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A Shifter's Revenge

Page 13

by Raven Steele

  His lips parted, and the weight of my responsibility made the air heavy, almost hard to breathe. He stiffened his shoulders, resolve steeling in his eyes. I was right to trust him. He was taking the burden on himself, just as he had done with his brother.

  “I swear to you, Briar, you can trust me. I will take this secret to my grave. And, just like your pack, like your ancestors, I will help you protect the Abydos with my life.”

  I stared at him, blinking and unbelieving. God, it felt so good to share this burden with him. A tear escaped my eye, and I quickly brushed it away, smiling. “You made me emotional.”

  My breath caught as he grabbed my hips and stood, taking me with him. I wrapped my legs around his waist while he carried me across the room. He stopped at the door, locked it, and met my eyes with such ravenous intent my heart thundered in my chest. He let me go, and I slid to the floor, my legs weak. His hand on my side kept me steady.

  Luke leaned into me, his face inches from mine, and his breath whispered across my neck, making me shiver. Those dark, stormy eyes studied mine as he braced his hands on each side of the door behind me, holding me in place. “You’re choosing me?”

  I nodded.

  “Then you belong to me. Is that clear? I won’t share you with anyone.”

  I swallowed and cleared my throat. “Yes.”

  “I own you.”

  Heat scorched my flesh as my wolf rose to the surface. I pushed back, struggling to contain the Alpha power surging inside me. Luke’s display of dominance threatened her, and she bowed down to no one.

  But Luke was exactly what I wanted, and the only being my Alpha nature would yield to was me. I was in charge. So I told her to calm the hell down, and to Luke, said, “I belong to you.” I growled, showing my teeth. “Just as you belong to me.”

  He nodded, his eyes simmering with need and want.

  I grabbed the front of his shirt, yanking him closer. “You own me. My heart, my soul.” Making a choice, I turned my head to the side, bearing my neck to him. “I trust you.”

  He growled, pulling me flush against him, his desire hardening against me. “You have no idea how sexy that is, coming from you, of all people.”

  I sucked in a breath as he leaned lower, his tongue swiping over my sensitive and vulnerable flesh. I shivered and goosebumps prickled my skin. A low rumble escaped his throat, a feral and animalistic sound. He pushed me against the wall, his hands tight against my waist, and bit the skin at the nape of my neck, just enough to mark me. I held still, letting it burn through me. Then I wrapped my hands around him, pulling him closer.

  As soon as his lips connected with mine, power surged between us. It washed over me so strongly, I nearly drowned in my need for Luke. I imagined countless nights of him by my side, over me and under me and in me. Loving me until I couldn’t move, waking up with him next to me. Sharing my life with him. I struggled to inhale, but his lips commanded my mouth, possessing every part of me.

  I began to slide to my knees, falling from the sheer intensity of the bonding, and I pulled him with me. He ripped his mouth from mine, sucking in a large breath. His glazed eyes looked just as possessed as I felt, with fire singeing the edges. He grabbed me, holding me steady then he pulled me up to wrap my legs around him. He swiveled, taking the few steps to throw me onto the bed. I bounced, and my heart pounded as he crawled up to me with the eyes of a predator.

  “I’m going to fuck you now, Briar. And you’re going to do exactly what I say, how I say it.” He leaned down to nip my nose. “Because you are mine, Pup. I need you in my life. You chose me, and I’m claiming you.”

  “Then take me, Luke, because I need you, too. But leave the shirt on. It’s sexy as hell.”

  He growled and smiled. His hands gripped my hips, and he yanked down my pants to my ankles, then removed his own. In one movement, he thrust inside me and expelled a heavy breath. He nipped at my neck, while moving inside me. I moaned, and he gripped my hips, holding me tight.

  Every touch was a claiming.

  Every thrust a demand.

  Every breath a need to be mine.

  “This is just the beginning, Briar. I’m going to claim you all night long, until you’re begging me to stop.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  His mouth curled up into a slow and sexy smile that shot heat straight between my thighs. I took it as a yes.

