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War For Earth: An Alien War Romance (Galactic Order Book 3)

Page 13

by Erin Raegan

  It was getting too dangerous to keep her on the ship. I needed to send her to Earth soon. It was dangerous in the midst of battle, but far safer than orbit.

  I had returned to the battleship to prepare it for reentry and to inform Tohn and the others of our mission. Earth’s armies were resisting aid and harming themselves. We could not continue to allow them to interfere in the skirmishes. They now fought the Vitat and the Dahk. That was unacceptable.

  They had found ways to fight against the Vitat that were commendable, but they did not have the same effect on my Dahk. They were only a nuisance but one that was becoming tiring.

  “We leave in the morn,” I told Tohn. He would relay my order to Olynth, since he steadfastly refused to speak to me.

  I had been told he watched our Pythe from afar, but when I came on board, he held himself away from her. It worried me. The male had so much control of his mating rage, I worried he would lose hold of it and harm her when I could not be here to protect her. He was stubborn.

  He could not ignore the need for much longer. He may not be showing signs of mental deterioration like myself and the commander had, but we were unaware of the consequences on someone who could hold back the rage. I worried for him even as I raged at the idea of him touching my mate.

  No one was aware of a Pythe who had multiple mates. It had never been recorded, or perhaps Bahyly was the first.

  “The council?” Tohn asked hesitantly. He worried that leaving the Dahk without my command would give our traitor a chance to act against the humans and perhaps all of Dahk. Their intentions were still unclear.

  Though I had my suspicions it was either Klando or Jirt, perhaps both.

  “Albun will stay behind to keep an eye and report any suspicious doings.” I watched as my mate chatted with Mother Lyndah. The two had become close. Pehytohn’s mam was becoming increasingly worried the longer we could not reach her daughter.

  Vylbor was working to find the communication interference, but so far, it was beyond his capabilities.

  “Are you sure it is wise to leave command to the council?” Tohn asked anxiously.

  “We cannot win this war with the threat of a traitor holding us back. Perhaps it will give them a chance to reveal themselves, and I can eliminate them.” I found myself becoming impatient as the traitor hid.

  “Very well. The humans cannot be trusted either. How do you plan to communicate with them? They did not react well to Tahk and even one of their own,” Tohn grumbled, both of us remembering how Hyctoor’s companions had betrayed us and shot down our ship.

  “I am not asking. They will obey me, or I will remove them from their Earth.”

  “Tahk should have from the beginning,” Tohn agreed. But Tahk could not have. Too many laws bound his actions.

  My commander would have slaughtered them if not for his mate and the law’s restrictions.

  “Fihk!” Wyvr shouted from the command deck’s controls.

  I had been keeping a close eye on the male as of late. He had begun to act strangely. I had him accompany me on my trips to Dahk One, unwilling to leave him behind with my mate. He did not approve of my human mating and was vocal about his concerns.

  I walked to Wyvr, eyeing his wild gaze. He was flushed and trembling. “What is it?”


  “What?” I growled impatiently.

  He pointed at the screen showing our flank. A ship hovered there.

  “Fihk, Dahk One is hailing us,” Albun said warily as he too watched the screen.

  “Tell them I will speak to them later,” I growled and turned to Vylbor. They most likely spotted the Kilbus as well. “Find Olynth and Gunnor. Tell them to report, now!”

  “We cannot grant them entry!” Wyvr shouted fearfully.

  “He will just force his way in if we don’t.”

  “Who? What’s going on?” Bahyly asked from beside me.

  I stiffened at her closeness and hardened as I took in her scent. I was in a constant state around her. Now was not the time to have to fight off my urges. I flashed my fangs at her. “Take your Nahythahn and the others and barricade yourselves in your room.”

  “Why?” She looked at the ship hailing us. “Who is that?”

  “Do as I say. Now,” I snarled and turned for the door.

  She snorted. “Aye, aye, boss.”

  “Too late, old friend.” The Kilbus Lord chuckled from the doorway. “I would like to meet this compelling creature.”

  I stiffened and stepped in front of my mate. Bahyly gasped.

  “I wish her no harm.” He grinned and swept a black hand across his broad chest.

