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Page 10

by Harley Wylde

  “You think your dad is going to give a shit if we’re legally married or not?” I asked.

  “No,” Logan said. “Abraxas won’t care about that. But the Feds will. Demonic Reign isn’t staying in Alabama, so if he takes her and crosses state lines, then the Feds will be all over it. Especially if he takes your daughter too.”

  “And the Feds will pay closer attention if she’s married? Isn’t it their job to give a shit when someone is kidnapped whether they’re married or not?” I asked.

  “Is there a reason you don’t want to marry her right now?” Torch asked.

  “She asked me for time. I want to honor her wishes and give her as much time as she needs, and I want her to have the wedding she’s dreamed of. All little girls plan their weddings, right? At least, that’s what the movies say,” I said.

  Tank sighed. “Yeah, she has a notebook filled with crap about weddings. She’s had it for a while I think, but I didn’t see it until she’d moved in with me. I found it in her closet when I went looking for something I thought I’d left in that room.”

  “Can you get that notebook?” Torch asked. “Maybe if the women can help her create her dream wedding on short notice, she’ll still get what she wants, but she’ll officially belong to Jackal.”

  “And Devil’s Boneyard,” I said. “She’ll be our first old lady, and my club is willing to defend her at all costs. Her and Allegra both.”

  “We just sent your damn club home and now they’re coming back,” Flicker grumbled. “It feels more like a biker resort around here these days than a damn club. Maybe we need to just put in a hotel out back.”

  Zipper glared at him. “If it weren’t for the Devils, then Delphine would still be in trouble, so keep your bitching to yourself. They helped keep my woman and unborn child safe.”

  Flicker gave a nod, but didn’t look pleased. As far as I knew, he hadn’t had an issue with the Devils before so I wondered if something had happened. Not that it was any of my business. Flicker was an officer for the Reapers, and I was just a patched member for Boneyard. I’d leave the political shit to those who held more power.

  “Oh, shit,” Wire said, the clicking coming to a halt.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Demonic Reign just received a shit ton of money from some known human traffickers in Colombia, Japan, and Russia. It looks like the mafia families in those countries are expecting a big shipment from Demonic Reign. And there’s a wish list in the Pres’s email,” Wire said. “They really should learn to cover their tracks better. This is all kinds of fucked-up.”

  “Wait, did you just hack into their accounts?” Drey asked. “You’ve only been sitting here like fifteen to twenty minutes.”

  Wire shrugged.

  “That’s because Wire is the number one hacker in the country,” Torch said. “And yes, your government is aware of him.”

  “What’s on the wish list?” I asked, almost dreading the answer.

  “The Russians specifically asked for a redhead,” Wire said, his gaze meeting mine. “A young, fertile redhead. Josie fits the bill. I think dear ol’ dad is going to sell her if he can get his hands on her.”

  “Can you get that information to me?” Drey asked. “Somehow drop it into my email anonymously where no one can track you? I think we need to get the Feds in on this and add more firepower to our ranks. But I don’t want them asking questions about you if that can be helped.”

  Wire nodded. “I can do it. You’ll have it within a half hour. I want to do a little more digging to see what else I can find first. Might as well nail these guys with as much as we can.”

  “You sure you don’t want to work for Uncle Sam?” Logan asked. “We could use someone with your skills.”

  Wire snorted. “Yeah, thanks but I’ll pass. I do enough of your dirty work already.”

  What the hell was that about? Wire worked with the government? I glanced at Torch, who didn’t seem the least bit shocked. The Reapers were just full of surprises. It made me wonder if our own hacker, Shade, provided his services outside the club. I’d never really asked him about the type of work he did, but now I was curious.

  “Jackal, I’m going to have Ridley, Isabella, and Darian come over and talk to Josie. It would probably be easier to do that here at the clubhouse. They can take over a table or two and discuss wedding plans. Preacher can marry the two of you so you won’t have to worry about that part,” Torch said.

