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Hibiscus Page 4

by Sarah Pond

  They lay together, side by side, their hands touching in the sand. Rachel had the feeling that she was still dreaming. Was she going to wake up, and realise that none of this was real? She turned her head to look at Lea, who smiled back at her. 'Was this part of your plan, to bring me to a remote spot and seduce me!'

  Lea laughed, 'Not at all. I was attracted to you the moment I met you, though. I really enjoy your company, and I love our breakfast chats at the cafe. But when I walked up the beach, the way you looked at me just did something to me. I just took a chance that you wouldn't run screaming!'

  Rachel went to say something, then stopped. Lea asked her what she was about to say, and Rachel blushed profusely. 'Ah, come on, you have to tell me, otherwise I could be thinking anything!' Lea laughed.

  Rachel was hesitant, then said, 'When I fell asleep, I was dreaming. I dreamt of an island. And you were there.'

  Lea looked at Rachel intently, waiting for her to go on. Rachel felt really embarrassed, and flushed. 'You were a mermaid!'

  Rather than laugh, as Rachel thought she would, Lea looked serious, and said, 'I've always wanted to be someone's dream girl.' She kissed Rachel long and slow on the lips, and Rachel sunk into the languorous kiss.

  After an age, they pulled apart. Rachel said, 'You said earlier that you watched me dancing at the cottage. I thought you had just arrived when I saw you?'

  'I didn't like to say, as I could see you were embarrassed. I had knocked the door, and could hear the music. When I walked in, I couldn't help but stop and stare. I thought you were enchanting.'

  Rachel had never met anyone quite as poetic and romantic as Lea. 'Not to mention, you have the cutest bottom, and the way you moved your hips, you had me all in a fluster!'

  Rachel laughed, then asked Lea, 'Have you always liked women?'

  Lea looked thoughtful for a moment, 'Yes, I think so. I did have a couple of boyfriends when I was a teenager, nothing serious. I realised that I preferred girls, though. Then I met this woman when I was seventeen, and I knew for sure.' She turned and looked at Rachel. 'How about you?'

  Rachel sighed, 'I was with Mark for four years. We broke up three years ago, and I've been so busy with work, I haven't had time for a relationship. I have missed being able to share things with someone.'

  'Well, now you can share them with me,' Lea leaned across and kissed Rachel.

  They enjoyed the rest of the afternoon together, chatting and laughing. Then it was time to head back to get the boat. After their walk back along the coastal path, they arrived at the dock to see the boat arriving. John greeted them, 'Hi girls, I hope you had a good day?'

  'Yes,' they replied in unison, giving each other a look that no one else saw, and making Rachel blush.

  On the way back, Rachel was replaying what had happened at the cove. She was wondering whether she had dreamed the whole thing, this was so unlike her. Then, did she really know what she was like. The last few years had been all work, maybe she had lost herself in the midst of it. Shit, who the hell was she now. Her thoughts started to unsettle her, and Lea had noticed the look on her face. When they got back to the beach, Lea asked Rachel if she was okay. Rachel sat down without saying anything, and Lea was concerned. Rachel put her hands over her face, and started to cry. 'Hey, it's okay,' Lea put her arm around Rachel as she sobbed. 'Do you want to talk about it?'

  'I'll be okay. I'm just freaking out a bit. I seem to be getting teary at the slightest thing at the moment.' Rachel explained what had been going through her mind.

  'That's quite natural. Obviously, today has been unlike anything you've experienced before. Also, from what you've said, this is the first time in years that you've really let go and switched off for a while.'

  They sat quietly, and Rachel calmed down. She looked at Lea and smiled. Lea reached out her hand, and wiped the tears from Rachel's cheeks. 'You know, some people would envy you.'

  Rachel looked at Lea, and sniffed. 'Really. How so?'

  'You can reinvent yourself anyway you wish.'

  Rachel was thoughtful for a moment, and Lea's comment comforted her. 'Thank you,' she said as she wiped her eyes.

  After sitting on the beach for a while, they decided it was time for dinner. Lea said that there was a really good family run Italian restaurant nearby, and they headed towards it.

