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Hibiscus Page 3

by Sarah Pond

  Lea loved that Rachel was coming into the cafe every day. Whenever Rachel arrived at the cafe, she could feel her smile growing wider. She was drawn to Rachel in a way that she couldn't really explain. She couldn't deny to herself the physical attraction, but it was more than that. There was a childlike innocence and freedom about Rachel that she often didn't see in other people. She also had a sense that Rachel seemed like a bird that had flown too far from its nest, and wasn't sure whether to build a new one, or find its way home.

  On Thursday morning, as Lea took over Rachel's tea, her hand had brushed Rachel's, and she had looked up at Lea with wide eyes. For a moment, Lea thought she had seen something in that look, but she wasn't sure. Maybe it was just wishful thinking.


  Rachel had arranged to meet Lea on Friday morning at Cawsand beach, near to where the boats departed. It was another beautiful sunny day, and with no breeze, it felt hotter than the previous day. Rachel hadn't been sure what to wear, and plumped for cropped jeans, a white tank top and her favourite pink sweatshirt for the boat trip, along with her navy Converse pumps. Rachel had already bought the boat tickets for them, as she wanted to thank Lea for dinner on Sunday night. She turned around to see Lea heading towards her, smiling and waving. She was wearing washed out jean shorts, which were cut short and frayed at the edges, a pale blue t shirt under an open white shirt, and faded pink canvas shoes. Rachel thought how relaxed she looked, so much a part of this place. She suddenly had a yearning, although she didn't know what for.

  Rachel waved back at Lea, and as she approached, Rachel had a feeling of being really grateful to have met Lea and be able to share the day with her. She felt her eyes start to well up, and this surprised her. 'Hi, what a lovely morning!' Lea was beaming.

  'Yes it is. I'm really looking forward this. I've got the tickets.'

  'Great, I've got the picnic, let's go!'

  As the boat neared the shore, the ramp was wheeled forward to connect with the boat. Rachel and Lea stood back to let the other passengers board, then climbed up themselves. The sea was calm, with just a gentle lapping of water at the sides of the small boat. It was a typical tourist boat, with bench seating down the sides and across the back, with a covered area in the middle. It would probably hold about twelve people. Today there were four other passengers, and the captain welcomed them on board. He greeted Lea by name, and she introduced Rachel. It was about a twenty minute trip across the bay, and as the boat chugged into life, and was cast off, the breeze blew Rachel's hair back as they sped over the water. She watched the houses and shops getting smaller as they ventured further out. It seemed like no time at all, and they had reached the other side of the bay. They thanked John, the captain, and confirmed the return time of the boat home. 'Have a good day, ladies!'

  Lea got off of the boat first, and held her hand out towards Rachel to help her off the boat. As Rachel took Lea's hand, she had a feeling of deja vu.

  Lea led the way, and Rachel followed alongside her. At times the path was very narrow and undulating, as it followed the coastline. The scenery was stunning, with hills and craggy rocks jutting out over the blue green sea, which twinkled as the sun lit its surface like a million fairy lights. After about an hour, they dropped down slightly, towards a quiet cove. Rachel stopped and drew a breath, 'Oh, it's beautiful. It looks untouched. I think I may be in paradise.'

  Lea stood watching Rachel's reaction, and smiled at her, a warm feeling rising through her chest. 'I'm glad you like it, it's my favourite place in the world. I've always called it Mermaid Cove. I don't remember its real name, but it feels magical to me. No matter what's going on, when I come here, I feel complete again.'

  Rachel looked at Lea, her wistful words had stirred her, and she again felt her eyes welling up. What's going on with me, she thought, I'm not usually so sentimental.

  Lea noticed Rachel turn away and wipe her eyes. 'I thought we could picnic here. We can relax, have a swim. How does that sound?'

  Rachel looked at Lea, 'Perfect. It sounds perfect.'

  Perfect was exactly what Lea was thinking, and she felt such a longing. Taking off their backpacks, they set them down on the beach. 'First, I'm going for a swim.' Lea took off her shoes and her clothes, revealing her bikini underneath. She walked into the water, the cool drops splashing against her legs, then as it reached her waist, she dove in and swam. She turned towards the cove, 'Come on in, it's lovely!'

