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The Zarion - Saving Mankind

Page 8

by J E Grace

  “Well, it seems Mr. Davis is determined. We can’t allow him to go public with his discovery. It would compromise our situation. We’ve invested a lot of energy into getting this far. I’m leaving it up to you to lead him astray. Feed him some false information, but something that he will believe. Remember, we hold the cards, and it can get quite unpleasant for you if you get my drift,” said Luther taking a sip of his liquor.

  “I understand completely. I’ll get Davis to come to the ranch,” said McKenzie as he hung up the phone.

  He knew what he meant. He would rot the rest of his days in prison. They were prepared to hand him over to the authorities for hacking into a government facility, and Davis would go down with him. He couldn’t let that happen. This called for something creative. Davis was smart, and he would smell a cover-up from miles away, so he had to build some informational files, something that Davis could see with his own eyes.

  McKenzie flipped the switch on his computer powering it up. He would email Davis at the secure site and tell him he was onto something but it would take a couple of days to complete and would get him to fly to the ranch to go over it. Davis would buy it. At least he prayed he did. He logged onto his email, punched in the message and hit send.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  I decided to check my email, and there was one from McKenzie.

  The message was more than a little vague. McKenzie was onto something but had to see me in a couple of days in person. Grant it a visit to the beautiful Rocky Mountains sounded more than a little appealing, but I didn’t feel that comfortable leaving Interplay. What if my notion was correct and whoever was responsible decided to put my absence to their advantage? I wasn’t sure Jeanette and Michael were safe at Interplay alone.

  I decided the best thing to do was download the DNA files from the laboratory computer and copy them to discs. There would be no record of the final analysis. I would give them to McKenzie for safekeeping. At least I could trust him.

  I dressed and made my way over to the lab to start my day. When I entered, Michael was hard at work on some new data.

  “I was beginning to worry about you. Didn’t your alarm go off this morning?” He said pointing to the clock on the wall.

  “No problem with the alarm. I had a few emails to answer before I came in. McKenzie wants me to visit him in Colorado. I’m still thinking about it.”

  “If someone asked me to Colorado, I’d be on the next plane. All you would see is the streak left behind by the plane's exhaust,” he said as he checked the files on his clipboard.

  “Well, under normal circumstances I’d have to agree with you, but things aren't exactly normal, are they?”

  “I think I can handle it here. I’ll look after Jeanette if that is what’s holding you back. I know you have feelings for her.”

  “I’m going to download our DNA discovery onto discs and give them to McKenzie for safekeeping. You can’t watch the lab 24 hours a day, and you never know when someone might come looking for something. Just be careful.”

  “Everything will be fine. Go clear it with Reginald and go enjoy yourself. I hear Colorado is beautiful right now, snowy, but gorgeous. You might even get in a little cross-country skiing in if you plan it right.”

  “Me on skis, you’ve got to be kidding. I’m more for quiet walks in the evening. There’s a nice lake there, and I might try my hand at catching a fish or two. McKenzie’s a great cook.”

  “Keep talking, and you’ll have a companion. You better call Reginald. You know how he is about having enough advance notice, red tape and all.”

  “Where’s Jeanette this morning?”

  “She’s at another session with her doctor. She should be back anytime.”

  I went over to the phone and punched in the number for Reginald’s extension. A few moments later his receptionist answered. She would have him call back, as he was on the other line with an urgent call and couldn’t be disturbed.

  All I could do now was to wait. It was the perfect opportunity to get the information copied and put into my briefcase. I had to be careful to keep them hidden. We could all be in danger if they wound up in the wrong hands.

  Later that afternoon Reginald called me back. After a few minutes of paperwork, I was packed and at the airport. I boarded with an array of passengers and took my place at a window seat. In a matter of minutes, the plane lifted off and began to climb. Below the landscape began to fade and was replaced by thick clouds.

  I kicked back into my seat and relaxed with a mixed drink. Usually, I wouldn’t indulge, but for some reason, I needed the calming effect it produced. I was on edge. McKenzie was too vague, and I wasn’t sure what I was walking into. We had trusted each other for years, but now for some reason, there was an underlying suspicion. Maybe I was just a little crazy from the developments at Interplay. It seemed I had a hard time trusting anyone these days.

  I finished my drink and decided to take the opportunity to get some needed sleep. With the roar of the engines and the slight rocking of the plane, I nodded off.

  I awoke with a start as the plane started to descend. I checked my watch. Oddly, I had been asleep for a while.

  I watched as the Denver skyline came into view and the plane lined up for the runway. I hadn’t been to Denver in years, and it sure wasn’t what I remembered. The skyscrapers seemed out of place out here in the middle of nowhere. I hoped that McKenzie had got my message and was patiently waiting. Even with the nap on board, I could definitely feel a case of jet lag kicking in.

  The plane landed and taxied up to the unloading platform. I made my way off the plane, entered the busy airport, and took my baggage ticket to claim my luggage. As I grabbed my bags, I heard a loud voice.

