better able to control it. For now strong emotions will elicit reactions. I likely deserve the little punishment, whether you meant to give it or not.”

  “I’m so sorry...”

  “No worries,” he whispered, kissing me on the lips in front of all the men before turning back to them.

  “Addie’s tired, so a little quiet would be nice. She’s still recovering from the fever.”

  Looks of sympathy passed many faces before they began to disband. Eddie helped me down from the table, handing my palm off to another man who stood there in just cargo shorts.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ma’am,” he said, looking about a decade older than me. “I’m Raymond, if you ever need anything. I’m your guy, my queen.”

  Eddie nodded his approval to the man before taking my arm and leading me back to the room.

  “Want some more food before bed?”

  “No,” I said quietly and just allowed myself to be led.

  He took me back into the separate room where the big fabric and pillowy bed lay, motioning me to join Jo on the big bed. I hesitated, wondering if she would hurt me in my sleep, but after Eddie had shown me to the bathroom that was just off from the bedroom, a nice, separate bathroom for royalty, I was so tired and relieved that I fell into the bed easily.

  Eddie followed close behind, wedging his big body between us women and putting his arms around me. Jo turned and wrapped around Eddy, and I kept my hands to myself. Eddie nuzzled me and then Jo, then he went to sleep, still wrapped around me. I listened to his breathing for a while, my body and mind tired but also full of anxiety over my situation. He’d said 3 days. I’d been out for 3 days. Aunt Cindy was probably beside herself with worry, not sure where I was and probably thinking the worst. Then again, basically the worst HAD happened in reality. I was now dead to her. I realized I’d have to be dead to her, just to save her life. I couldn’t bring her into this whole mess, even if it hurt her not to tell her the truth. I was officially a werewolf now, but the biggest question was yet to be answered. Where would I go, or would I stay? Would I become Eddie’s second queen? The idea of bigamy seemed repulsive, but at the same time, it also seemed natural here. Maybe with the animals it wasn’t such a strange idea. I’d just have to wait and see.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  When I woke up, it was in a jumble of limbs. Jo’s leg was spread out over Eddie and I, and his arms were spread, chest up and wide open. One arm was resting on Jo’s shoulder and the other pressing into the top of my head. My face was tucked into his armpit, my hand tucked around his hip, touching Jo’s hip too as she was sidled up close to him. My leg was asleep, heavily weighed down with his on top of mine, and to finish it off, blankets were twisted around everything else. When I started to untangle myself, both of the other bodies moved. Jo woke with a sigh and a stretch, and Eddie opened his eyes with a yawn, looking first to his right, and then to his left, at me.

  He grinned at me, a sleepy sort of grin as we stared at each other.

  “Yep, I think I understand polygamy,” he said after another second, his grin widening as he put one arms around each of us.

  “You’re disgusting,” Jo said, though she had a smile on her face too, her robe fallen off both shoulders.

  “Oh, c’mon. Like you never wanted to have a second queen. Think of the implications!”

  “You really are full of shit, my dear king. And you know I only stay here because you’re the youngest king.”

  “And strongest.” He gave her sweet eyes, batting his lashes.

  “Well it seems to me you don’t need me anymore. You’ve got yourself a younger queen. Not as beautiful, but well endowed enough.”

  Eddie scoffed.

  “She’s plenty beautiful, like you. Besides, I think I’m man enough to handle two women. I mean, last night was so frickin comfortable! Wasn’t it nice?”

  She hummed and rolled onto her back, her robe coming open and one pert nipple escaped the gauzy confines. I immediately averted my eyes and focused on the ceiling, making sure my robe was closed.

  “Eddie,” I asked, my voice sounding like a rough whisper after my night of sleep.

  He turned to me but didn’t answer.

  “Where are my clothes?”

  “The ones you came in?” he asked rhetorically. “The shirt was ripped to hell so we burned it. Your jeans I think were washed since they were nasty. Right Jo?”

  “I had them all cleaned,” she agreed.

  “My necklace?” I asked, hoping to God I hadn’t lost it.

  “I put it on the vanity,” Eddie said with a shrug. “Awfully ironic for a vamp’s girl to be wearing a cross. Don’t you think?”

  “I’m not a vamp’s girl,” I said with irritation. “And I’m not a werewolf’s girl. I’m not anyone’s girl.”

  “Mhm,” he stretched, his tone sounding like he didn’t believe me.

