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War For Earth: An Alien War Romance (Galactic Order Book 3)

Page 25

by Erin Raegan

  “Not anymore,” he growled and sucked my tongue in his mouth.

  I grinned and gave him a longer pick-me-up, letting him eat at my mouth as hard and needy as he wanted. He pressed me to the door and ground his hips into mine.

  “I worry about you too,” I said.

  Fihk was hurt, but Olynth had to do a lot in his absence. I knew he was stressed. I felt it all throughout his tall frame. I would offer a massage, but I knew he would just slap my ass and take over. I clenched my thighs at the thought.

  “You can show me later,” he rumbled and nipped down my throat.

  “You can tie me up and have your way with me whenever you want.” I gasped as he bit the top of my breast. He hummed and squeezed my thigh, drawing it up.

  “Gross!” Nate gagged as he ran through the room. “My eyes!”

  When I groaned in embarrassment, Olynth chuckled and dropped me down. “I will return this eve.” He winked at Nate and left.

  “Hey, squirt,” I called when he went to barricade himself in his room.

  He stopped and turned.

  I walked through his room and sat on his bed. “I want to talk to you about something.”

  He sat beside me and fiddled with his hat. “We’re going to Home World, aren’t we?”

  I nodded and watched his face for any fear or sadness. There was nothing but excitement and maybe a little nerves.

  “I want to go,” he said.

  “I think it might be safer than here right now,” I said and thought of New York. I had a feeling that wasn’t the last of the hits Earth would take. Home World didn’t sound like the epicenter of peaceful relations, but the Dahk were far better equipped to handle the threats floating around the universe.

  “Yeah,” he said sadly. “I was worried when the Vitat ship crashed. You were down there, and I couldn’t get to you.”

  “I’m sorry, booger,” I said sadly and hugged him.

  “I knew you would be okay though. Fihk and Olynth won’t let anything happen to you.” He grinned and pushed me away.

  “They won’t let anything happen to you either,” I told him firmly. I thought even Gunnor may have a soft spot for Nate. He scowled at him just a miniscule less than everyone else.

  He grinned. “I know. You’d kick their asses.”

  “Mouth,” I said half-heartedly. He had earned a few curse words after surviving this. “I’ll be with Fihk. Knock if you need anything. Gunnor’s just outside if you want to meet up with Star.”

  He blushed. “Is she going with us?”

  “I don’t know, that’ll be up to her dad and her.”

  He looked away.

  “If not, I bet you’ll be beating the winged females on Home World back with a stick.” I pinched his cheeks.

  “Gross.” He scowled and pinched me back.

  “Hey! I think wings are hawt,” I drawled.

  He shouted and shoved me out of his room. “I’m ten!”

  “I see the busty girls in your comics.” I looked pointedly at his stack of comics. Dahk females might not be busty, but they had that ethereal beauty those cartoon girls had.

  He slammed the door in my face, his face dark and mortified.

  I laughed and climbed into bed with Fihk, careful not to touch him.

  I watched over him throughout the night, watching his chest move up and down. I preoccupied myself with daydreams of an alien world and what it might look like. I could ask Olynth, but I thought I would rather be surprised. An adventure sounded kind of fun. I needed a little fun.

  It had been five weeks since the aliens invaded Earth and destroyed every sense of normalcy I had ever known. I wanted a little normal, needed it. And this was my new normal.

  Safety and contentment.

  Space travel and amazing new experiences.

  Two aliens that were devoted to me and my brother.

  And a love for them that took me by surprise but filled me in ways I never could have dreamed.



  We were days out from Home World.

  Fihk had been fully recovered for almost a week.

  Nate was drilling every Dahk he came across for details on our new home.

  Linda was barely able to contain her excitement about her upcoming reunion with her daughter.

  Star was quietly optimistic, while her father was the only downer of the bunch. He was worried, but he also felt as though Home World was the safest option for his daughter. I hadn’t expected him to come with us, but he’d surprised me.