  Several hours and two more showers later, we walked into the kitchen, a grin on my face.

  Samira and Lynx sat at the kitchen table eating and drinking. Lynx gave me a knowing look, smirking. I attempted to ignore her, to bite down my own smile, but it kept threatening to break.

  The warmth of Luke’s hand in mine, spread up my arm and bled into my chest. I grinned, unable to hold it back any longer. He returned the smile and pulled me to him, kissing me softly.

  After a moment, I forced us apart. I needed some serious nourishment after the things we did to each other.

  Samira nodded her head once at me, her way of saying hi, as I opened the cupboards to grab the cereal. To Luke, she said, “You look ridiculous.”

  He glanced down, surprised to see he still wore my clothes. “Yeah, um, my clothes got wet.”

  “How did that happen?” Lynx said, giggling quietly.

  “Mind your own business.” I set the bowls and cereal onto the table. Luke joined me.

  While Luke and I tore into the cereal, Captain Crunch, Samira asked us, “What happened when you returned to the Linchen Pack?”

  I finished the bite in my mouth, trying to figure out where to start. So much had happened! I glanced at Luke. His eyes skimmed away from mine, sadness leaking through them. I decided we didn’t need to talk about what had happened with Heather and Leroy. That would remain between us.

  After exhaling a breath, I told them about the Hydes we’d seen at the Linchen Pack. The way they moved in unison. How they were all supernaturals. And most importantly, how Bodian Dynamics had been there.

  While I spoke, Samira sat up straighter, and Lynx almost missed getting the cereal to her mouth.

  “Wow, Briar,” Lynx said, when I finished. “This is bad.”

  “That’s not all. Afterwards, Angel and I drove straight to that warehouse Dominic owns. You know the one that’s holding the drugged-up supernaturals?”

  “Yes.” Samira’s attention was so focused on me, I thought she might pounce if I breathed too suddenly.

  Luke also watched me closely. All the sex we’d been having made me forget to tell him about the missing Hydes. Maybe my priorities were all messed up. Or were they?

  “They’re gone,” I blurted. “Every last one of them.”

  “Where did they go?” Both Lynx and Luke asked at the same time.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. I told my uncle, and he sent Gerald over to see what happened to the guards he posted. It’s strange.”

  “We must find them,” Samira said.

  I crammed another bite of cereal into my mouth, garnering a look of disapproval from Samira. “Tell me about it.”

  Lynx pushed her bowl away from her. “Could Bodian Dynamics have taken them?”

  “Maybe.” Luke sprinkled more cereal into his bowl.

  I swallowed and looked at Samira. “What did you and Mateo find there?”

  “We weren’t able to see much, but there was a lot of activity for it being the middle of the night.” She hesitated. “I think we need to talk to Cliff again.”

  “Who’s Cliff?” Lynx asked.

  I sighed, not excited about the task. “He’s their night shift manager and was working with Dominic, sort of. He was going to transfer drugs for him, but now I wonder if Dominic wanted him for more.”

  Samira lowered her now-empty mug to the table. “I’ll set up a meeting, but not at Bodian Dynamics. They may have a building full of supernaturals who want to kill us.”

  “Smart.” I nodded. “Do you want Mateo and Angel to come, too?”

  For a fraction of a second, the pa
in and heartache Samaria had been feeling earlier broke through her expression. She quickly masked it. “Yes. They should be there. Maybe even Vincent.”

  “No. He’s the pack Alpha, and a good one. I don’t want to get him involved just yet.”

  “I want to come,” Lynx blurted.

  “No,” Samira and I said at the same time.

  “What? Why?” she asked. “Have you forgotten I can use magic? I can help.”

  Luke wiggled his spoon at Lynx. “I agree with her. Her magic could come in handy.”

  I flashed him a dirty look, then turned to Lynx. “You’re too sweet to get involved in our shit.”

  “We don’t want you to get hurt,” Samira added.

  She flopped back in her chair. “You guys don’t know me at all.”

