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Towers of Heaven: A LitRPG Adventure (Book 3)

Page 9

by Cameron Milan

  Violent, uncontrollable rage consumed Jason. While not in his possession, the sword remained connected to him through his temporary mastery of Battle Energy. He roared as he willed the sword to pierce through the Architect.

  Without any suspense, it shot through the Architect and left behind a gaping hole. Jason immediately regretted letting his emotions get the better of him, only to widen his eyes. The Architect’s wound disappeared as if time itself rewound. He smiled at Jason. “I understand your feelings and admire your resolve. Alas, I was given true immortality by my Master, so trying to kill me is futile.”

  “Immortality?” Jason recalled the glowing white figure on the final floor. That person was capable of reversing time itself, so it wasn’t too far of a stretch to think he could make people immortal.

  The Architect’s tone grew cold. “Still, this is this, and that is that. You’ve violated the rules of the trial. If you do not give me a proper explanation, you will be disqualified!”

  Alarmed, Jason quickly answered, “I earned it from the tower!”

  “Lies!” The Architect sneered. An invisible power forced Jason to his knees, rupturing his muscles and pushing him closer to death’s door.

  “You dare!” A furious roar suddenly shook the floor. The world turned gray as an old man appeared in front of Jason. With a point of his finger, countless specks converged on the Architect. “Let’s put your immortality to the test!”

  The Architect was intimidated and furious. “Aros, are you rejecting Master's contract?! Over a mere disciple?”

  Aros paused, but only for a moment. “So what if I am?!”

  Just as an ocean of Battle Energy was about to drown the Architect, five figures teleported next to him. Amrita, Vex, Piety, Brundo, and Alister combined their strength, and only then did they knock back Aros’s attack.

  “Sir Aros, please stop. Let’s resolve this peacefully,” Piety pleaded. Her voice was so pleasing Jason felt like he was ascending to heaven.

  “Damn, that stings.” Alister blew on his hand, with emphasis on the blowing.

  “Peacefully? I’ll resolve things peacefully, but will he?” Aros snorted and clasped Jason’s shoulder, sending over energy to heal his wounds. The debuff Jason was under was no match for the flood that entered. Aros instantly restored him to full health.

  The Architect replaced his glasses with a new pair and walked forward. “I have done nothing wrong, Aros. Jason Woltz here is in possession of an illegal weapon. Although he killed a mutant raid boss, it was the sword’s power, not his own. What’s the point of the trial then?”

  Aros blushed red. “Illegal weapon? He earned it from completing the trial to become my disciple. It’s all fair and aboveboard!”

  Amrita, Vex, Alister, Brundo, Piety, and the Architect’s jaws dropped. Piety shook her head as Alister slapped his knee. “Haha, ‘Fair and aboveboard’. Nice one!”

  Scenes of Jason taking Aros’s trial flashed across the Architect’s eyes. He was incredulous from what he saw. “Aros, you think that sword is a worthy reward just because he willingly risked his life once?”

  Aros’s entire face was red as he stomped his foot. “Yeah, so what?”

  Vex clenched his hands. “You stubborn bastard! Can’t you admit you made a mistake?”

  The Architect spoke sternly. “Aros, as you have directly violated the rules, you can consider the contract forfeit.”

  “Fine, I don’t care.” Aros turned to leave, only to pause and glance at the Architect. “But before I go, for attacking my legacy disciple, I think I’ll take your life.”

  “Legacy disciple?!” The gods gasped in disbelief. A legacy disciple was the last disciple one took in life. Possessions, techniques, secrets. A legacy disciple would inherit it all.

  The Architect laughed. “You think you can kill me and escape this tower?”

  Aros chuckled calmly. “Long ago, I thought I had reached the peak of power. Only when I met ‘him’ did I realize how wrong I was.” Aros pointed a finger to the sky. “How many years have passed since then? Do you think I’m the same as before?”

  As Aros spoke, the Battle Energy filled the tower, earth, solar system, and beyond. In less than a second, all of it converged onto the tip of Aros’s finger. Strangely, as this all happened, there was no destruction. No sound. Nothing. And yet everyone knew that the energy contained above Aros’s finger, that single point, had the potential to eradicate anything.

