Tess Property of Blaze: Book #5 in the Blood Brothers MC Series

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Tess Property of Blaze: Book #5 in the Blood Brothers MC Series Page 8

by Collard, J. A.

  I let out a deep sigh of relief at that, grateful I have my brothers backing me up. “Appreciate it, Prez.”


  “Yeah?” I respond, pacing the floor now, ready to get going and find Tess.

  “We’ll find her, I promise.”

  I run my hand through my hair. “I hope so.”

  “We will, now go to her shop and call us if you find anything.”

  “Will do.”

  I hang up the call and storm out of the bathroom, Luisa trailing behind all the way out to my bike. I straddle it and start it up. I look over to Luisa, who’s standing there looking lost for what to do. “Go back to the club. If she calls you again, let me know right away, got it?” I push down the fear and soften my tone when Lu just nods, fresh tears threatening to fall from her red-rimmed eyes. She’s worried about Tess too. “Don’t worry, I’ll find her,” I say, trying to believe my own words.

  “Please find our girl.”

  I can only nod, then I kick the stand up and head to Ink Me.


  Parking my bike in front of Ink Me, I notice all the lights are off, and there’s no sign of movement inside. I get off my bike and walk to the front of Tess’s shop, then put my hands either side of my face on the glass as I peek through the front window. It doesn’t look like anyone is in there, but to make sure, I grab my keys from my pocket, looking for the store’s spare key on my key chain, thankful Tess had given me one for those nights she needed help locking up.

  Unlocking the door, I enter the eerily quiet space then close it behind me. “Tess, you in here?”


  I walk to the rear of the store and open the door to the back room. I flick on the lights and call out again, “Tess, you here?”

  Again, silence.

  Knowing for sure now that she’s not here, I turn the lights off and head back to the front of the shop, panic now filling me. This just doesn’t make sense. Why would she just leave like that? The blood on the floor, the cracked tile with Tess’s hair stuck to it—it has me wondering what the hell is going on. Even though she texted Luisa back, it still doesn’t lower my anxiety levels, and the worry that she’s been hurt.

  Before I exit, I reach for my cell and dial her number once again. “Come on, Tess, answer me, baby,” I whisper into the phone. It goes to voicemail, but this time I leave a message. “Tess, please call back, I need to know you’re okay.”

  I hang up just as a call from Rhyder comes through. “Hey, brother, you got any news?” I ask straightaway.

  “Nah, man, nothing. I already checked out St. James Hospital, and was just heading down to NYCs to find out if they’ve seen her.”

  I sigh and run my hand down my face. I’m exhausted, I haven’t slept, and the stress of the day has me feeling like I’m gonna pass out.

  “We’ll find her, brother,” Rhyder mumbles through the phone. “So, no sign of her at Ink Me, then?”

  “Nope, she ain’t here. Keep me posted on NYCs.”

  “Will do, and Blaze?”

  “Yeah?” I respond, staring up at the ceiling.

  “We will find her.”

  I don’t reply, I just hang up and shove my phone back in my jacket pocket. Something catches my attention as my gaze takes in a picture sitting on the counter. It’s a picture of Tess and Jeff when the store first opened, standing proudly beside their first client, and they both look so happy. I stand there staring at it for a while, and then it hits me…


  I grab my phone out again and search for his number. I know I have it in here somewhere because I’ve had to call him a couple of times when Tess was working late and couldn’t answer her phone. Plus, he hangs out with the Blood Brothers some nights, and he’s one of Gunner’s old friends.

  Finding his number, I quickly dial it. My heart beats wildly as the phone on the other end starts to ring. Please pick up.


  “Hey, Jeff, it’s Blaze.”

  “Blaze, I’ve been waiting on your call.”

  “What do you mean? Is Tess there?” I growl, now pissed but not knowing why.

  I hear him sigh. “Yeah, man, she’s here.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut in relief. “Put her on,” I demand.

  “Listen, brother, now’s not the time. She’s okay, she just stayin’ with me for a couple of days.”

  My eyes open then. “A couple of days?” I yell through the phone. Fuck that. “Put her on the goddamn phone.”

