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Tess Property of Blaze: Book #5 in the Blood Brothers MC Series

Page 19

by Collard, J. A.

  A loud rumble breaks the silence of the night as the bike is brought to life. I feel the vibrations of the pipes through my body, shooting blood through my veins with excitement. I’m not sure if it’s the excitement of being on the bike, or about what I know will happen when we get home.

  Pushing myself forward on the seat even more, my breasts flatten against Blaze’s back, and my nipples harden with the contact. I swear he can feel it even through his cut, because he grunts and shifts on the seat.

  The dress I’m wearing barely covers my ass as we take off into the night, and his left hand moves down to my knee once we’re at speed, then slides up over my thigh, causing my panties to grow damp with arousal. I want him. I want him so much it hurts, and I know he wants me—he’s always wanted me.

  My hands slide down to burrow under his shirt, wanting to get as close to him as possible, feel the warmth of his skin. I feel him shudder as I cover every indent, every curve of his abs. Teasingly, I let my hand travel lower, all the way down to his crotch, and he instantly hardens at the touch of my hand. It’s a powerful feeling to have that effect on a guy. His hand grips my thigh even harder as I unzip his jeans and let my hand slip inside. As usual, he’s not wearing anything underneath, allowing my fingers to run down his swollen head. The bike swerves then, and I laugh against his back, realizing I’m making him literally lose control.

  Suddenly he swerves again, and takes the next exit, then a right at a dirt road. It’s secluded and dark, the full moon above the only thing giving off light. I have no idea where he’s taking me, but before I can ask him, he parks his bike alongside some trees. He sits for a few seconds, breathing deeply, and then without any warning, kicks the kickstand down and jumps off, walking behind me. Excitement builds, my other senses kicking in now I can no longer see him, and an ache begins to build, escalating when his hands make contact with my body and slide down my sides. He leans in and kisses my neck, his tongue running a straight line up to my earlobe, sucking it into his mouth and sending shivers down my spine. I hold my breath when he nips at the delicate shell.

  “Baby, you’re going to pay for that,” he murmurs against my skin, and I grin to myself, knowing I was able to arouse him so much that he couldn’t wait to get home, made him lose control.

  He moves his hands around to my breasts, his fingers toying with my nipples. I cry out with surprise when I’m lifted and turned to face him, my thighs forced open as I’m pulled to the edge of the seat and his body moves so it’s against mine. His sheer strength and the touch of desperation in his movements is seriously hot. I put my hands on the seat behind me for support as he pushes me back a little, and then he’s squatting down in front of me. When he leans in and runs his nose along the inside of my thigh, my whole body quivers at the touch, and at the same time, my skin feels like it’s on fire.

  He looks up at me, his gaze questioning, as if asking for approval. The Blaze I knew never asked, he just took, always giving my body exactly what it needed because he knew it so well. But I know why he’s hesitating now, asking permission. He’s aware of what I’ve been through with Viper, and I know most girls wouldn’t be wanting sex again so soon, but I’m not most girls. I can’t stop him—I don’t want to stop him. I need to feel him again, have that level of connection again. I need him to… wipe away Viper for good, if that makes any sense. To remind me, and my body, what it’s like to be cherished and loved again. I need this more than he will ever know.

  I nod my head, letting him know I want this, and he smirks, but his eyes are understanding and gentle.

  Then they change to smoldering, a sexy glint shining in the moonlight, and he runs his hands up my thighs. He pulls my dress up further, exposing my matching red thong. He runs his nose along the outside of the damp material, breathing me in with deep breaths that blow warm air against my core and make me shiver.

  “Fuck, baby, you smell so good.”

  I swallow hard and bite down on my bottom lip, hoping that he’ll take me here and now, desperate for him to give me what my body craves.

  In one movement, he pulls at the skimpy material and rips my thong to shreds, throwing it to the ground beside his bike. The coolness of the night between my thighs sends another shiver through my body, but I’m soon panting when his hot tongue licks between my folds. My head falls back, and I moan when he sucks my clit into his mouth then releases it with a pop. He runs his hand up my body, applying a gentle pressure so I lie back, my head hitting against the handlebars. But I don’t care, all I can feel right now is his mouth on me, his hands playing with my breasts as he continues to lick and suck, not holding anything back.

