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The Captivating Warrior (Navy SEAL Romance)

Page 3

by Cami Checketts

  Poppy winked at James whose face blanched at her terminology, though he kept his politician smile in place. “Don’t be long, love.” He commanded. Anyone else would probably assume he actually enjoyed being with her.

  Ally was free, and if heaven cared for her at all, Poppy was taking Liz to Sutton. Liz took the hand James extended to her and dug her fingernails into his palm and the back of his hand. He winced and tried to pull away, rage filling his gaze, but Liz held on, bravery rushing through her now that Ally was with River. She leaned in close and whispered, “I’ll be as long as I want, you twit.”

  She released him and Liz had the satisfaction of James shaking out his hand and confusion warring with the anger on his pompous face.

  Poppy linked their arms, and Liz walked with her through the ballroom and out into the main hall of the mansion. With bright smiles, they greeted people Liz had known her entire life, but there was a pressure in Poppy’s grasp that showed she was as nervous as Liz. Was this really happening? Had she really just stood up to James like that? It was easy to be brave without his bodyguards around, but if Sutton wasn’t waiting for her she was in for a world of hurt later tonight.

  “There go our darling children,” Poppy said brightly.

  Liz caught sight of the front door opening and River and Ally slipping through. “They look so happy.” There went her life. Her only joy.

  “They are.” Poppy reassured her.

  The two women walked sedately down the hall toward the ladies’ room. Poppy squeezed her arm as she turned toward the door. “I’ll look forward to seeing you again real soon,” she said.

  A hand on Liz’s other elbow drew her attention at the same time that she smelled that mixture of musk and sandalwood. “This way, Duchess.” He gave her a cocksure grin that seemed to peel the years away, despite the deprecating way he called her “Duchess.” Back before he’d left for the Navy, Sutton had been full of mischief, and she remembered many times him giving her that grin before taking her on some adventure, often something that her father would not have approved of.

  Liz allowed him to direct her down a side hallway and toward the back of the house, joy rushing through her. He’d come. “It’s just Liz,” she murmured.

  He glanced down at her again, and now his expression turned cool. “No, I don’t think we need to be that friendly.”

  “Why not?” Liz demanded.

  They turned into the mansion’s industrial kitchen. Cooks and the serving staff peered at them. Liz thought Sutton’s plan was a little on the daft side. The duke would have no trouble figuring out who she was with and where she’d gone. Sutton’s strength radiated off of him. Maybe that was exactly his plan. He’d always been ready for a fight, and he seemed keen on taking James down. But he had no clue how far-reaching James’ power and authority extended. Loads of money and being an extremely talented liar with Satan’s powers could accomplish anything.

  “You answered that question over twenty-five years ago.” Sutton’s stern tone brooked no argument, but Liz was sick of men telling her what to do.

  “Your information is flawed.” She shot the words at him.

  Sutton smiled patiently and said, “The proof of the pudding is in the eating, Duchess. This way.” They headed down a rear staircase and into an underground car park. Liz wondered if it was for the Kingsley’s staff, but then she saw Kingsley’s prized Bentley collection.

  She stopped on the steps and realized her fleeting dreams of running away with Sutton couldn’t happen. Ally was safe, for now, but James’ power was worldwide. “This is barmy. I need to stay and deflect James from chasing after Ally.”

  “That worked so well in Kauai.” Sutton arched an eyebrow condescendingly at her.

  It killed her that he was being so cold. Her heart had been light and happy thinking about being with him, but he obviously didn’t love her anymore. If there was no chance of them reigniting their love, she should definitely stay here and keep the duke from pursuing Ally and River and endangering any more lives. True, it hadn’t worked in Kauai when James had found Ally and killed River temporarily, but Liz would rather fight than run and the fact that James’ men had bested River in Kauai was even more reason to slow down his search for Ally.

  “I know how to deal with the duke.”

  Sutton’s brows drew together, and the glower was terrifying enough Liz took a step back up the staircase.