  “Davis. I see you made it.”

  I turned around and came face to face with McKenzie.

  “I’m glad you got my message. I was really dreading hanging out until you got here. Good to see you.” I said wrapping him in a big hug.

  “Are you ready to get out of here to some peace and quiet?”

  “Are you kidding?”

  “Do you want to grab a quick cup to go?

  “I thought you would never ask.”

  We made our way to the espresso stand just inside the exit to the parking lot. After getting two quick ones to go, we climbed into McKenzie’s jeep and made our way out of town.

  I watched the cityscape quickly turn into open range. The road stretched out for miles and then snaked through the mountains. The landscape was covered with lots of aspen trees, and for a few seconds, I lost myself in the splendor of the scenery.

  After about twenty minutes into the trek, we pulled up to a locked gate. McKenzie got out and put his key into the lock, and it popped open. He quickly slid the gate aside grinning as he climbed back into the jeep.

  “This is a sight you’ll never forget. You’re in for a real treat.”

  We made our way down the bumpy road. McKenzie dodged a pothole that appeared abruptly, and I found myself being swung to the right.

  “You might warn a person. I thought the plane ride was bumpy.”

  “What’s the matter, Davis? Are you getting soft on me?”

  “Don’t even go there. Not after what I’ve been through.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t know you were that touchy. You definitely need to relax.”

  We followed the road as it cornered alongside open meadows and then I saw the two-story A-frame in the distance. It was a massive structure with a wraparound porch facing the front yard which was surrounded by a grove of aspen trees, and a private lake. Yes, McKenzie had it all. No wonder he never wanted to leave the place.

  “Well, what do you think?”

  “I can see why you choose to live like a recluse. I wouldn’t want to leave either.”

  “I’ll let you get you settled in, and then we can take a walk down to the lake. That is if you’re up to it.”

  “Still have your fishing gear? I’d like to drop a line or two in the water.”
  “Well, guess you haven’t changed too much. I’ll get the gear ready. There’s a bath just off the spare room if you would like a hot shower.”

  “That sounds good to me. I don’t like flying any more than I used to. I'm glad to be on solid ground.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Reginald Livingstone paced the floor in his office. He hated getting phone calls from Luther. It always meant a reprimand or something unpleasant that he was expected to do. He wondered what was really behind the man, but wasn’t in any position to challenge his authority. Men like him bought and sold people every day of the week.

  The phone rang breaking his concentration, and with a feeling of dread, he answered it.

  “Reginald, how are things at Interplay?”

  “Okay, Sir, but of course you already know that,” said Reginald thinking what an insignificant thing to ask. He had enough equipment to pick up a pin drop.

  “Have security personnel pick up Jeanette Simms and take her to Spring Grove Sanitarium for extended observation. I’ve had reports from her doctor that she is unstable and could be a risk to Interplay. She’s had a relapse. Am I clear?”

  “Isn’t this kind of sudden? We’re shorthanded in the lab with Davis gone. Can’t it wait until he returns next week?”

  “Just follow orders, Reginald, or do I have to remind you of your impending retirement. How would you like to add another two years to your stay?”

  “Okay, right away, Sir. No problem,” said Reginald as he hung up the receiver. Luther sure knew where to hit a person. He knew how much he was counting on retiring in six months. He had waited years to be free of Interplay’s control. His next call would be to Wilson Bench.


  Jeanette was hard at work in the laboratory when security personnel entered the room. They flashed their badges and instructed Jeanette to come with them.

  “What’s going on here?” Michael shouted as he tried to stop the security officers from taking her.

  “If you don’t want to spend time in lockup, I suggest you take your hands off and let us do our job.”

  “Michael, call Reginald. Find out what’s going on,” said Jeanette fighting them as they escorted her from the lab.

  Michael stood in the middle of the laboratory. Davis had tried to warn him. He had to protect Carol and his children at all costs.

  For the time being, he would play their game. He had to call Davis on the secure line. Hopefully, he would know what to do. Calling Reginald was out of the question, he had probably issued the order.


  It was late afternoon at the ranch when my secure phone rang. It could only be one person, Michael.


  “Oh, thank God you’re there. This thing is getting crazier by the minute. Security guards just came in and took Jeanette. She was freaking out and screamed at me to call Reginald. I figured he was behind it, so I rode it out. What is going on?”

  “Calm down, Michael. Take a deep breath and tell me again. When did this happen?”

  “About fifteen minutes ago. No warning. They just came in, whisked Jeanette away, and told me if I interfered I would spend time in lockup. What do I do?”

  “Nothing, Michael. I’ll try to find something out from Reginald. You just sit tight and go on with business as usual. We don’t know who we’re dealing with yet.”

  “Okay, keep me posted. It seems like Interplay is picking us off one by one. I have Carol and my kids to worry about. I couldn’t stand it if anything happened to them.”

  “Try to keep it together.”


