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Hibiscus Page 22

by Sarah Pond

  Rachel was taking her shoes off, and walked over to kiss Lea. 'How is she?'

  'Good. You remember the picture I painted for Marcella as a gift? A friend of hers owns a gallery, and he wants to see more of my work!'

  'That's wonderful!' Rachel hugged Lea, beaming.

  'They want me to go to Naples sometime soon.'

  'This is so exciting, you'll be an international artist!' Rachel hugged Lea again.

  Over dinner that evening, Lea talked excitedly about the opportunity. 'I was thinking that I could show Marcella and her friend some of my sketches and paintings from Italy. I've been working on a big canvas at the studio. I can photograph some of my work and email it to her.'

  Janine was pleased to have Rachel and Tina back at the gallery. 'It's been really quiet without you two. It was great when Lea came in to help out, and keep me company. Did you have a good time, Tina?'

  'Yes, it was great. It's very different to this gallery.'

  Rachel said, 'Maybe you can have a visit to our London gallery, if you'd like to?'

  'That would be great.'

  'I can hold the fort with Tina, and Lisa can look after you, and show you around.'

  'Yes, I'd like that.'

  Janine noticed a difference in the relationship between Rachel and Tina. Before they were very much employee and boss, now they seemed like good friends. Janine couldn't help an involuntary pang of jealously, and told herself not to be so silly.

  Lea spent the next few days gathering together information and photographs of her work to send to Marcella. She was working more in the cafe again, so divided her time between that and the studio. She explained to Nicola that she might need a week or so off from the cafe when she visited Naples. Nicola could usually manage with some help from the Saturday staff, just as they had done when Lea was in hospital.

  When Friday evening came around, Rachel said, 'I'm so glad we've got a quiet weekend. It's been a bit of a whirlwind recently, and I've hardly seen you all week.'

  Lea smiled at her, raising an eyebrow, and the irony wasn't lost on Rachel. Taking Rachel's hand, Lea said, 'Let's take a trip to the cove tomorrow.' The look in Lea's eyes made Rachel's heart flip.

  Arriving at the cove the following morning after the boat trip and walk, Rachel and Lea held hands, and smiled at one another. Rachel said, 'Here we are, back where it all started!'

  'Well, babe, for me it started the moment I laid eyes on you. I'll never forget our first kiss. I think if I hadn't kissed you that day, I would have exploded!'

  Rachel was wistful as she remembered. 'I would never have dreamed that my holiday here would change my life so completely.' She pulled Lea towards her, kissing her tenderly and passionately.

  They lay a rug on the sand, and set their bags down. Drawing towards one another again, they held each other close, kissing, stroking and caressing each other. Being so secluded, they knew that they wouldn't be disturbed, and as they became lost in one another, nothing else existed for them. Afterwards, they lay watching the waves touch the shore, the gentle wash of the water soothing and mesmerising.

  It was a couple of weeks later that Rachel spoke to her parents, to arrange a date for them to come and stay. Rachel said that she would take the week off work.

  Jean and Jonathan drove down, and Rachel and Lea greeted them at the cottage late in the afternoon. Hugging them, Rachel said, 'Mum, Dad, it's so good to see you.'

  'Hello darling. Hello Lea, how are you both?'

  'Great, thank you.'

  Lea asked, 'Did you have a good drive down here?'

  'Yes, we made quite good time, actually.'

  'Let's get your cases in, and we can give you a tour of the cottage, not that it will take very long!'

  After unpacking and having a cup of tea, Rachel caught up with her parents, whilst Lea cooked dinner.

  Jean and Jonathan loved how quaint the cottage was. After dinner, they discussed the places that Rachel and Lea wanted to show them. 'As you had a long drive today, we thought we could stay local for tomorrow. We're going to take you out to lunch and dinner at a couple of our favourite places.'

  'Wonderful, you're treating us like royalty.'

  Over the course of the week, they went on walks and visits to stately homes. Lea came along with them on some visits, and at other times she was preparing her portfolio to take to Naples. Rachel took her parents to visit the Mermaid Gallery. Jean said, 'We're so proud of you. You've done an amazing job. I would never have imagined you living down here, but you seem so settled.'

