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Hibiscus Page 14

by Sarah Pond

  It was late morning when Rachel awoke. She had slept heavily, having been so emotionally and physically tired over the last couple of weeks. She felt she could relax a bit now, being at home with Lea. As she turned over to look at Lea, Lea's bright blue eyes were watching her. Rachel smiled, and Lea smiled back. 'Good morning. How are you feeling today?'

  'Not too bad. Better for being in my own bed.' Lea cuddled up to Rachel, as well as she could with one leg in plaster.

  Rachel was stroking Lea's arm, saying, 'Do you feel up for a little walk today?'

  'Okay. How long can you stay with me?'

  'As long as you need me.'

  'What about work?'

  'I'm working from here, and Tom, Lisa and Eric are doing a great job,' and she kissed Lea's forehead.

  After breakfast, they headed outside. It was a hot July day, and they both wore straw hats and Rachel was wearing sunglasses. They took the hill slowly, and headed down to the cafe. Lea loved being back, seeing the houses with their faded pastel paints, and the familiar vista of the bay before her. Arriving at the cafe, Nicola was thrilled to see Lea, hugging and kissing her. They sat for a couple of hours, then looked out at the boats on the water before heading back up the hill. By the time that they had returned to the cottage, Lea was feeling very tired. Rachel got her to rest on the sofa, putting her plastered leg up, supporting it with a cushion. 'I'll go and make some drinks. You did well today. The physio will be pleased with you.'

  'With these crutches, I'll have muscles like Popeye before long!'

  Rachel walked back into the lounge with their drinks, and sat down. Lea said, 'Thank you for looking after me, I don't know what I would have done without you.'

  'Hey, it's the least I can do.'

  Lisa was in Tom's office, checking some work with him. She thought he looked a bit stressed. 'How are you doing?'

  'Okay. There's just so much to do. I know I said to Rachel to take as long as she needed, but I thought it would be a week or two. It's been nearly a month now. I know Lea needs her, but she's back home now, and recovering well.'

  'She is working from down there. She's been handing quite a bit over to me. That's what I wanted to go through with you.'

  'Sorry, I don't mean to get cross. What happened with Lea was terrible, and I'm so relieved she's going to be okay. It's just that since we started the gallery, I couldn't get Rachel to take any time off, and now I can't seem to get her back to work.'

  Lea's memory seemed to be fully recovered now. She and Rachel looked at photos together, played Lea's favourite music and looked at her sketch pads and paintings. They also went to the studio, and her friends were delighted to see her up and about. Sam asked, 'Are you ready to pick up your paintbrushes again?'


  Sam didn't notice the look on Lea's face, but Rachel did. She could see that look of worry, although it was only fleeting. But Rachel knew Lea so well, and she knew that Lea was wondering whether her painting would be affected by the accident. Physically, Lea was recovering very well, it was just a matter of confidence now, getting back into practice. Rachel decided to leave a pad and pencils in the lounge, just in case Lea did want to make some sketches.

  One afternoon back home, Lea had drifted off to sleep on the sofa, and Rachel was working on her laptop. When she woke up, she smiled at Rachel. She loved having Rachel around. 'Hey, how are you doing?'

  Lea shifted her position, and sat herself up, 'Good thanks. I'm not used to having daytime naps!'

  'Well, your body is still recovering, you need the rest.'

  'I love that you're always here when I wake up.'

  Rachel closed her laptop. 'You know, I will have to go back to London in a few days. I need to check in with the gallery, and also get some more clothes. Sue will keep an eye on you while I'm away.'

  'I'll miss you.'

  'I'll miss you, too. It's only for a few days, though.'

  Rachel didn't tell Lea that Tom had been getting frustrated at how long she had been away. Tom hadn't exactly said anything outright, but there were a couple of pointed comments put her way, and she assured Tom that she would be coming back next week for a few days.

  After Tom had put the phone down, he was still feeling frustrated. He needed Rachel back for more than a few days. He would have a talk with her face to face, and in the meantime, he would have another chat with Lisa. Lisa was being amazing, and had taken on a lot of extra work. Thank goodness that she and Eric were so hard working and loyal.