  “I’m gonna come,” I cry out after only a minute, but he doesn’t stop. If anything, he moves faster, his tongue now sliding inside me until I feel deliciously full. His thumb puts pressure on my nub, and just as he slides his tongue out, I come. I come so hard, I scream out into the quiet of the night, “So fuckin’ good!”

  I take a moment to come down from my high, so thankful that I can still reach that level of pleasure after everything I’ve been through. I tilt my head up and look at Blaze, confused as to why he’s not pulling his jeans off and getting ready to take me here and now. “What about you?”

  Blaze gives me a wicked grin, but his eyes are soft as he looks down at me sprawled all over his bike. “Don’t worry about me, baby. I plan to get what I want, but not here. I want to take you home to our bed, take my time lovin’ all over you. Not here on this dirt road in the middle of nowhere, you deserve better than that, and I want to hold you after. I can’t do that here.”

  I feel my eyes burn with unshed tears. He knows what I need, and he doesn’t want to be selfish by just taking what he wants from me.

  “I just needed a taste, babe. After what you pulled out there”—he points to the highway—“you’re lucky I didn’t run into a car, or off the road. I just needed to give us what we both wanted, and it was worth it.”

  He’s smirking again, and I sit up, still trying to get my breathing together. He moves in, his legs on either side of the back wheel, and looks deep into my eyes, his smirk disappearing, replaced with a vulnerability he doesn’t let many people see. “I love you, Tess. I always have. From the first moment I laid eyes on you in the shop, I had to have you, and without you? Well, my life’s just not worth living.” He cups my face and kisses me gently, then pulls back, staring into my eyes once again. “You will always be Tess to me, no matter what your past may be. I fell in love with Tess, and Tess is the one I want in my future.”

  He kisses me again, but this time it holds so much emotion. He’s sealing his words with a kiss, proving to me that he means everything he’s said. Tears run down my face as he continues to move his lips over mine, mingling with our kiss.

  He pulls back eventually and leans his forehead against mine. “One day we have to talk, like really talk, but let’s just enjoy today.”

  I nod against him, and he lifts my face up to really look at him. “You are safe, Tess. I will never let anything happen to you again,” he declares.

  I can’t speak, because I know if I do, I’ll just cry even more and make a huge mess of myself. So I just nod again, knowing in my heart now that he will always protect me.

  My father comes to my mind then, and I know I need to talk to Blaze about him. From what I know, there are a few Forseekers who got away that night, and they would have run straight to my father to tell him about what went down. I know he’s sick, and I’m hoping that he’ll just let this go and not want any kind of revenge for Viper, but If I know my father, the asshole that he is, he will want retaliation for the men, even though he might not be in a position to deliver it himself. And then there will be someone else in the club who will take over, meaning it will only be a matter of time until they come looking for me too, wanting their revenge.

  But that’s a discussion for another night, because tonight is about us, and right now, being home in bed with Blaze, him making love to me, sounds exa
ctly like what I need.

  “What’s on your mind, baby?” Blaze asks, the back of his hand smoothing over my cheek.

  I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down for a gentle kiss. “Nothing, just wondering what the hell is taking you so long to get me back home, so you can make love to me?”

  Blaze’s grin is deliciously wicked, and he slaps my ass as he helps me up from the bike. “Well what are we waiting for?”


  I park my bike in front of the house and get off it, putting my hand out to Tess to help her off. My cock’s still hard in my jeans, has been pretty much since we left the bar. What was I thinking, taking a taste of her then driving home without having some kind of release. Must be out of my goddamn mind.

  I adjust myself before we head to the front door, and Tess giggle as she notices my dilemma. She wraps her arms around me as I unlock and open the front door of our house. I’m really starting to think that my dreams of our life here together might come true.