  “She doesn’t want to talk to you.”

  I run my hand through my hair, my patience running thin. “Why the fuck not?”

  He lowers his voice, then I hear a door clicking shut. “Listen, Blaze, I’m not doing this to piss you off. Right now she’s just going through something, something she will tell you about when she’s ready, but now is not that time. Can you at least give her a day?”

  Grinding my teeth, I say, “Jeff, with all due respect, this is none of your business, man. She’s my woman and I need to hear it from her.”

  I thump my closed fist on the counter. I’m angry, furious, why did she run to Jeff? What’s so bad that she couldn’t talk to me about it?

  I can hear him whispering to someone, likely Tess, and I bite my tongue, holding back all the words I want to let fly at him. Then finally I hear her voice.


  I straighten up, relief washing through me. She’s safe.

  “Tess? What’s going on?”

  “I’m okay, Blaze, I’m just at Jeff’s. I’ll be back at the clubhouse soon.” Then I hear hesitation in her voice when she asks, “That’s if you want me to come back?”

  “What do you mean, if I want you to come back?”

  “We… we didn’t end things well, and you haven’t answered any of my calls or texts all day. I figured you were done with me.”

  Fuck! In the past hour, all I’ve thought about is getting her back to me, making sure she’s okay and safe, but what she’s saying is the truth, and it makes me feel like an asshole. She’s right, I didn’t answer her calls or texts all day. Why would she want to come home to me, after I just walked out on her?

  “Baby,” I say softly, “come home, we need to talk.”

  I hear a sniffle. Is she crying?

  “Tess, you there, baby?”

  “I can’t,” she cries, the sound of her tears coming through the phone.

  I kick the chair in front of me over and storm out of the store, anger now taking over. “Why the fuck not, Tess? Are you fucking him?”

  She gasps loudly. “You can’t be serious right now,” she hisses, now sounding pissed.

  I pace the front of the store, insane jealousy that she’s choosing to stay with Jeff and not come home with me eating at me.

  I stop wearing a hole in the sidewalk, and growl through the phone, “Is this why you won’t marry me? You and Jeff have something going on?” My body shakes with my rage, and people walk past me quickly as I flash them a deadly stare. It’s good that they do because right now, the way I feel, I just want to hit something, or someone.

  “You’re being ridiculous. Jeff and I are just friends.”

  “Then come home. I’ll come get you, just tell me where he lives.”

  Silence fills the phone. “Tess, you there?”

  “I can’t,” she whispers. “Please, Blaze, don’t ask me more, I can’t answer your questions. I’ll call you tomorrow. Please, Blaze, just give me this.”

  Holding my phone between my ear and shoulder, I walk back to the front door of the store and lock it. Once I’m done and sure it’s secure, I grab my phone in my hand again and stride toward my bike. “I’m coming there, Tess, give me the fuckin’ address. No more games.”

  She starts to cry, and I find it only angers me more. Why is she crying? Why does she need time away from me? What the fuck is going on?

  Before I can verbalize all the questions spinning through my head, Jeff’s voice comes through the phone. “Blaz
e, it’s me. Do yourself a favor, mate, and go back to the clubhouse. I’ll call you tomorrow. Just give it a day at least, I promise you I’ll look after her.”

  “Look after her?” I growl. “She’s not yours to look after.”

  “She’s my friend, you know that, and right now, I’m telling you as her friend, to give her some space. Just a night. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

  Feeling defeated, I drop my head—there’s just no winning this conversation. Finally I force out, “Okay, just one fucking night. But I will be there tomorrow, you can count on that.”

  “Okay, brother. I get it. Tomorrow, then.”

  “Tomorrow,” I repeat.

  Jeff hangs up and I stare at the blank screen for a while. Finally coming to my senses, I place it back in my jacket pocket and start up my bike. Everything in me wants to call Gunner and ask for Jeff’s address, but something tells me that right now isn’t the time. Okay, baby, you want a night, you’re gonna get a night, but you will tell me everything, I whisper to myself, before I take off toward the clubhouse.


  Jeff hangs up the phone and looks over at me, disappointment filling his eyes. “Fuck, Tess, you’ve got some explainin’ to do, your man is hurtin’.”

