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The Captivating Warrior (Navy SEAL Romance)

Page 13

by Cami Checketts

  There was a ruckus downstairs. Liz strained against her bonds, fear for Sutton, River, and Ally flooding her. Everyone in the room paused and seemed to lean toward the sounds. Footsteps pounded up the stairs, and they heard a roar of “Gunthry!”

  James went white.

  “Sutton!” Liz screamed.

  James whirled to her and ran across the room, squatting behind her chair and yanking a black pistol out. He pressed the gun to her temple and said, “Don’t move, love.”

  Liz’s body recoiled from the pressure of cold steel. She’d thought so many times in her life that she’d rather be dead or that she was prepared to die, but being loved by Sutton the past few days had proven how weak that resolve was. She wanted to live and be free to love Sutton and be close to River and Ally. She wanted to watch their young love deepen and grow, to be there for their babies and their happy and sad times.

  James’ soft stomach was pressed into her bound hands, pinching them against the back of the chair. He wrapped his free arm around her neck. She could still hear the sound of battle going on downstairs and wondered who was winning.

  The door flung open, and Sutton leapt into the room. Dressed in a navy-blue suit, he looked impeccable and as debonair as ever until she focused on his eyes. His normally cool blue eyes were full of fear and rage.

  “Liz.” His eyes focused on the gun next. “Gunthry, no.”

  James snorted out a harsh laugh. “You were all composed and willing to destroy my life earlier today. Now you have an issue with me returning the favor?”

  “My men are annihilating yours,” Sutton said, stepping into the room further. “You have nowhere to go. Release Liz and you have my word that you can walk out of here. Hurt her and I will kill you slowly and so painfully you’ll wish you could die sooner.”

  Liz’s eyes widened at the coldness of the threat. Though Sutton appeared composed, his eyes were still wild and flashing. James’ grip on her tightened, and he shoved the gun tighter against her head. She could hear him breathing heavily. He had to be crouching behind her chair, not kneeling, and it was probably a tough position to maintain. He clung tighter to her.

  Time seemed to stand still as Liz looked at Sutton. She loved him completely. She’d promised herself she would never be subject to James again, and now was finally the time to show it. All Sutton needed was a distraction, and he’d be all over James. Ally and River would make it out alive. Liz had known this moment was coming for a very long time.

  Ally was trying to speak through the gag. Liz picked up a pleading tone.

  She could feel James turn to look at Ally, and he relaxed his grip slightly. “I know, pumpkin. This is hard to watch, but your mum betrayed both of us with him years ago,” he said in his politician voice.

  “I am done with your lies!” Liz yelled.

  She dug into his soft abdomen with her fingernails and clenched as hard as she could. Her nails gripped his gut like iron claws. James screamed. Liz pushed off with her feet while thrusting her body weight back against the chair. She flew backward, and James toppled over in his awkward position. The chair and Liz, landed on top of him.

  Ally shrieked. River gave out a muffled holler, and James was groaning and cursing underneath her. Liz had expected the gun to go off and end her life, but somehow, it hadn’t.

  She was staring straight up at the ceiling, and suddenly, Sutton filled her vision. He gave her a flash of a smile before lifting her and the chair off of James and setting her upright. She noticed he was standing on James’ hand that still held the pistol. James released his grip and Sutton kicked the pistol away then dove on top of him.

  James was screaming and crying pitifully as Sutton slammed his fists into his face over and over again.

  Steve rushed into the room and Liz’s heart raced with terror. “Sutton!” she yelled.

  Sutton turned, and his eyes narrowed. With a roar, he hefted James off the ground and threw him at Steve. He and Steve crashed to the ground. Sutton stormed after them. Steve disentangled himself and tried to fight, but Sutton was like a machine, pummeling Steve mercilessly. An elbow to the temple sent Steve down to the ground, too dazed to fight. Sutton turned his attention back to James, holding his neck with one hand while he walloped him with the other fist.

