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Friends Who Lie

Page 16

by Paul J. Teague

  ‘I assumed that you two had ...’ Porter began, ‘I thought that you had ...’

  ‘You thought that we’d slept together last night, didn’t you?’

  ‘Well, I ... um ... well, yes. I mean, he walked out of your apartment in his underwear.’

  ‘Jesus, Porter, what kind of slag do you think I am? I’d just broken up with Matt in the most humiliating way possible. I was looking for a shoulder to cry on, and Wes seemed to fit the bill. I figured that he’s a sensitive soul and all of that. You’d have to be to sing like that, right?’

  Porter nodded, chastened, his face red.

  ‘I’m sorry, I think we all assumed ... well, to be honest with you, I’d kind of forgotten about it all, what with Emmy and Terry. So, how come he was in his underwear?’

  ‘Well, that’s just it. After you left, we had a bit of a heart-to-heart about what happened with Matt and he was really nice. I mean, really nice. He gave me a bit of a cuddle – nothing flirty you understand – and then he played a couple of songs for me on his guitar.’

  ‘Yes, I thought I heard music coming from somewhere. I assumed it was coming from one of the bars. It was just before it all kicked off outside wasn’t it? I was drifting in and out of sleep on my sofa by that time.

  ‘Well, he excused himself to use the bathroom and he was gone for longer than I’d have expected. So long that I went through to the bedroom to get changed for bed. I just assumed that, well, you don’t just go to the bathroom to pee, do you? I was sitting there, just thinking how pleased I was that I’d gone off with him after the row with Matt. He’d really helped to calm me down and make me feel better.’

  Porter poured a second cup of tea for them both, anticipating that they were getting settled in now.

  ‘So what happened?’ he asked.

  ‘Well, I heard the latch go on the toilet and I’m thinking that it’s probably time to call it a night.’

  ‘Well, it must have been late by that time. The others came back in the small hours.’

  ‘It was. And I was tired. When he went to the bathroom, I crashed out for a moment. I was ready for my bed, that’s why I got my PJs and dressing gown on. But he stepped out of the bathroom stark naked. He was just standing there with no clothes on. The confidence of the man!’

  ‘Oh my God, what did you do? What was he thinking?’

  ‘Well, he must have read my vibes all wrong because I wasn’t interested at all. All I could think was how small his dick was in relation to the rest of his body. What a ridiculous thing to think of at a time like that. But it looked really small!’

  ‘What did you say?’

  ‘Well, I was saved by the bell. I was just starting to blurt out something about being very sorry if I’d given off the wrong signals when it all went crazy out in the hallway. And after that ... well, you know what happened, it all got a bit silly until Kasey banged our heads together. But what on earth would make a man who I barely know do something like that? Did he really think I’d go for that?’

  ‘I’m sorry you had to experience that,’ Porter said. It angered him that he’d been just across the corridor. He’d been in the same room as Wes, he’d seen what he was angling for before he took his leave. But he’d assumed that Becky was fine, that she could take care of herself. And what if they hadn’t all been drawn out of their apartments by the commotion in the hallway? Would Becky have been safe with Wes?

  ‘Do you think we ought to mention it to Caitlen?’ Becky asked. ‘I mean, we just took him on trust, didn’t we? He seemed like a nice guy. I’m just wondering if there’s another side to him.’

  ‘I think you’re right, I think we should speak to Caitlen about it tonight. It’s a tricky one to broach because she’s paying the bills and it was she who let him tag along. But I think you’re right, we should tell her and give her the chance to make her own decision.’

  ‘There’s another thing too. Kasey said that Wes had left early this morning so I didn’t get to see him and neither did Kasey.’

  ‘Blimey, Becky, there’s more? You had one heck of a night last night. What else happened?’

  ‘Well, I might be wrong because I was tired. You know, I just crashed out when I got back to the apartment last night. But ... I might have been imagining it. I’ve been asking myself all morning if I led him on in any way, so I’m seriously doubting myself at the moment.’