  The Architect roared and used his authority to control the full might of the tower. Many laws and spells assaulted Aros, but he destroyed them all before they could get close.

  The tower shuddered as it began to break apart. Spatial rifts tore the floors apart while the exterior walls cracked. Although Aros hadn’t moved an inch, it was clear who the victor was.

  When Aros grinned, the five gods fled without hesitation as the infinitely small ball shot forward, forming a sword. The Architect stood his ground and sneered dismissively. “I have true immortality. No matter how many times you kill me, it doesn’t matter!”

  Just as the tower was on the verge of destruction, a deep sigh echoed throughout the world. A figure shrouded in white light appeared in front of the Architect and stopped Aros’s attack with a palm.

  “I knew you were here!” Aros’s passion for battle ignited. “This attack is different from last time. Back then, I didn’t understand how you blocked it, but now I do!”

  “Interesting.” Unlike the emotionless voice Jason heard when he received his wish, the cloaked figure now had a tone of interest. “You received enlightenment from that one exchange?”

  “Don’t underestimate me.” Aros giggled with joy as the person who defeated him so long ago was pushed back with every passing moment.

  “As you wish.”

  Aros froze as he watched the sword that could cut the most fundamental part of the universe enter the shrouded figure’s palm. That was it. There was no blood, no explosion, nothing. The Battle Energy contained within that sword was so sharp, yet it was like a drop of water falling into an ocean.

  But that wasn’t what terrified Aros. What terrified him was that he didn’t have the slightest idea how the shrouded figure did it. In all his life, of everything he comprehended, maybe this was beyond him.

  The Architect dropped to one knee with a look of reverence. “Master, I didn’t know you were watching. My negligence ruined the trial.”

  The shrouded figure glanced at Jason, his expression unknown as he said, “Not necessarily.”

  “Please fix your servant's mistake, Master,” the Architect pleaded.

  “Why don’t we all take a step back?” The shrouded figure grabbed Aros’s sword that had been hovering all this time. With a poke of his finger, countless gold chains appeared from thin air and wrapped around the sword. Divine symbols covered it before disappearing, and along with it, the power of the sword. He gently tossed the sword over to Jason, who grabbed it with a stunned expression.

  “I see!” The Architect understood. “You made it an official item of the trial. How wise, Master! Although, what about the m-serum? If not for the sword, they would’ve never killed the mutant. Now with one serum, the rest is only a matter of time.”

  “You underestimate them.” The shrouded figure shook his head. “Jason might not have the sword’s power, but he would’ve been able to activate his berserk skill and disrupt Hector’s control over energy, thereby freeing his allies. As for the outcome, with how little health Hector had, they’d kill him if they made some sacrifices.”

  “Of course! Forgive my ignorance.” The Architect slammed his head against the ground.

  The shrouded figure sighed. “They should have lost over 80% of their team in this fight. With the m-serum and their best experts intact, I’m afraid passing the trial is only a matter of time.”

  The Architect raised his head. “Master, may I suggest something?”

  “What is it?”

  “I can restructure the remaining floors, the
reby raising the difficulty level accordingly.”

  The shrouded figure glanced down at the Architect. “Let’s do that, though I can feel you hold resentment. I hope you are aware Jason had no part in this matter.”

  The Architect quickly responded. “Of course, Master. How could I ruin your great plans?”

  “Very well, then. Consider this matter resolved. Only…” The shrouded figure turned to Aros. “Although I would like to forgive you, you did violate the contract.”

  Aros’s face was pale as he nodded. “I know. I only request that I continue to remain an overseer, even without the deal.”

  “Hmm. What do you think?” The tower’s master turned to the Architect.

  “He can no longer help Jason Woltz in any way. No more skills, either. The sword is more than enough,” the Architect said after a moment of thought.

  “I understand.” Aros sighed helplessly. In the next moment, all six gods, the Architect, and the shrouded figure disappeared.


  Absolute silence.

  Shenlong, Peter, Dubaku, and everyone else was unable to process what just transpired. From Jason killing Hector to a fight between gods, it was a little beyond their imagination. Only after several minutes did Cheslov stand up and joke. “Jason just loves to cause trouble, huh?”