  “Speaking of blood suckers, you calling him today? You’re going to have to tell him sometime.”

  “I’ll call him. But I’d rather have my clothes back. These robes aren’t really No offence, Jo.”

  “They were meant for me, not you,” she sighed, digging her head into Eddie’s shoulder. “I take no offence that you can’t appreciate finery.”

  That was probably the nicest thing she’d ever said to me, though still wrapped up in an insult.

  Eddie laughed and sat up, causing Jo to fall back onto the bed with a thump and a whine.

  “Eddie,” she groaned, then looked at me.

  Crawling over toward me, she nuzzled into my shoulder like she had Eddie.

  “I’m not ready to wake up,” she breathed, tickling my ear with her breath.

  I laid there, frozen and afraid to move.

  Eddie saw me and gave a half smile before telling Jo to get up.

  “You’re scaring the poor girl, Jo. Get your ass up.”

  She whined and dug in further.

  “And if you saw the terrified look on her face, you’d know she doesn’t swing that way.”

  Jo lifted her head, looking into my eyes for a second before groaning and pouting, but sitting up.

  “I get the feeling our little Addie is not a curious thing.”

  Eddie raised one eyebrow at Jo’s words.

  “She’s a one-man woman, unfortunately for me.”

  Their discussion was causing blood to raise up onto my cheeks and I stood, holding my robe closed before stumbling to the vanity where I saw the blood red beads of my choker. Clipping it around my neck, I felt just a little more like myself.

  Eddie took a couple steps toward me, touching the cross at the base of my throat before asking, “Why do you wear this?”

  “My mom gave it to me,” I whispered, taking the cross between my finger and thumb for comfort.

  He nodded slowly, meeting my eyes.

  “You miss her a lot, don’t you?”

  “Didn’t you miss your parents?”

  He shrugged.

  “For a little while, I guess. But I had a good father figure to raise me and I didn’t really remember my old life after a while.”

  “I miss her,” I admitted. “A lot.”

  “I’d like to say it’ll pass,” he sighed, brushing his thumb under my eye where a tear had collected. “But it won’t. It will, however, get easier to bear.”

  I nodded and he leaned forward, kissing my lips gently before turning away toward the wardrobe.

  “I’ll go get your jeans,” Eddie said after a second, stumbling a little as he removed his underwear, replacing it with fresh ones. “You chill here and I’ll bring in breakfast, too.”

  After pulling on some cargo shorts and a t-shirt, he pulled down another one and threw it at me.

  “Not your size but it’ll do.”

  As he reached the door, Jo
following, I called his name.

  “What’s the address here?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “So Clarence can know where to find us.”

  “Tell him you’re at the wolf’s lair. He’ll know where that is.”

  I nodded and he left, Jo giving me a lingering, questioning look before leaving too.

  Digging through the closet I found some panties that fit and a fabric sports bra that fit well enough. After pulling on the much-too-large shirt Eddie had given me, I stood there, legs bare, waiting for Eddie to return. Eventually he came back, a chunk of meat in his mouth and a plate in his hand, my jeans tucked under his arm.

  “Hurry and eat,” he said through his full mouth. “Wanna show you something.”

  I pulled on my jeans before snatching up my meat, eating it as I slipped my sandals on.

  He waved me toward him and I followed, finding the warehouse a circus. Men were everywhere in various states of undress. It seemed the werewolves weren’t too keen on clothes, and upon finding a tactful way of asking why, Eddie politely informed me that the more clothes they wore, the more they ruined, as turning to their wolf form tears the clothes to smithereens. So seeing the especially younger wolves with little to no clothes on wasn’t a rare occasion since they hadn’t figured out how to control their changes yet. The older men wore more, but most remained bare chested with a mat of hair coating their burly chests.

  It seemed breakfast was on everyone’s mind, as men chewed on various cuts of animals. Some meat was dark and fatty, some was lean and pink. Chicken, pork, beef, and who knows what other animals they were consuming.

  “Adonis, Raymond!” Eddie called as he entered the room.

  Two men were immediately at his side.

  “My queen,” each of them took turns saying, both handsome in their own ways.

  Raymond had introduced himself the night before, and he still had the big bushy beard and glowing green eyes. Adonis was more classically handsome, and not as rugged as Raymond and Eddie.

  “You met Ray,” Eddie told me, pointing to Raymond to my right. “And this is my brother, Adonis.”


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