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The School Friends; Or, Nothing New

Page 21

by William Henry Giles Kingston

as any human being could possess. His earnest desire was togain subjects for his Master's kingdom. He was ready to preach thegospel at all times, and in all places, wherever he could get men tolisten. He felt as earnest when pressing one poor lost sinner to acceptthe truth and be saved, as when addressing a large multitude, hanging onhis words; and he made his way into hospitals with that object in view,looking upon the souls of the humble and wretched as of as much value inGod's sight as those of the rich and powerful. He was at lengthappointed chaplain to the prison of the county gaol, a post which manywould consider as among the least hopeful for winning souls. ArthurMaitland performed his duties in no perfunctory way; he entered uponthem with all the zeal which the love of souls can alone excite,influenced by God's Holy Spirit. Here, month after month, he labouredwith untiring energy. Unhappily, the prison cells were at that timealways full; and many who entered them in dark ignorance, went forthrejoicing in that risen Saviour, against whose loving laws they had longbeen rebels. Arthur would seldom even allow himself a short visit toMary and her husband, much as they rejoiced whenever he was able tocome.

  Mr Maitland continued, as heretofore, engaged in his agriculturalpursuits, and as stern an opponent of the smugglers as before; he was,indeed, more than ever incensed against them, on account of a fearfuloutrage which had lately been committed on a Custom-house officerresiding at a neighbouring village. This officer, Bursey by name, hadbeen always a conscientious and zealous servant of Government. He hadmortally offended the smugglers by his activity. On this account MrMaitland held him in much esteem, and had constantly afforded himsupport. On a dark night in winter, Mr Bursey, after he had retired forsome hours to bed, was aroused by a loud rapping at the door. Onlooking through the casement of his chamber, he perceived two men, whosecountenances he could not distinguish because of the gloom of midnight.He inquired their business, when one of them informed him that he haddiscovered a large quantity of smuggled goods in a barn at no greatdistance, to which he and his companion would lead him on the promise ofa certain reward. A bargain was immediately struck, and Mr Bursey,telling his wife what had occurred, and that he would soon be back,unsuspicious of danger, hastily clothed himself, and descended unarmedinto the passage; and on opening the door, his brains were instantlydashed out on the threshold. The other inmates of the house werearoused, but before they could reach the hall door the murderers hadfled. There could be no doubt that some members of the daring smugglerswho had so long infested the neighbourhood were guilty of the murder,but who they were it seemed hopeless to discover. Every effort was madeto trace them; Mr Maitland was among the most active engaged in thesearch. Hitherto, however, the culprits had escaped, and it wassupposed that they had left the country.

  All hopes of finding them had been abandoned. At first Mr Maitland,knowing the feeling of hatred he had excited against himself, though abrave man, thought it prudent to avoid riding to any distance from homeafter nightfall. By degrees, however, he grew less cautious; and ifbusiness called him out, he did not hesitate to delay to any hour thatwas convenient. He had one day gone to Christchurch, and it wassomewhat late before he mounted his horse to return home. The friend hewas visiting had begged him to stop till the next morning.

  "If you fancy that I fear the smugglers, set your mind at rest; I am notlikely to be attacked, and my mare will give them the go-bye if theyattempt to do so."

  He set off. Darkness came on, and a storm of thunder and lightning thathad long been brewing broke over his head. While passing through athick part of the forest, four men suddenly sprang out on him, and acouple of bullets whistled by his head. Putting spurs to his horse, hewas dashing on, when his bridle was seized, and he was dragged from hissaddle. A heavy blow on the head almost stunned him, but he retainedsufficient consciousness to distinguish the voice of another man who hadsuddenly rushed up.

  "Who have you got there?" asked the new-comer.

  "Old Maitland, and we will give him his deserts," replied one of the menwith a fierce oath.

  "Hold! hold! don't kill him!" cried the man.

  It was too late. One of the ruffians let the butt end of his pistolfall with a tremendous blow, which made the unfortunate farmer fallhelpless to the ground. A cry of horror echoed through the forest.

