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The Captivating Warrior (Navy SEAL Romance)

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by Cami Checketts

  The Captivating Warrior

  Navy SEAL Romance

  Cami Checketts

  Daniel Banner

  Birch River Publishing


  The Captivating Warrior: Navy SEAL Romance

  Copyright © 2018 by Cami Checketts and Daniel Banner

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  To the amazing writers of the Navy SEAL Romances. Your talent, drive, and kindness are an inspiration to all.

  Author’s Note

  When we started the Navy SEAL Romances and the other amazing authors gave me the opportunity to write the opening and closing books in the series I was stoked … but then I got a little terrified. Sutton Smith is this unreal hero and I didn’t know if I could do him justice. I approached Daniel Banner about co-writing the book and when he said yes I celebrated. Daniel is amazing and made the story so much more than I could ever have anticipated (especially the fight scenes ;)

  I am so proud to be part of this epic series and I hope you love Sutton and Liz’s story every bit as much as I do.

  Oh, and don’t worry if you don’t want this to be the end. We’re already planning round two (October 2018) and we’re bring Cindy Anderson into the series as well. Yes!

  Happy reading,



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15


  About the Author

  Excerpt - The Protective Warrior

  Excerpt - The Peaceful Warrior

  Also by Cami Checketts

  Also by Daniel Banner

  Chapter One

  Sutton Smith entered the elegant ballroom with his spine stiff and his head held high. He hadn’t been on the soil of his motherland for over twenty-five years. It was eerie how familiar it all felt. He glanced at his men, dressed in tuxedos and spread throughout the room to blend in. More members of the team were performing roles in other parts of the estate. This was River’s mission and plan, but Sutton would make certain it was all executed perfectly.

  Lord Kingsley spotted him and inclined his chin toward a dark corner, away from the media and any watchful eyes. Sutton followed him at a sedate pace, extending his hand to his lifelong friend when they stopped behind some potted plants.

  “It’s been too long, old chap.” Kingsley pumped his hand vigorously. “I say, do you ever age?”

  Sutton arched an eyebrow and clapped him on the shoulder. “You’re the one who looks sporting.” Kingsley had gone soft and portly, but his eyes still sparkled with mischievous humor, reminding Sutton of young and innocent days he would never see again. “How’s the family?”

  “Happy and busy. I am a blessed man.”

  Sutton forced a smile. Kingsley was blessed, and Sutton was the soldier. Destined to be alone and sacrifice his life for others. He didn’t complain. He wasn’t bitter. But there were many, many nights when he could still smell the scent of vanilla and almost feel the softness of Liz’s skin. He would see her tonight. He wished he knew how he’d react.

  “The plan’s in place?” Kingsley asked.

  “Yes. I can’t tell you how much we appreciate your help.”

  “Blimey! To have the chance to sucker-punch that twit Gunthry? The weasel pretends he’s an upstanding member of the House of Lords yet enslaves his own wife and daughter.” Kingsley grinned. “Ex-wife now. The papers were finalized this morning. I can’t wait until Liz and Ally are safe and Gunthry finds out exactly what he signed yesterday.” He bobbed his head vigorously. “I’d give up everything but the wife and the little ones for a night like tonight and the other brilliance we’re going to throw at Gunthry soon.”

  Sutton completely agreed, relieved beyond measure that Liz was no longer married to the piece of scum. Gunthry’s sucker-punch had been due for decades. Interesting that one of Sutton’s own men, River, and Liz’s daughter, Ally, were the instigators and not Sutton. He’d fought so many battles, yet he’d never come to claim Liz like he’d always wanted. But that was because of choices she’d made. He wouldn’t surrender his pride, even for her. It seemed fate, however, wouldn’t leave well enough alone.

  He shook his old friend’s hand again. “Get back to being the esteemed host, chum.”

  “Right you are. Let’s catch up before you leave the country.”

  Sutton inclined his chin and watched his friend bustle away. If the plan went accordingly, there would be no time for catching up. His heart beat faster at the thought of the entirety of the plan. Although she didn’t know it yet, Elizabeth, former Duchess of Gunthry, would be leaving with him tonight.

  How would she react to seeing him again? How was he going to stay detached and aloof? He straightened his spine and reminded himself that she’d chosen the duke over him twenty-five years ago. It didn’t matter that she was free now. She wasn’t Sutton’s love anymore. She was simply a mission to him. An abused woman who needed rescuing. The thought of his sweet Liz being beaten down and belittled by the duke for all these years ripped at him, no matter what lies he tried to tell himself.

  A slight ruckus at the entry drew his eyes. Cameras were flashing like mad as the duke and Liz glided into the room. Liz was as exquisite and perfect as ever. Her blonde hair was swept up with a few curls adorning her beautiful face. Her skin was smooth and unblemished. Her body was lithe and curvy in the fitted, silver dress. But to him, Liz was so much more than the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. She was sweet and kind, and she had an understated humor and an undying love for those less fortunate.