  Both Samira and I went quiet. Why didn’t I want Lynx to come? Luke was right, she could be helpful. When I’d first met her, I wanted to get her involved, to teach her how to stand up to her mom. But something had happened along the way. When did I turn into a second mother, coddling her and telling her what to do?

  “I think,” I started slowly, swallowing down my food, “that maybe we should let her come.”

  Samira’s brows knitted together. “No.”

  “Why, Sammie?” I folded my arms.

  Lynx copied me. “Yeah, why not?”

  “I told you not to call me Sammie.” Her eyes shifted to Lynx. “What we do is dangerous and using magic the way you do is too taxing on your body.”

  I leaned into Luke’s chest, enjoying his steady heartbeat against my skin. “I call bullshit.”

  “It’s not up for debate.” Samira blinked to the other side of the room, near the entrance to the basement stairs. Everyone jumped at the suddenness of the motion. She rarely used her super speed around us. “I’m calling Cliff to set up a meeting.”

  “You’re deflecting!” I called before she darted away.

  Samira whirled around. “Lynx is the only good thing we have in our lives. Would you like to taint her with your darkness? With mine?”

  I opened my mouth fully intent on disagreeing with her, but I couldn’t.

  “You’re right.” I slumped in my chair and told Lynx, “Sorry, but we can’t let you go.”

  “Let me?” She stared at us incredulously. “How old do you guys think I am?”

  Luke sighed, raking his hand through his hair. He stood and rinsed off our dishes in the sink while Samira disappeared down the stairs to her room. Coward.

  “I’m going to go,” Luke said. “My clothes in the dryer?”

  I nodded.

  “Thanks.” He leaned over and gave me a gentle but sensual kiss. “I’ll be back tonight though, if you want,” he whispered, raising his eyebrows mischievously. I glowed in his affection, nodding a big yes, until I realized something. I frowned.

  I didn’t glow around guys.

  Before he left, he changed back into his clean clothes and grabbed his shoes from my room, and returned to the kitchen. “For what it’s worth, Lynx, I think you should go.”

  “Thanks,” she mumbled, still glaring at me.

  Luke gave me final goodbye before leaving, with a promise to return later. I couldn’t wait.

  “He’s a good guy, you know.”

  I spun around. Lynx’s stare made me want to squirm, but I forced myself to stay relaxed. “You’re only saying that because he agrees with you.”

  “Not true, but he is right. You guys don’t know everything about me, you know.” She grabbed her bowl and spoon and slammed them into the sink.

  “Ohhh, what kind of secrets are you hiding, Lynx?” I winked at her and began to wash her dishes, frowning. How had I turned into the cleaner and Lynx the dramatic one?

  She opened her mouth, then clamped it shut. “None of your business.”

  “I already know you like to drink way more than you claimed.”

  A blush crept up her face, and she turned away from me. “Yeah, that’s totally it.”

  I blew air out my nose. “You know we care for you, right? That’s the only reason we’re trying to keep you safe. You’re like a sister to me, and I can’t tell you how important it is that I protect that relationship.”

  “If I’m the sister, what’s Samira?”

  I glanced back to the empty doorway Samira had disappeared through. “She’s like my pet German Shepherd. Loyal, but sometimes mean as hell.” I paused. “I couldn’t imagine my life without her, either.”

  Lynx snorted.

  I leaned back into the kitchen counter. “So what magic can you do? I remember you can stop time. Have you gotten any better at it?”

  “A little, but only by a few seconds. However, I did learn this recently.” She muttered words I didn’t recognize under her breath and pointed a finger.

  A pen resting on the table in front of us slowly rose into the air. It hovered a few seconds before Lynx flicked her finger to the right. The pen followed the motion and crashed into the wall.


  “Thanks, I—”

  My phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pocket and read the message, groaning.

  “What?” Lynx asked.

  “It’s just from Samira. Couldn’t she walk up here with this information?”

  “What did she say?”

  “We’re meeting Cliff on Wednesday, at Lake Park at nine o’clock at night.” I rested my hand over hers, swallowing hard. “Listen, I know this sucks for you, but just give us some time to come around. We just want to keep you safe.”

