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The Tiger and the Dragon

Page 8

by Stephen Makk


  PACFLT// ID S072RQ81//






  MSG END://

  He read the message and frowned. “What’s this hold fast thing at the end?”

  Nikki held her hand out, he passed it over.

  “It’s from their national anthem sir,” she smiled, “Lead on comrades. Vanguards are ye. Hold fast your aim, by sun and star. Be earnest and brave.”

  Nathan grinned at her. “How do you remember that stuff?”

  She looked up at him knowingly. “I’m not a man sir, we do listen.”

  “Speaking of which. Where is that Song Benson?”

  “He’s five miles southwest of us, still heading south.”

  “Nikki you and Benson figure out his direction.” The two gathered around Kaminski’s plot screen.

  “Sir,” Nikki looked up at him with those bright blue eyes. “we think he’s heading for Taichung City.”

  Nathan nodded. “There’s a surprise. Make eighteen knots, let’s catch up and shadow him.”

  The boat slid her way south gaining on the Chinese boat. When they were seven miles away Nathan ordered a slow down to match his speed.

  He paced the deck and walked over to the Chief of the Boat. The boat’s COB was Seamus Cox. If people called him Dick, he was ok with that. Dick yes, a dick, no way.

  “Dick, if you know you’re dealing with a bad guy, but you can’t make the first move, what do you do? In Texas I mean.”

  “You pull his chain, get him so pissed off at you that he starts it sir.” Nathan grinned at him, good idea, yeah, I might just do that. Let’s see, Deputy Dawg’s a good old southern boy.”

  He turned to the Weapons Officer’s station.

  “Weaps, are all the Pointers current on impersonation mode?”

  “Yes sir.”

  Nathan gave him a sly smile. “Then get Deputy Dawg out there sounding like a Hai Lung class boat. Let’s see what he does when the ROC navy’s on his ass.”

  “Flood tube six,” ordered the Weapons Officer via his intercom. “Open outer doors.”

  “Tube ready in all respects,” came back the reply.

  “Launch tube six.” The Pointer known as Deputy Dawg was launched. The Pointer was a wire guided underwater drone and could relay data from its local passive or active sonar back to Mother. It could emit sounds, so it appeared to be almost any boat out there. The sounds could persuade an opponent that the Pointer had launched a torpedo attack. It had active sonar and could make sounds mimicking countermeasures if fired upon. USS Stonewall Jackson carried four of them. Pointers did make the battlespace a complex place for an opponent. He could have two hostile boats to port, when the real boat was to starboard. Knowing one or more were out there was just as bad. Is that the boat or a Pointer? There are sounds to south, which is real?

  Using Pointers, you’d just handed the enemy boat’s Captain a shit sandwich.

  “GET THE DAWG DOWN SOUTH of Taichung City, then turn around and come north in between Tango one and the city. Make like a Hai Lung, I want him to think there’s a local submarine on patrol off the city.” He winked at the COB. “Let’s pull his chain.” It took some time to get the Pointer in position, when he was ready Weaps turned it around and headed north approx fifteen miles off Taichung City.

  Benson tapped his sonar screen. “Sir, I think he’s taken the bate, he’s slowed. Tango one is now making an aspect change. He’s sixty degrees off of a direct line to the Dawg.” A few minutes went by. “Second aspect change, Tango one has turned to port, he’s sixty degrees off center again. He’s getting the Dawg into his sixty-degree sonar lobes, he’s listening in hard.” Nathan didn’t look but he could hear Benson grinning. He knew his sonar man loved his Pointers, loved getting his foe all confused.

  “Get the Dawg to head out further into the strait, and Weaps get the revs on. Give this PLAN bastard all the Hai Lung he can handle.”

  “Yes, he’s turning away from the city, keeping the Dawg in the sixty-degree lobe. He thinks he’s got a real-life Taiwanese boat out there. I love this shit, sir.” Nathan closed his eyes and formed a mental picture of what was going on out there. He tried to think his way into the Song Captain’s mind. From the Song classes perspective, he had the city to his port rear quarter and an enemy ROC Hai Lung out off his starboard forward quarter. He’s here to carry out a reccy of the city but the frigging ROC navy are stopping him, bastards. He can’t ignore them but they’re stopping him doing what he’s here for. Can he sink the ROC boat? What are his ROE? Nathan didn’t know but they were pulling the Song’s chain, he knew it was time to give it a good jerking.

  “Weaps, get the Dawg to flood a tube.”

  “Aye sir, flooding tube one.” Just seconds went by.

  “Tango one’s flooding a tube sir.”

  “Open outer doors.”

  “The Dawg’s opened her outer doors.”

  Nathan knew he needed to play the dirty bastard. “XO, go blindman now.”

  Larry Sayers opened his mouth in shock. Blindman was something they’d discussed long ago. All the boat’s mission parameters were stored on a large tape cassette. It was a kind of black box, a record of all that the boat had done, and could be accessed by a naval board of enquiry. Blindman was to manually eject the cassette, meaning the mission wouldn’t be recorded until it was reinserted. Strictly against regulations. Larry did it.

  “Blindman is active sir.” Weaps looked over at the XO puzzled.

  “Weaps, get a firing solution on Tango one. Tube one. Get the Dawg to launch his fish now.”