  I cover my face with my hands and cry as I sink slowly into the couch. I’ve really done it this time—I’ve just ruined everything. Feeling the couch dip beside me, I lift my head up when Jeff’s arm drapes around my shoulders. “Tell me, Tess. What’s going on? Who did this to you?”

  Wiping away my tears, feeling defeated, I blurt it all out, explaining everything from the beginning—how I had no mother growing up, and how I was raised by the president of the Forseekers Motorcycle Club—all while Jeff’s eyes keep widening, surprise and shock covering his face. It’s not until I tell Jeff my story about marrying Viper, and about all the abuse I received before I snuck out in the middle of the night and fled to New York to start my life over, that he jumps off the couch and storms over to his punching bag and begins to absolutely thrash it. Jab after jab, punch after punch, I just let him go on and on until he finally stops and rests his hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath.

  Hesitantly I stand, my legs weak, worried at what Jeff might say. I step closer to him until he turns to face me with one palm held out toward me. “Stop right there,” he says, his breath coming out in puffs. I still, halting my steps, not knowing what to say or do. He’s mad; I can see that.

  “I’m… sorry, Jeff.”

  “Sorry?” he shouts. “Do you understand the situation you are in? And now me? You’ve just explained that not only are you married, but that your husband is the VP of your father’s club, and that you have been hiding out here in New York with another club that has no fuckin’ idea you’re married and a president’s daughter? This is so fucked-up.” He growls, shaking his head, sweat breaking away in drops and falling to the floor.

  I pace the room, mumbling, “I know how it sounds, Jeff, and….”

  “How it sounds?” he yells, making me stop still. “If the Blood Brothers hear you’re hiding this shit, they’re gonna kick you out, not to mention Blaze. You’ve been lying to him the whole time!”

  Jeff runs both his hands through his long black, now damp hair, frustration pouring out of him. Then he looks up, a light hitting the sheen of sweat on his face and making it glisten. “You lied to me,” he says, regret entering his voice. I don’t know what I hate more—Jeff yelling at me, or the fact that he’s clearly disappointed in me. Jeff’s been a good friend, like my very own big brother, and right now he’s hurt.

  “Jeff, listen to me,” I plead, stepping forward a little, then I desperately try to explain myself. “I tried to keep a low profile. I had to get away from Viper, I couldn’t go on living like his fucking sex toy and punching bag.” I hear Jeff’s intake of breath, but I continue, chewing on the inside of my cheek. “I needed to look out for me for once. I got to New York, changed my name, and finally did something for me—I opened up Ink Me. I told myself I would stay away from men and just go on in life, living like I was a free woman. All those nights that Viper hit me, raped me, forced me to club parties to show me off, was only a smidgen of what my life was. The worst part was my father, he thought I deserved to be punished. To him I was Viper’s old lady, I wasn’t his daughter, and if Viper wanted to hit me like that, then in my father’s eyes, I must have deserved it. Do you know what it’s like to have your only living parent think that you’re a piece of shit and deserve to be treated like dirt? Do you, Jeff?”

  Jeff drops his head, trying to hide the tears gathering in his eyes. He wipes them away angrily when they spill over, then looks me straight in the eye. “Tess—”

  “No, let me finish. I didn’t want this, I didn’t want to meet another man, but I did. He came into the store that day and there was no stopping him, and if I’m honest, I wanted to know what it felt like to be with a man that didn’t scare the shit out of me. And I’m so glad I did, because I never knew love could be like this. So please, Jeff, don’t look at me like that. I have my reasons, and right now, I can’t have you judging me, not when you’re the only person I can trust.”

  Finally Jeff steps forward and folds me into his large arms. I rest my head on his chest and let my tears fall. “Shush, darlin’, I’m so sorry you had to live like that. Whatever you need, I’m here, I promise.”

  I sniffle and look up at him. “Thanks, Jeff.”


  Storming into the clubhouse, I head straight for the bar where Trigger and Rhyder are standing, drinking beers. Loud music is blaring through speakers, the thump-thump of “One Step Closer” by Linkin Park reverberating throughout the room. I make my way to the vacant spot between Trigger and Rhyder and laugh to myself when I see Rhyder with another woman, clearly not the same one as last night.