  ‘What is it? Don’t blame yourself for what Wes did, that’s totally on him.’

  ‘Thank you, Porter, I need to hear that right now. It’s just that ... when he was in the bathroom, I don’t think he was just getting undressed in there. He could have done that much faster. When I went to the bathroom first thing this morning, my phone was in there.’

  ‘Maybe you left it ...’

  ‘No Porter, I’m not sure about a lot of things that happened last night. But I do know I’m not imagining this. He’d been looking at my phone. He’d been going through the photographs. I’d been stupid enough to tell him about something bad that I’d done. I think he was looking for something in particular. I’m sure he has Caitlen’s passwords.’

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Benidorm: June

  ‘I can’t believe it. Brotherhood of Man! What are the chances of them playing here while we’re visiting?’

  Naomi had calmed down considerably. A day lying on the beach, walking around the market stalls, enjoying some soft drinks in the beachfront bars had been exactly what she needed. Rhett was thankful for the respite too. He knew they were in deep shit financially, but it was their deep shit. Caitlen had no obligation to dig them out of their hole. Even if it would have been the most helpful thing she could do.

  It was a long time since he and Naomi had just chilled. It felt good to park their problems and enjoy the sunshine and relaxed atmosphere.

  ‘It’s very cloak and dagger, Kasey keeping us all apart like this though. I mean, we could have shared a minibus and saved some cash. It’s a bit wasteful coming up here in dribs and drabs.’

  ‘It’s the best thing if you ask me. I’m going to apologise to Cait. I’ve been a cow. Kasey did the right thing, giving us time to think things over.’

  The plan had been made and Kasey had played a blinder. He’d arranged a meal at Benidorm Palace and there was entertainment laid on afterwards. They’d all have to behave in public and they were under strict instructions to be civil with each other. After a day away spent apart, they’d had plenty of time to do some thinking.

  It was like a military operation, but there was no messing with Kasey, he had the whole thing planned. He’d booked the taxis and figured out who would be arriving and when. He’d paid for everything out of his own pocket. Caitlen had been grateful for that, it was a thoughtful gesture.

  First to arrive were Caitlen, Harriet, Matt and Gina. Their trepidation at the forthcoming awkwardness was immediately tempered by the sight of the venue.

  ‘Wow! Benidorm Palace, just look at it! It’s all sparkly and showbiz, I love it!’

  Caitlen had never been to a place like it before, it was a cross between Las Vegas glitz and a bingo hall. There were posters, mirrors and bright lights everywhere. The main hall was lined with dining tables all positioned around a huge stage. There were bars at either side and smartly dressed serving staff whizzed along the aisles, darting between the tables and serving food to the assembled crowd.

  There was an excited hubbub and many people had dressed up for a good night out. A waiter showed them to their table. They’d pushed the smaller tables together so that they could sit in a group, and Kasey had paid for Prosecco bottles to be placed in ice buckets as a greeting when they arrived.

  ‘Did you see how that waiter was looking at you?’ Harriet said, looking at Matt.

  ‘Well he does look like he’s been three rounds in a boxing match!’ Caitlen teased.

  Matt was still worse for wear after the trials of the previous night, but he and Harriet had worked through their difficult conversation alrea
dy. He was wrong, he should never have taken refuge in Becky’s arms after their break-up and he owed her a huge apology. She’d get it too, no reservations. But he and Harriet were staying together. They’d keep it cool at first, he’d respect what she’d told him about her past. It felt just like it should have been, Matt and Harriet, back in their rightful positions.

  Naomi and Rhett, accompanied by Porter and Wes, were next to turn up. Caitlen noticed how Kasey had carefully staggered the seriousness of the disagreements. She and Naomi were first to deal with their awkwardness, Kasey was giving her a dry run before Terry arrived. The next taxi was the one that could really make or break the evening. It was a powder keg on four wheels – Terry, Emmy and Becky. Kasey would travel with them too, just to make sure things remained civil and controlled for as long as possible.

  Naomi rushed directly up to Caitlen and – without saying a word – pulled her in close and began to cry.

