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Tess Property of Blaze: Book #5 in the Blood Brothers MC Series

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by Collard, J. A.

“She’s my boss, brother. Plus, I don’t need you hangin’ out here all dreamy-eyed over her, she deserves better. Not someone who has a different woman every night.”


  I’d put my hands on my hips. “Will you two cut it out, I’m right here, you know?”

  Gunner flashed his smile at me again. “We never thought you weren’t.”

  “Well, can you boys stop talking like I’m not here?”

  “Just looking out for you, Tess,” Jeff said, a big grin on his face.

  “Well I don’t need it. I’m a big girl.”

  “That you are…,” Gunner said, his gaze zeroing in on my breasts, my low-cut top showing off a little of my cleavage.

  “Okay, Romeo, we’ll see you Friday,” I said, shaking my head as I smiled at him.

  “See you Friday,” he replied, and smiled one last time before walking out the store and taking off on his bike.

  “He was flirting with you,” Jeff said then. “And I meant what I said, he’s a womanizer.”

  “Jeff.” I looked over at him. “Believe me when I say that a biker is the last thing I need in my life. Now go continue Fiona’s tattoo, she’s waiting.”

  “Yes, boss,” he said sarcastically as he walked over to Fiona, who’s busy on her phone.

  I chuckled to myself then sighed. “Yep, definitely don’t need a biker in my life….”

  * * *

  Friday Night.

  The chime rings from above the door, announcing another customer. I glance at the clock on the wall opposite my working seat and see it’s 8:05 p.m. Must be Gunner and his friend.

  Wiping the excess ink off one last time, I ask Tanya to have a look and tell me if she’s happy with the finished design. She gets up off the reclined seat and stands in front of the full-length mirror, her arms still holding up her top. She walks to the small space in the corner where the mirror is and turns to her side, looking at a tattoo of a little girl flying a kite I just completed on the side of her hip. Tanya’s daughter passed away from cancer six months ago, and she wanted to remember a time when her little girl was happy and carefree, and it was when they were at the beach and her Lucy were flying a kite.

  Tears roll down her cheeks, and I immediately place my tool down and remove my rubber gloves. “Are you okay? Oh God, you don’t like it?”

  She looks over her shoulder at me, and her lips quiver as she tries hard to hold her tears in. “Are you kidding, it’s beautiful, exactly as I remember her.” Tanya had brought in a photo of Lucy, which helped getting her facial features on the design as close to her image as possible.

  I give her a warm smile. “I’m so glad, she was a beautiful girl.”

  Tanya nods. “She was.” She wipes her eyes and shakes out her hands. “I’m sorry, you must think I’m a crazy person. Crying over a tattoo.”

  “Of course I don’t. She was your daughter and you lost her. I’m just glad I was able to give you a happy memory of her that you can always have with you.”

  She sniffles, and I pass her a Kleenex from the box on my tray of equipment. “Thank you, Tess, I’m so glad I came here. I’d been thinking of getting it done since she passed away, but to be honest, I was a little scared of the pain.”

  “It wasn’t that bad, was it?” I ask.

  She shakes her head. “Not at all. I’m already thinking about what other tattoo I can get.”

  I laugh. “Oh no… that’s how it starts. After you get one, you always want another, then another.”

  She laughs through her tears. “Well, I guess I’ll see you soon, then.”

  “I guess so.” I walk over to the sink and grab the cream I use to protect fresh tattoos. “Now, I’m applying this antiseptic cream, and I’ll cover it with some cling wrap. It may get itchy, so please try not to scratch it.” I hand her a smaller bottle of the same cream. “Here, take this, make sure you apply it every couple of hours, you need to keep it moist.”

  “Okay, thank you so much, Tess.” Tanya lets her top fall to her hips and takes the cream out of my hand, placing it into her purse beside the chair.

  Realizing I’m early for my next appointment, I walk out with her, planning on getting a bite to eat, but stop in my tracks when sitting on a chair in the waiting room, reading a car magazine, is the most gorgeous-looking man I’ve ever seen. I’m not exaggerating, either. I’m talking dark hair and eyes, a chiseled jaw with at least a three-day growth there, full, luscious lips, and from what I can tell by his unbuttoned shirt, toned muscles wrapped in flawless skin—a body you only see in magazines.