  “He looks like a pirate,” my mate said with wonder and stepped around me.

  “Pirate, warlord, thief of fair maidens. I have many names.” Lord Kilbus winked, his golden eyes twinkling with mischief.

  “She is mine,” I snarled.

  Bahyly smacked my arm. “I am not.”

  The lord chuckled and walked through the room, two of his warriors following him. One was a Xixin, the other a Kilbus, his hide a sleek black like his lord’s and all Kilbus. Lord Kilbus ran his claws through the braided black fur on his crown, his jewels shining throughout the braids.

  Mother Lyndah gasped behind me. “Oh, he has beautiful hair.”

  I scrubbed my crown in frustration.

  “Sexy.” Bahyly grinned at the lord.

  I scowled at her.

  “What are your names, beguiling humans?”

  “Linda,” Pehytohn’s mam breathed dazedly.

  “Honored.” The lord nodded.

  Bahyly stepped forward and held out her hand. “Bailey.”

  The Kilbus Lord lifted her hand, ignoring my warning snarl, and kissed the back of it. “You may call me Kil, lovelies.”

  The females sighed.

  I lifted Bahyly by her waist and marched her to a chair before dropping her in it. “Stay.” I pointed.

  “You can’t tell me what to do, boss.” She hopped up and walked to stand beside Mother Lyndah.

  I clenched my jaw and spun toward the Kilbus Lord. I snarled, noting his guards remained relaxed, their weapons sheathed. “Why are you here?”

  “Your king requested my aid.” He walked around the room, giving the females a wicked grin. “He said he could not reach you.”

  I gaped at him with disbelief. Uthyf had asked the Kilbus Lord for aid? Tahk would not have allowed that. “Our communications have been tampered with.”

  “Hmmm.” He eyed Wyvr at the command controls. The Dahk paled.

  “Tahk would not have agreed,” I said and noted the way Wyvr squirmed as the lord closed in on him.

  The lord barked a laugh and grinned. “I suppose not, but Uthyf is now king as I understand it.” He unbuttoned the elegant vest, allowing it to gape and reveal the golden runes at his breast. The females gasped again. He winked one iridescent eye. “I believe you are unaware of a great many developments under your nose.”

  “Speak them,” I growled.

  “In time.” He placed his clawed hands on Wyvr’s shoulders, unfazed by his wing claws. The male jumped up, but the lord slammed him back down in the chair. “Wayward little Dahk, aren’t you?”

  “What do you see?” I asked him stiffly.

  The lord could read the minds of nearly every species, if he so chose, and he could command them with merely a thought. Only the strongest minds could guard themselves against him. Wyvr was young and not yet one who could barricade his mind.

  “A traitor,” he snarled and tore the head off of Wyvr.

  Bahyly recoiled, and Linda retched all over the floor.

  I sighed. “Was that necessary?”

  The Kilbus Lord chuckled.

  Chapter 15


  Olynth and Gunnor ran in the room, armed to the teeth. Gunnor stopped in the doorway stiffly, but Olynth came right to me and wrapped an arm around my waist, glaring at Kil and his friends.

  I nearly sagged against him. He h
ad been avoiding me since I did the deed with Fihk. After he had recovered from the sedative, he wouldn’t speak to me at all, but he was never far. He watched me like the stalker he was—except for when Fihk came back from his commander duties. Then Olynth ran like someone had lit his ass on fire. I knew it was so he wouldn’t kill Fihk.

  I could see in his eyes the urge to tear Fihk apart.

  I was a mess of feelings around the both of them. Lust, there was a whole lot of that. I swore I still felt Fihk, and when I looked at Olynth, I wanted him in a bad way.

  I felt as though those feelings had crept up on me out of the blue. It was frustrating. I was horny all the damn time. Super uncomfortable since I shared a bed with my brother.

  I didn’t think lusty thoughts now though, only relief that Olynth was touching me. It helped keep me from barfing all over the place like Linda had.

  The pirate guy had torn Wyvr’s head off his body.

  Like it was nothing.

  Purple blood had sprayed all over the place, splattering against the walls and his black tattooed chest.