  Two more men dressed in black rushed through the door, but Sutton had tunnel vision in his punishment of the duke. Liz struggled against her restraints. “Sutton, look out!” It was a replay of the scene from Vieques. The duke’s men would keep coming until they overpowered Sutton just like they had River. Despair rolled over her. She couldn’t bear to watch the love of her life be dismantled and beaten then killed.

  “Sir.” It was one of Sutton’s men. The breath rushed out of her, and Liz almost cried with relief. “Sir, we can take it from here.”

  Sutton turned his head to the newcomers, determination shining in his eyes, and Liz didn’t think a hundred men could bring him down. Steve was laying on the floor, starting to stir again, and Sutton held James’ head in his hands. Liz could tell he was about to do something drastic—snap his neck or bash it against the wood floor.

  As much as she hated James, she didn’t want Sutton to kill him. They didn’t have to sink to his level or get blood on their hands to be happy together. She didn’t know if she could convince him of that or if Sutton would keep fighting until James was dead.

  “You’re better than that, 008,” she said softly. If there was ever a time to be his strength instead of his weakness it was now.

  Sutton’s eyes snapped from his man to her. “I’m right here, Sutton. We can finally have what we always wanted.” Realization dawned on his face, and she could see his muscles relax.

  He let James’ head fall to the floor and said to him, “You’ll never hurt anyone again, you spineless prat.”

  He took the hand offered by his man and said, “Thanks, Zane.”

  The other SEAL who’d entered the room extended a rod and touched James on the ribcage. The buzz of electricity filled the room and every muscle in James’ body tensed. An agonized whine escaped his mouth.

  “Really, Cannon?” asked Zane, rolling his eyes.

  “You can’t be too careful,” Cannon said with a grin. He held the stun rod over Steve and looked at River. “What do you say, River? Him too?”

  River nodded vigorously, his mouth still bound, and Cannon gave Steve a good long jolt. Then he bent to put handcuffs on his incapacitated victims.

  Zane told Sutton, “The police are here, sir. It’s all over.”

  Sutton slapped his back and nodded. In a voice dripping with emotion, he said, “Heart of a warrior.”

  “Heart of a warrior,” Zane repeated, standing strong and confident, but his eyes a little misty as he met Sutton’s gaze.

  Sutton straightened his suit, and his gaze focused back on Liz. Striding toward her, his blue eyes seemed to get calmer the closer he got.

  Liz felt tears spill over as he reached her and knelt down in front of her. He rested his hands on her waist and buried his face in her abdomen. “Oh, Liz. Did he hurt you?”

  Liz had never seen Sutton lose his composure. It both broke her heart and made her love him even more. She wanted her hands free. She wanted to cradle his head close, and then she wanted to bring his face up to hers and kiss him and kiss him. “No, Sutton. You told me he’d never hurt me again, and you were right.”

  Half a dozen bobbies entered the room and hauled James and Steve to their feet.

  “I am the Duke of Gunthry!” James roared. “Unhand me!” No one seemed to care.

  “I’m a U.S. Citizen,” Steve said. “I demand you take me to my embassy.”

  The bobbies started herding them unceremoniously to the door. James cried out, “Tell them, Liz! Tell them I’m innocent. It was Steve.”

  Liz looked down at her hero. The duke was dead to her.

  “Tell them, Duchess, tell them or else!” James’ voice retreated down the hallway. Liz truly believed it would be the last
time she ever had to hear it, and she owed it all to this glorious man who was holding her so passionately.

  The two SEALs came over and removed Ally and River’s gags then pulled out pocket knives. As they cut through the plastic cuffs, Zane told them everyone in Puerto Rico had survived. River complained that he wanted to be the one to pummel and Taser Steve. As soon as River and Ally were free, they came together like magnets that had been trying to get together for a long time.

  Liz only noticed until her bands fell to the ground. The moment her hands were free, she buried them in Sutton’s hair and pulled him closer. He glanced up at her, and his blue eyes were brighter than she’d ever seen them. “Liz,” he murmured. “You’re so brave. How did you bring yourself to attack Gunthry like that? He could have killed you.”