  Not hearing what Tanya is saying anymore, my gaze stays glued to his face. He looks up then, his lazy stare changing to a flicker of interest. He smirks, and I swear all the air in my body vanishes. His smile is something else.

  I nibble on the inside of my cheek, and then I hear, “Tess…? How much do I owe you?”

  “Tess!” Jeff repeats, and I’m suddenly brought back to the present. I look over at Jeff, who’s got Gunner in the client chair, ready to get his tattoo done. I don’t miss the second smile from the stranger before I take my eyes off him.

  Is he…? Could he be…? Is this guy my next client? I thought Gunner’s friend was a biker? I don’t see any biker cut on him.

  Hearing Tanya’s nails drumming a beat against the counter, I quickly walk around behind it and look her up on the computer. “Your balance is eighty-five dollars today, Tanya.”

  I take her payment, process it, then say my goodbye. I watch her walk out of the shop, then feel heat hit my cheeks when my eyes lock once again with the stranger’s sitting in front of me, his magazine now closed and forgotten on his lap, one leg folded and his ankle resting on his thigh.

  “Am I next?” he asks. Crap… his voice is hot as well. Deep, demanding, and sexy.

  “Um….” I look at the computer again, seeing the name Gunner’s Mate written in my appointment schedule. Shoot, I forgot to get his name.

  He stands, his light blue denim jeans snug against his thighs. His black shirt is open at the collar, revealing a silver chain tucked underneath.

  He walks up to the counter and places his hands flat against it. “Hey, sweetheart, I’m Blaze, you really doin’ my tattoo?” His eyes shine brightly as he gives me a panty-dropping grin, and that’s when I notice the piercing on his lip, adding that extra sexiness.

  I clear my throat. “Yes, well, if you’re Gunner’s friend who he booked in, then yes, you’re my next client.”

  “Sweet…. Can’t say I’m not happy about a hot woman tattooing me for my first time.”

  I raise my eyebrows. “Your first tattoo? You have to be kidding?” I say, not believing him. I’d thought Gunner was joking when he made the appointment.

  “It’s true, sweetheart, this body hasn’t been touched… well, not by a needle that is. By a woman? Well, that’s a different story.”

  And there it is… the arrogant biker who thinks he can get all the ladies. Well, he hasn’t met me yet. I’m sworn off men for now. Plus, I’m married, and the last thing I need is a fling with a biker—even if he is God’s gift to women.

  “Yeah, well, I’m just here to do your tattoo, what you do outside of here is none of my business.”

  He leans up against the counter, his gaze boring into me. The subtle scent of leather and a hint of spice hits my senses, and I can’t help but stare at his forearms, exposed with his shirt rolled up to his elbows. I’ve seen a lot of arms in my day, but these here, have to be the hottest one’s going around. What is it about a man’s bare forearms?

  “What if I want it to be?”

  Coming out of my daydream state, I realize he’s said something, and I completely missed it. “Um… sorry, what?”

  “I said, what if I want it to be?”

  I tilt my head slightly. “Be what?”

  “Be your business, what I do?”

  His smirk is drop-dead sexy, but at the same time I’m thinking, he can’t be serious.

  “Cut it out, man
. I’ve already tried,” I hear yelled out from behind us. I look over my shoulder and see Gunner smiling at us, but when I turn back to Blaze, the sexy smirk has been wiped off his face. Now he looks seriously pissed, furious even, his eyes narrowing at Gunner as his muscles pop and flex in his forearms.

  “You’ve already tried what?” he growls out.

  Oh shit, what just happened here?

  Gunner doesn’t respond, though, he just laughs. “Whatever, man.”

  I turn back to Blaze, who for some reason is doing all kind of things to me, things I don’t necessary want right now. “Come through,” I say, breaking the silence and walking toward my station, my appetite—for food that is—all but forgotten. I take a seat and gesture for him to sit opposite me. He does, and I don’t miss how his thigh slides up against mine underneath the table. “Ahem.” I clear my throat again, then say, “So, what have you got in mind?”