  The restaurant was very cosy, and they both ordered pomodoro with linguine. Lea said that it was the best that Rachel would find outside Italy. It was a homemade recipe, and Rachel agreed that it was gorgeous. Once she had finished, she said, 'I was so hungry, I really worked up an appetite today.'

  'Didn't you just!' Lea said, as she raised an eyebrow.

  Rachel blushed, and they both laughed. After dinner, they headed back to Rachel's cottage, holding hands. Rachel said, 'Thank you so much for today. I had a fabulous time.'

  'Thank you for sharing it with me. Will I see you tomorrow?'

  Rachel nodded, and smiled shyly. They both had traces of sand on their skin, and as Lea pulled Rachel towards her, and they kissed, Rachel could still taste the sea salt on Lea's lips. Lea looked at Rachel, her skin glowing, not just from the sunshine. 'You look so beautiful.'

  'Thank you. So do you. See you tomorrow.'

  They kissed again, and Lea left. Rachel closed the door gently behind her, and decided to have a quick shower before going to bed. Her skin felt hot under the water, and as she stepped out of the shower, she heard a knock on the door. Wrapping a towel around her, Rachel went to answer the door. Lea was standing there, looking earnest. Rachel said, 'Hi, did you forget something?'

  'Yes. I forgot to give you this,' and she took Rachel in her arms and kissed her. They closed the door behind them, their hands all over one other.

  'Do you want to stay with me tonight?' breathed Rachel.

  'Yes, very much.' They went upstairs, and fell on the bed in a tangle. They made love into the early hours, before finally falling asleep.

  When Rachel woke up, the bed was empty. As she sat up, a note caught her eye on the bedside cabinet. 'Last night was amazing. I'm working today. Maybe see you at the cafe later, or I'll call by after work. Love Lx.' Rachel smiled to herself, and lay back on the pillows. Last night really had been amazing. She stared at the painting of the pink hibiscus on the wall. It was beautiful, and she smiled to herself. That was how she felt today, bright and blossoming. She replayed in her mind what had happened, how Lea had held her, and kissed her. And how she had kissed Lea. Rachel would never have dreamed what would happen at the cove. It still seemed a bit unreal to her. At the same time, she had felt a freedom that she couldn't remember experiencing since she was a child. And she had never felt more alive in her life.

  After having a shower and getting dressed, Rachel headed to the cafe for breakfast. She found a table in the corner, and sat down. Lea walked over to her, beaming from ear to ear, 'Good morning!'

  'Hi. How are you today?' asked Rachel, but she could see from Lea's face exactly how she was.

  'I am feeling amazing, thank you. Would you like your usual?'

  'Yes please, but coffee instead of tea today. I think I need to wake up a bit, I didn't sleep much last night!' She smiled at Lea, who gave Rachel a look that made her blush. She seemed to have a knack for that. Lea went off to get Rachel's breakfast, and took it over to her when it was ready. They arranged to meet up when Lea finished work.

  Rachel spent a relaxing day on the beach, reading and listening to music. Later that afternoon, she saw Lea walking over to her, and they sat together, chatting about their day. They sat on the sand, holding hands. Lea said, 'Would you like to come back to my place? I've been thinking about you all day, and I'm desperate to make love to you again.'

  Rachel looked into those clear blue eyes, nodded, and kissed Lea. She packed her bag up, and they left the beach, making their way to Lea's cottage. When they were inside, they put their bags down, and Lea pulled Rachel towards her, and kissed her gently on the lips. Then they sank into the kiss, and became e
ntwined. As their passion increased, they started to undress one another. Lea unbuttoned Rachel's top, kissing down her front after each button was opened. She very gently ran her finger down Rachel's front, her touch as light as a feather. Lea was so gentle with Rachel. Once they were naked, Lea led Rachel to the rug on the floor, and leaned down to kiss her. Rachel closed her eyes, revelling in the feeling. Lea ran her tongue down Rachel's body, further down, until Lea's lips were between her thighs. Rachel threw her head back, delighting in the sensations that Lea was causing through her core. Lea had her hands on Rachel's breasts whilst she explored Rachel with her tongue. With Lea's hands exploring her body, Rachel's skin was so sensitised. She experienced an overwhelming and unprecedented wanting. As Lea increased the pressure at her core, Rachel came, her body convulsing as she cried out. 'Oh my god, Lea, what you do to me,' Rachel panted as she regained speech.

