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Page 8

by Brie Paisley

  He jerks my head back, making me lift up, as he claims, “You just couldn’t wait.” The sudden guilt for not obeying him washes through me, and it surprises me. Although I couldn’t help myself, I still feel disappointed that I didn’t wait for his command.

  Using his other hand, he grabs my chin, and then quickly takes my mouth. This kiss is so hard and demanding, and it’s not tame or gentle at all, but I like it. It seems his control is slipping, and I want to see what’ll happen, if it finally snaps.

  I moan out in protest, as he pulls away, and he smirks, before saying, “Don’t worry. Next time, I’ll teach you to have better control over yourself.” My stomach clenches, wondering what he means by that. How do you teach someone not to orgasm?

  I don’t have a chance to really think about that, since he leans up, and I hear crinkling. A second later, I see the condom wrapper on the bed, and suddenly, I’m willing to beg him to hurry up. Yes, I took the edge off with my unexpected orgasm, but I still want more. I want him inside of me, giving me everything.

  With his grip back on my hair, he uses the other hand to guide himself inside of me. And he doesn’t do it quickly either. No, he takes his time, slowly torturing me. “Blyad’, ty chuvstvuyesh' sebya khorosho.” Hearing him speak in Russian, sends a shiver down my spine, and my pussy clenches. “So, you like when I speak Russian then,” he states, sliding all the way inside of me.

  He groans, as I moan, wishing I could use my hips to move against him. The way he has me pinned, it’s nearly impossible to move. He has complete and utter control, not only over me, but physically, too. Having no other option but to allow him to do whatever he wants, I relax, giving him everything.

  It’s easier to give him control than I thought it would be, and I’m rewarded with a hard thrust. It’s so hard that my entire bed shifts. When he pulls back, and then quickly returns, my eyes close, letting the intense pleasure flow through me. God, this feeling is so intoxicating and consuming. Even though he’s slow with his pace, with each thrust, it’s almost punishing.

  It’s everything I need.

  The way I’m lying on the bed, and with the way his thrusts are hitting me so deep, I’m already starting to feel another orgasm, rushing to the surface. Moaning out his name, I suck in a deep breath, as I plead, “Please, let me come again.”

  As soon as the words escape, he stops all movement. Snapping my eyes open, I begin to pant, wishing I could move. The grip on my hair tightens, and the pain only intensifies the feeling of him inside of me.

  “Don’t you dare come,” he harshly says, close to my ear. With a hard thrust, he claims, “I control your orgasms now, Trixie, and you will obey me.” He surges forward once more, and I cry out, loving every bit of his dominance.

  Over and over, he fucks me, and with each of his movements, they seem to become harder and more demanding than before. I would say he’s losing control, but I can’t hear his panting. There is no sound other than a groan from him, so I know he’s got a tight hold over himself. But the harder his fucking becomes, the faster my orgasm threatens to rip through me.

  “Sebastian, I can’t stop,” I mutter, hoping he hears me.

  “Blyad,” he curses, and immediately stops moving.

  The grip on my hair loosens, and then he moves to my neck. With the help of his other hand, he brings me up, so that I’m resting on my knees, but slightly angled forward. The new position gives him a perfect angle to control me even more. One hand stays locked tightly around my neck, as the other explores, making its way up and down the front of my body.

  Turning my head towards him, I realize that he’s still completely clothed. Feeling his shirt in my hands, I suddenly wish it was gone, so I could touch him, too. As his hand roams for a few moments, it finally settles, once he reaches my breasts. I’m still shocked and amazed at how controlled his actions are, while I still feel as if one touch is going to set me off.

  As he cups my right breast, I push back against him, wanting him to move. I can’t seem to help myself, and in turn, Sebastian pinches my nipple hard. “Stop being so greedy.”

  I cry out in protest, as he continues to play with my breasts. Tilting my head towards the wall and away from his face, he uses the moment to kiss my neck. “Allow your body to feel the pleasure,” he claims, and then bites my shoulder.