  'Thanks, Mum. I wouldn't have believed it myself a couple of years ago. It's amazing, just how much my life has changed in such a short period of time.'

  On the last day of Jean and Jonathan's visit, they all took the ferry from Cawsand to the Barbican at Plymouth. On the trip across the water, Lea pointed out the Fort, where Mr and Mrs Anderson lived. The trip took half an hour, and when they had arrived, Lea and Rachel helped Jean and Jonathan off of the boat. There was a particularly good restaurant that had once been a gin factory, and Rachel had booked a table for them. When their drinks arrived, Jonathan raised his glass, 'To the two of you, may you have many happy years together.'

  Rachel and Lea looked at each other and smiled, then at Jean and Jonathan. 'Thank you. Cheers!'

  Rachel's parents insisted that this meal was going to be their treat. 'You've given us such a wonderful week, thank you so much.'

  That evening, Lea had gone upstairs to get ready for bed. Rachel was still chatting with her parents in the lounge. 'We've had such a wonderful time.'

  'I'm glad you got to see for yourselves how beautiful it is here.'

  Jean said, 'You look so happy, I'm so pleased for you. Lea is such a lovely girl, too.'

  Rachel grinned, 'Yes, she certainly is.'

  'Do you see much of her parents?'

  'No. They live abroad. I've never met them, actually.'

  'Really. Why not?'

  'Lea isn't close with them. Sue, who you met the other day, she's like Lea's mum.'

  'That's such a shame, poor thing.'

  'Not really. Lea's happy, and that's all that matters.'

  'Well, if you say so. As I say, she is lovely. We're so pleased to see you so settled. I don't think I've ever seen you so relaxed.'

  'Well, living with Lea makes me so happy.'

  The following evening, Rachel and Lea were laying in bed. 'I really enjoyed having my parents to stay. It's the most time I've spent with them since I left home. They love you.'

  Lea smiled, 'I love them, too.'

  'Mum and Dad said how settled and relaxed I was. I told them it's living with you.'

  Lea kissed Rachel. 'That's so sweet.'

  'Well, having my brains fucked out on a regular basis really chills me out!'

  'Rach! What are you like?'

  'I'm like a woman in love. Come here.' Rachel rolled over, and on top of Lea. She began kissing Lea's neck, and sending tingles along her body. 'Now we haven't got Mum and Dad in the next room, I haven't got to mind my language, or the volume, for that matter!'

  Lea squealed and laughed, as Rachel knew exactly where to touch her to drive her wild.


  Lea was packing to go to Italy, to meet Marcella and her gallery owner friend. As Rachel had just taken a week off whilst her parents were visiting, they decided that it if Lea went on her own for the first visit, Rachel would go along for the launch in a few weeks' time.

  Rachel was in the kitchen, busy cooking dinner, when Lea came in. 'I found some old photos while I was sorting out my art stuff. Here's one of me when I was about six.' Lea held the photo up to show Rachel. In it, Lea was standing on the beach, holding an ice cream cone, which was melting down her hand. She had her long blond curly hair in pigtails, and a big grin on her face.

  'Oh, you adorable thing! You were so cute.' Rachel turned to kiss Lea, putting her hands around Lea's waist, and pulling her close. 'Let me rephrase that, you are so cute.'

sp; 'Why, thank you! Also, I have this picture of my parents. I think I took it when I was a teenager.'

  Rachel looked at the photo, and then at Lea. She wasn't really sure what to say. Lea rarely mentioned her parents, and Rachel was surprised that she was showing her the picture. Eventually, Rachel said, 'That's a really nice picture. Thank you for showing me.'

  Lea looked at Rachel, and didn't say anything else. She just smiled, looking right into Rachel's eyes, before looking away again.

  It was the morning that Lea was flying to Italy. Rachel said, 'I'm going to miss you so much.'

  'It seems strange, me going away. It's usually me saying goodbye to you. It's only a few days. I'll call you when I land.'