  A couple of days later, Sue popped round to check on Lea, but she was sleeping upstairs. Rachel invited her in and she and Sue sat chatting in the lounge. Sue asked, 'How are you doing? You look tired.'

  Rachel sighed. 'I'm so relieved that Lea is doing so well, but I still feel so bad about what happened. The reason that Lea was at the station was because of me. I didn't tell you why I left suddenly. I saw a woman kissing Lea outside the cafe. I freaked out, and bolted on the first train home. Lea must have gone looking for me. If I hadn't left, she would never have got hurt.'

  Sue put her hand on Rachel's arm, 'It's not your fault. You can't change the past, what's happened has happened. The most important thing is that you're here now. You two seem meant for each other, and sometimes life will make sure that you're brought together. Rather than regret what's happened, celebrate that you're together now. Lea missed you so much after you left last summer, and when you got back together, I've never seen her happier.'

  Rachel hugged Sue, 'Thank you, Sue. I'm so glad you're here. I don't know how I would have managed on my own.'

  Later that evening, Lea was laying on the sofa, and Rachel was aware of Lea watching her. 'Rach, is there something I should know?'

  Rachel looked up at Lea. She didn't want to be going there now, she thought it might be too soon for Lea. As if Lea was reading her thoughts, she said, 'I think there's something you're not telling me. It would be best if all the cards are on the table.'

  Rachel sighed, and looked across at Lea, 'Do you remember the day of the accident at all?'

  'It's hazy, but things are starting to come back. You had been staying here that weekend.'

  Rachel nodded. 'I was coming to meet you for lunch, and I saw you outside the cafe, kissing a woman. I panicked, and left. I got the first train home. You tried to call me, but I was upset, and didn't answer.'

  There was recognition in Lea's eyes, and Rachel noticed them starting to glisten. 'Yes, you left me a note. I was so upset, and I went to the station to look for you. The train had left. I went outside, and the next thing I remember was waking up in hospital, with you by my bed.'

  Rachel was sobbing now, 'I'm so sorry. I feel so bad about leaving like I did. It's all my fault, all of this.'

  'You can't blame this on yourself. It could have happened at any time. That woman, I met her in Italy. I was trying to get over you, it was a very brief fling, and I ended it before I came home. She turned up, out of the blue. She kissed me before I could stop her.'

  'I was too upset to talk about it, and then Sue called me to say you were in hospital. I was about to call you, to talk it through, then it was too late.' Rachel was sobbing uncontrollably now.

  Lea moved over to her, hugging her. 'Hey, forget about it.'

  'I feel so guilty. And I thought I'd lost you.'

  'It's not your fault.'

  'And when you woke up and didn't know who I was, I was so scared.' By now, Rachel was shaking.

  Lea held her, 'Well, it gave me the chance to fall in love with you all over again.'

  Despite herself, Rachel smiled. 'Really?'

  'Really. Look, if I'd seen you kissing someone else, I'd have flipped too. You weren't to know.'

  Rachel took a deep breath, wiping her eyes. 'Okay, cards on the table. When I was at university, I was madly in love with a guy called Josh. We had been together a couple of years, and he was my world. I walked in on him in bed with my roommate. When I saw you with that woman, all those feelings of betrayal came floodi
ng back, and I panicked. It took me a long time to get over him. Eventually, I met Mark. We had a really good relationship, but I threw myself into work. I wanted to have something that was mine. I knew that the gallery wouldn't let me down like a person could. I think there was always a part of me that thought it might happen again, and I never fully let myself go with anyone. Until I met you.'

  'Oh, Rach.'

  'My feelings for you were overwhelming, and I didn't know what to do. It scared the shit out of me, quite frankly. At the time, I thought it would be best to end our relationship at the end of the holiday, when I was going home.'

  Then it all made sense to Lea. She understood why Rachel had said it was only a holiday romance, she was trying to protect herself. 'Shit, he really hurt you.'

  'Yes, but it was years ago. Everyone keeps saying I've got to forget about the past. Nearly losing you made me realise how ridiculous I was being. From now on, I'm not going to dwell on the past or bury myself in work. I'm going to live now, in the moment. I love you so much.'