  With that, the heavy atmosphere dispersed. Everyone stood up, relieved that at least they were still alive.

  “And what was Hector’s ability? Complete control of mana? What the heck?” Peter clicked his tongue.

  Shenlong was calm as he guessed. “It should have some weaknesses. Easy to disrupt, and maybe a limited range?”

  Dubaku trembled as he clasped his head. “We have to kill nineteen more of those things?!”

  Roy ran up to Jason, concerned by his lack of reaction. “Hey, Jason, you okay?”

  “Huh? Yeah, yeah,” Jason replied as he stared at the sword in his hand.

  “Oh, too bad about the sword getting weakened.” Roy patted Jason’s shoulder. “It should still be decent, right?”


  Roy grew curious from Jason’s absentminded responses. “You okay? Let me see.”


  Roy leaned over to take a look at the sword’s stats and exclaimed. “How the heck is this weakened?!”

  “Okay, now I’m interested.” Peter ran over, followed by everyone else. Everyone was shocked.

  (Legacy) Aros’s Inheritance

  Damage: 250

  Durability: Infinite

  (Passive Skill) Path of the Battle God - Through every battle, the sword grows stronger. Skills and stats will unlock accordingly.

  Requirements: Can only be used by Jason Woltz.

  Chapter 19

  Nine ascenders lost their lives. They were humanity’s best, and yet they had been powerless under Hector’s final skill. All their training and equipment, useless. And Hector was just one of twenty. Nineteen still lived, their abilities unknown.


  Amara strode up to Jason and Shenlong, no longer fatigued from overusing her mana. “So, where’s the loot?”

  Shenlong pointed into the distance. “Hector died over there.”

  Zhen Hu stepped forward. “I’ll get it.”

  “I’ll come too,” Roy exclaimed as he raised his hand.

  As Roy and Zhen Hu ran off, Jason finally put Aros’s inheritance away. Using it for just a few seconds consumed thousands of health, but now that it was in a sealed state, he could use it without limit.

  The bad news was that Aros could no longer give him skills and guidance. Fortunately, the sword could evolve. Who knew how strong it would become?

  At this time, Carly approached Jason and exclaimed, “I can’t believe you attacked that Architect person.”

  “Me neither.” Jason shook his head as he reprimanded himself inwardly.

  Shenlong stuck his spear in the ground and leaned against it. “Gods, architect, and that master guy…”

  “Crazy stuff, huh?” Peter clicked his tongue as he recalled the brief fight.

  Shenlong trembled, his eyes blazing with fire. “I never knew someone could become so strong. Did you see how much energy they had? Their strength?” Shenlong looked down at his shaking hand. “I held them in disdain when they referred to themselves as gods… but now?”

  Olivia felt wary when she saw the look in Shenlong’s eyes. The fanatical pursuit of strength.

  “Um.” Carly clenched her staff. “Amara, your god is Amrita, right? I saw her use four elements, so how come you only use fire?”

  Everyone looked at Amara, suddenly realizing something strange. Champions should possess their god’s abilities, so why did Amara only use fire? Did Amrita not pass down her skills?

  “Oh, that’s simple.” Amara summoned a ball of fire. “Fire is the best.”

  Jason recalled one time when she used ice pillars to trap Peter during the tournament. He asked for clarification. “So you can use earth, wind, and water skills?”

  “Pretty much.” Amara shrugged nonchalantly. “I’ve barely leveled them.”

  Peter was horrified. Amara beat him during their duel using only a fraction of her potential? Fire was purely offensive, while wind, earth, and water should provide versatility.

  Amara stomped her foot in irritation. “You guys think too much. Do you know many skills Amrita gave me? Over forty! How can I train so many? I don’t have the time for that.”

  “Forty?” Jason broke out in a cold sweat. It was no wonder Amara was able to take out a tenth of Hector’s health. All her focus was on fire skills, making her a glass cannon.

  “Heeeey!” A shout came from afar. Zhen Hu and Roy ran back with expressions of disbelief and joy.

