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Her Highlander’s Promise (Highlanders 0f Cadney Book 4)

Page 22

by Fiona Faris

  “Anythin’ ye need. Me family will take care of it. Dinnae fash, lassie, we have all the resources here.” It was mostly true. What he hadn’t mentioned to Alice quite yet, was that he had decided to take over the clan after all. After the long journey the two of them had faced, and his many years in the mines, Aithe was done trying to live a free and adventurous life. The only adventures he wanted were those with his family and Alice. He had no desire to rush off anymore. He now knew what was most important. He had to tell Alice about his decision, but he didn’t want to tell her just yet.

  “Thank you, Aithe. I will be back soon, and then maybe we can have some quiet time alone. You and I can share a meal together,” she said with a hopeful look.

  “Aye, lassie, sounds wonderful.” Alice nodded and then turned to leave the room. As he watched her walk away, he was filled with a small longing. Things had been a bit tense since his recovery, but not in a negative way. They were both still struggling to accept that their hoped-for future was there. They no longer had to look over their shoulders at every turn. It was a new sensation, but one that Aithe was terribly grateful for.

  Aithe got himself ready and left the room as well, prepared to meet his father for their walk. He walked down the stairs and out of the castle, where he found his father waiting by the main entrance.

  “Alrigh’ lad, ye ready?” Gavin asked. Aithe nodded while Gavin handed him a walking stick to use on their journey to the loch.

  Once outside, Aithe took a deep breath. He had been cooped up for so long, he was grateful to finally have a chance to breathe the fresh air.

  “Feels good tae be out, aye?” Gavin asked Aithe, who nodded and took another deep breath.

  The two of them walked in silence until they reached the nearest edge of the loch. Aithe sat down on the grass and watched the waters gently rush in and out. Gavin sat next to his son and turned to him.

  “Are ye happy tae be home, son?”

  Aithe nodded.

  “I didn’t believe I would be. But I am. Now that I’m here, I dinnae ken that I want tae leave.” Aithe admitted.

  “Tis good tae hear,” Gavin added. He turned and looked somewhat sternly at Aithe. “Lad, why did we nay hear a peep from ye all these years? I dinnae want tae scold ye, fer yer a grown lad, but yer mother was worried sick all these years. We thought ye dead, Aithe.”

  Aithe’s face fell and deep wrinkles formed on his forehead. “I ken da. An’ I’m sorry. I reckon I need tae talk tae mum as well about all this. I worried if I returned, if ye heard a word from me, ye’d send off fer me, force me tae take over the clan. Now that I’m older, freedom tae see the world is nae so much what I want, but when I left, tis all I was thinkin’ of. All I wanted was the free will tae choose how I lived.” Aithe shook his head back and forth a bit, then shrugged.

  “I ken it is nay a good excuse, but tis the only one I have. I shan’t dae it again. I will nay put ye and mum through it ever again.” Aithe swore and went back to staring at the grass.

  “Tis alright, son. I recall bein’ young once. I will never make ye take leadership if ye dinnae want tae. I think yer a fine man fer people tae turn to, a fine laird, but tis nay my choice tae make.” Gavin sighed and looked back out to the loch.

  “I am glad yer home, son. Truly.” He took in a deep breath and seemed to think of changing the subject. “Yer lassie, she is alright?” Gavin added.

  “Aye, she seems tae be vary happy here. I am glad. After all she suffered, she deserves it.” Aithe added quickly.

  “She told me a bit of the story, which is why I want tae ask ye, how dae ye feel about her, son? Is it like she said, that ye married her out of convenience?” Gavin seemed confused.

  “Aye, her brother, I promised him should anythin’ happen tae him, I would care fer her. I set out tae save her until her uncle forced us apart again. We are married just fer her tae be safe. 'Tis my duty.” Aithe had a sour look on his face as he said the word duty, and his father seemed to pick up on his real emotions.

  “Doesnae seem like just duty tae ye, son. It seems as though ye truly love the lassie. Ye cried fer her the whole time ye were ill.”

  Aithe took in a deep breath. He did not know how to answer. He was utterly confused about how he felt for Alice. Before his illness, before finding the family and reaching the cabin, he realized how much he was starting to care for her. He did not give his father an answer because he was unsure whether he wanted to admit just how deeply he cared for her. If he admitted it, he would likely have to tell her the truth, that he had fallen in love with her.

  “I dinnae ken, Da. A part of me cares fer her more deeply, but what if she doesnae cares fer me in the same way? I made a promise long ago that she would be cared fer, but that I would be gone much of the marriage. Now, I dinnae want tae leave her side, ever. I like bein’ in Cadney if it means bein’ next tae her.” Aithe admitted what had been so close to his chest for so many weeks. He had only ever wanted to leave Cadney because he had no reason to stay. Now that he and Alice were there together, he did not see a point in running away. He had found his purpose there, and his personal drive to become the leader his father always thought he could be. But what if Alice did not want to be really married to him? What would he do then? He was not sure whether he wanted to find out the answer, but still, he knew he could not hide his feelings much longer.