  “Not Kalani?” Tex asked. “You know she’s not as skittish as she was before.”

  “I was hoping that Kalani and Delphine would offer to watch the kids. They’re both pregnant and it would do them some good to see what they’ll be getting into,” Torch said. “Rocky, think Mara would be up to helping?”

  Rocky nodded.

  “Preacher, what about Kayla?” Torch asked.

  “Morning sickness,” he said. “She’ll probably stay home with the twins and stay close to the bathroom. Hopefully, it will pass soon.”

  “Kayla’s pregnant again?” Bull asked. “Damn. I’m falling behind. Foster was born before your twins.”

  Venom smirked. “Considering how long it took you to have Foster after having Ridley, I think you have plenty of time.”

  Bull flipped him off, and everyone started laughing. I didn’t know what the story was there, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to know.

  “Oh yeah? When are you making me a grandpa again?” Bull countered.

  “When your granddaughters stop being hellions so Ridley doesn’t threaten to geld me if she ends up pregnant again,” Venom said with a snort. “Damn woman asked the doc to put her on birth control.”

  “Wonder why?” Torch asked. “It’s not like Mariah climbs trees, then jumps out pretending to be a ninja, or Farrah decides to cook while everyone is otherwise occupied and nearly blows up the kitchen. Why wouldn’t you want a few dozen more?”

  Venom scratched his beard with his middle finger.

  “All right, assholes. Meeting adjourned,” Torch said. “After Hades Abyss and Devil’s Boneyard are both here, we’ll meet up again. Maybe Wire will have more news for us by then.”

  Everyone filed out and I went straight to Josie and Allegra. My woman looked worried and I hated that. She should feel safe, especially behind the gates of the compound, but she didn’t. Her father had ruined that for her. I pulled out a chair and took Allegra from her.

  Everyone seemed to think we needed to get married right this second, but I didn’t know how Josie felt about it. It didn’t bother me since I wanted to marry her anytime she was ready. But if she needed more time, I didn’t want her to feel pressured into doing this now. I was trying to be the man she needed me to be, and that meant listening when she said she needed time, space, or whatever the hell else she asked for.

  “Torch thinks we should get married,” I said. “As in now.”

  “How do you feel about that?” she asked.

  “I’ll marry you anytime you want. You just pick a time and place, and I promise to show up.”

  She smiled a little. “This is because of my dad, isn’t it? Torch thinks I’ll be safer if we’re married?”

  “Something like that. I honestly don’t think it will make a difference either way. Your dad won’t care about a piece of paper claiming you’re mine.”

  “What do you want to do? And be honest. Don’t tell me what you think I want to hear, Eric.”

  I smiled. “You used my name. It’s been Jackal all fucking day.”

  “Yeah, well, no one else is paying attention to us right now. I figured in front of the guys you’d prefer to be Jackal. Tank has heard me call you Eric, but with the entire club here…”

  I nodded and appreciated that she’d thought of that. But then she’d been around the Dixie Reapers for a while now. She’d probably learned what was and wasn’t acceptable. Made things a little easier when I made her my old lady. Yeah, there would be differences between our clubs, but the basics she would already know. Not like adding a woma
n to the family who didn’t know shit about bikers or clubs. She’d be the first Devil’s Boneyard old lady so some things we’d have to figure out along the way.

  “Torch is asking some of the old ladies to come help you plan a wedding, but if you want to wait, just say the word,” I said. “I’m not pushing you into marrying me, Josie. You said you needed time and I want you to have it.”

  “It’s fine, Eric. You asked me to marry you and I said yes. I’m not backing out. If Torch thinks we should go ahead and get married, then I’m okay with that.”

  I kissed her cheek, then smoothed Allegra’s hair. “My beautiful girls. I promise you won’t regret choosing me, Josie.”

  “How could I regret it, Eric? You gave me Allegra and she’s the most precious thing in the world to me.”

