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Fire Bound Protectors Box Set

Page 6

by Haley Weir

  Chapter 7

  Claire ate the plate of eggs that Corey had made for her with relish. They were so good, and she couldn’t remember the last time she had home cooked food. Corey had doted on her all morning. Every time she turned around, he was right behind her. At first, she thought it was Drake who had set him to this task. Then, she slowly began to realize it was simply his nature. Corey liked helping other people. When Claire took a shower in Drake’s room, she found the bed freshly made, and a brand-new bathrobe laid out on the bed. There was also a note explaining that he had taken her clothes to be laundered.

  Claire found Corey in the kitchen later that day. She found herself enjoying his company. During breakfast, she tried to think of things to say, but he sensed she had questions. He talked about the house and the inhabitants, providing a little bit of their history. He spoke so fondly of them. It made Claire wonder if she was being fair when she judged them earlier that day. . She was the stranger here, and instead of coming off as grateful for their protection, she acted closed off and reserved. At her worst, she was rude and openly hostile. “Hi Corey,” she greeted him.

  “Hello, Claire.”

  “I looked for you. You didn’t need to take my laundry,” she said.

  “It was my pleasure.”

  “Well, thank you either way. This house is enormous!”

  “Did you have the opportunity to explore a bit?” he asked.

  “I did. I found some private rooms, and I apologize if I was intrusive. I won’t go in them again,” Claire admitted.

  “Not to worry, Claire. The lords are not home, and it will be our little secret.”

  “The one thing I don’t quite understand: why are all the windows shut up and the curtains drawn? There must be some fantastic views.”

  “Oh, there are. The kitchen is subterranean, and acts as a bunker in case of emergencies. The rest of the house overlooks Hudson river and Hudson Valley. It is stunning, but with the house on lockdown, no unauthorized personnel comes in or out.”

  “I assume I’m not authorized to leave the house?” Claire asked wryly.

  “No, I am afraid not. My lord Drakkain would be most displeased if you were to leave. He has a sense of responsibility for you.”

  “I don’t need a man to take care of me, Corey,” she spat.

  “I never thought for a moment you did, Claire. But you do need a dragon to fend off a Serpentina. Perhaps it will be easier to accept if you look at it that way,” he explained.

  “Perhaps. Drakkain is Drake’s full name?”

  “Yes, dragons don’t use first and last names. There name is what it is. They are known by reputation of their ferocity, traits and skills.” Claire blushed. She certainly wouldn’t forget Drake’s skills. It made sense just thinking his name. It affected her on a visceral level. She shook her head, clearing her thoughts and blushing further when she made eye contact with Corey.

  “Won’t the Serpentina just burn the house down if they know the warriors are here?”

  “That is where my Lord is clever. The first time that happened, they rebuilt the house. The second time it happened, they rebuilt the house of stone. Mind you, stone does not always protect from flame.It slowly began to crumble. The third time, however, Lord Drakkain rebuilt the house with fire-retardant materials. So far, it has held up against attacks from the Serpentina.”

  “Clever Drake. Always learning from the mistakes of historical events.”

  “Which is why he makes a good teacher and leader of the newer dragons, and I daresay the students of the University of New York?” Corey’s eyebrow lifted as he set a hot panini in front of her. .

  “Perhaps. There’s still a lot we need to work through.”

  “There is plenty of time for that,” he assured her.

  “Are you sure? Last time I checked, I’m still human and that comes with an expiration date, unlike him,” she sulked.

  “You think the flaming heart of a dragon concerns itself with the confines of conventional time? Sure, you will grow old. You will wrinkle and someday return to the earth, but a dragon’s love is eternal, Claire. Respect that more than any preconceived notions you have about vanity.”

  Claire lowered the panini, stunned. “I meant no offense.”