  'I love you too,' Lea looked into Rachel's eyes, then leaned forward to kiss her, softly, lingering, and they sunk into it, into one another.

  Rachel felt so relieved now that she had shared her fears and talked to Lea. As they pulled apart, Lea said, 'You know, if this hadn't all happened, then we wouldn't have had all this time together. We would still be on weekend visits.'

  'Personally, it's about the last thing I'd ever have wanted. However, it certainly brought home how much you mean to me, and what's important in life. Although, I do also need to go to the gallery now and again! I'll have a chat with Tom. Once your leg is out of plaster, maybe you can come and stay with me in London?'

  'I'd like that.'

  Lea and Rachel went for a walk down to the beach. Lea managed the crutches very well, although Rachel stayed close in case Lea needed a bit of support. The ground was quite uneven, and the areas of cobblestone could be tricky to navigate. Once they arrived at Cawsand beach, they sat down, Lea with her plastered leg resting along the wall. She leaned against Rachel, who put her arm around her. For a long time, they just sat, watching the waves touching the shore, and slipping back out to sea again. Lea said, 'You know, when I look at the clouds moving across the sky, and the movement of the sea, it makes me realise just how small we are. Nature is so powerful, perfect and beautiful. It doesn't resist, it's always in harmony.'

  Rachel was moved by Lea's words. Lea would notice things that Rachel would take for granted, although now that Rachel was spending so much time with Lea, her appreciation for nature was beginning to rub off. Rachel put her hand under Lea's chin, and gently turned her head towards her, kissing her lovingly. 'I love you, my mermaid. I think you put a spell on me.'

  Lea smiled back at Rachel. 'I know you put a spell on me, and I wouldn't want it any other way.'

  Rachel was just gathering her things together, ready to leave for London. Lea said, 'I'm really going to miss you. I love having you here all the time.'

  'I'll only be a few days. Also, Tom will think I've abandoned the gallery. Ring me any time, okay?'

  Lea nodded, and leaned forward to kiss Rachel. They hugged one another tightly, 'See you soon.'

  'I'll be back before you know it. Take it easy. I love you.'

  'Love you, too.' Lea watched Rachel leaving, and felt as though a part of her was missing. These last few weeks had been the most time that they had spent together, and suddenly the cottage seemed very empty without Rachel.

  Rachel hated leaving Lea. On the journey back to London, she kept getting a panicky feeling, rising up from her guts and swirling around her head. Bearing in mind what had happened the last time she had left, she thought was it any wonder. Every now and again she would feel sick, and she knew that she would have to calm down. Lea was stronger every day, and Sue was around to keep an eye on her. She told herself to breathe, and began to relax. Rachel's phone rang, and she jumped as though she'd had an electric shock. Seeing Lea's number, she held the phone to her ear, her heart hammering, 'Are you okay?'

  'Yes, I just wanted to say hi. It's so quiet without you.'

  'I'll be as quick as I can in London. Hopefully not more than three days.' Her heart rate was slowing down now, soothed by the sound of Lea's voice on the end of the phone.

  'Okay, call me later.'

  'I will. I love you.'

  'You too, bye.'


  Rachel arrived back at the gallery, and Tom welcomed her with a crushing hug. 'It's so good to have you back. How's Lea?'

  'She's doing really well. I didn't like having to leave her, although I know she'll be fine. Actually, it's been great staying with her. I found it hard to leave, to be honest.'

  Tom said, 'She's lucky to have you there. Things have been really busy here, and Lisa and Eric have been stars.' He looked up, to see them walking over, 'Ah, their ears must have been burning!'

  Rachel smiled at Lisa and Eric, and she hugged each of them in turn. Lisa said, 'I've missed you. How's Lea?'

  'Doing very well, thank you. I'll be here for a few days, then I'm heading back.'

  Rachel didn't notice the look on Tom's face, but Lisa did. Tom was thinking that no sooner has Rachel got here, and she's already talking about going back.

  Rachel went to make some drinks, and took one to Tom in his office. 'Thanks Rachel. Come and sit down. How are you doing?'

  'Good, thanks. It feels a bit strange, being back. Not something I expected to say!'