  His gaze turns heated at my question. “Hmm, what do you have in mind?”

  I smile and shake my head, barely holding back an eye roll. “I mean, what image do you have in mind?”

  He straightens, the heat coming from him toning down a fraction. “Oh, yeah….” Reaching behind with one hand, he pulls a piece of paper out from his back pocket. Unfolding it, he places it on the table in front of us and smooths the wrinkles out. “I want something like this.”

  Lifting it up close to the light so I can get a better look at it, I take in the beauty of the image. It’s the United States Marine Corps logo—an eagle sitting atop a globe of the world with America at the front, an anchor running through the center of it—on a US flag background. But what’s also added is that one tip of the anchor is cutting into the palm of a hand, the words Blood Brothers in beautiful script written underneath it. A reaper’s serves as the background to the words. I recognize the image from his and Gunner’s cuts—it’s their MC’s logo.

  “This is beautiful,” I say, sitting the paper back down on the table. “Did you draw it?”

  “That I did,” he says, sitting back in his chair with his hands linked behind his head, his sleeves straining against his biceps. His brown eyes lock on to mine and I swallow hard, feeling the crackle of sexual tension between us.

  What is it with this guy? Why do I feel so drawn to him? Maybe it’s because I haven’t felt anything like this before—a connection with another male. Viper has nothing on this guy. Actually, none of the Forseekers members do.

  His eyes watch me intently as I explain, “This may take a couple of sessions, is that okay with you?” I bite down on my bottom lip as his gaze travels over every inch of me that he can see, and tingles run through my body.

  “That’s fine with me, babe.”

  I make myself look away from his dreamy eyes and stand. “Follow me.”

  “I intend to.”

  “What’s that?” I ask, not quite hearing what he said under his breath. I thought he said he intends to, but I can’t be sure.

  “Nothing, just following.”

  It’s as if I can feel intense stare burn into my ass as I lead him only a couple of steps away to my workstation. Once I’m there, I grab a pair of gloves and slip them on, then focus on getting everything prepared.

  Laying out his drawing again, I take another look. He really did do an amazing job. It’s only then that I realize he’s still standing behind me, so I look over my shoulder at him and smile. “Please get yourself comfy there,” I say, pointing to the leather chair. I turn and face him front on, noticing his eyes lift to meet mine. Oh yeah, he was just checking out my ass.

  He takes a seat and I hold the picture up to him. “So, where are we putting this on you?”

  Slowly and very provocatively, he unbuttons his black shirt, and I take in a shaky breath when I see the body hiding beneath it—muscled, toned, lick-worthy abs, covered with golden skin. A silver chain hangs around his neck, with a set of dog tags resting between his pecs. I can’t breathe for a minute as I take him in. Part of me doesn’t want to touch his beautiful skin with a needle, but the artist in me sees it as a blank canvas, ready to be marked with my own version of art. My brand.

  “Right here,” he says, pointing to the left side of his chest just above his heart. Looking down at the spot, he continues, “I’d like the top of the eagle to start here and the bottom of the image with the Blood Brothers to end here.” He traces the area with his finger, and I hold in a moan as his nipple puckers. He looks back up at me, his expression asking if I understand what he wants.

  I nod my head. “Sure, we can do that.”

  “I’ve been wanting to get this done for a while now. My brother here”— he nods toward Gunner—"thought it would be a great present for me.”

  Shoot, that’s right. It’s his birthday. “Oh, ah… happy birthday,” I say, heat hitting my cheeks.

  He smiles and drops me a wink. “Thanks.”

  Feeling the air thicken between us, I take off my gloves and grab some transfer paper. I sketch his image with my back toward him, trying my hardest to ignore the delicious scent of his aftershave.

  “So, this your place?”

  Continuing to draw, I reply, “Yeah, it is… well, I don’t actually own it. I’m leasing the building. Luckily the guy who owned it before me was in the same field, so everything was already where it needed to be. I just had to move my own stuff in.”

  “How long you been doing this?”

  I shrug, continuing to draw. “Five years. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to do. Draw that is.”

