The Huainanzi
Page 20
[In the eighth civil month the Dipper] points to you. You means “satiety.” The pitch pipes take the note Southern Regulator. Southern Regulator means that it is recognized that the satiety is great.
[In the ninth civil month the Dipper] points to xu. Xu means “destruction.” The pitch pipes take the note Tireless. Tireless means that there is bringing in without satisfaction.
[In the tenth civil month the Dipper] points to hai. Hai means “hindrance.” The pitch pipes take the note Responsive Bell. Responsive Bell means to respond to the bell.
[In the eleventh civil month the Dipper] points to zi. Zi means “black.” The pitch pipes take the note Yellow Bell. Yellow Bell means that the bell is beginning to be yellow.
[In the twelfth civil month the Dipper] points to chou. Chou means “to tie.” The pitch pipes take the note Great Regulator. Great Regulator means to go out one after the other. [3/25/4–13]
Thus it is said, “The Way begins with one.” One [alone], however, does not give birth. Therefore it divided into yin and yang. From the harmonious union of yin and yang, the myriad things were produced. Thus it is said,
“One produced two,
two produced three,
three produced the myriad things.”39
[With regard to] Heaven and Earth, three months make one season. Thus a sacrifice of three [types or portions of] cooked grains are used in mourning rites. The year continues for three shifts [of seasons] to make the seasonal nodes [complete their cycle]. Armies emphasize three signal flags in order to maintain control.40
Using three to examine matters: 3 × 3 = 9. Thus the Yellow Bell pitch pipe is nine inches long and harmonizes with the note gong. Furthermore, 9 × 9 = 81. Thus the number of the Yellow Bell is established therein. Yellow is the color of the Potency of Earth; the bell is that by which the [seeds of] qi are sown. At the winter solstice the qi of accretion produces Earth; the color of Earth is yellow. Thus the [note of the winter solstice] is called Yellow Bell.
The number of pitch pipes is six, classified as female and male [for a total of twelve]. Thus it is said there are twelve bells to act as adjuncts to the twelve months. Each of the twelve is based on three. Thus if one sets up [the number] one and triples it eleven times [i.e., 311], the total is 177,147. The Great Number of the Yellow Bell is thereby revealed. [3/25/17–23]
There are twelve pitch pipes.
Yellow Bell makes the note gong.
Great Budding makes the note shang.
Maiden Cleanliness makes the note jue.
Forest Bell makes the note zhi.
Southern Regulator makes the note yu.
Matters are brought to completion by means of three;
Notes are established as [all together] five.
3 + 5 = 8. Creatures born from eggs have eight bodily orifices. This was the beginning of the pitch pipes. [The ancients] recorded the sounds of the phoenix; therefore the notes are born from eight. [3/25/23–25]
Yellow Bell makes the note gong; gong is the sovereign of the notes. Thus Yellow Bell is established in zi; its number is 81, and it governs the eleventh month.
Descending, [Yellow Bell] produces Forest Bell. The number of Forest Bell is 54 [81 × 2/3]; it governs the sixth month.
Ascending, Great Budding is produced. Its number is 72 [54 × 4/3]; it governs the first month.
Descending, Southern Regulator is produced. Its number is 48 [72 × 2/3]; it governs the eighth month.
Ascending, Maiden Cleanliness is produced. Its number is 64 [48 × 4/3]; it governs the third month.
Descending, Responsive Bell is produced. Its number is 42 [64 × 2/3]; it governs the tenth month.
Ascending, Luxuriant is produced. Its number is 57 [42 × 4/3 + 1]; it governs the fifth month.
Ascending, Great Regulator is produced. Its number is 76 [57 × 4/3]; it governs the twelfth month.
Descending, Tranquil Pattern is produced. Its number is 51 [76 × 2/3]; it governs the seventh month.
Ascending, Pinched Bell is produced. Its number is 68 [51 × 4/3]; it governs the second month.
Descending, Tireless is produced. Its number is 45 [68 × 2/3]; it governs the ninth month.
Ascending, Median Regulator is produced. Its number is 60 [45 × 4/3]; it governs the fourth month.
[Beyond this] limit, nothing [further] is produced. [3/26/1–7]
Those pipes that descend are [created by multiplying the previous pipe’s number] by 2/3.