  Which were badass tattoos, by the way. They were like liquid gold. The guy was decked out in gold and sparkly jewels. His hair was down to his ass and braided with beads of gold, diamonds, and all kinds of gems. His eyebrows and lip was pierced with gold hoops. His jawline was clean, revealing small scars. His skin was like oil, and his eyes glowed like they were lit from the inside. He was seriously badass-looking. Captain Jack had nothing on this guy.

  I couldn’t tear my eyes off him. He was beautiful. The little slip of chest peeking from his black shirt and vest made it more difficult. He was cut. Like, chiseled man meat. I squirmed.

  Kil grinned wickedly at me.

  Olynth snarled at him and tightened his arm around me.

  I looked away and regretted it. Wyvr’s head was a few feet away, his vacant eyes staring at me. My belly rolled.

  Fihk was filling Olynth and Gunnor in on why the pirate was here. I barely heard a word. One of Kil’s guards, the lion guy, took my attention. He looked just like a lion—if lions could walk and had humany ancestors. The paw-like hands threw me off, and I nearly walked out of the room.

  Aliens were so far from what I expected. Where were the short green guys with beady eyes?

  The Vitat were gross, downright disturbing-looking, but the rest―weirdly hot.

  “What do you know of Jirt and Klando?” Fihk asked, his face drawn in anger. He was glaring at Olynth’s arm around me. He could suck it. I was pissed at him.

  After we had our little rendezvous, Fihk tried to get in my pants so often it pissed me off. He acted as though he had a right to me. Since I wasn’t putting out, he decided to lock me up in his room for two days! I was still seething over it.

  Then he had to go to Dahk One to do shit he wouldn’t tell me about and let me out, but not before telling me I was his Pythe and blah blah blah. When he said I would be going back to Home World with him whether I liked it or not, I slapped him.

  We had barely spoken since. But at least he was keeping those sexy hands of his to himself. No matter how much I dreamt of them and what it would feel like to be the one tied down.

  I bit my lip and looked away from Fihk when his nostrils flared. I swore a hussy had invaded my body. All I could think about lately was sex. It was annoying.

  “Perhaps it would be wise to speak in private,” Kil said wryly and eyed Linda and me.

  Nathan and Star were goofing off with Nick somewhere else on the ship, thankfully. Though it was only a matter of time before they realized something was up.

  “Is it about us?” I squinted at him when he grinned. I was sick of being kept in the dark. “We have a right to know.”

  Fihk watched me a moment, then nodded at the pirate.

  “Very well. Klando and Jirt schemed with your dead king to enslave the humans using the Vitat. The attack was orchestrated by them and the King’s council and, it is believed, with the Juldo Master as well. Tahk was granted approval to interfere to save the humans, but at the cost of the humans’ freedom. They will pay their debt to the Order themselves. They are to be enslaved to suffer the whims of the Galactic Council.” Kil chucked his shirt and wiped Wyvr’s blood from his massive chest with it.

  Everyone in the room, except his friends, gaped at him.

  “Never fear, human females, I am here to save you.” He grinned and winked.


  I lay in bed beside Nate that night, staring at the ceiling with a million thoughts running through my mind. He was snoring, completely unaware of what had gone down earlier, besides an alien pirate coming onboard to help us. A pirate he was immediately taken with. Kil loved the attention and indulged my brother’s hundreds of questions, specifically about mind control. I couldn’t even go there. It was just too weird.

  Apparently, all of the Kilbus had some form of mind power―they could read minds―but only the Kilbus Lord could pull off mind control at a level the others couldn’t. And he was old, like real old, thousands of years old.

  I had reached my threshold of weirdness for a while.

  Olynth had disappeared after Fihk decided Kil wasn’t there to kill us all. “Pun intended,” the lord said. His understanding of human slang was far too good. He never stumbled over anything Nathan said and even met him quip for quip. If I didn’t know better, I would say Kil had been to Earth before. But we would have known that, right? The government couldn’t keep that big a secret, could they?

  Without Wyvr, the traitor, —I knew it!—in the way, Vylbor was able to figure out how he had been blocking communications. Linda got to call her daughter, which was awkward. The woman was a bumbling mess with an apology.