  “I ken yer scared of how she might feel, but Aithe, from what yer mum and I saw, she seems tae care a great deal about ye, lad.” Gavin interrupted Aithe’s thoughts, and he turned to face his father.

  “Oh yea? Why dae the two of ye think it?”

  “Well, the lassie braved the late fall weather of Scottland, all by herself, a land she didnae ken. She traveled hoping tae find Cadney Loch, without ye, and she did. When she arrived, she was sore, weathered, and weak. Poor lassie, she’s been havin’ tae eat six meals a day just tae put on a bit a weight again. She was thin as a reed.” Gavin shook his head with wide eyes. Aithe, having seen Alice get progressively thinner understood, but he also did not see what she looked like when she arrived. His father was right; she had traveled all that way just to save his life. She would not have done that for anyone.

  Aithe knew it must have been tough for her. Not only the journey but the act of leaving him behind.

  “Yer mother meant tae tell ye, as well, but we havenae had a chance. But Alice, the poor lassie, was in shambles when we left fer ye. She did nay want tae stay behind. She begged fer us tae take her with us, but we couldnae. She needed tae rest and get well. And much of the time, once ye were here, she stayed up by yer side. She slept only a wink, and only after we dragged her away, seein’ as how weak she was gettin’.”

  Aithe thought back to his feverish memories. So Alice had been by his side through his illness. He had not imagined her? She was exhausting herself further after that arduous journey just to be by his side.

  “The lassie loves ye Aithe. I ken we might be wrong about it, but I dinnae think so. I think she will be happy tae ken ye care fer her as well.” Gavin said as he looked out onto the Loch.

  “Yer right, Da. I shouldnae be afraid of her rejectin’ me. She was by me side through it all, and I by hers. If I love her as I dae, then she needs tae ken.” Aithe added in a low voice as he tore up the grass from a patch in his lap.

  “Ye must tell her, Aithe. The rest can be sorted out, but the two of ye must ken how ye feel about each other. Dinnae let another minute go by without tellin’ her.” Aithe nodded upon hearing his father’s wise words.

  He had meant to tell his father about wanting to stay and become clan leader, but today wasn’t meant for that conversation. He had other things to prioritize. He needed to admit to Alice that he had grown to love her, not out of duty, but because of who she was and how she made him feel. Aithe took in a deep breath. He could only hope she would feel the same way.

  Aithe and his father continued talking about other things. He filled his son with all he had missed in his time away fro
m home. He told him about new additions to the family, people who had left the area, and people who had been wed. It was strange for Aithe to hear about all that had passed in his time away from home. But he was also filled with a sense of sadness. He had missed so much and been gone so long. But it was good to be back in the place he had been raised.

  Aithe walked with his father back towards the castle. He knew that as soon as they returned to the castle, he wanted to find Alice and talk to her. He wanted to admit to her that he had developed feelings for her. It was time he was truthful about what he wanted. He no longer wanted the life he described; rather, he thought he might like to build a family with her here in Cadney, maybe even have a real wedding, possibly start a family. He wanted to envision a new life with her, one where they could grow old together, relax and feel truly safe after their time of hardship. He wanted to argue with her, to scold each other the way couples who weren’t in danger did. He wanted to experience life only by her side.

  Aithe and his father parted ways when they reached the castle. Far off, Alice approached the main door. Aithe spotted her and waved. She smiled as soon as she saw him, and Aithe felt his heart warm. Alice moved towards him.

  “I’m happy you’re up and moving,” she called, reaching and putting her hand on his shoulder.

  “Aye, lassie, as am I. Listen, I’d like tae have a word with ye if ye can spare th’ time.” Aithe felt nervous as he said the words, knowing he would need to confess his feelings to her.

  “Oh, perfect, yes, I think we have a lot to talk about.” Alice looked flustered. Her cheeks growing red as she spoke.

  “That we do.” Aithe added. He stuck out his elbow for Alice to grasp. She took it happily and walked with him inside the castle.

  “Did ye have a nice day at the market?” Aithe asked Alice as they walked up the stairs.

  “Yes, I did. It was very nice. Your mother took me to the bakery and had me try out a delicious kind of meat pie. There are so many wonderful craftsmen as well. I’m truly falling in love with Cadney already.” Alice had a broad smile on her face as she recounted all she had seen. Aithe lit up as he watched Alice talk animatedly. She seemed to be truly happy.

  “That is wonderful, lassie. I am glad ye are findin’ ye like Cadney.”

  “I truly am, Aithe. I’m very happy to be makin’ it my home.”

  The couple wandered into Aithe’s temporary bedroom. Aithe sat on the bed, and Alice followed, sitting next to him. He looked over at her.

  “You said you had something to talk to me about?” Alice asked. He nodded and brought his hand to his chin.

  “Aye, I did, lassie.” Aithe reached over and took Alice’s hand, holding it between his own.

  “Lassie, we’ve been on a long journey.” Aithe paused and took a deep breath. “When we first met, and we agreed tae get married, I thought I wanted a certain kind a’ life.”