  I didn’t want to mention my old man’s intentions when he sent me to design school, because at the end of the day, it got me out of there, and that’s all in the past now. I don’t want to remember the life I had in LA. I’m finally free and living my life.

  A thick silence brews between us as I continue to sketch the image, and I can sense his eyes on me. I wore black ripped jeans and a white singlet top into work today, and my black lace bra is visible through it, the straps hanging from my shoulders. It made me wish I’d worn something a little less revealing, but if this guy’s a biker and belongs to a club then he’d be more than used to seeing women in a lot less.

  Does he have a woman? I don’t know why, but the thought of him with someone else has me gripping my pencil a little too tightly. I consciously make myself relax my hand, and once I’m done, I turn to face him.

  “Lie back, please.”

  He does as I say, flashing me a wicked grin, and I lay the transfer sheet on his chest exactly where he’d shown me. My fingers brush against his warm skin, and I feel a rush of electricity run through my body. I look up at him, wondering if he felt it too. His intense look proves that he did, his eyes darkening with what looks like desire. His hair, slightly longer at the top, drapes over his forehead, and he licks his lips. My eyes zero in on them and he smiles; he knows the effect he has on me.

  Clearing my throat, I remove the sheet, and I’m happy with the result. “There, first part is over.”

  He looks down at his chest, a wide smile in place. Can’t wait to see the final product.”

  “Well, you’re about to see something,” I say, slipping fresh gloves on and starting up my needle, pressing it down onto his virgin skin.

  He squeezes his eyes shut at the first touch, then opens them suddenly. “Hey, it doesn’t hurt at all.”

  I flash him a smile and then get my hand ready again. “Told you. Now sit back while I work on this.”

  An hour in, my lower back starts to hurt, but I’ve actually finished more than I thought I would, even with him distracting me.

  “Wanna take a break?” he asks when I straighten my body and twist side to side.

  “I’m all good.”

  He frowns. “Come on, I can do with a smoke anyway.”

  “If you don’t mind, I’d die for a coffee right now.”

  He sits up then, looking down at his half-completed tattoo. “I can’t believe I’m finally doing this.”

  “Well, you better
believe it, because it ain’t coming off,” I say sarcastically, then I grin at him.

  He laughs then stands fully, stretching his arms above his head. God Almighty, he even has that V thing going on.

  He turns to walk away, and I say, “Hey, you forgot something,” holding his shirt out to him.

  “It’s warm out, no need for the shirt,” he replies, taking a cigarette out of his pocket and holding it between his lips as he searches for his lighter. Finding it in his back pocket, he walks up to Gunner at Jeff’s station, looking down at his emerging tattoo. “Looks good, man.”

  “You done already?” Gunner asks him.

  “Nah, just having a break.”

  Gunner looks over at me then back at Blaze. “Sure you are.”

  Blaze shakes his head, then walks to the front door, opening it wide to let me through first. I say, “Thank you,” and once I’m out on the footpath, tell him, “I’m just heading to Starbucks there, I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll come with you.”

  I widen my eyes at that. “Like that? With no top?” I ask, waving my hand at his magnificent chest. I’m sure this guy works out every single day.

  His laugh is loud, and like an aphrodisiac to my body. “Why, darlin’? What’s wrong with what I’m wearin’?” He looks down at his body.

  “It’s not what you’re wearing, it’s what you’re not,” I say matter-of-factly.

  He walks up to me, only stopping when his nose is mere inches away from mine. His lips just… right there. I hold my breath—is he going to kiss me?

  “Relax, it’s warm. No one cares what I’m wearing, or what I’m not, for that matter.”

  I nibble on the inside of my cheek and try not to look at his chest, but what can I say? I’m a girl who hasn’t had sex in nearly three years, after all. Not that I haven’t had offers, I was just not in the right place, and needed to find myself again.

  But boy am I ready now! Cut it out, Tess, it’s just your hormones talking, you can’t have sex with him.

  Lighting the cigarette that’s barely been sitting on his lips this whole time, he takes a drag and looks me up and down. Feeling a little self-conscious at his scrutiny, I look down at my body, and notice my nipples are hardening at his stare. I quickly fold my arms over my chest to cover them.


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