  'You taste so sweet. I couldn't wait for work to finish, I've been thinking about you all day.'

  'I've been smiling to myself all day today, thinking about last night!'

  Lea smiled lovingly at Rachel, 'I've got a couple of days off next week. We could spend them together if you'd like to.'

  'Yes, I would love that. I can't believe that I've been here over a week already.'

  Lea's face dropped, 'I don't want to think about it. I wish we had more time together.'

  'Let's not think about it, then.' With that, Rachel started kissing Lea, moving down her body, and Lea let go of her thoughts, and succumbed to the feel of Rachel's touch. She was hot and wanting, and Rachel had just what she needed.

  Laying in one another's arms, Lea suggested that she and Rachel go to a nightclub. There was a good one in a nearby town, and she said she'd arrange a cab for them. Rachel went back to her cottage to get changed, and Lea said she'd be along to pick her up.

  About half an hour later, there was a knock on the door. As Rachel opened the door, Lea looked at her, wide eyed. Rachel was wearing very tight black jeans with a black camisole, which was both understated and classy. 'Rachel, you look beautiful.'

  Lea had a way of saying things that made Rachel feel treasured. 'Thank you. I haven't been dancing in years, and I haven't got much of a wardrobe choice here! You look lovely, too.' Lea was wearing a sapphire blue top with white jeans. 'That top really brings out your eyes. Come in.'

  Lea stepped inside, closing the door behind her. They kissed, and pulled back as there was a knock on the door. The cab had arrived, and they set off for the nightclub.

  The club was quite small, with a bustling bar on the left, a seating area and the dance floor opposite. It was already busy when Rachel and Lea arrived, with people crowding around the bar as well as filling up the dance floor. As they waited at the bar to order drinks, Rachel looked around, thinking that most people there seemed to be quite a lot younger than them. She said to Lea, 'I'm starting to feel a bit old now.'

  'Don't be daft. The night is young, and so are we!'

  Rachel thought that Lea was enthusiastic about everything, and her optimism was catching. They took their drinks to an empty table, and sat down. After a few tracks had been played, Bowie's Let's Dance started up. Lea said, 'Oh, I love this one!' and stood up, pulling Rachel by the hand over to the dance floor.

  Lea was really getting into it, singing along, and they danced together, Rachel laughing at Lea's exaggerated dance moves. Rachel was so glad that she had met Lea, she felt so light when she was around her. They had a wonderful evening, and danced for hours. Rachel couldn't remember when she had laughed so much.

  The next morning, Lea was preparing breakfast at her place. Rachel was still in bed, just waking up. Bruno Mars' Locked out of Heaven came on the radio, and Lea smiled to herself, remembering how she had first laid eyes on Rachel, dancing obliviously and with such freedom. The memory made her heart flip and gave her butterflies in her stomach. She was so glad that Sue had been away, and it had been her looking after the place. She turned up the volume, and went upstairs to find Rachel. 'They're playing your song. How about a dance?'

  Rachel turned over, 'After last night, I don't think I'll be able to dance for days. My poor feet!'

  Lea sat on the bed, and began to rub Rachel's feet. 'Ah, that feels so good. Maybe we could just stay in bed today.'

  Lea was looking thoughtful, and Rachel asked what she was thinking about. 'I wish you could stay with me every day.'

  Rachel looked at Lea, and leaned over to stroke the hair back from her face. 'Meeting you has made this holiday better than I could have ever imagined,' she smiled at Lea.

  Lea looked sad, 'But in a few days, you will be leaving.'

  'Well then, let's make these few days count,' and Rachel pulled Lea towards her, kissing her, and making Lea giggle.

  Rachel spent the rest of her holiday with Lea as much as possible. She would go off and explore on her own when Lea was working, then they would meet up when she had finished. Just walking around with Lea, holding hands, Rachel felt so relaxed. With Lea, she really felt that she was herself, just Rachel, a feeling that she couldn't have really put into words.