  It’s late in the evening, and the old ladies are here with their men. Charity stands beside Trigger, and I get a glimpse of Jasmine and Quill chatting by the couch. It seems even Jasmine is letting her hair down tonight as she dances erotically in front of Prez.

  “Pour me a Jack, thanks, Daisy,” I say, then feel the slap of Trigger’s palm on my shoulder.

  “Whoa, brother, hittin’ the hard stuff, hey? What’s going on? You and Tess not getting along? I mean, with her just up and vanishing like that….”

  I turn to face Trigger and grab him by his shirt, pulling him close to my face. “Shut the fuck up, Trigger,” I growl, and Trigger smirks.

  “Whoa! Shit, brother, was just pulling your chain.”

  Before I can respond, I hear my name being yelled out. I turn to face Prez just as the music is turned down. I slowly let go of Trigger’s shirt then turn to face him, letting out a deep breath and flashing him a rueful smile. “Sorry, brother, I didn’t mean….”

  “Hey, it’s fine, sorry I mentioned it. Don’t worry, we’re still looking out for her. Hawke’s out with Gunner right now.”

  “Call them off,” I state as I swiftly grab hold of the shot glass Daisy just placed before me and skull the whole thing.

  “What do you mean, call them off?” Prez is now standing behind me, and I turn to him and sigh. “She’s fine, she’s with Jeff.”

  “Wait…,” Rhyder says. “Jeff, as in, Ink Me Jeff?”

  “Same fuckin’ one,” I blurt out, then turn to face Daisy behind the bar and ask for another shot of Jack.

  “What the fuck is she doing there? And with him? She should be home with you.”

  I throw back my second shot for the night and slam the glass back on the bar. Daisy is smart enough to pour me another straightaway, and I finish that one off too. It’s only then I turn around once again, resting my elbows on the bar. Prez narrows his eyes. “What did you do to make her up and leave and not come back?”

  I drop my head, exhaustion taking over, and to be honest, maybe that last shot might not have been such a great idea. With no food hitting my stomach since this morning, and no sleep, I feel out of it.
“Shit, Prez, not now, okay. I haven’t slept and I’m dog-shit tired. I’m gonna go lie down for a couple of hours and then I’ll come talk to ya. In the meantime, you can call off the boys who are out looking for Tess, because she’s fine.”

  Prez nods his head then steps toward me. “Okay, brother.” He gives my shoulder a tap. “But come seek me out when you’re ready, we got some talkin’ to do.”

  I nod then look around the club. “Where’s Tracker?”

  “He’s in his room, looking into things for me regarding the missing girl.”

  I sway on my feet, the shots of Jack hitting me full-on, and Prez grabs me by my arms. “Let’s get you to bed, brother.” He throws one of his arms around my shoulders, and Trigger jumps in on my other side and does the same, holding me upright and steady as we walk down the hall to my room. Prez leans in and turns the doorknob then kicks the door open.

  Last thing I remember is them pushing me down on my back on the bed, then I’m out like a light.

  * * *

  I wake up to knocking at my door. I roll onto my side with my eyes still closed. “Go away!” I shout, but whoever it is, they don’t stop. I open my eyes and squint at the light coming through my window—fuck, it’s morning. More like afternoon, actually, when I see it’s a few minutes after 1:00 p.m. on my clock.

  More banging on the door comes from the hallway outside my room, so I sit up and swing my legs around and plant my feet on the floor. “I’m coming, I’m coming,” I shout as I pad over to my door, grumbling the whole time about inconsiderate fuckers who won’t leave a guy with a splitting headache and the taste of a dead skunk in his mouth alone. Once I open the door, I’m ready to take whoever’s disturbing my hangover to the floor, but when I see it’s Tracker on the other side of the doorway, I shut my mouth and swallow hard, because the look on his face tells me he’s here to give me some bad news.

  “Tracker, everything all right?”

  His facial expression gives nothing away, and he’s holding some kind of document in his hand. He says, “Can we talk?”


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