  I hung up the phone. I had to find out who and where they took Jeanette. What could they possibly want with her? My next call had to be to Reginald, but I needed some time to think things out first.


  I left the A-frame and walked out into the yard where McKenzie was doing some minor tune-up to the jeep. It was a brisk winter day, and a fresh breeze hit my face as I approached him.

  “What’s the verdict? Is she going to live?”

  “Very funny. What’s up?” McKenzie said raising his head out from underneath the hood.

  “Michael just called. It seems there’s been a new development in the lab. Jeanette’s gone.”

  “Gone? What do you mean? They fired her.”

  “Not that simple. Security personnel just escorted her from the lab. No explanations. I’m going to call Reginald and find out what the deal is.”

  “With everything that’s happened, do you think that’s wise?” said McKenzie shutting the hood of the jeep. “Maybe you better sit on this one for a little bit. Consider the alternatives. Doesn’t it seem kind of strange that this happened right after you left? I think you should wait it out.”

  “Maybe you’re right. So, help me if anything happens to Jeanette.” I said turning so that he wouldn’t see the anger that was storming inside of me.

  “Your kind of sweet on her, aren’t you? I never thought I’d see the day that a woman could get to you.”

  “Well, things change. Don’t dwell on it!” I said as I headed towards the lake. I needed some time to myself. I had some deep thinking to do, and a seat on the ground underneath some aspen trees overlooking the lake was just the ticket.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  It was early morning when Jeanette woke up. She looked towards the sunlight streaming in through the windows and squinted to get her vision to focus. What had happened? The last thing she remembered was security guards escorting her into an unmarked car. They had given her a shot of something.

  She tried to raise herself up from the bed and discovered that her arms and legs were strapped down. She fought to get free but knew it was hopeless. How long had she been lying here? What did they want with her?

  She heard the sound of a metal door. Two men in white jackets entered. They loomed over her, their eyes piercing through her like a thousand knives. They were large men with deep-set eyes that instilled fear into every part of her being. What were they going to do?

  They reached down releasing the lever on her bed, and it began to move as she was wheeled from the room.

  “Where are you taking me? What do you want with me? Can’t you hear me? I’m talking to you,” she screamed to no avail.

  They kept going and moved like robots only concerned with their final destination.

  She felt a scream swell up from inside her throat. She felt that wherever they were about to take her was not in her best interest.

  They made their way down the long corridor with only the sound of the wheels on her bed filling the space. As she was wheeled into what looked like a surgical room, her fear mounted. Before more than one scream escaped her mouth, a hand placed a gassy substance on her face, and all knowledge of life around her was just a fading memory.


  In another part of the building, Luther consulted with the specialists on his staff. It had been a total success. Jeanette no longer would ever be a threat to Interplay. Extraction had been complete, and she would have no recollection of Interplay or their research projects.

  Her memory had been wiped clean. She was still herself but had been taken back years to before she worked for Interplay. They had given her new information, and she would not remember anyone connected with Interplay, not even, Davis. That one tickled him the most. His plan was on schedule, and the only thing left to do now was to contact Davis.


  It was early morning, and I had just finished my shower when the phone rang. Expecting it to be Michael, I reached down and picked it up. A chill ran through me when I realized I didn’t recognize the voice on the other end.

  “Who is this?”

  “It’s not important who I am, only that if you don’t follow what I’m about to tell you, someone important to you will die,” said Luther getting much satisfaction from making Davis squirm.

  “Okay, you’ve got my attention. What do you want?”

  “I have Jeanette. You are to
resign your post at Interplay immediately. No explanations. You are to have no contact with either Jeanette or Michael. Do you understand?”

  “Perfectly, but what makes you think I’d give up my post just like that?”

  “Don’t be sarcastic, Davis. I can make things very unpleasant for you, and you won’t even see it coming. If you don’t comply, your friends will die. You have until five p. m., today to call Reginald and get the ball rolling. When I get confirmation, Jeanette will be returned to her condo unharmed. Understand?”

  “Yes. You don’t leave me much time to consider my options, do you?”

  “Mr. Davis, believe me, there are no options,” said Luther as the connection went dead.

  Davis stood holding the phone in his hand. It took a moment to realize that the man on the other end had hung up. Who was he? He was someone powerful and in control of Reginald.


  McKenzie entered the room realizing that Davis didn’t even know he was there. He could see that his face had turned ashen white. Something had scared the life out of him. He had only seen him like that one other time and couldn’t imagine what had caused it.

  “You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Talk to me.”

  “You were right to suggest I wait. Only, I’m not happy with the outcome!”

  “What do you mean?” said McKenzie offering Davis a shot of whiskey. “You look like you can use this.”

  “Jeanette was kidnapped. If I want her and Michael to live, I have to resign from my post at Interplay, walk away, and never contact them again.”

  “Boy, somebody has gone to great lengths to keep you from finding out the truth.”

  “Looks like I may never find out. This person is too powerful. I don’t even know who he is and doubt I’ll ever find out. I have to go along with his demands for now.”


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