  I kissed her again, this time on the lips, then made my way outside. I knew my brothers were on their way. It was only a few hours from the Devil’s Boneyard compound to the Dixie Reapers’ territory. They should be arriving any moment. Only a few had met Josie, and I wanted everyone to like her. I didn’t see how they couldn’t, but I was a little nervous. I had Cinder’s permission to claim her, but if the others disagreed with him, then it could cause problems within the club. And I never wanted that to happen, not over a woman. Josie wasn’t just any woman. She was mine, and the mother of my kid, but if the Devils wouldn’t accept her I’d have to make a choice, and it wouldn’t be an easy one.

  I pulled a pack of cigarettes from my pocket and lit up. I had given up smoking years ago, but I still kept a pack on hand for stressful times. And if ever there was a day that qualified, this was it.

  Chapter Nine


  After brainstorming most of the day with the Reapers’ old ladies, I woke the next morning with a pounding head and blurred vision. It wasn’t often I got a migraine, but this one felt like elves were hammering on the inside my skull… and poking my brain with ice picks. I picked up the medication I kept on my nightstand and started to shake out two pills when something made me pause. Setting the bottle down, I reached for my phone and clicked on my calendar… and my stomach dropped.

  I’d been so preoccupied with everything going on with Allegra and then my dad showing up, that I hadn’t even realized I was late. My period was nearly two weeks late. There was no way Jackal had knocked me up that fast a second time, right? I’d probably just skipped this month because of all the stress in my life. I’d heard that could happen. But what if that wasn’t it? I placed a trembling hand against my belly, then texted Darian. I knew she’d been wanting another baby and it was my hope that she had a stash of pregnancy tests in her bathroom. I’d heard she’d been buying them in bulk and took one a week in hopes it would show positive.

  My phone chimed a moment later.

  Darian: On my way. Bringing two.

  My stomach flipped, and I hurried to the front of the house, hoping I could open the door without waking up Allegra or Tank. Thankfully, Jackal was asleep on the other end of the compound in the duplex Torch had loaned to him during his stay. Darian’s car pulled into the driveway a few minutes later, and she jogged up the steps and handed me two boxes.

  “Want me to stay for moral support?” she asked. “Bull is awake and listening for Foster so I have some time.”

  “Yeah. That would be great. Then at least if I have a meltdown someone can calm me down. Or at least keep me from scaring the crap out of my daughter.”

  Darian nodded and followed me into the house. We went to the hall bathroom, and she leaned against the wall while I stepped inside and shut the door. My hands shook as I opened the tests, and then I peed on one stick, then the other. When I was finished, I capped them and set them on the counter before washing my hands and flushing the toilet. When I opened the door, Darian stepped inside and we shut it again, staring at the sticks.

  “So are we hoping to see two lines on one and a plus on the other, or are you hoping you aren’t pregnant?” she asked. “Because I have no problems crossing my fingers and toes, but I need to know what outcome you want so I can send out the right vibes.”

  I choked on a laugh that sounded a little hysterical even to my ears.

  “Right.” Darian wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “Whatever happens, it’s going to be fine. That man of yours is crazy about you and wants to marry you. I doubt he’ll run away if you tell him you’re pregnant.”

  “Yeah. He’s here this time and not leaving,” I said, more for my benefit than anything. Maybe if I said it often enough, I’d believe it. Part of me still worried he’d up and leave again. As the results showed up on the sticks, I let out another hysterical laugh that ended in a sob.

  “All right, Prego, let’s get you cleaned up, and I’ll check on Allegra while you call Jackal. Everyone needs to know they aren’t just protecting you anymore, but you have a baby on board.” Darian patted my shoulder. “I’ll start the shower, then you get your ass in there and clean up. I’ll bring some clothes in and leave them on the counter for you.”

  “Thanks, Darian.”

  She shrugged. “What are friends for?”