  Ford and Colt had stayed behind. Ford would help rebuild and search for survivors, while Colt had plans to capitalize on his knowledge of the Dahk and work for the government. He was “a man meant for the service.”

  Olynth had run the ship alone until Fihk recovered, then they split the duties between them. With the council imprisoned, they were the only leadership left to keep the Dahk in check.

  I met Ignyt one morning while I was bringing Olynth a meal because I was worried he wasn’t eating. That guy… yeah, there were no words. He was terrifying. His eyes were the deadest I had ever seen.

  I’d thought Gunnor was intimidating with his cyclops eye… he looked like a puppy next to Ignyt.

  The interrogator’s skin was the darkest shade of purple I had seen so far, and he had more scars then Olynth. His body was covered in them. One particularly gnarly one ran from his top lip all the way to his brow bone. His eye had clearly been sliced when he got the scar, and it was completely white except for a broken iris. It was doubly creepy when you compared it to his dark-silver-and-black eye. And when he grinned, it looked like a feral grimace.

  Dahk ran the other way when Ignyt came stomping through.

  Nate loved him. And surprisingly, Ignyt loved him back. They had some kind of weird bond. They were always trading Nate’s comics and snickering with each other when you least expected it.

  Gunnor continued to be Nate’s faithful guard and even offered to watch over him on Home World. Not to me—the guy barely ever spoke—but Fihk had told me.

  As for my threesome with my guys?

  It was pretty perfect. I never needed or wanted anything. They were too busy getting me everything before I even knew I had a need or want.

  We rarely had sex all together. There was just never enough time. If one of them was with me, it was because the other was busy. Sometimes they would wake me in the middle of the night and Olynth would order us around while Fihk relaxed and enjoyed the power trade, but mostly I was with one or the other, which was great too. They each gave me something different but equally as important.

  Fihk was my sweet bossy lover where Olynth was my wicked dominator.

  When I was with one of them, it was their time, and the other respected it. Their jealousy came out occasionally, but as Olynth had promised, if it ever went too far, I never saw it.

  I just got their competitive touches and possessive kisses, and I was fine with that. I focused on giving each of them all of my attention when I was with them so they would never feel like I was thinking of the other when we were alone. Which was harder than I thought. I missed them when they were gone.

  Like now, I was making out with Fihk in his office past the command deck. I hadn’t seen him since the night before, so I was super excited to be with him, but Olynth had left me a few hours earlier. That made me sad because I knew I wouldn’t see him until most likely the next morning. But I pushed those feelings aside, because I wasn’t going to be a whiny nag, and put all my excitement for Fihk in my kiss.

  He was now an expert at it. He worked my mouth slowly and seductively, driving me crazy. Which was his goal. He loved it when I lost control and attacked him. I was straddling his lap and gyrating my hips.

  I had fully recovered from my stab wound with only a small scar, which I may not have even had if I hadn’t fallen off a building and torn the wound open again.

  Fihk had his hands around my hips, guiding my movements. He was trying to slow me dow
n, but I was impatient. I nipped his neck and sucked down to his shoulder. He growled and stopped my hips, pulling back. I nipped at his lips and tore at the ties of his pants. He chuckled when I got him free then groaned when I squeezed him. My thumb twirled the bead of wet at the tip, then I sucked it into my mouth.

  He growled and stood and dropped me onto his wide desk. I whipped off my shirt, bearing my breasts for him, and pinched my nipples, smiling around my bit lip. He whipped off his leather vest and tore at my pants. My legs swung wide, and I shoved him back down onto his wide chair. He snarled as I impaled myself, and I took that snarl into my mouth and held onto his shoulder as I rode him.

  Someone knocked on his door, and he shouted, “Leave us!”

  I laughed. He tsked me and gripped my hips, hammering up into me. I bounced and threw my head back, groaning, letting him take over. He was rubbing me in all the best places as he stood and slammed my back into the wall. His hand came up to keep my head from cracking into it, and his other curled around my ass, where he dug his claws into the plump skin. My toes curled into his taut ass, and I bit into his lip, drawing blood. He snarled and bit me back, grinding his pelvis into mine.