  Lea loved being with Rachel. Unlike her parents, or her last relationship, Lea felt valued for herself, without the weight of any expectation upon her. Whether they sensed this in each other, maybe it was too early to say. They would go out together, and at other times would stay in chatting and watching films. Rachel had never felt happier or more relaxed in her life. Lea was fun to be around, and she was so romantic too. When she stopped to think about it, Rachel still couldn't quite believe that she was in a relationship with a woman. She also couldn't deny that the sex was the best she'd ever had. For Lea's part, she found Rachel so easy to be with, as if they had always been together. She had a quiet confidence about her, with Lea found very settling. And she was sexy, so goddamn sexy. They spent some of their nights at Rachel's cottage, and the others at Lea's. Except for when Lea was working, they were inseparable.

  Rachel had had such an amazing holiday. She had felt a newfound freedom, and was determined to take that feeling back home with her, and have more time for herself, not just work. Rachel was wishing that she didn't have to leave for home so soon. One evening, Lea said, 'I was thinking, I know you're leaving the cottage on Friday, but you don't have to go home then.'

  Rachel turned to look at Lea, 'What do you mean?'

  'Well, how about you stay with me Friday and Saturday, then you wouldn't have to leave until Sunday. At least we'd have a bit more time together.'

  Rachel looked at Lea, who was making puppy eyes at her. Rachel laughed, 'Why not. Yes, that would be great.'

  Lea hugged Rachel, 'Fab, let's go and get your things.'

  Laying in bed after making love, Lea said, 'I can't believe you're going to be leaving in the morning. The time has gone too quickly. You will come and visit again, won't you?' and her heart sank at the expression on Rachel's face.

  Rachel pulled back, 'I have had the most amazing time with you. But we knew this was only ever going to be a holiday thing. I live too far away. And besides...' Rachel didn't want to finish the sentence, and trailed off.

  Lea finished it for her, 'I know, you're not gay.'

  What Lea was thinking, was that never mind trying to label it, what they had together was pretty amazing. Rachel may have seen it as a fling, but Lea knew that she was falling in love with Rachel. She looked into those smoky eyes, and tentatively started to say, 'I think I'm... I...' she couldn't say the words, knowing that Rachel didn't feel the same way. 'I'm really going to miss you.'

  Rachel stroked Lea's hair, 'I'm going to miss you, too,' and she kissed Lea, and Lea had an overwhelming feeling of sadness that this really was going to be the last time.

  Lea walked to the station with Rachel, and as the train arrived, they kissed, then hugged one another tightly. 'Have a safe trip. Call me to let me know when you're home.'

  Rachel nodded, 'I will.'

  Rachel boarded the train, and sat down by the window. Lea stood
on the platform, and they smiled and waved at one another as the train pulled out. Lea turned and walked away, and the tears started to flow.

  On the train, as Rachel watched the scenery flying past her, she had a feeling of immense sadness, as if she was leaving a part of herself behind.


  Back in London, Rachel approached her gallery. It was a spacious glass fronted building, with white walls and pale grey tables in the main gallery. Rachel's office was off to the left, Tom's towards the back. The office partitions were frosted glass, with clear windows, which gave the whole gallery a feeling of light and space. This also meant that Rachel and Tom could work in their offices, and also see what was going on in the gallery.

  Walking back into the gallery, and seeing Tom's smiling face, it felt good to be back. 'Rachel, you look amazing. Did you have a wonderful time?' Tom wrapped his arms around her to give Rachel a crushing hug.

  Laughing, Rachel said, 'Yes, I did, thank you. It was fabulous. I felt more relaxed than in my whole life.'

  'It shows, you look so different.' Rachel blushed, she certainly felt different.

  Lisa and Eric came over to hug her and welcome her back. They agreed that she looked great. After chatting for a while, Rachel went to her office with Lisa to catch up on what had been happening while she had been away.

  Later that day, Tom and Rachel were in the kitchen, making cups of tea. Tom stole a sideways glance at Rachel, and she turned and smiled at him. Tom cocked his head on one side, 'Rach, did you meet someone while you were away?' Rachel flushed. 'Come on then, spill the beans!' he laughed.

  'It was just a holiday fling, that's all. It was wonderful, though.' Rachel's mind started to wander, remembering the boat trip to Mermaid Cove and everything that happened there.


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