  Keeping the door open for her, she walks inside ahead of me, and just as I’m about to switch on a light, Tess screams, the sound piercing through me like a knife. I look over at her in a panic, wondering what’s wrong, and the last thing I remember is seeing someone cover her mouth with their hand to quieten her down, and then something hits me hard on the back of my head. I fall to the ground, groaning at the pain shooting through my skull. But I need to help Tess, kill some motherfucker for daring to come into my home and—

  Another slam to the back of my head puts me out cold.

  I’m sorry, Tess. I promised I’d always protect you….


  This can’t be happening again. No, it can’t be.

  I kick and scream as two men wearing black masks drag me out to a car, one with their hand covering my mouth, muting my screams. Blaze… I need to know he’s okay. From the blow to the head they gave him, it’s no wonder he’s not running to my aid. Fear for him fills me, the way he went down and didn’t move. I know he was knocked unconscious, and just hope he’ll be okay.

  The side door of a black SUV opens up and I’m thrown into the back while the other two men head for the front seats. They take off their masks and I recognize them instantly. Snake and another member of the Forseekers. Snake’s in the passenger seat and looks over his shoulder at me. “Your old man wants a word, Teresa. Told him we’d come get you.”

  “Let me go!” I scream and shout, trying to get someone outside of the cars attention.

  . “Sorry, no can do,” the other guy says. From the back of the SUV, all I can see is his shaved head, a large tattoo of a spider covering the back of it. He pulls out a gun and turns to point it at me. “You keep screaming like that, and you’re gonna force me to shoot you in the leg to shut you the fuck up.”

  I ignore him and turn to Snake. “Snake, please, you need to let me go,” I beg. I’m looking straight at him, but he doesn’t look at me, turning instead to stare out the window. Then the tires screech as the SUV takes off. I can’t go through this again, I can’t….

  “Sorry, Teresa, orders are orders, and now that Viper’s in the ground, your father’s looking for a new president to fill his shoes. I gotta prove I’m that someone,” Snake states.

  Anger and frustration take hold of me, and I slide closer to the door, trying desperately to open it, but it’s not working.

  “You ain’t going nowhere, bitch. Child locks,” the guy driving explains, letting out an evil laugh.

  I don’t know what comes over me then, but I absolutely refuse to put up with this shit anymore. I’m done being a victim, it’s time I stood up for myself.

  I look at Snake, who’s now tapping away on his phone, and without thinking twice, I quickly move forward and scratch at the driver’s face. I dig my newly manicured nails into his eyeballs, and gag at the feel of his blood or eyeball juice dripping down my fingers. I don’t stop, though, even when he screams at the pain I’m inflicting.

  The vehicle loses control, and Snake tries to pull me off the driver, but the swerve of the car has him holding on for dear life. I look through the windscreen and see that we’re about to crash into a fence, and on the other side of that fence is a cliff that drops off into the ocean. I brace myself for the impact, and then it happens—we hit hard, causing me to jerk forward, slamming me brutally against the back of the driver’s seat. Instantly it feels like the wind’s been knocked out of me, and I struggle to breathe. I’m flung into the air, and my back hits the roof of the SUV as the vehicle flips and crashes onto the ground, skidding along the grass-studded dirt at an alarming rate toward the edge of the cliff.

  The windows and windscreen of the car shatter, and shards of glass fly through the air, cutting the skin on my face and body. I try to protect myself, but I can’t, my hands forced to brace myself as we continue to hurtle down the mountain, the car gaining momentum.

  I cry out, when my leg gets stuck under one of the seats, and then my head slams into the metal of a doorway with a sickening thud when we suddenly hit the water.

  The car’s now upside down, and we’re sinking fast. My body is sore and weak, and I can taste blood. My head hurts like crazy, and I carefully reach up and touch it, finding blood dripping down my fingers when I pull them away. I panic as the car starts to flood with water through the broken windows and we begin to sink. I try to move, but my leg just won’t budge. I scream for help, but no one is there to help me.

  “Snake!!” I shout one last time, before the water reaches my face and the car sinks deeper into the ocean.