  I screamed, letting loose since we were so far from my brother. Being quiet in the bedroom was hard. Olynth demanded it from me, but Fihk loved hearing me, which just made me want to be louder.

  Fihk’s pupils dilated as I convulsed around him, and he roared to the ceiling, shooting his release inside me.

  “Wow.” I sighed into his chest. “I don’t think you’ve ever been so careless with me, boss,” I teased.

  He stiffened and looked down at my neck, where I could feel a fresh bite wound. I was used to it with Olynth, but Fihk had never broken skin before. I licked his blood from my lips.

  I guess I’d instigated it.

  He looked all at once fiercely possessive and massively horrified. “Oh, sweets, I did not intend to.”

  “I was just teasing you.” I smiled and kissed his lips.

  He shook his head and groaned, dropping his head onto my chest. “No, no, huktbores, it was not supposed to happen this way.”

  “Hey, I liked it, I promise.” I chuckled a little and bit my lip. I felt bad for harping on him. He was always so careful with me.

  “You misunderstand, sweets. We exchanged our lifeblood,” he said gravely.

  I wrinkled my brow at him. “Did it squick you out?”

  He repeated my word, sounding confused.

  “Was it weird? Olynth and I do it all the time.”

  He started, and his head backed away sharply. “Bahyly, you and Olynth have exchanged lifeblood during a mating?”

  I nodded hesitantly. Was this the breaking point? Was he grossed out or mad? Shit, I didn’t realize it was a secret.

  I didn’t like secrets between us. I had learned to be open with them about each other. They encouraged it. I didn’t want to mess that up, but I didn’t know sharing blood was a big deal. Olynth should have told me.

  “Lovely, has he explained the significance of this?” he asked slowly and cautiously.

  I worried my bottom lip and shook my head. He growled and cursed, turning to place me on the desk. I drew my knees up to my chest and held them with my arms as I watched him pace. He muttered to himself and rubbed his crown.

  “Is it bad?” I loved everything I did with them. I didn’t want it to be tainted.

  “No,” he growled and spun. He took my face in his hands. “It is beautiful, sweets, but he should have explained it to you.”

  I scowled at him. My stomach was starting to hurt. “Explain it to me now.”

  “An exchange of lifeblood between a Pythen and a Pythe is another step in the mating bond. The final bond they share. It binds their life together,” he said tenderly. “You will age with him. You will live a much longer life now, and when you pass on from this life, so shall he.”

  I gaped at him.

  His face twisted in guilt. “I lost control. I had planned to introduce you to the proper ceremony on Home World and perhaps share that experience with my House, since we could not have that with our first mating.”

  “Stop.” I held up my hand and let out a hot breath. “First”—I held up a finger— “I know all about you guys getting it on in front of a crowd, and as hot as it was to have Gunnor watching us our first time, it’s not something I’m willing to repeat, especially in front of a crowd. So no, that won’t be happening. And two”—I held up another finger— “does that mean I’m now tied to both of you like that?”

  He nodded hesitantly.

  I felt my face heat and fill with color. My ears burned. “Why didn’t he tell me?”

  “It is likely he is unaware of the ritual,” he said haltingly.

  “How likely?”

  He clenched his jaw and looked away.

  “Right,” I spat hotly. I jumped from the table and stormed to the door.

  “Sweets,” he called.

  I spun around, my fists clenched at my sides.

  “As much as I enjoy gazing at you in your beautiful bare form, I do not want my Dahk to gaze at you in such a way.”

  I shoved my pants on, tore my shirt over my head, and whipped open the door. “Don’t wait up for me.”

  He chuckled as I marched out into the command deck.

  Unfortunately, I didn’t get to shove my foot up the big guy’s ass. The room spun, my stomach flipped, and I fainted.


  So it turned out I was bonded to them both. And they were bonded to each other through me.

  And after bonding, I needed a pretty lengthy recovery sleep.

  If I wasn’t so mad, I could have seen the beauty in it, but I was pissed.

  I held my grudge all the way up to our landing on Home World.