  “I know you didn’t,” he said. “You, like most humans, only know what folklore tells you about dragons. But they are deeply complex beings that we cannot hope to understand. I think if there is one thing you learn in your stay here, it will be to appreciate and respect that, even if you don’t understand it.”

  Claire nodded. “Corey, how did you start working here?” she asked. She hoped the question wasn’t too personal, but he smiled in response..

  “I was caught in the crossfire of a fight between the Serpentina and Lord Drakkain and his warriors. I was badly burned. The Lords brought me here and nursed me back to health. I have been a permanent fixture since, serving their needs in gratitude for the life they restored me to.”

  “That’s incredible,” Claire breathed. She really had misjudged them...all of them. She couldn’t wait for them to come back so she could apologize, explain, and ask for a do-over.

  “They are incredible,” Corey agreed. Before she could express how she felt to Corey, the door to the back entrance burst open. Arrlien and Scyros dragged Drake inside. Cryliane followed, securing the door behind him. They were covered in blood, and looked grim as they strode through the kitchen. Corey jumped into action, running in front of them to open doors and call the elevator so they could take him upstairs.

  Claire chased after them asking, “what happened? Is he going to be alright? Does he need a doctor?”

  Crylaine had to wait for the elevator which took a few moments to arrive. He didn’t say anything at first, and Claire had to stand in front of the door to get his attention.

  “Answer me!” she demanded.

  “Do you care?” he asked gruffly, and Claire flinched.

  “Of course I care.”

  “You didn’t really give us that impression this morning.”

  “I’m so sorry. I’ve been waiting all morning for a chance to say that. It has all been so much to comprehend. I hope you can understand that,” she answered.

  “Yes, I suppose I can. He will be fine. He lost a lot of blood, and received some extensive burns. But his heart is intact, so there is no risk of death. He’s just passed out.”

  Claire felt relief flood her followed by unease still. “The burns and the cuts, will he heal?”

  “Do you ask because you will be afraid to look at him if he has scars?” he asked sharply.

  “No. Contrary to the impression I left this morning, I’m not a shallow person. I only ask because I wondered if there is anything I can do to help take care of him.”

  Crylaine blinked a few times and then smiled a little. “Honor him. Be there when he wakes up. After that, whatever you decide is between the two of you. He will keep to his word and take you back to the city, but he needs to see you there when he awakens.”

  “Did you kill the Serpentina?”

  “This blood is not my own,” he gestured down to himself. Claire had a hard time looking at it. It looked like he was wearing a second skin made of red paint. All of the warriors were naked when they walked in, so Claire didn’t look too much. “I will be there for him when he wakes up.” Crylaine placed a hand over his heart and gestured to the elevator behind him. The doors slid open and she entered the lift. When she stepped off the elevator, she practically ran into Drake’s room.

  He was clean, and his brothers stood around his bed. Claire hated seeing how pale he was. “I’ll stay with him if you want to go shower off,” she offered. At first, she thought the offer fell on deaf ears, but finally, Crylaine gestured. They placed their hands over their chests in the same gesture of respect, and filed out of the room past her. She felt the tension in the room ease.

  Claire tiptoed over to the edge of the bed. As if on cue, his eyes fluttered open and he stared up
at her. Claire bent over the bed and watched Drake as his eyes followed her movements. Whatever looked back at her was not Drake, the suave and charismatic professor. This was a beast in the body of a man, and he was assessing if she was a threat. She moved very slowly and cautiously as she bent over and kissed his temple, just as he had done for her that morning. Claire saw a tremor run through his body, and she heard a low grumble in his throat. Suddenly, the combination of the two hit her senses like a battering ram. She was inexplicably aroused and ready for him.

  On some unexplained level, Claire understood how she was going to get his blood pumping again. She slowly untied the strings to her bathrobe, and let the two halves fall apart. She was naked underneath. Although Drake made no move to touch her, he clearly appreciated the sight of her body. Claire bent over him once more and kissed his temple, moving her lips down his cheek and to his lips. She cupped his jaw in her hand and kissed him softly at first, then more demanding. When his lips parted, she slipped her tongue into his mouth and darted it in and out.