  “I’ll give my life for Ally’s,” she said simply. James might allow the trade, if she left him all her fortune as well. What did she care about money if it gave Ally more time to hide and kept Sutton from having a bull’s eye on his back?

  “You’re good at giving up your happiness for others, aren’t you Liz?” Sutton bit out the words.

  Did he know what she’d done for him? If he did, why was he treating her so coldly? Yet he’d just called her Liz again, and even that one slip made her warm inside.

  “I need to stay,” she said again, growing stronger in her conviction. She was two steps above him, and she felt empowered being close to his height.

  Sutton rolled his eyes, swept her off her feet and flipped her over his shoulder. His hands wrapped around the back of her thighs. Liz cried out in surprise and dismay. “Sutton Smith! Put me down!”

  “I’ve got no time to argue with you, Duchess. Be calm and trust me for once.”

  Liz used to trust him, but this new Sutton was a stranger to her. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to trust him or smack him good, yet being this close to him, even in this awkward position, was making her insides feel fluttery and she also was feeling something she hadn’t felt in twenty-five years … hope.

  Sutton rushed through the car park with Liz in her formal, her stomach pressed against his shoulder like some kind of silly debutante being stolen away by the rugby captain. If she cared what anyone thought anymore, she would’ve been mortified.

  He approached the passenger side of a silver Aston Martin. The doors clicked open, and he lowered Liz off his shoulder a lot more carefully than the way he’d thrown her up there. She slid to her feet, and their faces were much too close. Liz pulled in a quick breath as she stared into his exquisitely blue eyes.

  Sutton’s eyes slowly traveled over her face, resting on her lips before capturing her gaze again. “Liz.” Her name slid out in a husky sort of groan that constricted her oxygen supply even further.

  She held her breath, hoping, praying he’d simply touch his lips to hers. How she’d longed for him all these lonely, horrific years. When he simply stared at her with a torn, almost broody expression and never even leaned in, giving her a chance to meet him halfway, she couldn’t take it any longer.

  “You really are 007 not 008.” She inclined her head toward the expensive vehicle. “The Aston Martin, making women fall for you.” She hoped it came out jokingly, referring to Poppy’s reaction to him, instead of the irrational jealousy that rushed through her. He was so exquisite, wealthy, charming. She couldn’t imagine how many women had fallen prey to those charms over the years, and it made her fighting mad.

  “Are you falling for me, Liz?”

  She was under his spell, that was for sure, and he’d just used her nickname again. But her tongue was thick, and her jealousy of all the other women who’d been in his life stopped her from saying anything.

  His eyes shuttered, and he glowered at her. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t have time to be your little fling anymore,” he said shortly.

  “What does that mean?” Had he really just claimed everything they’d shared in their youth was a “little fling?”

  “Oh, please. I know how it works with your kind. How little I meant to you. Spare me being your latest conquest, Duchess.” He stepped back quickly and ushered her into the car, shutting the door.

  Liz sat there with her back ramrod straight, cold and heat warring in her body. How dare he act as if what they had meant nothing to her and like she’d turned into some loose woman. Your kind? What sort of barmy insult was that? H
e had no clue what her life was like. Besides the fact that she had morals, the mere thought of her cheating on the duke with anyone was laughable. She knew James was with different women every week, but she was simply his slave and treated with less respect than any of their employees.

  Sutton obviously hated her, and it killed her. She wanted to explain everything but how could she explain to this new Sutton? This beautiful, cold, and accomplished man who didn’t seem to care for her any longer. She’d ditched him to keep him safe. Would she ever dare tell him what she’d done for him?

  He slipped into the car and pushed the start button. The motor purred to life. Sutton sat as straight in his seat as she did in hers, not glancing in her direction at all. No. There was no reason to tell him the truth. The past was in the past, and even without James beating her, Liz was destined to be miserable.