  I try to do, as he demands, allowing my mind to stop focusing solely on reaching an orgasm. It’s not an easy feat, but I manage it somehow. The second I do, his hand leaves my breast, and then travels down, only stopping once he reaches my overly sensitive clit. “Sebastian,” I moan, as he lightly begins to rub circles on the small bundle of nerves.

  “Feel it, Trixie,” he says huskily in my ear.

  Biting my lip, I feel and relish the sensations he’s making me experience. Just as I start to wonder how long he’s going to deny me what I desperately need, his touch on my clit turns harder and faster. A second later, he pushes deep inside of me, and I have to suck in a deep breath.

  His pace is once again slow, but powerful all at the same time. His grip on my neck holds me in place, unrelenting at the same time. I’m quickly learning that he’ll reward me greatly, if I allow him to fully and utterly take over me.

  So that’s exactly what I do.

  His thrusts are so deep and rough, and his constant rubbing on my clit, sends so much pleasure through me. I’m not sure how I’ll end up surviving so much, but I know this is his way of pushing me. He’s testing me, and how much my body can take, even though my orgasm is coming in fast. Although, I know I’m close to the edge again, I push down the urge to let go. This time I want to hear him tell me to come. This time I want his approval and to hear the pride in his voice, as he gives it.

  “Fuck, you feel so damn good,” he states, as his pace turns frantic. Letting out a moan, I bite the inside of my cheek, as I try to hold back my orgasm. It’s not like he’s making this easy on me either.

  But then, I finally hear the command I so desperately crave.

  “Come, Trixie. Let me feel your pussy, clenching around my cock.” The instant he gives me permission, he thrusts hard and deep inside of me, as he presses down on my clit. The action immediately sends me over the edge, and I fall into the abyss.

  Crying out loudly, my pussy clenches around him, just as he wanted. The rush of pleasure is so intense that I let it consume me. I lose my breath, as he continues to fuck me harder and harder. I don’t care that his powerful thrusts have turned faster, or the fact my clit is so sensitive it’s starting to hurt.

  I never want it to stop.

  Everything he’s doing, only adds to my unrelenting orgasm, and I would be a fool to ask him to stop now.

  So lost in my own ecstasy, I don’t even realize that Sebastian is pushing me down. Now that my chest is back down on the bed, he fucks me like a man crazed with lust. With his hands on my hips, he uses me to reach his orgasm. Hearing his groan, I regret not being able to see him, as he finds his release. However, hearing his panting, and knowing how his pace is slowing down, is pleasure enough for me.

  Once we’ve finally caught our breath, he pulls out, and I let out a moan. Relaxing on the bed, I realize how limp my entire body feels. Sebastian takes that moment to quickly untie my hands, and once they’re free, I roll to my side. Watching him, as he turns to walk towards my bathroom, I shake my head. He’s still fully dressed, and it’s a shame I didn’t get the chance to see him naked.

  Just before he walks into the bathroom, he glances back at me. The second our gazes lock, he smirks, and I think that I just might get another shot at it tonight.

  Glancing down at my phone, I press the floor number in the elevator that’s needed to reach Sebastian’s apartment. As the elevator’s door closes, my stomach fills with butterflies, knowing I’m about to see him again. After our night of passion a few nights ago, I wasn’t sure how things were going to go. I don’t know a thing about a Dom/sub relationship, so I felt sort of lost, after he left that night.

  Although I didn’t see him for a few days, since I’ve been off rotation at work, Sebastian has been texting me frequently. That’s still a shock, but I’m glad I don’t have to worry, if I should reach out first or not. With him, it’s surprisingly easy to pick up the phone and text him. He’s always available to talk, which is a nice change from my previous relationships. Not to mention, I feel comfortable around him. It’s so strange going from not knowing, if I’d ever get a chance with him, and then to this.

  I smile, liking how things are turning out.

  Once the elevator reaches its destination, it pings, and then the doors slowly open. When Sebastian asked me to come over to his place, I’ll admit I was surprised. It’s a good surprise though, and as I exit the elevator, excitement rushes through me. I have no idea what’s in store tonight, and that’s half of the reason why I’m in such a hurry to reach his place.