  She started the water and then stepped out of the room, pulling the door shut behind her. I got under the hot spray, and I heard her set my clothes down a few minutes later. The steaming hot water beating down on my head eased the migraine I’d woken with until it was just a dull ache. As much as I wanted to hide in the bathroom all day, I knew I had to face reality. After I dried off, I pulled on the clothes she’d set out for me, then grabbed my phone from the bedroom before wandering to the kitchen. Darian was making breakfast and had a pot of coffee already brewed. I knew from past experience I couldn’t have the coffee so I got a glass of juice before sitting down.

  Darian pointed a spatula at me. “Call him.”

  With a sigh, I took the chickenshit way out and sent Jackal a text that we needed to talk. He didn’t respond and I figured he was still asleep, or out looking for my dad. The Devils had arrived the previous day, as well as Hades Abyss, and everyone was taking turns not only patrolling the inside of the compound, but keeping an eye out on the town for any Demonic Reign members. Darian scrambled a bunch of eggs, then fried some bacon. I got myself together enough to make some toast to go with it.

  The front door opened and shut rather loudly, then I heard booted steps rushing toward us. Jackal stopped in the doorway, his hair disheveled and his expression panicked.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  Darian gave me a look. “You didn’t tell him?”

  “I said we needed to talk,” I said defensively.

  She rolled her eyes, plated everything, then gave me a pointed look. “Sit down and talk to your man before he rips out his hair. I’ll check on your daughter again, and then I’m heading home.”

  Jackal sank onto a chair and I set breakfast in front of him before sitting down as well. My hands fidgeted in my lap and I bit my lip, a little worried how he would handle the news. When he’d found out he had a daughter, he’d bolted. Would he take off again or was he really here for the long haul? If he ran, I didn’t think I could handle it. Not right now.

  “Josie, just tell me what’s going on because I’m losing my damn mind right now. Did you see your dad? Did you receive a threat of some sort?” he asked.

  “No, nothing like that. I…” I bit my lips again. “I’m pregnant.”

  He blinked, then blinked again before slumping in his chair. “Pregnant?”

  I nodded.

  “You’re sure? We were only together twice.”

  “That one night we had sex more than once, but it was probably the night at the hospital,” I said. “I should have started my period two weeks ago and I didn’t, so I think I must have been super fertile or something that night. The timeline seems to fit that night better than the other one.”

  He ran a hand down his face, then got up and paced. “Pregnant,” he muttered.

  I was ready for him to run for the door and never look bac
k, but he surprised me. He came to me, knelt next to my chair, and cupped my cheek. Slowly, gently, he kissed me. The smile on his face wasn’t what I’d been expecting. Horror. Panic. Those things I had anticipated. I wasn’t sure what to make of the man who was happy that I was carrying his child, not after everything I’d been through with him.

  “You’re okay with it?” I asked.

  “I’m more than okay with it. This time I get to be there for the entire pregnancy and see my kid being born. I missed all that with Allegra, and I don’t blame you for it. That’s on me.”

  “I’m scared,” I admitted. “It was bad enough before, knowing my dad wanted me and might get Allegra too, but now… What would they do to our baby if they get their hands on me?”

  “That’s not going to happen, Josie. I won’t let it, my brothers won’t, and neither will the Reapers and Hades Abyss.” He grimaced. “And neither will Logan and Drey.”

  I fought not to smile. “You really don’t like them, do you?”

  “No, but you consider them friends, so I’m trying not to beat the shit out of them. The thought of you dating them makes me a little crazy.”

  Tank clomped into the kitchen, already dressed even though he looked like he hadn’t slept much. He raked a hand through his hair and looked at Jackal kneeling next to me and shook his head, then went straight for the coffeepot. He poured a cup and sat across from me.

  “It’s too early for this shit. Why the hell are you on the floor?” he asked Jackal.

  “Just celebrating the fact I’m going to be a dad,” Jackal said.

  “You’re already a dad, asshole,” Tank said.

  “Yeah, well, I’m going to be one again,” Jackal said.

  Tank froze with his coffee cup halfway to his mouth, his gaze locking on mine. “You’re pregnant?”


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