  Alice smiled at him, encouraging him to continue speaking. “You were very brave, Aithe, willing to marry me even when you did not know who I was. You are a man of honor.”

  “Aye, that I was. I wanted tae make sure ye were safe from yer uncle, and that ye had the life ye deserved. And when ye agreed tae marry me, I said I wanted us tae have separate lives. I wanted tae be free tae go where I wanted tae. I thought I wanted tae live away from Cadney Loch, fer good.”

  “Yes, I understand that you want that life,” Alice pulled her hands away and frowned slightly.

  “Nay, lassie, tis what I wanted. Now, I have changed me mind. I no longer want a life all on me own. I want a life with ye, Alice.”

  “Aithe, are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Alice’s eyes were wide.

  “Alice, I have fallen in love with ye. I ken ye and I were meant to have a marriage of convenience, but I dinnae want that anymore. I want only tae be by yer side.”

  “Aithe, I love you too. I fell in love with you some time ago. I only want you by my side, I don’t want to be apart. I don’t want our marriage to be one of convenience.” Alice’s words were gushing like a waterfall. Aithe looked at her and felt a grin spread widely over his face. He was absolutely blown away… had not expected her response.

  He reached over, putting his hands on Alice’s face, and pulled her in, pressing his lips against hers. He kissed her once on the lips before covering her face in tender kisses.

  “Alice, I love you. I love you so much.” He added between kisses.

  “I love you, Aithe,” she said giggling. When he finally paused kissing, she reached over, took his face in her hands, and pulled him close. Aithe parted his lips and let his tongue slide out, entwining with Alice’s. They stayed like that for a short while. Kissing passionately for the first time in a home that was safe and secure. Aithe let himself fall into the kiss. He let himself desire a new future for both of them.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  A few days had passed since Aithe and Alice had confessed their feelings towards each other. Alice could not stop smiling afterward. Everything she had hoped for had come to fruition. Aithe loved her, but more than that, he wanted to live a life with her here, in Cadney. They had a whole future ahead to look forward to. She was not sure what they would do if he would still want to work outside of the castle or in it. She knew only that she was finally safe and free to do with her time as she wished.

  She readied herself in her temporary room, waiting for Aithe. He asked her to spend time with him that day, as he had a surprise planned for her. Alice was thrilled. Though she had been spending much time going in and out of the healer’s cottages, she was always happy to be with him, just spending time together. They were still discovering each other in many ways, and part of that was due to finally having time alone together.

  There was a knock on her door.

  “You may enter,” Alice said, walking over to the door. The door opened, and Aithe stood in the doorway.

  “Alice, ye are as bonny as ever,” he said to her. She blushed immediately and kissed him lightly on the lips.

  “And you are as handsome as ever.”

  “Are ye ready tae see what I have fer ye?” He shifted his weight from his left to his right foot and back again. Alice could see that he was a bit nervous, but she thought it only made him more handsome.

  “Yes, I cannot wait,” she said quickly.

  Aithe gave her his elbow and led her out of the room. He walked to the staircase down the hall and guided her upstairs. Alice was a bit confused at first. She expected it to be something he handed her, or perhaps a surprise elsewhere, not inside the castle. But she followed his lead regardless. They walked up two flights of stairs. Now that Alice was regaining her strength and eating regularly, she was able to handle the stairs with ease. She may have been weakened by the journey, but it had also proven to her just how capable she was.

  Once they reached the top floor, there was a small common room at the entrance of the stairs with two chairs. Across from the large staircase was a smaller set of stairs. Alice looked at it curiously, but Aithe motioned with his hand for her to go up. Alice approached them tentatively but took each step one by one.

  At the top of the stairs, she let out a small gasp. Where she had exited was an expansive and grand bedroom. In the corner stood a clawfoot tub and a large partition. At the other end was a wide desk. Across from the huge bed was a small table and a vanity dresser placed next to that. It was a room fit for royalty- the size of a small home.

  “My goodness, what is this?” Alice asked, taking it all in. She rushed over to the large windows that took up more than half the walls. They faced the expansive loch, and Alice felt her heart flutter at the sight.

  “This, Alice, is our new bedroom. If ye’d like it tae be.” Aithe said shyly. That was when Alice noticed the small vases of wildflowers, lavender, and fresh leaves. Petals of roses had been scattered across the bed

  She turned to face Aithe, to tell him how beautiful it all was, but instead of facing him, she turned and found him down on one knee.
  “Aithe?” Alice felt her breath catch in her throat.

  “I ken we are already married. But it was a small and simple wedding. Will ye marry me again, Alice, here in Cadney, with me family as a witness?”

  “Oh, Aithe, I’d love to!” Alice reached down and pulled Aithe up to face her. She put her hands on his face and pulled him in for a long kiss.

  Aithe pulled away after a few moments. He motioned to the room around him.

  “Are ye happy with this, Alice? Dae ye like the room?”

  Alice spun around in the center of the room. “It’s absolutely beautiful. This is an amazing room, and I cannot believe it is ours now.”


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