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The Zarion - Saving Mankind

Page 10

by J E Grace

  I awoke in a sweat, and then a peaceful feeling overtook me. Out of the darkness within my room came a stream of golden light. The alien had long golden hair, a serene angelic face, and was dressed in a long flowing white robe. Even though the being didn’t speak, I understood the message. He was a Zarion, “Messenger of the Almighty” and one of the gatekeepers.

  He explained that there was a battle going on for the control of Earth. The Fallen had infiltrated and were building up their forces for the final victory. What role could I possibly play in such a well-constructed plan? I was unprepared for what came next.

  He had been watching me since my conception. I was a seeding experiment, one of their own. I was a half Zarion/Human, the Chosen One. They had watched and guided me throughout the many stages of my growth, waiting until the time had come to reveal my destiny. Time was running out. It would be up to me to try to save the occupants of Earth.

  I listened in disbelief. It was all so incredible. I began to lose all identity of who I was. My life had all been a pretense leading up to this moment. Where do I go from here? How could this enlightenment not change me forever?

  The image of the Zarion began to fade. I was not the type to give in to nightmares, but somewhere down deep I knew that what had started as a dream had become much more. This secret I would have to bear on my own. Besides who would ever believe me?

  I turned on the light and glanced around the room. There was no trace of what had just taken place. No tell-tail trails of cosmic dust or small glimmers of leftover light remaining, but then I didn’t need any proof. I knew within the deepest recesses of my mind that it was all true.


  I awoke around six a. m. unable to sleep. It’s hard finding out that the person you believed you were your whole life, was only a minor part of your real being. I didn’t feel special, I never did. I was supposed to save the human race, yeah right. How was I supposed to do that? I didn’t even know where to begin. The only thing I knew for sure was that after my contact with the Zarion the night before, I now felt a new sense of peace. I had never been especially religious, but if I ever doubted the presence of a higher power, this encounter had made me question what I believed.

  The new DNA information that Michael and I had discovered had to be Zarion. They were the missing link in our DNA. Doug had to have been in league with the Fallen. The documents were true. The protection was a lie.

  The Fallen didn’t want the world to know. They didn’t want mankind to be able to choose an alliance with the Zarion, the Earth’s only chance for survival. It was apparent now that the Fallen had killed Doug. He had completed his mission and was no longer needed. The top of the Interplay building where the spaceships had been landing had to belong to the Fallen.

  Maybe McKenzie hadn’t sold out for the reasons I had thought. Perhaps I judged him too harshly. The only reason he would make a deal with Interplay is if they had threatened my life. That had to be it.

  I decided to catch the news before heading to the nearby diner for some breakfast. As I gathered my billfold, combed my hair, and grabbed my jacket, the announcer’s words sent a riveting blow to my heart.

  The words echoed through the air within the room as the announcer spoke, “A private plane went down today just outside of Denver, Colorado, killing everyone on board. The pilot, Scott Denison; Michael Ryerson; an employee of Interplay, his wife Carol, and their two children Scott and Samantha are listed as dead. There is an ongoing investigation as to the cause of the crash, and we will bring you further updates as they are available.”

  They had them killed, but of course, there was no way to prove it.

  My trance-like state was interrupted by the ringing of the telephone that seemed intensified to unbearable levels. Reluctantly, I answered it, wondering who could be calling me here. I hadn’t contacted anyone.

  “Hello. Mr. Davis. You don’t know me, but we have to talk.”

  I stood holding the phone, barely registering the information passed on to me by the unknown voice on the other end of the line.

  “Who is this? How did you get this number?

  “Calm down, Mr. Davis. I’m not the enemy. My name is William Ryerson. I’m Michael’s brother.”

  “How do I know you’re telling me the truth?”

  “Ask me something only you and Michael would know?”

  “Okay. What did we find on the roof of the observatory building at Interplay?”

  “You went there to investigate Doug’s disappearance, and you found a pile of ashes and brought the sample back to the lab to analyze it. Satisfied?”

  “I guess so. “So, what do you want to talk about?”

  “We can’t talk over the phone. We have to meet somewhere.”

  “Okay. Meet me at the bridge off-ramp of the Sunrise Expressway. There’s a secluded area overlooking the river. I’ll be in a blue BMW. Give me an hour.”

  “Great. I’m in a black Ford Explorer with tinted windows. This is important.”

  There was a clicking noise on the other end as the connection went dead. I hoped that I wasn’t walking into a trap. I decided that I had better pack my 38 Special just in case. I hated guns, but this was an exception. I couldn’t be too careful. Interplay could be having me tailed.

  I gathered up my things and threw the suitcase into the trunk and headed over to leave the room key. The desk clerk sat with his feet propped up on the desk reading the morning paper. He quickly laid down the paper and came to attention when he heard me enter.

  “Well, Mr. Smith, leaving so soon?”

  “Yes, I have some urgent business to attend to,” I said as I laid the key down on the desk.

  The clerk snatched up the key and quickly placed it on the pegboard behind the counter and went back to reading his newspaper.

  I thought to myself as I pulled away from the lot and headed into the heavy morning traffic, that there was something odd about the clerk. He was a little too inquisitive.