  'Have a safe trip, and send Marcella my love. I love you.'

  They embraced, then it was time for Lea to go. 'I love you too, babe.'

  Rachel found it really strange being at home on her own. The last time she had been on her own down here, was when Lea was in hospital. Still, when she remembered, the thought of that time sent shivers down her spine. After feeling unsettled for a while, Rachel decided to go for a wander. Walking down the hill, she stopped to sit on a bench overlooking the water. As Rachel looked out to sea, to where the pale blue sky kissed the horizon, her mind wandered, and she had a sudden realisation. She didn't know that she'll always have Lea. Lea is her own person, and she can't ever own her or keep her, not that she would want to. All she does know, is that she can love Lea. And with that, all the previous insecurities dropped away, in a moment, and she was left with a feeling of deep peace.

  When Lea arrived in Italy, Marcella was waiting for her. They hugged warmly, and Marcella escorted Lea to her car. 'It's good to see you again. How is Rachel?'

  'She's very well, thank you. She'll come over for the launch, but she's working this week.'

  On the drive to Antonio's gallery, Marcella enthused over Lea's paintings. 'Antonio loved the photographs you sent through. We're both excited to see the original artwork.'

  'Thank you, that's so kind. I'm so excited about this.'

  'We will finalise the pieces for display, then we can talk about the launch. I will be helping with sending out the invitations, so just let me know who you would like me to invite. We also have a list of past and prospective clients who like to be updated with new works. We are expecting quite a lot of people.'

  Lea's week was a whirlwind of meetings, and Marcella accompanied her to each one. Lea's Italian improved dramatically over the course of the week, and Marcella and Antonio were very impressed. It did make the meetings easier, as some of the people involved didn't speak English, so there was no need to interpret. There were also a couple of interviews, one for a local paper and another one for an art magazine. Lea thought this was all very glamorous, and as much as she was enjoying it, she was also looking forward to getting back home to Rachel.

  When Lea returned home a week later, she dropped her things at home quickly, before making her way to the gallery to find Rachel. When she walked in, Rachel was talking to a couple about a painting that they were interested in buying. She turned around, and smiled broadly when she saw Lea. 'As it happens, our artist has just walked in!' Lea walked over to Rachel. 'Hi. How was your trip?'


  'These lovely people were asking about this painting, so shall I leave you to have a chat with them? Come and find me when you're ready. I'll be in the office.' The couple didn't notice the intimate look that passed between Rachel and Lea.

  Lea introduced herself to the couple, and they shook hands. 'We were just saying how beautiful this painting is. It would be such a wonderful momento of our holiday here. It looks like the view from the walk we did yesterday.'

  'This is actually one of my favourite walks. The painting is of early morning, such a beautiful time of day.'

  They were delighted to meet Lea, and spent a long time talking with her, and it was indeed the same area where the couple had walked. The couple said that they definitely wanted to buy the painting, and Lea handed them over to Tina. 'Tina will look after you. Thank you so much for buying the painting. It means a lot to me that you like it so much. It was lovely to meet you both. Enjoy the rest of your holiday.'

  Rachel looked up from her desk, to see Lea walking towards her. 'Hey, babe. I missed you.'

  'I missed you too.' They embraced, kissing tenderly. 'So, how was Italy?'

  'Wonderful, exciting. The launch is going to be next month. Will you definitely be able to come over?'

  'You bet, I wouldn't miss it for the world.' They kissed again, and pulled apart as Tina came into the office. She blushed as she saw them, 'Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.'

  'Sorry, that's my fault. It's just that I haven't seen Lea for a week.'

  Tina said, 'That couple were thrilled to bits to meet you, Lea. You really made their day.'

  'It was such good timing. They were a lovely couple, I love that I got to meet them.'

  Rachel said that Tina may as well go home, as she would be closing up soon, anyway. Having said their goodbyes, Lea helped Rachel to pack up, and they headed home.

  Within the month, Rachel was back in Italy with Lea. The gallery was looking great, and Lea had a whole room to display her pictures. Antonio was going through the last things with Lea, ready for the launch that evening. Early that afternoon, Marcella took Rachel and Lea out for a late lunch. They raised their glasses to Lea, wishing her success for the exhibition. Lea said, 'Thank you so much for everything. This is all happening because of you.'