  Olynth’s stubborn silence didn’t help. He had no explanation for his secret except that he “didn’t think I needed to know at the time.” And I could understand that to an extent. We had just been intimate, and it was the first time for him in a long, long, long time. He’d had a lot of feelings to work through.

  But after? There was no excuse. We had been on the ship for almost two weeks. He could have told me.

  Plus, I didn’t know how to process it. Long life? Like hundreds and hundreds of years? That was weird.

  Nathan thought it was awesome, but I couldn’t stop imagining him growing old and dying while I stayed young. He was my Nate, my baby. I wasn’t supposed to outlive him.

  Fihk held me when I’d cried my eyes out just thinking about it.

  At best, I could hope Nathan would fall for a Dahk female and they would have a Pythen mating bond. In one of my more insane moments, I told Fihk we would hold a zany Cinderella ball where Nate would meet all the eligible females in the land until he found his Pythe. I knew that was crazy, but I couldn’t completely dismiss it.

  If human females were more compatible with male Dahk, maybe the same could be said for human males and female Dahk. I just had to get Nate to stop gawking at Star. She was human and therefore no longer good enough for him.

  So with all those thoughts plaguing me, I couldn’t even look at Olynth. I knew he wasn’t the only one to blame. Fihk had lost control and done the same thing, tying me to them both, but he’d felt remorse and told me.

  By the time we landed on Home World, I was too stressed out to even enjoy the sights. It was beautiful—like, fantasy-princess-land beautiful—but I wanted to rip something apart. So it didn’t affect me as it should have. I did enjoy Nate’s over-the-top excitement though.

  Linda had donned her perfectly pressed clothes—I still didn’t know how she pulled that off, since I had been wearing the same two pairs of jeans for weeks—and she rushed off the ship into the arms of her daughter and the big dude she was mated to.

  I got a little peeved when Peyton gushed all over my Fihk but held myself back when he quickly extracted himself and wrapped me in his arms.

  She was, of course, beautiful and nice and bl
ah, and I was feeling jealous. She knew Fihk and Olynth really well, and there was a lot of affection there.

  Plus, Linda totally ditched us. She became single-minded in repairing her broken relationship with her daughter, and I was feeling a little butt-hurt about it.

  But it got weirder.

  I met the new king, Uthyf, and he immediately commandeered Fihk, grilling him and having all kinds of secret meetings.

  With him and Olynth gone, I had to hang out with pregnant chicks—Peyton and her friend, Vivian. And let me just say, Vivian was excitable. Like, in your face, happy go lucky all the time. But I guessed they were okay. I had never had girlfriends before, and they were totally fascinated with my relationship with Fihk and Olynth. I was kind of the shit for getting with the two of them.

  Kudeyas, Tahk’s sister, was awesome. She was my favorite. She was warm and had a little bit of wickedness to her spirit. I had a feeling we would get up to a lot of trouble together.

  But eventually the welcome party broke up, and Fihk was ready to introduce me to his family. It was at that point that I wished Olynth and I had worked out our drama.

  Olynth had no family to introduce me to, and he was uncomfortable the whole time we were with Fihk’s family. He had told me one night on the ship that he lost his father when he was young, His mam was his first mate and died from real heart-sickness. His father’s other two mates were still alive but after he was a slave, they stopped talking. Olynth was a different Dahk when he came back, and they couldn’t reconcile his new personality with the young Dahk they raised. Bitches, both of them. He had no siblings.

  Not a blood brother anyway.

  Fihk announced us together. The three of us. He said it with pride. He introduced Olynth as his brother. And though Olynth remained stoic as ever, I knew that meant a lot to him. It did to me.

  Fihk and Olynth had talked about where we would live in great detail the last few weeks, and since Olynth didn’t have a House it was decided we would all move into Fihk’s. At least for now. I didn’t know how I felt about staying where other females most likely had, but I wasn’t going to demand somewhere else right away. We needed to adjust to our mating. And so Fihk’s House became Olynth’s, Fihk’s, Nate’s, and my House. It was kind of perfect.


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