  Making my way down the hall, I place my phone in my small handbag, and then stop, once I reach his apartment door. Pushing out a nervous breath, I knock on the door. A few moments later, the door opens, revealing the man I’ve been lusting for.

  “Hi,” I sweetly say. It’s amazing how every time I see him, he looks even more handsome than before. It’s also a bit surprising how quickly my entire body seems to wake up, just by staring at him.

  He smirks, as if he knows exactly what’s going through my mind, and I feel my face flame. “Come inside,” he commands, holding the door open for me.

  Walking inside his apartment, my eyes quickly scan everything around me, and I feel his gaze on me. I suspect it’s the dress I’m wearing, but I don’t ask if he likes it or not. With him, I’m learning to let him do or say what he needs too in his own time. It’s funny how quickly I’m catching onto some of his certain traits.

  Sebastian is a man of very few words, so I assumed that his place would reflect that as well. But the more I glance around his place, the more I realize there is so much more to him than I realized. Instead of finding an empty home, without any sort of life, I see so much color. His living room is to my right, and it’s not only filled with expensive, colorful artwork, but there are also pictures of him and his family.

  The kitchen is to my left, and it’s clear it gets used a lot. While the modern look is pleasing to the eyes, I see the older pots and pans, hanging above the kitchen island. There are tons of notes and pictures hanging on his fridge, and the dining area in front of me is so simple, but yet, so elegant at the same time. It’s not over the top at all, and it’s actually perfect. There is a small table, and it’s just enough for a few guests. I never thought Sebastian’s home would feel so inviting and homey.

  Turning around, I find him leaning against the kitchen island, watching me closely. “I like your place.”

  As he crosses his ankles, I suck in a deep breath. Fuck, he’s so hot in a simple black button-down shirt and dark slacks. “Not what you expected, is it?”

  Knowing I’m caught, I smile, and then shake my head. “No, actually I thought … you know what? Never mind.” I’m not sure that he would appreciate what I thought I was walking into.

  His head drops for a second, and then those deep, green eyes are on mine. I swallow, seeing the hunger in his eyes, and my heart begins to race, as he pushes himself off the island, making his way towards me. “You thought my home would be cold, like I am.”

  Clenching my jaw, I don’t dare answer that. It feels like a trap. Unable to leave his gaze, I hold still, as he glances to my lips. “It’s alright, Trixie.” He softly states, as he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. The tenderness is so unexpected, and for a moment, I’m shocked by it. But before I can think about it anymore, he says, “A lot of people assume the same, but I’m far from what most people think I am.”

  “Who are you then?” I whisper. Holding my breath, I wonder if I’ll get an answer.

  We stand still as statues, gazes locked for a while, before we’re interrupted by a beeping sound. “That’ll be our dinner,” Sebastian claims, as if whatever just happened between us was nothing at all.

  Trying to get my heart to slow down, he quickly makes his way over to the stove, and then pulls out something that smells absolutely amazing from it. Following in his footsteps, I peek around his back, as I ask, “What is that?”

  “Lamb and roasted potatoes with fresh green beans,” he answers, as he sets the hot pan on top of the stove.

  My mouth begins to water, as all the flavors of the lamb wash over me, and I suddenly realize how hungry I am. And that’s the very moment, my stomach decides to growl. My eyes widen, as the sound is extremely loud in his small apartment.

  Sebastian’s gaze quickly snaps to mine, and I’m so embarrassed that I can’t even form a sentence. One of his eyebrows raise, as he says, “I’m glad you brought your appetite.”

  It’s so out of character for him, and I can’t stop the laughter from bubbling up. Here I am, utterly embarrassed by my stomach, and he’s trying to make a joke. As I laugh, he continues to stare at me, but I see the corner of his mouth twitching, as if he’s holding back a smile.

  Once my laughter is under control, I glance up, and my breath quickly leaves me. Those intense, green eyes are alive with more than just lust and desire. Want and need shine back at me, and I lick my lips, feeling the sexual tension, becoming stronger between us. At any moment, the thin line that keeps him at a distance is going to snap, and I find myself no longer hungry for food.