  The murderers, satisfied that they had performed their deed ofvengeance, hastened from the spot.


  Harry Acton and his wife anxiously sat up till a late hour, waiting thereturn of Mr Maitland. When he did not appear the next morning, hisson-in-law rode over to Christchurch to inquire for him. Harry becamealarmed on hearing that he had left that place, and hastened to thenearest magistrate. A search was at once made in all directions. MrMaitland's body was at length found. It was evident how he had beenkilled, and it was at once suspected that some of the gang of smugglerswho had murdered Bursey were guilty of the deed. While the party werewaiting for a cart to convey the body to Christchurch, a man was caughtsight of among the trees in the distance. On finding that he wasobserved, he took to flight. He was chased, and at length overtaken.His dress showed that he was a seaman, probably a smuggler, hiscountenance was haggard, his eyes bloodshot. He made no attempt todefend himself, though he had a brace of pistols in his belt, and theywere both loaded. As he was being dragged along, blood was observed onhis coat, and blood had flowed from the victim's head. His name wasasked.

  "Geoferey Marwood," he answered promptly.

  "What do you know about the death of this man?" he was next asked.

  "I did not kill him," he answered.

  "You will have a hard job to prove to the contrary," observed one of hiscaptors, as they dragged the unhappy man along.

  Mr Maitland's body was conveyed to Christchurch, where an inquest washeld, when a verdict of murder was returned against Geoferey Marwood,and others not in custody. He, notwithstanding, protested hisinnocence, and accused four others of being guilty of the crime.Warrants were therefore issued for their apprehension, while he wasconveyed to Winchester gaol to await his trial. Notwithstanding hisprotestations of innocence, it was generally supposed in theneighbourhood that Marwood was guilty of the murder of Mr Maitland, andthat he had accused the other men in the hopes of prolonging his ownlife while search was being made for them. Though, however, they for aconsiderable time evaded the officers of justice, the whole were atlength apprehended and conveyed to gaol. For many weeks the wretchedman known as Geoferey Marwood lay in the felon's cell. Arthur Maitlandfrequently visited him, though he could not do so without horror as thesupposed murderer of his father. Yet his sense of duty overcame allother considerations, and he endeavoured to address him as he would havedone any other prisoner. The man, however, seemed to have hardened hisheart, and to have an utter indifference to his fate.

  "I have said that I did not kill the old man; but if it is proved that Idid it, they will hang me, I suppose, and there will be another man lessin the world. It is no matter, for I have nothing to live for; if Ihad, I should not have been taken in the way I was."

  "But you have a soul, and that must live for ever," urged Arthur. "Ifyou die impenitent, still refusing to accept God's offer of mercy, whichHe holds out even to the worst of sinners, that soul must spend eternityin misery unspeakable, cast out from His presence."

  Arthur then read to him the account of the Crucifixion, and of theSaviour's gracious promise to the penitent thief.

  "Great as is the crime that you are accused of, even if guilty, thoughman may not pardon you, God has promised to do so if you turn to Him andaccept His offer. `The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin,'"

  "I tell you I am not guilty of that crime," answered Marwood. "I havedone a number of things I wish that I had not; but if they choose tohang me, they may--that's all I have to say about it."

  Still, although Arthur had seldom met with a prisoner who appeared morehardened or more indifferent to his fate, he persisted in visiting him,and placing before him the truths of th
e gospel.

  He had endeavoured to show him what sin is, how hateful it is in God'ssight, and he had warned him that God is a God of justice, and can by nomeans overlook iniquity. He had faithfully placed before him thefearful condemnation which he would bring down upon himself if dyingimpenitent. He now spoke to him of God's long-suffering and kindness,of His mercy, and readiness to forgive. He inquired whether heremembered a fond mother and kind father whom he had offended.

  "Surely when you did so, and went back to them and expressed yoursorrow, they received you again, and forgave you."

  "I never remember my mother," answered the prisoner. "My father was agood man, but he was stern, and because I disobeyed him and joined somewild companions, I was told that he would not forgive me, and so I ranoff and kept out of his way. I found out

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