  I went about a block and pulled into the parking lot at Joe’s Diner, securing an inconspicuous spot at the back. I still had time to get a quick breakfast and make the meeting with William.

  The bell chimed as I opened the door. Every eye seemed to watch me as I made my way through the busy diner. I guess maybe I was the only non-local in the place. A waitress walked up to my table. She had a thin figure, long blonde hair, and a smile that could melt any man within seconds.

  “Good Morning. What can I get you?” she said as she pulled out her order pad and looked me over.

  “Coffee and an order of bacon and eggs would be just fine,” I said smiling back at her. She was gorgeous and apparently got the attention of all the male customers in the place.

  “Thanks. I’ll be right back with your coffee.”

  I watched as she walked up to the counter to retrieve the coffee pot. Almost every male in the place turned to catch a glimpse of her as she walked away.

  I snatched up a newspaper from the table across from me to pass the time while I waited. Glancing at the front page was a big mistake. Pictures of Michael and his family filled the sheet. I fought back the lump that started to form in my throat and forced myself to read the details. My concentration, such as it was, was brought to an end by the loud laughter of two men at the front of the restaurant. The waitress flirted openly with them, and I could tell they were enjoying it immensely.

  I was trying to sort out my conversation with William. Had Michael given him a desperate message that was to be conveyed only to me in the event of his death? Did he have a warning of impending danger? I was supposed to be this enlightened person, and I hadn’t been able to warn him.

  The sweet voice of the waitress brought me back to reality.

  “Looks like you’re deep in thought, sweetie.”

  “Sorry about that. I guess I was daydreaming a little. This looks great. I’m starved,” I said reaching for my silverware.

  “Hope she is worth It,” she said smiling and walked away to take car
e of the rest of her customers.

  I glanced at my watch and realized I would be cutting it close. I finished my breakfast and gulped down the coffee.

  I walked up to the cash register and pulled out a twenty-dollar bill to pay for my breakfast. The waitress passed by and smiled warmly at me. I smiled back, grabbed my change, and left the cafe.

  Once outside, I made my way across the parking lot that had now filled up with vehicles. I scanned the lot looking for anyone who looked suspicious, and when I decided it was okay, I entered my car, started the engine and pulled out of the space.

  I drove along the frontage road while checking my mirror and merged onto the expressway in the direction of the river. After ten minutes, I exited and parked off to the side to wait.

  A couple of minutes later I heard the crunching of gravel and spotted the approaching dark, black Ford Explorer. I quickly pulled the 38 special from the glove box and tucked it into my jacket pocket. My palms were sweating, and I felt like I was going to be sick. I was getting too old for this cloak and dagger crap.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Well, I had survived my encounter with William. He turned out to be a down to earth guy. I could tell he was grieving his loss pretty hard, even though he appeared to be entirely transposed on the surface. I could relate to his pain. Michael was a good man and a great friend. I would miss him.

  After my meeting, I had driven for miles. Down deep, I guess I was looking for a place that I could get lost and evade reality for the time being. The information obtained from William was still engrained in my brain and hit me in the deepest part of my soul, slowly eating a hole in my heart.

  Michael had been scared beyond what any words could describe. His last days were filled with constant fear and apprehension, not knowing what his future would hold. He didn’t understand what Interplay had planned for him, but he didn’t have any hopes of a bright future in California either. He kept his fears to himself sparing Carol and his kids. His first duty was to protect them as much as he could. Even unto death, they had no idea what was coming. He knew it would be his last flight.

  The strange twist to the meeting came when William informed me that he was involved with an underground group called STRC. They were a secret society comprised of ex-Interplay personnel and other families whose purpose was to make some sense of the chaos and get control of the planet. After some urging from William, I agreed to attend their next meeting. I was to be contacted by him on my secure line with the location.

  William had also turned over two computer discs to me with information that Michael had somehow smuggled out of Interplay. All I had to do now was get somewhere that I could set up my computer and I would be in business.

  I had put off finding a residence long enough. Interplay would get suspicious if I didn’t contact them soon so the movers could complete their job. After driving the surrounding city for what seemed like hours, and walking through numerous condos, I finally decided on a location at Knollwood Estates in Spring Valley. It was in a high-class neighborhood with lots of Fortune 500 executives. No one would pay any attention to me there.

  What Interplay didn’t know, was that I had also secured a cabin in the hills of Lockwood where I installed a secure line for my computer. It was a modest place. The most significant asset was the fact that it was behind locked gates. After going through, you had to drive about a mile back up into the thick forest to reach it. It was perfect and virtually undetectable. I probably wouldn’t spend a lot of time there, but it would be waiting if I needed to hide out at the last minute. It would be the perfect place to keep in touch with members of STRC.

  Interplay didn’t waste any time making the delivery. My condo was magically transported from minimalist surroundings to the vision of familiar possessions. They had entered like a flock of locusts stripping my other condo and placed my belongings with a ravenous fury into my new one.

  By late evening exhaustion had set in. Tomorrow was another day, and I decided I wouldn’t be in any condition to try to sift through computer information now. I would call it a night.