  'It's funny, isn't it, how quickly things can change.' Tom paused, before asking, 'Did you get a chance to talk to Lea about what you saw?'

  Rachel flushed. 'Yes. It was a misunderstanding. We've talked it through, now.'

  'I'm glad you did. I'm really pleased that Lea is doing so well, and it's great to have you back.'

  Rachel hesitated, before saying, 'Tom, I will be going back to Lea's in a few days. It's not a permanent thing, but I don't want to leave Lea on her own until she's fully recovered. It won't be long until her plaster comes off, which will make things much easier.'

  Tom's face had become very stern, and it made Rachel's stomach turn over with nerves. 'Rachel, I know it's been difficult, and I'm relieved that Lea is doing so well. But we are running a business here, and I need you back.' A small part of him almost felt bad for saying something, he knew how hard Rachel worked for the gallery, and he couldn't imagine what it had been like for Rachel thinking she might have lost Lea. Still, business was business.

  'Tom, I'm sorry to have left you in the lurch. But I have been thinking about it, and I have an idea.'

  That afternoon, Rachel went back into her office, to see Lisa sitting at her desk. 'Lisa, can we get together now, and you can bring me up to date.'

  'Of course.'

  Rachel sat down, and Lisa stopped what she was doing. Rachel said, 'Tom's been really pleased with your help while I've been away. As you know, I'll be going back to Lea's in a few days. I'm not sure how long I'll be staying there for, but certainly until Lea is back on her feet properly. Tom and I have discussed it, and we'd like to give you a promotion, with a pay increase, of course. In recognition of the extra work and time you've been putting in. If you're happy to continue with the extra work, and liaise with me, I think it will work. How does that sound?'

  Lisa was thrilled, 'That's wonderful! Thank you so much.'

  Rachel spent her days in London catching Lisa up properly. When she had left to go to Lea's bedside, it was all so sudden. Now she had time to organise what she needed to, and hand more work over to Lisa. 'I'll be in touch with you daily, so you can ask me things as you go. Not that you'll need the help, you've done an amazing job over the last few weeks. Tom and I have arranged a bonus for you with your next pay cheque.'

  Lisa was beaming, 'Wow, thank you so much.'

  'I really appreciate your help. I'll let you know when I'll be coming back to London.'

  'Lea, I'm home!'

  'Rach!' Lea hobbled over to R
achel. She didn't bother using her crutches at home now.

  'How are you?'

  'All the better for having you back, gorgeous!' They hugged one another and kissed. 'How was London?'

  'Good. Busy. I'm glad I went back, though. I've handed a load of stuff over to Lisa. Also, we've had a chat about doing an exhibition with your studio. How about you?'

  'It's been pretty quiet. Sue's been in every day. Nicola and Sam popped in, too. I've had my letter for my follow up appointment, and I've got my first physio appointment, once the plaster comes off.'

  Rachel noticed some sketches on the pad on the armchair. 'Ooh, you've been sketching, wonderful.' Picking up the pad, she turned the pages, 'These are great.'

  'Well, it kept me occupied while you were away.' Lea watched Rachel leafing through the drawings.

  Rachel took her time, and at the back of the pad she noticed some nude sketches. They were beautiful, then she realised with a shock that they were of her. She looked at Lea, 'When did you draw these?'

  'One weekend when you were staying with me. You were asleep, and you looked so gorgeous, I wanted to capture the moment. I'd like to paint you.'

  'Oh, I don't know.'

  Lea put her arms around Rachel, 'I'm an artist, I have to follow my inspiration. And you inspire me.'

  'You do say the sweetest things. Come here,' and Rachel kissed Lea gently and lovingly.

  Picking up the post from the doormat the next morning, Rachel handed the letters to Lea. One had been forwarded from the hospital. Rachel looked across to Lea, who looked thoughtful as she read it. 'Is everything okay?'

  Lea looked up, 'It's from a Mr and Mrs Anderson, the couple in the car. Sue told me that they had kept ringing the hospital to ask after me.'

  'What does it say?'

  'They would like to meet me. Sue said they felt terrible about the accident. It wasn't their fault, though.'


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