  Claire heard the groans coming from Drake, but he still didn’t move. She wondered if he was too weak, and if she should stop. But she found she didn’t want wasn’t going to kill him, after all. Claire slipped her tongue from between Drake’s lips and slowly kissed down over his jaw. She was very careful not to let any part of her touch his tender wounds. She could see the scarlet lines where talons had ripped into his back, and was cautious not to touch those as well.

  Claire let her kisses trail over his chest, and flicked a nipple with her tongue, then traveled to the other to give it the same treatment. She worked her tongue and alternated it with little bites along his sternum, and moved down his abdomen. She nipped the soft flesh under his belly button, and finally allowed herself to peak at his cock. Blood loss or not, he was having no issue sporting an erection. When she nipped the skin, his cock twitched where it lay against his belly, hard and ready.

  Claire took the length of him in her palm and relished the feeling. His skin was soft, and she could feel the veins pumping away, making him harder as she began to stroke up and down. Claire bent her head and kissed the tip of him, and his whole body went rigid. That was nothing compared to his reaction when she finally took him in her mouth. His body jerked on the bed and he tried to sit up, but she put a hand on his chest and pushed him back down. He remained propped up on his forearms, watching her as her head bobbed up and down.

  Claire alternated the pressure from her jaw and the seal of her lips, swirling her tongue around the tip of him. His cock twitched in her hand as she licked. She looked up into his eyes, and they were still lit with flames as his breathing grew ragged. Claire knew his resolve was about to snap, and he was going to pull her onto the bed and pin her under him. His hands clenched the sheets under him, and she saw the pressure increase with every lick and stroke. When he let go, so did she. Claire climbed up onto the bed and straddled his hips. She didn’t want him to over exert himself and run the risk of re-opening his wounds.

  She looked down at him and bit her lip, and started rubbing his cock back and forth between her legs. That was enough to send her over the edge, but she wanted this to last a little longer. But she wasn’t sure how much longer he was going to be able to hold out. His jaw was clenched so tight she thought she heard it crack a couple of times.

  Claire slowly eased herself down the length of him. She pressed one of her hands to her belly and watched as she sank down further and further on him. He was transfixed by the sight of it, still not saying anything. Claire felt like she was so completely filled up that she might burst. It took her a moment to find her balance, and Drake held up his hands so she could use them as leverage. She was able to find a steady rhythm moving up and down on him, without the threat of tipping over. Claire could feel the sway of her breasts as she rode him, up and down, harder, faster. She had the strangest feeling like she might not have wings, she might not shift into a dragon, but he was teaching her to fly. She could feel it in the aching wetness between her thighs. The pressure was building again as it had that morning. It was building higher and higher until she finally burst and fell forward on his chest. She lay with his arms wrapped around her back, a quivering mess from the orgasm.

  Drake let her go and Claire could feel the reluctance in his arms. She wasn’t sure what to do. He hadn’t come with her. When she climbed off him, looked down the length of his body. His cock was still glistening wet from her and she searched his face. Only then did he move, and he was swift, taking her by the waist and slowly turning her over. Claire was on her hands and knees with him behind her and when she felt the pressure as he entered her again, she gasped. The feel of him was entirely different from this angle. He was rubbing up against the muscles that were still spasming from her first orgasm, and he quickly built up a tempo that had her on the brink of another. She could feel that he was close, too.He reached forward, grasping her under her arms and pulling her into a position so that she was on her knees facing away from him. He cupped her breasts, then massaged and teased her nipples. With the pressure of his cock inside her, it was only a few strokes in this position until she lost it again. This time, he lost it with her.