  ‘I’m so sorry, Cait, I said some horrible things. I really didn’t mean them.’

  Caitlen cried too, relieved that this would just pass over as another sisterly spat. It was a bad one mind, and there were wounds to be healed. But Caitlen knew that so long as they were still talking, they’d work it out, just like they always had.

  ‘I need to tell you something, Cait,’ Naomi said, when she finally pulled herself away from her sister. ‘I haven’t been honest with you. Rhett and I are in trouble. It’s why I’ve been such a cow about your money. Let’s not do it now, but we need to talk. This evening if we can, I don’t want to hide this any longer.’

  ‘We will, we’ve got the whole night ahead of us. Just let me get Terry out the way first, I just want to make sure that we can be civil together.’

  Rhett gave Naomi a kiss on the cheek and put his arm around her waist, steering her towards the table. Porter was hovering close by, anxious to get a word in. He was about to sidle up to Caitlen when her attention turned completely. The final party had entered the room and were making their way along the aisle, with Kasey leading the way.

  ‘Here we go!’ Caitlen muttered under her breath. They’d all had time to think about it. They’d played it through in their minds several times that day. Caitlen made straight for Terry, took his hand and suggested that they go and talk at the bar.

  Porter, who had now forgotten what he wanted to say to Caitlen, was looking at Emmy, seeking a clear signal as to how it was going to play out. They sat at an empty table to the side of the main group table and began to talk.

  Becky was initially more concerned about Matt’s bruises than she was thrashing out their differences. She was terse with Harriet – that was only to be expected – but they were civil with each other, at least. Matt suggested that they take a walk outside, away from the others.

  Kasey dismissed the waitress, requesting an extra half hour before they ordered food.

  ‘We’ll just get drinks in for now, and start on the Prosecco,’ he’d said, surveying who was left of the group.

  Harriet, Gina, Wes, Rhett and Naomi. He did a quick run-through in his head. As far as he was aware, there were no ongoing tensions between this small group, they ought to be safe for an enjoyable twenty minutes or so before the others started coming back.

  He pulled up a chair next to Wes, just as Gina came over to join them.

  ‘Good evening, Wes, nice to see you still here. No guitar this evening, I see. Not planning to go up on stage and steal the show from Brotherhood of Man then?’

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Benidorm: June

  When Caitlen woke the next morning, it took her a little while to recall the events of the night before.

  It had been a good night, she remembered that much. She’d actually felt some sympathy for Terry in the end. They were both as much to blame. And he was no worse than her, she had slept with Luke after all. In spite of what she’d told herself, when push came to shove, it really didn’t make that much difference if she’d cheated once or a hundred times. The simple truth was, neither of them was happy in the relationship and they hadn’t been for some time. The money was just the thing that rocked the boat. And they both agreed that it needed rocking.

  ‘We should have ended it ages ago, Terry. It was fun for a while, but it never should have carried on. We’re both to blame for that. I hope things work out with Emmy, really, I do.’

  Terry was unusually subdued, like he had things on his mind. There were no wisecracks, no attempts to gloss over what was going on. Caitlen wondered if he had hidden depths. She doubted it, this was no time to be romanticising Terry.

  ‘What about the money?’ Terry asked.

  ‘What about it?’ Caitlen replied. She’d thought they’d got through the worst of that night, but maybe there was more to come.

  ‘I had this in my pocket. It’s yours isn’t it?’

  Terry was holding her USB drive.

  ‘Oh thank God, Terry, how did you find that?’

  ‘I was going to throw it away, it had got mixed up in the clothes that were on the floor when ... well, you know. When you walked in on me and Emmy.’

  ‘I thought I’d lost it! I can’t tell how pleased I am that you’ve found it. Gina and I were going spare trying to work out where it was.’

  She took the USB drive, placed it in her pocket and gave Terry a huge hug.

  ‘Looks like somebody has made up!’ Kasey observed as Caitlen and Terry returned to the table.