  Marcella laughed. 'I think you may be forgetting something. It was you who painted the beautiful picture which you gave me as a gift.'

  The launch party was very successful, and Lea was introduced to other gallery owners, as well as new buyers. She lost count of how many people she met over the course of the evening. Marcella said that there would be more visitors over the next few days, as not everyone would be able to make the launch. Marcella walked over to ask how Lea was doing. 'Great, thanks. It's quite tiring, I'm not used to being the centre of attention!'

  After Marcella had gone to talk with a potential buyer, Rachel said, 'I'm so proud of you. You really deserve this, you've worked so hard. And for the record, you'll always be the centre of my attention.'

  Lea squeezed Rachel's hand, and at the smouldering look in Rachel's eyes, she wished they were alone at the hotel now.

  The following morning, Lea was exhausted. Rachel went off to get showered and dressed, leaving Lea to have a lay in. Marcella arrived mid morning, with a copy of the local newspaper, which had a review of the launch. There was a photograph of Lea and Marcella, standing close together and smiling at the camera. Rachel said, 'That's a great picture. The article is excellent, you're going to be a celebrity!'

  Marcella said, 'I've booked you a cab, Rachel, to take you to the airport. Lea, it's time to go to the gallery now. Are you ready?'

  'Okay, I just want to say goodbye to Rach.'

  Marcella said that she would wait outside, and Lea went over to kiss Rachel. As they kissed and held one another, Lea said, 'I'm going to miss you. I should be home in two or three days. I'll let you know once Marcella has booked my flight.'

  'Okay. Enjoy the rest of your trip. See you soon.' With a final kiss, Lea left.

  Just then, there was a call from reception to let Rachel know that her cab had arrived.

  The following day, Lea was in the office at the gallery, when Antonio called her over. 'You have visitors.'

  Lea was surprised. For a moment, she wondered whether Rachel had come to surprise her, but she knew that she was back home, as she had spoken to her earlier that morning. As she made her way across the gallery, her footsteps slowed down. She couldn't believe her eyes. 'Hello, Eleanor. How are you?'

  'Very well, thank you. Why are you here?'

  Lea's parents looked at each other, then back at Lea. 'We saw the newspaper article about your exhibition. We were on our way back home after a business trip, and thought w
e would come and see you.'

  'You could have called first.'

  Lea's Mum looked awkward, 'We didn't really plan it. Also, you would have told us not to come. And your partner insisted. She said this is what you would want.'

  At those words, Lea's blood ran cold, and she felt a strange sensation run through her body. 'My partner?'

  'Yes. She said it would be a lovely surprise.'

  'I have to go. I need to make an urgent phone call.' With that, Lea was gone, leaving her parents standing alone in the gallery, bemused.

  Lea's head was spinning, and she felt an anger rising up in her that she hadn't experienced for a very long time. It frightened her, because she felt it towards Rachel, and that was something that she would never have expected. As she grabbed her phone, her hands were trembling, and a cold sweat broke out across her brow and upper body. The phone seemed to be ringing forever. Eventually, Rachel picked up. 'Hello?'

  'It's me.'

  Rachel thought that Lea's voice sounded odd, and noticed the omission of the usual loving greeting. 'Lea. Hey, how's it going? I've just been talking to Janine and Tina about your launch.'

  Lea's voice was flat. 'My parents arrived.'

  'Wow, your fame is spreading. Is everything okay?'

  'Very convenient, how they just happen to turn up.'

  'I suppose you would rather they hadn't?'

  Lea's voice was hard, 'I don't know what the hell you thought you were playing at.'

  Rachel was confused. 'Lea, I don't know what you're talking about.'

  Lea sounded angry now. 'You know how I feel, and you invited them anyway.'

  'What are you talking about? Of course I didn't.'

  'You loved having your parents to stay, and you wanted to play happy families. Well, I told you before, that's not how my family is. Sue is my family.'


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