  She ground her teeth together. “I’m pretty sure it’s up to me what danger I put myself in, but whatever. I’ll be the support team, the girl who has cookies and warm blood for you when you guys return.”

  I patted her gently. “That’s more like it.”

  She looked at me sharply.

  “I’m kidding! Serious, though. You don’t want to be a part of what we do. It’s messed up and leaves scars on your soul. Samira and I will never live normal lives after what we’ve seen and done. You still have a full life ahead of you. A good one.”

  “Briar’s right,” Samira said, suddenly appearing in the kitchen.

  My eyes widened. “Did you really just say that?”

  She nodded her head slowly.

  “Fine.” Lynx sighed, and her gaze flashed to the grandfather clock. “I can’t believe it’s almost nine. I’ve got a bunch of cleaning to do before I go to bed.” She glanced towards the hallway. “Is the washing machine open?”

  I nodded, and Samira moved towards the front door. “I have things to do. Don’t forget about Wednesday. Be ready on time.”

  I made a face at her. “The breaker of men won’t wait on me?”

  “Shut up,” she said before she disappeared out the front door.

  “You’re not going to let her live that down, are you?” Lynx asked, smiling slightly.

  “Hell no! She gave me gold to work with.” I couldn’t stop grinning, but as I stared after Samira, I wondered what she’d meant that night we’d all gotten drunk, claiming she was the bearer of the Kiss of Eternal Night. It sounded totally badass. I’d have to get her drunk again soon and ask her about it.

  “I’m going to head into Sinsual tonight,” I said.

  I needed to see if Eddie was going to chop my head off for leaving him with the bodies. Or maybe he needed help burying them still. I attempted to swallow the sudden fullness in my throat. I hated thinking about what had happened. “Do you want some help around here first?”

  “No. I think I’m just going to stay in and practice magic. Thanks, though.”

  “You’re getting really good. In no time at all, it will be you leading us into battle.”

  She snorted. “Right.”

  I gave her a sympathetic pat on the back and said goodbye. Lynx was powerful, there was no doubt about it, but Samira was right when she spoke about the darkness we shared. I didn’t know how Samira had gained hers, but I knew about mine, and it had nearly destroye
d me.

  Lynx couldn’t share that same fate. Whatever secrets she claimed to be hiding, I hoped they weren’t as serious as the ones I carried. If so, between us three roommates, we were sitting on a ticking time bomb. And it would only be a matter of time before it exploded.

  Chapter 18

  I pushed my feet against the ground, launching myself into the air. The swing, meant for children, groaned under my weight. It was Wednesday, almost nine at night. The full moon illuminated the empty park. Samira stood not far away, a statue trapped in silvery haze. Luke should be here soon.

  Luke. My heart warmed at the thought of him. He’d slept over the past few nights. I loved falling asleep in his strong arms, and it was nice when the nightmares came. When they came for us both. We were there for each other, through the good and the bad. Luke dealt with a lot of guilt over some of the things he’d done for Dominic the last several years. He’d always justified it knowing one day he’d see his brother again, but now? He felt it was all for nothing.

  But at least we had each other. And I had my friends, the pack, and even a sweet occasional job with a great boss. When I’d gone back the other night and asked about how it went with the police and the bodies, Eddie brushed me off and refused to talk about it. I thought it strange but didn’t push the issue. The word in the pack was that Leroy and Heather had run off together, which no one was surprised about. Apparently, a lot of them knew they’d been dating.

  For once, something was going right in my life and I was determined to keep it that way.

  I scanned the park again as I pumped myself into the air, looking for anything out of place. In the distance, I heard the faint sound of waves lapping at the lakeshore from a slight breeze. Other than that, the night was still, strange for this time of night.

  Lake Park was bigger than I expected, with three different play areas for children surrounding a large lake. A wooden shack had been built next to it filled with kayaks and canoes. I might like to come here in the day sometime. With Luke.

  “Let’s go,” Samira said, breaking the silence.


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