  Sutton’s mouth went dry, and he swore he could smell the tantalizing scent of vanilla. Liz. She was here, and soon she’d be in his arms again.

  No. He had to be strong and professional. She wasn’t his Liz anymore. She would never be his Liz again. Sutton’s eyes flickered to the duke, smiling regally and shaking Lord Kingsley’s hand and kissing Angela’s fingers. They proceeded farther into the room, and the duke introduced Liz to River’s father and mother, Barry and Poppy. Barry Duncan and Lord Kingsley were about to help Sutton and River give the duke everything he deserved. Sutton allowed himself a small smile, despite the ache he was feeling for Liz.

  High stakes had always been a part of Sutton’s life—in his short military career, in business, in the Warrior Project. This mission, however, had an entirely different texture. It had never been personal like this before. If they didn’t stop the duke, a lot of people Sutton cared about stood to lose everything. Nothing could go wrong tonight.

  Elizabeth Gunthry placed her hand carefully on the arm the duke extended to her and strolled by his side into the elegant ballroom. His eyes flickered over her silver sequined dress, perfectly coiffed blonde hair, and professionally made-up face with disdain and possessiveness. “You look lovely, my dear.”

  “Thank you,” she said automatically. The duke didn’t expect a return compliment. She supposed he was an extremely handsome man, to those who didn’t know his black heart. To her, James was the ugliest and vilest of monsters. His touch made her
stomach curdle and her heart shrivel and want to stop beating. Mercifully, he hadn’t tried to be intimate with her in years. She only had to endure his touch in public and his violence in private.

  The Kingsley’s spacious ballroom was as full as she’d ever seen it, with dozens of couples dancing to a waltz played by a small orchestra and many more people mingling around the edges. Lord Kingsley and his lovely wife, Angela, greeted them as they entered the room. Liz had already asked too much of her only confidant when Angela helped arrange for Ally’s protection in Kauai by an American Navy SEAL. Sadly, that plan had failed. The courageous young SEAL had lost his life and torn Ally’s heart out. Liz had almost despaired of ever securing her daughter’s freedom, but she would never give up. It didn’t matter if her own life was sacrificed. She would not allow Ally to repeat the purgatory that her life had been.

  Kingsley was still trying to help them though and, just last night, had secured Liz’s divorce, for which she would be forever grateful. He had found a judge who would keep the proceedings quiet until Ally was safe. Liz would be in mortal peril when James found out she and Kingsley had tricked him into signing divorce papers while he thought his friend, Lord Kingsley, had helped him access more of Liz’s immense fortune. It was worth it to know, at least on paper and before the courts, she was free.

  Glancing back, she caught a glimpse of her daughter. A lot of people thought they looked like twins but Ally was much more beautiful, confident, and fun-loving than Elizabeth had ever been. At one time, Liz had had the confidence and happiness that love brings, but that had been ripped away from her years ago. There was no hope for love for her now, and to know that Ally’s first love had been murdered by James last week had almost sucked any hope from her heart. But Ally was still young, and the world lay before her. Somehow, someway, they would secure her freedom or die trying.

  James escorted Liz to a broad, good-looking man and his adorable wife who had such springy dark curls Liz wanted to touch them.

  “Mr. Barry Duncan and his wife, the lovely Poppy.” James smiled magnanimously. “May I present my beloved Elizabeth, the Duchess of Gunthry.” James bowed to her as if he truly worshipped her.

  Liz gave them her brilliant smile. She was more impressive than any actress she knew at this point. Her heart was singing. She was no longer the Duchess of Gunthry, and soon James and the world would know that. “Such a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

  Mr. Duncan shook her hand, all smiles. “The pleasure is all ours. Your acclaim is world-wide, Duchess.”

  Liz held on to her smile. Acclaim for being touted as the most beautiful woman in the world. Oh, how she hated that. She didn’t care what anyone in the world thought of her and was so sick of her face and body being the only thing that mattered to anyone. Her daughter knew there was more to her, and that was all that mattered. Liz would play her part, and she would play it well until her daughter was free. At that point, James would probably kill her as he’d threatened a week ago. “Thank you.”

  Poppy surprised Liz by reaching up and giving her a tight squeeze. The little woman smelled like the flowers, befitting her name. She would be a bright spot anywhere. “You and I are going to be fast friends.” Poppy declared in her quick American accent.

  She released Liz, and for once, Liz didn’t know how to respond. She didn’t have friends except for Angela Kingsley, and she rarely saw her. James had isolated her so completely that she barely knew who she was any longer, besides his slave and decoration.

  Poppy held on to her hand and tugged her around to her side as her husband engaged James in business conversation. She knew James was ecstatic to make contact with the American billionaire. Liz couldn’t care less. She was wealthy independently of her husband, fat lot of good it did her. She lifted her chin and reminded herself it was all different now. She was divorced from James, and that knowledge made her heart soar. Even if she never physically got away from him, she wasn’t shackled to him in the sight of heaven or the good Lord’s witnesses any longer.