Those pipes that ascend are [created by multiplying the previous pipe’s number] by 4/3.41 [3/26/24]
Gong produces zhi; zhi produces shang; shang produces yu; yu produces jue. Jue produces Maiden Cleanliness.
Maiden Cleanliness produces42 Responsive Bell. Responsive Bell is comparable43 to the fundamental note [i.e., Yellow Bell] and thus produces harmony.
Responsive Bell produces Luxuriant. Luxuriant is not comparable to the fundamental note and thus produces discord.
At the winter solstice, the note is like Forest Bell in a flattened tone;
At the summer solstice, the note is like Yellow Bell in a clear tone.44
The twelve pitch pipes respond to the alterations of the twenty-four seasonal nodes.
At jiazi, Median Regulator moves to zhi.
At bingzi, Pinched Bell moves to yu.
At wuzi, Yellow Bell moves to gong.
At gengzi, Tireless moves to shang.
At renzi, Tranquil Pattern moves to jue. [3/26/7–11]
In ancient times, weights and measures were created; lightness and heaviness were born from the Way of Heaven.
The length of the Yellow Bell pitch pipe is nine inches. All things are produced by [virtue of] three. [3 × 3 = 9.] 3 × 9 = 27. Thus the width of a standard bolt of cloth is two feet, seven inches.45 This is the ancient standard.
There are shapes; thus there are [also musical] sounds. The musical notes are mutually produced by [means of] the number eight. Thus the span of a man’s arms measures four feet.
A xun is double [this length]; thus eight feet make one xun. A xun is the height of an average man.46
The number of the notes is five. Using five to calculate in terms of eight, 5 × 8 = 40. Thus four zhang make one pi.47 Therefore, one pi is used as [the standard unit in the cloth tax] administration.
At the autumn equinox, the beards of grain husks are fully grown. When the beards of the husks are fully grown, the grain ripens. The number of the pitch pipes is twelve. Thus [the width of] twelve husk beards [laid side by side] equals one fen.48
The pitch pipes correspond to the chronograms. The [pentatonic] notes correspond to the sun. The number of the sun is ten. Thus ten fen make one inch; ten inches make one foot; and ten feet make one zhang.
For those units used to measure weight, twelve millet grains make one fen. Twelve fen make one zhu. Twelve zhu make one half-ounce [ban liang].49 The balance beam has a left side and a right side. Therefore, doubling the weight, twenty-four zhu make one ounce.
Heaven has four seasons, completing one year. Therefore, reckoning by fours, 4 × 4 = 16. Therefore sixteen ounces make one catty. Three months make a season, and thirty days, a month. Therefore thirty catties make one jun. Four seasons make one year; therefore four jun make one dan.50
For [units of] musical measurement: One pitch pipe produces five tones; twelve pitch pipes produce sixty tones. Therefore, reckoning by sixes, 6 × 6 = 36. Therefore, 360 tones correspond to the days of one year. Thus the number of [notes of] the pitch pipes and [days of] the calendar are in accord with the Way of Heaven and Earth. [3/26/13–24]
The beginning of the Jovian cycle is established in jiayin.
After one completion, it [begins again,] established in jiaxu.
After two completions, it [begins again,] established in jiawu.
After three completions, it returns to its beginning in jiayin.
The year’
s annual shift is one chronogram. After the [seasonal node] Beginning of Spring, it attains its [proper annual] location by shifting its position [away from the previous one]. When it has moved forward three places and back five, then all matters may be taken in hand. [3/26/26–27]
Where taiyin is established, insects lie head down in their burrows and stay quietly [in them]; magpies nest in the countryside and make their homes.
[When] taiyin is in yin, the vermilion bird is in mao; the Hooked Array is in zi; the Dark Warrior is in xu; the White Tiger is in you; the Bluegreen Dragon is in chen.
If yin is the establishing chronogram, then mao is Removal; chen is Fullness; si is Evenness, governing birth; wu is Fixedness; wei is Holding Firm, governing pitfalls; shen is Breaking, governing the balance beam; you is Danger, governing the ladle; xu is Completion, governing minor Potency; hai is Receiving, governing great Potency; zi is Opening, governing taisui; chou is Closing, governing [. . .].51 [3/27/1–4]
When taiyin is in yin, the year is called Shetige.52 The male [mate] of taiyin is Jupiter. It dwells in the [lunar lodges] Dipper and Ox Leader. In the eleventh53 month, it rises with them in the east at dawn. [The lodges] Eastern Well and Ghost Bearer are opposite [i.e., setting in the west at dawn].