  Liz stared at him. She was brave? He’d just rescued all of them and pummeled two men in front of their eyes.

  “I almost lost you again.” Sutton’s body shuddered. He stood suddenly and scooped her out of the chair and into his arms, cradling her like a child. He rested his forehead against hers and whispered, “I can’t ever be without you, Liz.”

  She smiled. “I don’t plan on ever leaving you, 008.”

  “I had plans to be strong and let you have a chance to be free and unencumbered, decide if I was really what you want.” He shook his head. “I can still do that if you need time.”

  Liz put her finger on his lips. “Shh. That’s the dumbest idea you’ve ever come up with. For the first time in twenty-five years, I get to choose what I want, and all I want is you.”

  His face finally broke into a smile. “Good, because those years have been torture. I plan on spending the next twenty-five holding you close.”

  “You do that. But also, you need to kiss me good and long.”

  Sutton’s smile grew. “Make up for lost time.”

  “Ages and ages,” she replied, savoring the anticipation, but dying for him to kiss her already.

  He lowered his head and captured her mouth with his. His lips were strong, warm, and heavenly. Liz wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself closer to him. Cheering broke out around them, but she ignored it. Sutton was all that mattered, and she finally had him right where she wanted him—holding her.


  Liz smoothed the satin material of her fitted wedding dress. Ally was standing by her side right inside the glass doors of the rear living room of Sutton’s newly-remodeled mansion. Hundreds of people were waiting under the tent on the sprawling lawn overlooking the ocean below. Her stomach fluttered, and she pushed a hand to it.

  “I think it’s time, Mum,” Ally murmured.

  “Are you certain?”

  Ally looked her over and laughed. “You’re nervous.”

  “Not to get married to Sutton, but why did so many people have to show up?”

  Ally grinned. “Sutton is very well-respected, Mum, and well, he’s like Batman or something. Everybody wants to get a glimpse of his life.”

  Liz smiled to herself. She had more than a glimpse, and he was much more incredible than Batman or James Bond.

  Sutton had already told her he wanted the world to see her in a new light. Not as arm candy, and not just as Sutton Smith’s wife. In ninety days, when she launched her venture providing microloans to women in developing countries, he swore he would have fifty times this many people there to witness it and share it with the world. The billionaire Rasmus Gold—a connection through one of Sutton’s SEALs—was already on board and that alone brought more interest than she ever expected. Liz and her investors would help women all over the world gain independence and success.

  Marrying the man of her dreams was only one big and bright piece of the amazing life that lay ahead.

  “Plus,” said Ally, squeezing her hand, “he’s marrying the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  Liz shook her head. “I don’t want to be the most beautiful woman in the world. I only want to be beautiful to Sutton.”

  Ally nodded her understanding. “You definitely are. The room sizzles when he looks at you.” She winked and pushed open the French door. “Come on, Mum. Let’s get you married to your dream guy.”

  Liz couldn’t speak as they walked past the pool area and along the stretch of grass. The people in the tent stood as they approached, and the Wedding March was playing. Finally, she got around the back of the mass of people and could see Sutton. His blue gaze beamed over her, and her stomach smoldered. A happy smile spread across his face.

  “See what I mean?” Ally murmured close to her ear. “Sizzle.” She made a little popping noise with her tongue.

  Liz couldn’t help but laugh. She loved her girl. They reached the front of the tent where their men waited.

  Cannon stood as their vicar. He asked, “Who gives this woman away?”

  “River and I do,” Ally proclaimed happily. Then she placed Liz’s hand in Sutton’s and went to stand by River, giving him a quick kiss.

  Liz felt the world settle as Sutton gently squeezed her hand.

  “Liz,” he breathed, his eyes roving over her face. “I love you.”

  The fact that he hadn’t told her how beautiful she was made her so happy. She knew he thought it, but their love was more important than anything physical. She stepped close and went onto her tiptoes and kissed him, swept away with love and devotion to this man.