  Chapter Three

  Sutton could feel the frustration pouring off of Liz. He’d overstepped by claiming she was an adulterer like Gunthry and the scum he called friends. Kingsley had told him that Liz had been a prisoner in her own home for many years. Sutton’s only excuse was the pain from her rejection decades ago was still sharp, and he’d lashed out. He’d also needed to say something to distance himself, or he would’ve kissed her then and there. He needed to keep his head on straight. The duke’s men were detained by his SEALs and private security team for the time being, but Sutton knew that Gunthry had others at his disposal who were probably even now on their way to intercept him.

  He angled up the ramp and out of the parking lot, rushing onto the city streets.

  “We’re not in America,” said Liz calmly, pointing at the street in front of them.

  Sutton zipped over to the proper side of the street, but didn’t reply. Why did Liz have to be so maddeningly appealing? It was hard to think straight with her around. Things had never been like that with Jean. Sutton had married her on the rebound from Liz, thinking he wanted a companion and someone to have children with. Jean had no desire for either and Sutton had been thrilled when the divorce was final and she’d gotten the settlement she craved and had never come back again. After that, he’d thrown himself into raising his son, Doug. Life had been great for them, and the years had passed quickly. Of course, there had been nights he ached for Liz, but he’d always been a master of self-control. Who knew she could dismantle that self-control simply by being herself?

  “Sutton.” She quietly said his name and put her smooth fingers on his arm at the same time.

  Sutton couldn’t help but groan as he shifted the car into a higher gear, increasing the speed. He ignored her voice and her touch.

  “This is a mistake.” She tried again.

  They were a mistake? “Yeah, you made that glaringly obvious when you married the duke while I was deployed.”

  Liz pulled her hand back and let out a cute little gasp. Sutton couldn’t resist glancing at her. She was picture perfect and completely off limits to him.

  “No, I meant you taking me away like this. The duke will come after us. I don’t want you hurt.”

  Sutton let out a harsh laugh. “There you go again, assuming your squirrelly duke can best me.”

  “You and your barmy pride.” She shot back at him.

  Sutton laughed again. He couldn’t help it. He liked her feisty.

  “All you’re doing is prolonging the inevitable,” she said. “He’ll find me, and then he’ll kill me. Kill us both. If you take me back, I can deal with it without you having to suffer.”

  Sutton braked for a red light and turned to look at her in the darkened interior. Her blue eyes were large and afraid. That monster truly had her fearing for her life. He wanted to tear James apart for the hurt he’d inflicted on Liz. Sutton wanted to protect her until his dying day. He shook his head. He couldn’t get all idealistic about this. He was protecting her for River and Ally and exacting his revenge on the duke. When James was brought to shame and ruin, Liz would be safe to live out her life. A life Sutton had no part of anymore.

  He gave her a cocky grin. “Don’t worry about me, Duchess. I’ve been waiting a long time to make things right between me and the duke.”

  Liz rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest. That silver dress was much too appealing on her lovely frame. “Barmy male pride,” she muttered.

  Sutton gave her a dry chuckle. She had no clue how his male instincts were firing toward her at the moment. If she did, she’d probably call him something a lot more intense than barmy. Let her think it was just about him winning against James. That would hopefully keep him safe from falling for her again. And maybe the Queen would give up her crown to a pauper in his fantasy world.

  Liz sat back in the plush seat of Sutton’s Airbus. It was nicer than her and James’ Gulfstream. This passenger compartment didn’t seem to be as large as the Gulfstream’s, but there were probably other cabins. She supposed she shouldn’t be surprised. Sutton came from family money and had obviously been successful with his investments or business ventures. Sutton was impressive for many reasons that had nothing to do with his money, power, or handsome face. She loved his dry humor and how smart and caring he was. Unfortunately, he obviously didn’t care for her anymore.

  An ache lodged in her throat. If only she could’ve chosen him instead of the duke all those years ago. The icy way he was treating her now showed he had no desire to forgive and forget those years and that pain. Or maybe he simply wasn’t interested in her anymore. Maybe he didn’t know she was divorced now. She wanted to tell him, tell the world, instead she watched the adorable redheaded flight attendant fawn over him. Did a man like 008 ever get used to the female adoration?