  I had just settled into the comfort of my bed when the phone began ringing. Reluctantly, I answered it to find a waiting dial tone. Probably only a wrong number, but my gut told me it was Interplay checking in on my whereabouts. Let them, at this point in the game; I just was too tired to care.

  I spent a restless night tossing wildly in my bed. I awoke in a cold sweat with visions of the wreckage of a plane fresh in my mind. Maybe Michael was trying to tell me something from the other side. I knew that those computer discs might hold the answer. Since I was already awake anyway there was no time like the present to check them out, but not without massive amounts of coffee.

  After about three cups of coffee, my brain finally got with it, and the images on the screen began to make sense. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Somehow Michael had acquired transmission data from the man behind Interplay.

  The images jumped at me from the screen and sent a chill through me cold enough to turn the blood in my veins to ice. Finally, I knew the name of the man behind it all. I should have been relieved, but I could only think that Michael knew and ended up dead, his family with him. So where did that leave me?

  I kept processing the information scrolling on the screen like someone who had just stumbled onto a cure for some mysterious disease. I guess in a way I had. Luther definitely was in the same class as an infectious disease that grows rampant leaving chaos wherever it goes. Only now that I knew, how would I be able to stop him? How many others knew and had failed?

  The details contained in the files laid my suspicions to rest about Reginald. He was a pawn used by Luther and was totally unaware of what purpose he really served. His life wasn’t worth a plug nickel. Luther would annihilate him too when he no longer was of any value to him.

  The only thing I couldn’t pinpoint on the discs was the location of Luther’s stronghold. I knew it had to be somewhere remote, but not so far that the satellite system couldn’t transmit Interplay’s activities. I could add that to my list of need to know. The chances of my finding him were like looking for a needle in a haystack. I didn’t even know where to start. I knew he was connected to the Fallen.

  Something caught my eye on the screen. A picture was slowly loading. I watched as a massive room with wall-to-wall monitors filled the screen. A man loomed over the control panel, and a sinister laugh erupted from within him filling the room with a thunderous roar.

  The camera panned to the right and my breath caught in my throat. Another figure, probably not human, stood at his side. He turned to face it. His eyes are piercing, his translucent green skin cast its rays throughout the room, and a noise penetrated the space the such as I’ve never heard before. It erupted from deep within the creature. It didn’t sound like a cry of pain, but a shout of victory. I could only deduct that this had to be the leader of the Fallen and he was delighted with what he saw on the screen.

  I wasn’t prepared for what was on the other disc. It loaded and seemed to scan a long hallway. The walls were of concrete. To the right of the screen, a gurney was being pushed by two figures in white lab coats. Whatever was on it was blocked from view by a sheet. I watched with curiosity as it was pushed down the long hallway and then into what appeared to be a medical room. When the gurney was positioned underneath the lamp, a scream erupted. The sheet was pulled back, and the figure looked directly into the camera and was now staring at me from the computer screen. It was Jeanette.

  I quickly muted the sound on the monitor and turned away from the screen. My body turned to jelly, and I had to sit on the floor to keep from collapsing. What were they going to do to her? I would never get the image erased from my memory, and it would haunt me forever. I knew now that I had to contact her, to hear her voice. No wonder Michael had wanted me to see the discs. He thought that maybe there was a chance that I could save her.

  After my shaking stopped, I grabbed the secure line and dialed Jeanett
e's number. In a few minutes, her sweet voice rang out through the receiver, “Hello, who is this?”

  “Jeanette, its Davis. Are you okay? I’ve been worried about you.”

  “Davis? I don’t know any Davis. Please don’t call this number again.”

  “Jeanette, please don’t hang up. I just need to talk to you. It’s Davis, from the lab at Interplay, remember,” I said wanting her to at least acknowledge the fact that she knew me.

  I could hear the irritation mounting in her voice. I was convinced that she really had no idea who I was. I knew it was bizarre even to think it, but it was as if all memory of me had somehow been erased.

  “Please, I’m hanging up now. Quit harassing me, or I’ll call the police,” Jeanette said slamming the receiver down.

  The loud bang on the other end felt like an anvil had crashed through my heart. I had lost the only woman that I had ever cared for in my entire life. All in an instant and hopes for our relationship was gone.

  Chapter Thirty

  After what I had viewed on the discs, I decided that I would have to go undercover. I would need a whole new identity if I were to remain operational until the end.

  I had attended my first meeting of STRC that was held in a hidden cavern in the hills known only to group members. I was surprised at the multitudes of attendees. I guess the group was definitely more informed of the future than I had even been in the beginning. They knew that if they were to survive, they had to band together. I had gladly accepted their offer to join.

  I was given a tour of the cavern which was much larger than I ever anticipated. They had put together an arsenal of defense weapons and had enough perishables to last for some time. They were adding to their provisions on a daily basis. Among the items recently added was the latest gear to combat the effects of nuclear fallout. What amazed me was the fact that the cave itself was enveloped entirely with an air filtration system that could filter out any dangerous substances that somehow penetrated its field. With enough food, water, and air, they could hold out for an unlimited amount of time.


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