  “Now point out your sweet daughter to me,” Poppy requested, squeezing her hand. “I haven’t even met the angel, and I already know I’m going to love her.”

  Liz glanced down at the petite woman in surprise. Something was going on here, and she felt like she was a step behind. She did as requested and pointed to Ally and Henry standing across the room. Ally was a vision in a white fitted dress that flared from the hips down with red and pink flowers adorning the dress and her hair. “That’s Alexandria.” Liz purposely avoided mentioning Henry, the swine Ally was being forced to marry.

  Poppy gasped. “Oh, my goodness, she’s even more beautiful than the pictures of her. I can see why Riv—” Poppy seemed to catch herself. “I can see why she makes such a stir everywhere she goes. And that dress. It’s prettier than my wedding dress was.”

  Liz didn’t quite know what to make of this verbose woman with her charming accent and rapid speech. Had she been about to say River? Liz shook her head. No. She’d heard Ally moan that name in her sleep over and over, so it was stuck in her own brain. Along with questions of how the good Lord could be so cruel to take Ally’s young love away before they even had a chance to begin. Liz fingered her diamond necklace absently. Liz’s own love hadn’t been killed, but he might as well have been.

  “Tell me all about yourself,” Poppy said. “What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?”

  Fun? Liz released her necklace and tried to think of the last time someone had wanted to know something about her besides who designed her clothing, styled her hair, did her makeup, or which brand of anti-aging cream she used.

  “Well, er, I used to fancy surfing, but you know how busy life gets.” She sighed and then caught herself when she saw the duke’s sharp glance. How could he hear her conversation when he was ten feet away and involved in his own? “I swim every day.”

  “Oh, that’s lovely. That’s why you look so fantabulous.”

  Liz couldn’t help but laugh at the silly word. “What about you?”

  “My life is my boys, my grandbabies, and my garden.” She beamed. “I whip those cute little men into shape and they bring me such happiness.”

  Liz felt the splinter drive deeper into her heart. Boys, grandbabies, and happiness. She couldn’t understand or relate.

  “I bet your daughter brings you such joy.”

  Liz glanced over to where Ally had been and saw her striding quickly across the room. “Yes, she does.” She wished she could excuse herself and chase after her girl, but the duke would not approve, and she couldn’t risk enraging him with Ally in his grasp. If he ever hurt Ally the way he’d hurt Liz … A shudder ran through her. Every day, the vow she’d made to die defending her daughter if it ever became necessary came closer to being a prophecy.

  A subtle wash of sandalwood and musk stole over Liz, and she couldn’t help but close her eyes and simply savor that smell. Sutton. That certain cologne always screamed his name to her. Twenty-five long years, and the only glimpses she’d had of him were when he was on the telly for some donation or philanthropic mission.

  “Oh!” Poppy gasped next to her then let out a low whistle.

  Liz opened her eyes, and a vision was before her. Her knees went weak, and her stomach swooped. “Sutton?” she whispered.

  He gave her a very practiced smile, not his genuine grin that she used to bask in, but a cold and detached smile. Nonetheless, he was even more handsome than he’d been at twenty-three. He was tall, regal, with the sculpted face of a man who had been through his share of battles and had come out the victor. His muscular frame encased in a tailored black tuxedo screamed he was not a man to be trifled with, but she wished with everything in her that she could trifle with him.

  How was he here? Why now? All the years fell away, and it was all Liz could do to restrain herself. She wanted to throw herself against that lovely chest and kiss him until all the anguish, fear, and despair of the last twenty-five years disappeared.

sp; “Hello, Duchess,” he said in that deep, melodious voice that sent tingles dancing along her skin.

  Did he know she was no longer the duchess? That she was free and still as enamored by him as she’d been as a teenager?

  “Are you James Bond?” Poppy asked.

  Sutton’s real smile burst through for half a second, and Liz had to lean against Poppy or she would’ve fallen over. Was he truly standing before her?

  “No, ma’am. I’m 008.” His accent was slightly different than Liz remembered. Maybe it was a bit Americanized, or maybe it was just a sign of how hardened he’d become over the years.

  Poppy laughed and then clasped Liz’s hand. “Oh, my,” she whispered. “If he smiles at me again, I’m going to pass out.”

  Liz was close to passing out herself. 008 had been her and Sutton’s personal joke years ago. She’d call him James Bond, and he would say he was 008, stronger and smarter than Bond and committed to only one woman. Oh, if only the last part were true and that woman was her. Did he even remember what they used to have? The depth of his blue gaze said he did.

  “Duchess.” Sutton bit the word out with a bitterness that stung. Still, he extended his hand and bowed slightly. “May I have the pleasure of this dance?”

  Poppy pushed her forward. “Go!”

  Liz felt like she was back in high school with her friend Angela pushing her toward her dream man. Sutton took her hand in his, and all the years and pain melted away. Her stomach was full of butterflies, and the only thing in the world she wanted was for him to smile at her. Really smile at her. As if she was all that mattered to him.


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