  Rachel checked her bag. 'Shit, I can't find my swimming costume.' She thought that she had everything she needed. There was her beach towel, hat and sun lotion, everything except her costume. Then she remembered her costume laying on the bed, she had meant to put it on under her clothes.

  'It doesn't matter, swim in your undies! You'll dry off before we need to go home.'

  Rachel thought, why not, there's no one around to see me. She took off her sweatshirt and tank top, then her crops. As Rachel walked to the edge of the water, Lea couldn't help watching her. She felt like a teenager again, having her first crush.

  As Rachel put her toes into the water, she exclaimed, 'Shit, it's freezing!'

  Lea laughed, 'Once you're in, you'll warm up. Come on!'

  Rachel gradually edged in, gasping and swearing as she went. Lea said that it was best to go straight in, and get it over with. Rachel braced herself, and ducked down up to her shoulders. The cold water took her breath away, and she gasped again, letting out a couple more expletives. Lea burst into fits of giggles. Rachel's teeth were chattering. 'It's alright for you, I guess you were practically born in the water, living here, like a mermaid.'

  'You just need to start swimming, then you'll warm up.'

  Rachel knew that standing still wasn't going to help, and she began to swim. It was true, the water did seem to be warming up a bit now. It was so peaceful here, and it felt as though they were the only two people in the world. Rachel could certainly see why Lea loved it here. If it wasn't for Lea, Rachel would never have seen the cove. She had missed having someone to share experiences with. She had enjoyed the walk today, sometimes chatting, at other times quietly walking alongside each other. Yes, Rachel thought that she would love to be in a relationship again. When she was back in London, maybe she could go out socialising with Lisa. Lisa seemed to know loads of people, and she was always going off to parties and gatherings. Rachel was never going to meet someone if all she did was work.

  After swimming for a while, Rachel decided to go and lay on the sand, thinking that it would be warmer on the sheltered beach. There were big rocks and long grasses around the cove, offering protection. Rachel headed back to the shore, and walked over to her towel, wrapping it around her shoulders. She was shivering slightly as Lea walked up the beach to join her. 'Oh, you poor thing, are you that cold?' Lea rubbed Rachel's shoulders through the towel. They were almost nose to nose, and Lea said, 'There, is that better?'

  'Yes. Thank you.' Rachel looked up at Lea, and was feeling rather warmer now, her cheeks flushed.

  Lea could feel the warmth from Rachel, and smiled. 'Any time.'

  After chatting for a while, Lea suggested that they have some lunch. They sat on the check blanket that Lea had brought, and tucked into sandwiches, crisps, salad and fruit. 'This reminds me of picnics I used to have with Mum, Dad and Katy. When we were kids, Dad would drive us off for a day in the countryside. We would play catch and football, and have a picnic on a rug, just like this.'

  Lea was listening to Rachel, her head on one side. 'That sounds lovely.'

  'It was. It seems such a long time ago, now. Well, I guess it was, the last time was probably about seventeen years ago. I would have been thirteen, and Katy was fifteen, and doing her stroppy teenager thing.'

  'Do you see much of Katy these days?'

  'Not really. She's married and has her own life and friends. I just don't seem to have time to catch up with anyone. She does come into town to meet me for lunch now and again. I must get in touch with her when I get home.'

; Once they had finished the picnic, Rachel sat back, her hands behind her in the soft sand. 'That was delicious, thank you. You keep feeding me, how about I treat you to dinner this evening as a thank you?'

  Lea looked delighted, 'I would love that, thank you.'

  Looking around, Rachel said, 'It really is perfect here, your Mermaid Cove. You know, in ancient times the sailors reported seeing mermaids, sirens of the sea. But now people think it was probably manatees.'

  Lea responded, 'Possibly true, but not nearly as romantic.'

  Rachel was idly making patterns in the sand with her index finger. Then she turned to look at Lea, 'Would you say that you're a romantic person?'

  'Yes, I think I probably am. I like romance, the grand gesture. I love being in love. How about you?'

  Rachel looked down, and brushed her fingers over the pattern that she had made, smoothing it away. 'I'm more practical, than romantic. That's how I ended up single again after four years. I got so caught up working, I let everything else go.'