  “Claire!” he shouted. That was the first word either of them had spoken. and

  They collapsed on the bed together. They laid tangled up in one another, and she couldn’t prevent herself from drifting off to sleep. There were important questions she needed to ask him, but they would have to wait until later. Claire found blissful peace in the aftermath of their lovemaking. Instead of fighting it, she finally permitted herself to succumb.

  Chapter 8

  Drake watched as Claire tried to fight sleep. He smiled satisfactorily when she finally submitted, and her eyes fluttered closed for the last time. Her breathing became regular and slowed. He could feel the thump of her heartbeat where his hand was entwined with hers and pressed against her chest. He felt like he was her security blanket, and when she woke up, she would have nothing to fear. It was more than likely she would throw another alarm clock at his head, but he would take her, fiery temper and all. He liked her temper, it was what blazed in her soul. He caught a glimpse of it when she was on top of him, riding him like he rode the wind currents in the night sky.

  He wanted to tell her so many things in that moment, but with her head back and her body moving, he didn’t want to break that rhythm and send her spiraling out of control in her flight. He could understand where her headspace was at that moment, because he felt it so many times himself. He cherished it, and now he could share it with her.

  He had been her anchor when she took off, and he was damn sure going to be right there when she woke up and be her anchor again. One of the things he loved the most was the way she found balance in holding his hands to keep her upright. He loved knowing he had been her equilibrium in a world that had gone topsy turvy on her. Drake found himself getting hard again just thinking about it. He was loath to leave her and go see his warriors, but he needed to check in. Drake carefully slipped from under the covers, and before he left to get ready, he looked down at her. She was gorgeous, sleeping in his huge bed. He wanted so badly to jump back in with her. He padded over to his dresser and pulled out a fresh pair of pants. Sure enough, Corey left her freshly laundered clothes outside the door, so he put them on the table beside the bed for her. He bent and kissed her forehead.

  Satisfied that everything was in order, he closed the door behind him and went in search of his brothers. He found Arrlien, Scyros, and Crylaine in a large living room, watching the news. When he entered, they looked relieved. He strode over to the armchair and sat down next to them. Corey entered the room and offered him some food. He was starved, and there was nothing like freshly cooked lamb chops to abate his hunger and replenish his body.

  “Anything on the news?” he asked.

  “There are reports of seismic activity in the Hudson Valley area, but nothing about battling dragons.” Crylaine bit into a lamb chop
after answering him.

  “Thank the stars for that. What happened after I passed out?”

  “Arrlien and Scyros shifted along with you and dragged you out of the cave. They dog-paddled down the river until they reached the SUV and got you into the back. I dismembered the Serpentina and weighed her down with rocks. There was a cave in from the damage inflicted from the two of you smashing around, but it’s for the best because it covered up the blood evidence.”

  “ No one was hurt? You are all okay?” There were collective nods and Crylaine answered again.

  “We are well and pleased to see you’ve healed so quickly.” Drake was glad to hear it, but there was still the risk that the Serpentina would come after them, which was why he made the decision he did next.

  “We are all moving to the city. The entire household. Hudson House is to be shut down for a while, until the Serpentina are eradicated. We will have to travel to meet them in battle, so the humans don’t find us out, but we can’t risk staying here anymore. Corey, you will accompany us as well. Find us a single dwelling to purchase so that there is room for us all. Be discreet with the purchase so the Serpentina can’t easily track us.”

  The threat was abated for now, at least until nightfall. That was only a few hours away, but if the Serpentina didn’t hear from their fallen by tomorrow night, they would come looking for her.

  “I already have a few dwellings here on my Lord.” Corey held out his tablet and Drake nodded to them. Any of them would do.

  “Crylaine, Arrlien, you will fly with me tonight with Claire to reach the city. Scyros, you will keep safe Corey and drive the SUV to the new house. How soon can we purchase this house, Corey?”

  “A couple of hours, my Lord. I can push it through quickly for an additional fee to the seller and the sales brokers and we will have it by nightfall. In the meantime, I will load up the SUV.”


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