When taiyin is in mao, the year is called Ming’e.54 Jupiter dwells in Serving Maid, Emptiness, and Rooftop. In the twelfth month, it rises with them in the east at dawn. Willow, Seven Stars, and Extension are opposite.
When taiyin is in chen, the year is called Zhixu. Jupiter dwells in Encampment and Eastern Wall. In the first month, it rises with them in the east at dawn. Wings and Chariot Platform are opposite.
When taiyin dwells in si, the year is called Dahuangluo. Jupiter dwells in Stride and Bond. In the second month, it rises with them in the east at dawn. Horn and Neck are opposite.
When taiyin is in wu, the year is called Dunzang. Jupiter dwells in Stomach, Pleiades, and Net. In the third month, it rises with them in the east at dawn. Root, Room, and Heart are opposite.
When taiyin is in wei, the year is called Xiexia. Jupiter dwells in Turtle Beak and Alignment. In the fourth month, it rises with them in the east at dawn. Tail and Winnowing Basket are opposite.
When taiyin is in shen, the year is called Tuntan. Jupiter dwells in Eastern Well and Ghost Bearer. In the fifth month, it rises with them in the east at dawn. Dipper and Ox Leader are opposite.
When taiyin is in you, the year is called Zuo’e. Jupiter dwells in Willow, Seven Stars, and Extension. In the sixth month, it rises with them in the east at dawn. Serving Maid, Emptiness, and Rooftop are opposite.
When taiyin is in xu, the year is called Yanmao. Jupiter dwells in Wings and Chariot Platform. In the seventh month, it rises with them in the east at dawn. Encampment and Eastern Wall are opposite.
When taiyin is in hai, the year is called Dayuanxian. Jupiter dwells in Horn and Neck. In the eighth month, it rises with them in the east at dawn. Stride and Bond are opposite.
When taiyin is in zi, the year is called Kundun. Jupiter dwells in Root, Room, and Heart. In the ninth month, it rises with them in the east at dawn. Stomach, Pleiades, and Net are opposite.
When taiyin is in chou, the year is called Chifenruo. Jupiter dwells in Tail and Winnowing Basket. In the tenth month, it rises with them in the east at dawn. Turtle Beak and Alignment are opposite. [3/27/4–18]
When taiyin is in jiazi,55 recision and accretion are harmoniously together in the Eastern [Celestial] Palace. In their normal movements, which cannot be overcome, they are together for four years and then part. They remain parted for sixteen years and then come together again. As for the reason why they part, recision cannot enter the Central Palace but moves into Wood.
In the place where taiyin dwells
the day causes accretion.
The chronograms cause recision.
With accretion, [the number of] unyielding days naturally doubles because pliant days cannot overcome them.
With recision,
the chronograms [associated with] water move to wood.
The chronograms [associated with] wood move to water.
Metal and fire stay in their [designated] places.
Generally, [taiyin] moves through the directional gods [as follows]:
The Vermilion Bird is one place ahead of taiyin.
The Hooked Array is three places behind.
The Dark Warrior is five places ahead.
The White Tiger is six places behind.
The Empty Star carries the Hooked Array, and Heaven and Earth are in accord with this. [3/27/18–22]
Of the days [i.e., the heavenly stems], jia is unyielding, yi is pliant, bing is unyielding, ding is pliant, and so on to gui.
Wood is born in hai, matures in mao, and dies in wei. These three chronograms together are Wood.
Fire is born in yin, matures in wu, and dies in xu. These three chronograms together are Fire.
Earth is born in wu, matures in xu, and dies in yin. These three chronograms together are Earth.
Metal is born in si, matures in yu, and dies in chou. These three chronograms together are Metal.
Water is born in shen, matures in zi, and dies in chen. These three chronograms together are Water.