  Everyone gathered around, hoping whatever dropped was worth the death of their comrades. Roy jumped to a stop in front of Jason with his arms behind his back. “You won’t believe what dropped!”

  “Elixirs?” Cheslov guessed.

  “No, well, yes, a few, but that’s not what I’m talking about.” Roy flushed red from excitement.

  Peter asked next, “Divine equipment?”

  Roy rolled his eyes. “You wish!”

  Olivia suddenly appeared behind Roy and grabbed what he was hiding.

  “Oh my god!” Olivia gasped in shock as she raised two rainbow-colored crystals. “Evolution crystals, and two of them no less.”

  “Evolution crystals!” The sight of the most sought-after item besides divine equipment caused an uproar. While not as valuable as divine equipment, it wasn’t that far off. To think a single boss dropped two.

  Jason was satisfied with the loot. A mutant raid boss was terrifying. If not for his foreknowledge, they would never have killed Hector without sacrificing hundreds.

  After everyone calmed down, Shenlong turned to his oldest disciple. “The quantum energy core?”

  Zhen Hu nodded and took out a transparent egg-shaped object that glowed with light. The core looked like it held an ocean of silver lightning and shook with every flash. As soon as the core appeared, a beautiful display of visual phenomena surrounded Zhen Hu. Alas, nobody could appreciate the sight because the mana in their bodies spun out of control.

  Everyone collapsed to the ground, except for Jason, Amara, Shenlong, and Roy. Shenlong’s absolute control over his body allowed him to stand on his feet like the champions.

  Only after a moment did Zhen Hu put away the core. “Let’s go get the m-serum.”

  As they left, they rescued the enslaved humans and brought them back to the sanctuary, earning them a decent amount of reputation. Only Shenlong and Peter followed Jason to Cable’s lab while the rest waited on the bottom floor. Upon arriving, Jason handed Cable the core. “Is this it?”

  “Yes, this is a bona fide quantum energy core. Give me an hour.” Cable grew solemn as he took the core and got to work.

  An hour later, Cable handed Jason a syringe containing glowing silver liquid. “To whoever takes this, I highly recomm
end you find a safe location. You’ll be unconscious for about a day.”

  Jason turned to face Shenlong and Peter. If either of them was missing, they would never have acquired the m-serum. Peter and Shenlong’s guild were indispensable, as well as Dubaku, Amara, and Ebba. Each of them desired the m-serum, yet they only had one to share.

  Just as Jason was about to open his mouth, Shenlong raised a hand. “I know what you want to say.”

  Peter nodded. “Don’t worry about us. You can have the first m-serum.”

  Jason didn’t know what he should do. “What about the others?”

  “Amara, Dubaku, and Ebba agreed as well. They will wait,” Shenlong answered.

  Jason felt guilty, but even more so, gratitude. “Fine. I’ll use all my power to help acquire the rest.”

  Full of anticipation, Jason directly teleported to the community floor and locked his home. Now nobody was able to disturb him. Expecting pain, he held his breath and pierced the syringe into his arm. If even a rare-grade serum knocked him out, then what about an m-serum?

  Surprisingly, and much to his relief, what he felt wasn’t pain but bliss. He casually looked down, only to find his arm melting. Horrified that death was imminent, he chugged his best healing potion, but it was useless. As seconds passed, the pleasure he felt traveled through his shoulder and spread to the rest of his body. The contradiction between bliss and his melting body left him screaming in terror until finally, he fell unconscious.

  News of Hector’s death spread rapidly. Information about his loot was classified, but nobody complained. The fact that ascenders defeated a mutant—a monster capable of growth—was exhilarating and bolstered their pride to new heights. Peter even fanned the flames to reinforce the Alliance’s prestige.

  As ascenders celebrated, Jason was undergoing what Aros and the other gods would consider a miracle. Every cell that made up Jason’s body dissolved into nothingness, leaving only the m-serum behind.

  Although the m-serum destroyed the anchor for his soul, the m-serum prevented natural law from taking effect. Instead, it carried out one of the universe’s most revered techniques: it bound Jason’s soul to a new object. While many powerful beings could do the same, they always made mistakes.


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