  ‘Look what Terry had!’ Caitlen said, mainly to Gina. ‘He had the USB drive. It had got mixed up with his clothes last night. He’s had it in his pocket all day, no wonder we couldn’t find it!’

  ‘You’d best keep it safe from now on,’ Kasey scolded.

  ‘Well it was in my bra until last night. It’s staying in my pocket now, at all times. Gina, let’s get it safely stored in one of those secure mailboxes tomorrow, I can’t take the strain of carrying it around with me.’

  Caitlen looked over at her bedside table. She had to think things through again. Where was she? Gina’s apartment, they’d made up the spare room, that’s why she didn’t recognise it.

  All things considered, the night had gone as well as could be expected. Porter and Emmy had as good as come to the same conclusion as she and Terry. Neither of them was happy in their marriage, it was time to move on. Things were tense, understandably, but life would continue. They’d get to the end of the holiday and try to figure things out. It was an opportunity for change.

  Matt and Becky were last to rejoin the main group. Becky looked fraught and upset, but they had clearly managed to make their peace. She even managed an uncomfortable and awkward hug with Harriet.

  ‘It’s as good as we’re going to get,’ Kasey had whispered to Caitlen. ‘I think we might just get through this evening without any murders.’

  Caitlen replayed the rest of the night in her head. Damn the metal shutters on Gina’s apartment windows, it made the room so dark. Caitlen couldn’t tell if it was an only hour after she’d gone to bed or if she’d been sleeping for the past two days. She hadn’t a clue what time of day it was.

  She thought back to the meal. The food had been good, and when Brotherhood of Man had come on stage the whole room had gone wild and they’d had an amazing time enjoying all of the hits from the 70s. So why did she still have an uneasy feeling about the night before?

  There were some strange things going on, that’s probably why. Wes looked like he’d got food poisoning, the easy charm had left him and he seemed uncomfortable and agitated. She’d seen both Porter and Becky having words with him, but the music was so loud, she couldn’t catch what they were saying. She’d had a brief conversation with Wes – he seemed very interested in her bitcoin story – but it wasn’t long until Gina intervened and encouraged him to move on.

  Terry and Kasey too, disappeared while the band was on. Harriet was involved somehow, but she didn’t go with them. She was urging Kasey to do something or other, but she stayed with Matt, claiming her territory as if
she didn’t quite believe that Becky was off the scene.

  Naomi appeared to have something weighing on her mind as well, but she was too fast with the Prosecco and tipsy before they’d even finished the meal. It had been a strange evening. All of their issues were supposed to have been tackled, yet she had a lingering feeling that there was still unfinished business.

  Caitlen’s phone began to vibrate. She switched on the light at the side of the table. Why had she set the alarm so early? She searched her brain, wondering why on earth she’d even set it in the first place. Then she remembered. That was the other part of her conversation with Wes. He’d asked her if she wanted to take the walk up to Benidorm Cross the next morning. Everybody had been talking about it at some point during the holiday. She’d been a bit tipsy herself at the time, but had agreed to meet him up there after his run. To hell with it, the night had gone well, she was still feeling a bit groggy. A walk up to Benidorm Cross to meet up with Wes was just the thing she needed to clear her head.


  Benidorm: July

  ‘I’d forgotten what a climb this is,’ Caitlen laughed. ‘I must have been half-drunk still when I came up the first time.’

  She stopped and Gina followed her cue. She took Caitlen’s hand and squeezed it.

  ‘It’s okay, it’s going to take some time before you get used to it. A lot has happened in the past month. Your life has taken a complete turn.’

  ‘I’m just thinking, I came up here that first time ... I hadn’t any idea the body was there. It was just in front of me in the bushes. I honestly had no idea. I’m just thinking of him lying there ...’

  ‘Are you sure you still want to do this? We can go back down if you want to?’

  ‘No, I want to do it. I need to get up there again. If I’m going to be buying a villa out here, I need to get over it. I’m not to blame for any of this. I’d rather it hadn’t happened like it did but ... well, he was playing with fire.’


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