Thus [as for] the five overcomings, if birth [occurs in step] 1, then maturity [occurs in step] 5, and death [occurs in step] 9 [in any sequence of the earthly branches]: 5 × 9 = 45. Thus the [directional] gods shift one place every forty-five days. Taking three and responding with five, there are thus eight [such] shifts, and the year comes to an end.
In using taiyin [for prognostication], as a rule
whatever is to its left, that is, ahead of it, suffers cutting away;
whatever is to its right, that is, behind it, obtains increase.56
[As for] the chronogram that suspends the Hooked Array in the balance beam,
if there is war, [the state associated with that chronogram] certainly will be victorious;
if there is an assault, it must succeed. [3/27/24–29]
If one wishes to know the Way of Heaven, one takes the sun as the ruling factor. In the sixth month, it matches [the lunar lodge] Heart. Rotating leftward, it moves, dividing [the celestial circle] and making the twelve months. When they accord with [the movements of] the sun, Heaven and Earth are doubly in accord. Thereafter, there can be no calamitous asterisms. [3/27/29–30]
The first month is established in Encampment and Eastern Wall.57
The second month is established in Stride and Bond.
The third month is established in Stomach and Pleiades.
The fourth month is established in Net, Turtle Beak, and Alignment.
The fifth month is established in [Eastern] Well and Ghost Bearer.
The sixth month is established in Willow, Seven Stars, and Extension.
The seventh month is established in Wings and Chariot Platform.
The eighth month is established in Horn, Neck, and Root.
The ninth month is established in Room and Heart.
The tenth month is established in Tail and Winnowing Basket.
The eleventh month is established in Dipper and Ox Leader.
The twelfth month is established in Emptiness and Rooftop. [3/28/1–4]
The angular extensions of [the stars in the lunar lodges are as follows]:
Horn: 12d Serving Maid: 12d Turtle Beak: 12d
Neck: 9d Emptiness: 10d Alignment: 9d
Root: 15d Rooftop: 17d [Eastern] Well: 30d
Room: 5d Encampment: 16d Ghost Bearer: 4d
Heart: 5d Eastern Wall: 9d Willow: 15d
Tail: 18d Stride: 16d [Seven] Stars: 7d
Winnowing Basket: 11.25d Bond: 12d Extension: 18d
Dipper: 26d Stomach: 14d Wings: 18d
Ox Leader: 8d Pleiades: 11d Chariot Platform: 17d
Net: 16d [3/28/6–9]
The stars [= lunar lodges] are apportioned to territories, namely,
Horn and Neck to Zheng
Root, Room, and Heart to Song
Tail and Winnowing Basket to Yan
Dipper and Ox Leader to Yue
Serving Maid to Wu
Emptiness and Rooftop to Qi
Encampment and Eastern Wall to Wey
Stride and Root to Lu
Stomach, Pleiades, and Net to Wei
Turtle Beak and Alignment to Zhao
[Eastern] Well and Ghost Bearer to Qin
Willow, Seven Stars, and Extension to Zhou
Wings and Chariot Platform to Chu. [3/28/11–13]
When Jupiter dwells [in a lodge corresponding to a state, in that state,] the five grains will be bountiful. [The situation of the state corresponding to the lodge] opposite will be the reverse; the harvest will suffer calamity. If Jupiter should dwell [in a lodge] and does not dwell there, if it skips over and enters another place, the ruler of the country [governed by that lodge] will die and his state will be extinguished. [3/28/15–16]
When taiyin controls the ordinances of spring, [the ruler] should act [in a way that is] pliant, kind, mild, and good.
When taiyin controls the ordinances of summer, [the ruler] should publish, bestow, proclaim, and make clear.
When taiyin controls the ordinances of autumn, [the ruler] should repair, put in order, and make ready his troops.
When taiyin controls the ordinances of winter, [the ruler] should be fiercely brave and resolute and harden the frontier defenses.
In every three-year period, there is an alteration of what is usual.
In every six-year period, there are changes from what is normal.
within three years, there is a year of famine;
within six years, there is a year of depression;
once in twelve years, there is abundance. [3/28/18–20]
[The territorial allotments of the celestial stems are as follows:]
jia with Qi ji with Hann
yi with Eastern Yi keng with Qin
bing with Chu xin with Western Yi
ding with Southern Yi ren with Wey
wu with Wei gui with Yue