  The flight passed slowly as she agonized over Ally and River being safe and wished she could rein in this intense draw to Sutton. She couldn’t stop herself from staring at him. It was even harder because they were facing each other across the main cab, each in their own leather recliners. He worked on a laptop for far too many hours while she tried to distract herself with the magazines the flight attendant brought her and then the film she put on for her. Liz had said she didn’t care which film it was, and the girl had put on the most recent James Bond. Now that was cruel, being twenty feet from an even better version—her 008. The man she’d loved her entire life.

  The film ended just as they stopped to refuel in New Jersey and converse briefly with a customs agent who came onboard. With a sly grin for Liz, Sutton produced her passport, though she had no idea how he’d obtained it. Within minutes, they lifted off again, and Sutton returned to studiously ignoring her. What could she do to get him to look at her again? To love her again?

  Stop it, Liz. She forced her eyes closed and said a prayer for River and Ally’s safety before praying she could sleep. She slid her chair into the fully reclined position and squeezed her eyes shut. It felt good to stretch out, but then something else hit her. For the past ten hours, she hadn’t been afraid. She’d been worried about River and Ally and much too interested in Sutton’s every move, but she hadn’t felt the suffocating blanket of fear that had become such a part of her life she barely noticed it anymore. Sutton’s protection made her feel light and airy. Even if he never loved her like she did him, she had this gift of safety. Even more importantly, Ally was safe.

  Tears of relief and gratitude squeezed out of her closed lids. She wanted to rush over and hug Sutton for giving her this taste of freedom, this reprieve from her life. Sadly, she doubted it would last. The duke would win in the end. He always did. She hated that Sutton would now be a target for him. For this brief moment, she was going to savor this feeling of protection and safety.

  And freedom. The plan with the divorce papers had been in the works for months. It was supposed to coincide with Ally’s escape to Hawaii. When James had discovered where Ally had gone, and brought her back, Liz’s world had come crashing down. It had taken a few days to recover and decide that she wouldn’t remain married to that monster for a minute longer than necessary, even witho
ut a firm escape plan for Ally in place.

  She thought back to last night when Kingsley had come home with James from the House of Lords. Kingsley was all smiles as he explained to her that he’d mentioned to James that he was helping her invest the billions Liz had received upon her father’s death. Liz had put on a face of controlled panic, acting as if it was an unspeakable shock that James had discovered her fortune, yet she was putting on a brave face anyway. The fear had been real, because if James had so much as skimmed a single one of the documents, the entire ruse would have been exposed.

  James had kept his politician smile in place, an ugly glower in his eyes, as Kingsley explained to Liz that he needed both her and James to sign the paperwork to be joint owners on the funds. Little did James know that he’d actually signed his own divorce papers. He trusted Kingsley completely, and the plan she and Kingsley had come up with to get him to sign the papers made James love Kingsley even more. He assumed he was gaining access to several billion more pounds, as if he needed more money.

  Now that she and Ally were free, she wondered when the court would serve the real papers to James and inform him he was divorced. She allowed herself a happy smile. Divorced. What a beautiful word. Thank heavens for Kingsley taking that risk and for the judge who agreed to finalize the papers yet not send them to James until they gave him the word. She owed Kingsley so much.

  Content in her safety and happy thoughts, she started feeling drowsy when the scent of sandalwood and musk washed over her. Wanting to open her eyes, yet not daring to, she tried to regulate her breathing and just enjoy smelling him. A blanket draped softly over her and then Sutton’s hands tucked the blanket gently around her waist.

  Liz’s breath caught, and her eyes flew open. She glanced up and saw he was hovering right above her. Liz stared into his lovely blue eyes. Blimey, he was a beautiful man. She was drawn up into him like he was a tractor beam. As he stared deeply into her eyes, she felt herself arching up. Her body tingled with anticipation as he planted his hands on either side of her abdomen and leaned closer.


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