  My eyes flutter open as I try to remember what happened last night. The sun’s flooding through the windows, and it takes me a moment to realize it’s now morning. Fuck, did we have a big night?

  I try to lift my head, but a shooting pain strikes at the back of it. What the fuck happened? Last thing I remember was unlocking the door and walking into the house.

  I lay there for a while, then hear the sound of my phone ringing. I reach down to my pocket and pull it out and adjust my eyes to see the screen. It’s Prez.

  I bring the phone up to my ear. “Hey, man.”

  “Where are you?” he says, his tone panicked.

  “I’m at home, why? What’s up?” I ask, getting up on my knees and cursing at the same time.

  “It’s Tess, man, she’s… she’s….” His voice breaks, and then there’s silence.

  My heart sinks as I realize Tess isn’t here, that I’m alone in the house. Memories of two men come back to me—they were dragging her out of the house, had masks on. One of them hit me over the head with something. That’s why I can’t remember shit.

  My hand reaches up to feel the back of my head and there’s dried blood there.

  “Where the fuck is she?” I growl, getting to my feet and grabbing the wall as I try to gain my balance.

  “I think I should come and see you.”

  “Just tell me where the fuck she is!” I shout, my head throbbing painfully.

  The phone goes silent. “Prez, you there? Can you hear me?”

  “Yeah, I’m here,” he says, and I hear him blow out a deep breath. “Tess is dead, brother. She’s gone. I’m so sorry.”

  I can’t breathe for a few seconds, then I choke out, “Wait, what did you say? I think I heard you say Tess is dead.”

  “She is, man, she was taken last night by the Forseekers. The car they were in… it smashed through a fence and went over a cliff, hit the water. Blaze—”

  “No! It can’t be. She was just here, we were together last night.”

  I hear a waver in Quill’s voice, and it’s deep and low when he says, “I’m so sorry, Blaze. We all loved her.”

  The hand holding my phone drops down to my side, the phone falling to the ground. No… she can’t be dead. No…. Not my Tess.

  Blood rushes to my head, and I can still hear Prez on the phone, asking me if I’m there. The room spins around me, but I hold on, trying desperately to keep standi
ng. I know I must go to her, see for myself that she’s… gone. I drop to my knees as a feeling of dread and unfathomable grief fills me, and I bang my fist on the floor. “No! No!” I scream with rage, banging the floor over and over again until my hand’s numb. My whole body’s numb. I wipe my tears away roughly with the back of my hand and stand, ignoring nausea the action causes. I’m still wobbly on my feet, but that’s not going to stop me from getting to her. I pick up my keys from the floor and head out to my bike.

  Covering my face from the sun outside, I feel my head throb even harder. “Please, God. Help me get to her,” I whisper to the wind. I’m not usually a spiritual man, but I’d pray to the heavens above if it would bring her back to me. I struggle to slide my leg over my bike, then grab my sunglasses from the saddlebag. Sliding them on, I start up my bike and slowly take off toward the ocean.

  A short distance away, I notice black tire marks on the road, and ahead in the distance is a police car blocking off the side of what seems to be a broken fence, with crime scene tape around the area where the car must have crashed through. I switch my bike off and don’t even bother putting the kickstand down in my haste to find out what’s happening. I hear it fall to the ground as I make my way toward the scene, but I don’t care, I need to get to her. I need to see for myself.

  Police surround the area, making sure no one is getting through. I don’t give a shit. I walk straight past them and shove the tape over my head.

  “Hey, boy, you better get your ass over the line,” a cop says, shoving me back. I pull his hand off me and strike him in the face. “One down, more to go.” Instantly two policemen grab both my arms, forcing me back. “Let me go!” I yell. “I need to see her. That’s my woman down there.”

  Anger and frustration are coursing through me, and they try to hold me back but they’re not strong enough. I pull myself out of their grip and head over to the clifftop. I spot an SUV being pulled out of the water and up toward the cliff face, and my eyes scan around, trying to see any trace of her. Anything that proves she’s dead.


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