  She looked sad and thoughtful, and again Lea was reminded of a lost bird. She wanted to hug Rachel, but instead turned to look out to sea. 'You'll find the person you're meant to be with. If it's right, it will work out next time.'

  Rachel turned to Lea, looking at her profile while she looked across the water. 'How about you, is there someone you're meant to be with?'

  Lea turned suddenly to look at Rachel, her blue eyes misted over, and turned her head away again. Rachel noticed her blush. Lea's voice was soft and unsteady, 'Don't ask me that.'

  In the few days that Rachel had known Lea, she had thought that Lea had seemed so sure of herself, but in this moment she seemed vulnerable. Rachel thought that they were a similar age, although now she suddenly seemed so much younger. Something about the way that Lea had answered stopped Rachel from saying anything else. Instead, she removed the towel from her shoulders, and lay it down on the sand. She was dry enough to put her top and trousers back on, and as she did so, she noticed that Lea was still looking out to sea, lost in thought. Somehow, it felt too personal a moment to interrupt, so Rachel lay down. She was feeling sleepy after the walk, swim and lunch, and wasn't used to doing so much exercise. Maybe it was time she did, she knew that she needed something else in her life, work had dominated it for too long now. Placing her straw hat over her face, Rachel's mind drifted off to an island paradise, with sunshine, warm seas and golden sands.

  As Lea watched Rachel lay there, she felt an ache in her heart. You're who I'm meant to be with, she had wanted to say to Rachel. But how could she say that. Yes, she knew she had only met Rachel a week ago, but she was sure, more sure than she had been about anything in a very long time.

  When Rachel awoke, she had no idea how long she had slept for. She was still in that halfway place between slumber and wakefulness, part dream and part reality, but somehow blurred, like a pencil drawing that the artist had smudged at the edges. Rachel had dreamed of paradise, secret treasures and mermaids. She rubbed her eyes, and sat up slowly, placing her hat on her head to shade her eyes. She looked around her, and couldn't see Lea. As she came to, Rachel was idly looking at the sea, watching the waves glistening in the sunshine. Then she saw her. Lea had swum to the edge of the water, and now stood, the water dripping off of her in little shining droplets. The sunlight caught her shoulders, and her blond hair seemed to glow like a halo. Her blue eyes shone with the reflection of the water, and Rachel thought that she could dive into their depths. In this moment, she thought that Lea was the most beautiful person that she had ever seen. Her heart flipped, and for a moment she held her breath. She thought, Oh fuck, I really have been on my own for too long.

  As Lea walked up the beach, she saw that Rachel was awake, and smiled at her. Rachel didn't smile back, though. She had a look on her face that told Lea all she wanted to know, and as her heart started beating harder, she could feel droplets of water gently running down her breasts. Lea walked towards her, 'Was it a good dream?' she asked, and noticed Rachel blush. 'Are you okay, Rachel?'

  'Yes, I'm fine, thanks.' Rachel smiled tightly, feeling awkward. She wouldn't hold eye contact with Lea.

  'As long as you're sure.' Lea touched Rachel's arm, and noticed her blush again.

  Lea dried herself off with her towel, then lay it back on the sand. She lay down on her towel, and closed her eyes. Lea could feel Rachel watching her, but didn't say anything. She was sure she was picking up on a vibe, but wondered whether she should risk saying anything. What if she was wrong? She decided to take a chance. 'I'm really enjoying spending time with you. I've never brought anyone here before.'

  Rachel was surprised. 'Really, never?'

  'No, I've never wanted to. Until now.' As she spoke, Lea opened her eyes, and turned her head towards Rachel. Rachel's eyes looked dark and smoky, and she quickly looked away again.

  Still looking out to sea, Rachel said, 'Thank you. You've been so lovely to me since I arrived at the cottage. I feel...' Rachel was trying to touch on the right words, but they seemed just out of reach, 'I don't quite know how to express it. It's a comforting feeling in some ways, like coming back to myself. But it's intermingled with something else. It's exciting, but also unsettling.' She now turned to look at Lea.

  Lea sat up, and moved closer to Rachel. Rachel felt her heart beating faster, and began to feel nervous, without really knowing why. Lea put her hand to Rachel's cheek, and she could feel the warmth emanating from it. Rachel looked up, straight into those clear blue eyes. Lea spoke so softly, as if the words were whispered on the waves, 'You're coming home.'