  “Hey, I haven’t reached that part yet.” Cannon protested.

  Liz pulled back, slightly embarrassed as she realized the crowd was roaring with laughter. “Well, hurry up then,” she said to Cannon. “That’s my favorite part.”

  Sutton threw his head back and laughed. The crowd joined him. Sutton lifted her up into the air and yelled, “I love you, Liz!”

  Everyone was laughing even louder, and Cannon was protesting, “Come on, let me at least do the ceremony.”

  Sutton lowered her until her face was inches from his own and whispered, “The ceremony can wait.” His lips met hers, and it was more than sizzle that went off throughout her body. Liz savored every insistent, all-encompassing movement of his lips and sighed with happiness. They’d waited twenty-five years for this ceremony, but Sutton was right, it could wait. All that mattered to her was him.

  Sutton’s kiss intensified with a passion that lit up her world. Being married to him would be fireworks and comfort wrapped up together. His strong hands pulled her tight against him and her bones felt like they were liquid and her body on fire. She didn’t care who was watching and only prayed the ceremony would be over soon. She wanted Sutton all to herself today and for always.

  About the Author

  CAMI CHECKETTS IS A WIFE to a daredevil husband, a mother to four future WWF champions, an exercise scientist trying to make her corner of the world healthier, and a writer hoping for more time to write.

  Sign up for Cami’s newsletter to receive a free ebook copy of The Resilient One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance and information about new releases, discounts, and promotions here.

  Read on for the excerpts of The Protective Warrior and The Peaceful Warrior. The rest of the fabulous Navy SEAL Romances by Daniel Banner, Kimberly Krey, Taylor Hart, and Jennifer Youngblood are all available now. Happy reading!

  Excerpt - The Protective Warrior

  “This seat taken?” a nicely timbered voice asked.

  Ally glanced up and took her time looking over him before she answered.

  He arched an eyebrow and smiled. “Did I pass muster?”

  “How do you do?”

  He cocked his head to the side. “I’m good. You?”

  Ally laughed. “I’m glad you’re good, but ‘how do you do’ is more like ‘hello.’”

  “Hello.” He smiled, and ooh, he was cute. “So I do pass muster?” He moved to sit down.

  Ally held out a hand. “Not so quick, chump.” His dark hair was short, military or missionary short, but it was nice—
clean and thick and would probably feel good beneath her fingertips. His face was lean and proportioned with a firm jaw, a straight nose, and smooth, tanned skin. She liked the crinkles next to his eyes and mouth as he smiled at her, awaiting her perusal. He’d had some experiences in life, good and bad, if those crinkles told her anything. He was a big guy—broad and at least six-three with lots of lovely muscles peeking out from underneath his T-shirt and board shorts. It was his eyes that finally convinced her to accept his request. Their deep brown sparkled at her, though she could tell he could be very serious.

  He tapped the edge of his tray. “How about now?”

  “Okay, no harm in sharing a table.” She grinned. “But I’m not keen on taking you home … no matter how appealing those puppy-dog eyes are.”

  His eyebrows both went up at that. He set his tray down and slid into the seat. “Do you regularly take men home?”

  “Don’t get your hopes up.” She winked at him and picked a bite of rib off the bone, savoring the tang of the barbecue sauce and the heartiness of the meat. No, she never took men home, only selectively dated those who passed her intuition test. She trusted her intuition completely and she could have fun with this hot, tough-looking guy.

  He laughed and dug into his brisket. “Mm. This place is good.”

  “One of my favorites.”

  “Have you been on the island long?”

  She wished. “A few days.”

  “Oh. You act like a local.” He ate a bite of beans and took a drink of water before asking, “Which part of England are you from?”

  “London. Kensington, to be exact. You?”

  “Long Island originally. I like your accent a lot.”

  “I’ve been in the States for over six years, so it’s faded.”

  “Don’t let it fade.”

  That made her smile. “So, I’m Ally.”


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