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Keep Still

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by Janet Gillooly

  Chapter One­ Page One

  The soul is the key to all freedom. How deep the waters go determines the depth of your freedom. It is not a new age remedy but as old as the bible.

  Each step we take towards Jesus with an open mind determines are limitless ability to be ourselves. We can spout prayers out without really listening to Jesus. He alone expands our mind and heart using people, information and talking to us.

  This is not an original concept, but many have no idea what it really means to be close to Jesus. Many tools are available such as the bible, mass and many books. Mine is just one more book , but I hope the message is clear. Jesus is very close to you and me. He is waiting to speak if only we will feel close enough to hear.

  Freedom is speaking the unbelievable and enjoying what the world calls impossible. If you speak of these things you will be seen as crazy, different and beyond the scope. You are delusional and of course you know you have faults so those will come out. The freedom is knowing that you are one with God and keep soul searching.

  Each experience whether sad, joyful or even bizarre waters your soul and you have a base to build on. If this base does not lead to peace than where is your solitary life? Why are you neglecting your soul when this is the heart of who you are?

  Insights lead to truth and before we get to this point time and time again we go through a type of madness. Our minds feel twisted only because we are being challenged to change. It is not the rules we learn but a type of Being that is not sensed in this material

  world. Only few will know and when you meet them in a sense they are destiny and you have been able to confirm your soul.

  Thomas Merton- " When we find our vocation - thought and life are one." Now work no longer interferes with prayer or prayer with work.''

  Suffering is necessary in order to find true peace. This produces wisdom and a closer walk with Christ. No suffering makes a dull child listless. Focusing on the Passion of Christ is a real important part. Instead of just seeing your suffering you now know there is a higher purpose. Thinking of Christ helps you put things in perspective.

  Suffering allows you to understand Christ in of course a very limited way since you are only human, but this is a closer step to the Divine. Suffering bears fruit in you and others. You may think you are fooling others, but what you wish for others or resent about them, even if you do not speak them, these vibes are sent out in to the universe. People know if they are not accepted. A tone of voice can be very cruel to a person.

  The judgment of God is not a myth nor is the devil. Yes, the Lord is merciful, but he is not blind to the truth. Every word we utter, every action and even those we neglect, the memories will be there with us when we pass to the supernatural.

  Suffering can lead to a greater compassion for others or we can be mad at the world. The grace of God is there to teach us to love greater. There is no more important message than to love, knowledge will pass away, but love never dies.

  Peace comes from God. We can freely accept it or reject it. Suffering is sometimes the only way we get a message. Peace does not mean there will not be trouble.

  Tested helps us to reach the pot of gold. We fight a spiritual battle and many do not know this. We fight because we are bruised but not beaten. Some submit when there is no other recourse. Prayer is the key to healing. It is the key to everything.

  Suffering can also be self-inflicted or a certain perspective. We can only change this with God. He does want us to be happy but we are also here to fulfill his purpose. One purpose is to stay close to Jesus and Jet others know of this great journey! Take Jesus away and you are left with a book lacking soul.

  I think it is sad that some people do not even talk to Jesus and some see God as a distant being with no feeling or personal involvement . He is just to them some cosmic cloud. I know there are many who pray to God, but do not talk to Jesus. I think this makes God less real. The more real we make Jesus, the more he draws near. We all may have different ways to view the bible, but we cannot change the life Jesus led. He is real.

  Yes more real than anything we are involved with in this material world. Jesus is the most important element to our sanity. He is true depth.

  Thomas Merton- "When we find our vocation - thought and life are one." Now work no longer interferes with prayer or prayer with work."


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