  Before Rachel knew what was happening, Lea kissed her gently on the lips. She pulled back briefly, 'I've wanted to kiss you since I walked into the cottage and watched you dancing.'

  Rachel looked surprised. She saw a look in Lea's eyes that make her blush again, and Lea leaned in and kissed Rachel again, her lips so soft, and tasting so sweet. Lea's tongue searched her mouth, seeking permission, and to Lea's delight, Rachel responded. Rachel was confused, and at the same time she felt this magnetic attraction. She had missed being close with someone else, and there was something about Lea. It had been such a long time, and she had thrown herself so fully into work. While her brain was trying to figure out what was happening, her body was telling her to shut the fuck up. Lea's hands were all over her, and Rachel gave into it, her body a mass of sensation. It felt so good to be held again, to be touched in this way. Lea's hands were touching her breasts, then slid down to her hips. She kissed Rachel down her neck, to her chest. Rachel held Lea, then she ran her hands through Lea's hair. It was so soft, and smelt of coconut. Then Lea's lips were back on Rachel's, and they kissed hungrily. Rachel was now so turned on, and the intensity of her feelings surprised her. Between kisses, Lea said, 'I want you so much.'

  In that moment, Rachel wanted her too. Then Lea undid the button of Rachel's jeans, and slowly unzipped them. Rachel put her hands on Lea's. 'I... I've never done this before. With a woman, I mean.'

  'It's okay. We'll take it nice and slow.' Lea smiled, looking at Rachel with those stunning blue eyes. She could feel Rachel's heart pounding, and could also see in her eyes how turned on she was. Her pupils were so dilated, only a thin ring of grey surrounded them. Lea slid Rachel's jeans off, over her hips. Lea caressed Rachel slowly, savouring every touch of her skin. She leaned over Rachel, kissing her stomach, then up her body to her mouth, kissing her passionately again. As they kissed, Rachel could taste the saltiness of the sea on Lea's lips. Then she felt Lea's hand trailing down her body, and between her thighs. Her stomach muscles tensed at Lea's touch with a tingling anticipation, and then she could feel Lea's fingers inside her, and her breathy voice soft in her ear, 'I've been longing to touch you, to kiss you,' then her lips were back on Rachel's.

  Rachel was feeling light headed with sensation, and kissed Lea urgently. Her skin felt electrified, and the way that Lea made her feel, well... It was like nothing on earth.

  As Lea increased the rhythm
inside her, Rachel could feel that delicious build towards climax. It had been such a long time, and now every part of her being was aroused. Her breathing became heavier, and more erratic. It was as if all of the tension of the last three years was being released, and she came hard, crying out again and again, holding tightly onto Lea as her body pulsed. As Rachel came back down to earth, she kissed Lea again. 'Fuck, that was the most intense orgasm I've ever had.'

  Lea giggled, and kissed Rachel. 'You are so gorgeous, I nearly came myself, the way you responded.'

  Rachel flushed bright red, smiling shyly at Lea. 'I think you have a magic touch.' Still feeling charged up, she began running her hands down Lea's body. Lea was still wearing just her bikini, and Rachel started to explore her body. Her sun kissed skin was so soft and smooth, and she bent down to kiss Lea's breasts. Lea closed her eyes and sighed, and as Rachel ran her hands over her, Lea's noises of appreciation urged Rachel on. Although Rachel was nervous, she was also feeling bold, and now she very slowly ran her fingers down the front of Lea's body, and inside her bikini. Lea gasped softly, and Rachel felt the soft hair, and as she explored with her fingers, she could feel how aroused Lea was.

  Lea writhed and groaned with pleasure, as she felt Rachel inside her. She may not have done this before, but Rachel certainly had the right touch. As Rachel kissed Lea, it sent a tingling feeling from her lips to her core. She could hardly believe that this was actually happening. It had only been a week since Lea had first laid eyes on Rachel, but it had been the longest week she had ever known. As she felt Rachel's touch all over her body, it was a delicious feeling, and that, coupled with Rachel's deep kisses, took Lea over the edge. She cried out with pleasure, and Rachel held her as her orgasms subsided. 'Oh, Rachel. That was... mind blowing.'


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