  Kil avoided the room while Tahk spoke to Fihk, which I thought was weird. But I’d gone to hunt down Olynth, determined to talk to him about what I knew he was hiding from me. I found him working out, sparring with Gunnor, which was a distraction and seriously hot to watch. Then Fihk interfered, as he liked to do lately. So Olynth was able to avoid me again, and I avoided Fihk.

  Fun times.

  But we were going home in the morning. Which brought feelings of relief and terror. I wanted off this ship, but Earth was even more dangerous now. The Dahk were hunting down the Vitat and were pretty good at it.

  We would be walking through a warzone, but it was a far cry better than the constant fear of the Vitat blowing up the spaceship we were on. If we didn’t die in an explosion, we would be thrown into space.

  I was not a fan of asphyxiation.

  I didn’t get a wink of sleep all night. Just watched my brother as he snored and prayed we would make it to the end of this.

  That morning, I dressed in my least-torn shirt. It was clean, thanks to alien washing machines. I pulled on my jeans that had holes in the knees, and my boots. With my gun in hand and my last can of bear repellant, I was ready to go to war. My blonde roots were showing quite a bit now, but most of my injuries were completely healed, so I felt as confident as I could without my eyeliner.

  Nathan had on Peyton’s shirt, baggy jeans, and his ballcap. I needed to hunt down some new clothes for us if I could. I wouldn’t have minded a Snickers bar either, if we could find one not destroyed by an alien war.

  The others met us in the bay. Kil had sent most of his guys to Dahk One the night before. He felt more than just Albun was necessary to keep an eye on the council while Fihk was gone. Kil had wanted to just take the commander’s council out, but somehow Fihk talked him out of it. Apparently they were some seriously devious dudes and schemed with the dead king to capture us humans. Tahk had sent someone to imprison them and they planned on taking the council off guard when they arrived to see what their plans were.

  Kil could have read their minds, but Fihk said they were strong enough to block most of their secrets from him. It would be more effective to catch them in the act.

  I didn’t care, as long as those assholes couldn’t imprison the human population like they wanted to.
I wanted so badly to shout I knew it! But I refrained. I just knew the Dahk hadn’t come all the way here to do a good deed. But at least the guys in charge now had a vested interest in the human population surviving and remaining free. All due to Peyton and her wiles.

  We loaded up in a smaller ship. The big battleship would call too much attention to itself, so we would fly down on a rinky-dink one. I was not a fan.

  It was big enough to hold us humans, Fihk, Olynth, Vylbor, Gunnor, Tohn, and the Kilbus Lord and his two guards that I wasn’t quite sure were guards. He seemed more than capable of protecting himself. With Wyvr, their pilot, gone, Fihk would fly us down. He had some experience, he claimed.

  Olynth stood above me, choosing not to sit, and glared at Fihk as Fihk watched me over his shoulder.

  “Where are we going?” Nathan asked from beside me.

  Linda was on my other side and squeezing the hellcats out of my hand.

  “There is a camp on the east end of your continent that guards your human leaders,” Tohn said from beside Fihk.

  “Shouldn’t we wait for that emissary guy your king sent?” Nathan asked. He knew we were going to talk to whoever was left in charge, but he didn’t have all the details. He and Star didn’t need to know the horrific specifics about how and why we were invaded.

  “No, not with me here.” Kil grinned at Nate. “I will just command them to cooperate.”

  “Cool,” Nate breathed and grinned back.

  We flew off, leaving Albun and Kil’s creepy silver ship behind. It looked like an armored submarine that pulsed with red lights. The guns on its sides were enormous and aimed at everything around it. Oh, and it was bigger than the moon. How it and the other two alien ships didn’t throw off Earth’s or the moon’s orbit blew my mind. But Tohn had laughed at me when I asked.

  “Your planet is truly beautiful,” Kil murmured as he leaned against the window on a forearm, looking at Earth as we descended.

  I kept my eyes on his back. I couldn’t bring myself to look as we got closer and closer. I used to get seasick on my foster family’s fishing boats. I didn’t go to have fun. I was put to work. But I used to barf the whole time. I had a feeling space-shipping in this tin can would be way worse.


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