  I begin to pant, as his gaze starts to wander down, and it’s like I can feel him touching me. Everywhere his eyes land, it’s like a sweet caress. When those green eyes meet mine again, my entire body tingles with awareness. I can’t seem to look away, even though I know I should. He hasn’t given me permission to look at him so openly, but at the same time, I sense he wants me to. It’s strange that I think I already know what he wants from me, and it’s also confusing, knowing it contradicts my lessons with Kendra.

  But I’m glad I don’t look away, since he fully turns towards me, and then takes a step closer. I ache to reach out and touch him, but I refuse to do so. Instead, I’m rewarded with a heated glance, and a tender touch that starts at my collar bone. His finger slowly slides down into the v of my dress, as does his gaze.

  “I like this dress on you,” he claims in a deep and husky tone.

  It’s a simple, thin strapped cocktail dress that I bought a while back. I’d forgotten about it, since I rarely go out anywhere to wear it. The v is not only in the front, but the back as well. The one in the back is so far down, I can’t wear a bra with it.

  So naturally, I had to wear it tonight.

  Sebastian takes another step towards me, and he’s inches away from me and my mouth. I desperately wish he would lean down and take my lips, but he doesn’t. He holds still, as if he wants me to crave it more than I already do. The longer he denies me, the harder I pant, and the faster my heart races. I’m already soaking wet, and the lust is starting to blur any rational thought from my mind.

  “There is one more thing needed to make tonight’s meal even better,” he says, as his hand travels down to my thigh. His hand slowly begins to move up, taking the bottom of my dress with it. Desire rushes through me, and I can’t seem to think about anything else.

  He drags the moment out, when I know where he’s going. A part of me wants to rush him, but the other part, is curious. “I’m taking these, since you don’t need them anymore,” he states, as he slowly slides my panties down my legs. I step out of them without a command from him, and as soon as I do, he sticks them in his front pocket.

  Sebastian gives me one last heated glance, before backing away. The disappointment must be written on my face, and it’s rightfully so. I’m so ready for him, wishing he would do something more to take the edge off.

  “Tonight’s about control, Trixie.” Sudden realization dawns on me. He did say the next time we were together, he would teach me about control.

  I blankly stare at him, as he turns back towards
our dinner. “Control is needed to reach the greatest pleasure. When you learn to control your urges or your orgasm,” he stops, as he turns around, holding the pan of lamb and potatoes. “The pleasure you’ll receive is exquisite.”

  My mind is reeling, because I can’t fathom why or how anyone can control their own orgasms. But I’m beginning to trust Sebastian fully, and what he says, sounds like it’ll be worth it. “Come. Sit at the table with me.”

  On command, I follow behind him. He quickly sets the food down onto the table, and then pulls out a chair for me. I smile, liking his manners. Once he’s seated to my right, he grabs the white plate in front of me, and then begins to pile food on top. He doesn’t even bother to do the same for himself, until I begin to eat.

  With the first bite, I moan, letting all the flavors of the lamb coat my tongue. I’ve always enjoyed food, but this is by far the best lamb I’ve ever tasted. Glancing over to him, he has humor laced in his gaze.

  “This is delicious. Where did you learn to cook?”

  He pours us both a glass of red wine, as he says, “I learned everything I know from my mama.” He takes a bite of his food, and once he’s done chewing, he adds, “My family owned a butcher’s shop, so we always had the freshest meat. Mama loved to cook, and I was always by her side, learning and helping whenever I could.”

  Hearing about his family warms my heart. It sounds, as if he had a great childhood, and I soak up the information, like a sponge. I want to get to know the man beside me, and not just in a sexual way. A warning starts to go off in the back of my mind, but I push it away, happy to hear him talk. He goes on to talk about learning to cook, and the more he talks, the more the ache between my legs grows.

  Taking a big drink of the wine, it seems odd that hearing him talk about himself would turn me on so much, but I can’t deny what my body is feeling. Not to mention, the absence of my panties is like a blaring red sign. Every time I move or cross my legs, it sends a rush of need throughout my entire body.


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