  The Weapons officer couldn’t believe it. “Dawg, tube one launch, fish running for tango one.” It was only sound, but he knew the Song’s skipper didn’t know that.

  “Fish closing, pinging, pinging.”

  “Fish in the water,” Benson exclaimed, “fish running for the Dawg.” The PLAN boat had taken the bate and launched at the Pointer.

  “Sir, shit. Sir,” Benson raised his voice, “Tango one, he’s turning in our direction, he’s coming fast about. He knows we’re here. Tango one’s flooding a tube, he’s going for us. Opening outer doors. The Song’s about to launch another Yu-6 fish, and it’s coming for us.”

  Nathan turned to Weaps and stared at him fixedly. “Weaps, flood the boat’s tube one and open outer doors”

  “Yu-6 Fish running in on the Dawg,” said Benson.

  “Go quiet on the Dawg cut all emissions, dive him now. Launch tube one, go.”

  “Tube one launch on Tango one.” The Mk48 wire guided torpedo left the tube, spinning off through the blackness on its way to Tango one.

  “Fish running and hungry.” The seconds counted down. “Pinging, pinging. Cutting wire. Fish is terminal. Closing.”

  “Tango one’s diving to port. He’s launched his fish in our direction.”

  “Closing, closing.”

  Benson stood and punched the air. “Hot datum, Tango one, hot fucking datum sir. Wait one, wait one, Chinese fish is heading off down deep, it must have been still on wire guidance. It’s lost that now.”

  Nathan grinned. “XO, Blindman is over.”

  “Sir.” The XO reinserted the tape and entered an error code.

  Nathan patted the Weapons officer’s shoulder. “Weaps, get the Dawg back onboard and let him chew on a bone good tonight.”

  “Control room now hear this,” Nathan looked around the room. “The Song class boat fired on the USN. He fired on US assets. The Dawg is the property of the United States Department of Defence and has a sovereign right to travel the high Seas. In duress, he can call on US vessels
for his defence. Anyone disagree?” There was silence.

  “Right, team. Up there General Jackson is proud of you.”

  Nathan unhooked the intercom.

  “All hands, all hands, USS Stonewall Jackson just scored a hot datum on a PLAN submarine. God rest ye bastards.” He replaced the intercom.

  “How did you like that engagement COB?” The Chief of the Boat smiled.

  “All done Texas style sir.”

  Chapter 8

  Aboard the Destroyer Chengdu. East China Sea.

  “COMMANDER LONG,” MAY was surprised and embarrassed to be discovered like this up in the Destroyer’s superstructure. She held out her cell phone, he’d seen it anyway there was no going back now.

  “Sorry about the phone sir, I was calling my Grandmother.”

  “That’s ok Lt Commander Li. I have a cell phone too.” He smiled.

  “She’s from the countryside down south. She’s very superstitious, she still believes there are sea monsters out here. She has me call her if I’m going to sea so that she can offer temple prayers for me.”

  “You’re lucky that yours is still alive. Let her do that for you, it’s sweet of her.”

  “Thank you, sir. I’ll turn it off and won’t use it again.” He sat down next to her and said nothing for a couple of minutes. They watched the ship’s wake leave the shoreline behind in the haze.

  “Do you know where we’re going Tang?” She turned to him and tried not to return his sweet smirk.

  “Offshore to the exercise area, I’ve seen the air force heading around. I’ve heard we’ll exercise with parts of the northern fleet.”

  “No. We’re going south to Taiwan.” He looked down, unsmiling. “We’ll make a landing to take back the Island back into the People’s Republic.”

  “Really?” she had to fain excitement, “that’s glorious. The fleet will do that?”

  “It will try.” Long looked out at the seascape with a foreboding stare. A few minutes later he stood.

  “I’m sorry I’ve not been the best of company Tangia. I’ll try to do better tomorrow, if you’ll let me?”

  “Of course sir.”

  “That is your name, isn’t it? I looked at your records.” It was said with a glinting smile.

  She felt herself blush despite herself.

  “Yes, it is but only my family use it.”

  “You were well named, it means like an angel.” She nodded.

  “So Tangia can I meet you here again tomorrow same time?” May was shocked and pleased, but she admitted to herself that it could be a place she didn’t want to go.

  “Yes sir.”

  “Lt Commander. Your name is Tangia, and mine is Jin. Those will do in private, yes?”

  “Yes, Jin.”

  “Till tomorrow.” He left. May sat and hugged her knees.

  This wasn’t how she thought it would go at all. She had to befriend him if possible, she hadn’t expected this, that he’d make it so easy. They could be dancing around the possibility of becoming lovers she knew. It couldn’t be. But after long honest thought, she had to admit she wanted it to happen too. Not because of her job. Because she knew what was happening, she just couldn’t afford it. Not to be personally involved, no, that wasn’t how it was meant to be. Why me, why?


  THE GATHERING WAS IN a meeting room at the heart of The Pentagon. The Joint Chiefs sat around a large table, coffees were served, and the staff left the room.

  The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Ian Cotton USAF sat at the head.

  Also present were the Chief of Staff of the Army General Sally Weingarten, USA.

  Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Nicolaj Kamov, USN.

  Commandant of the Marine Corps Bruce Nanut, USMC.

  Chief of Staff of the Air Force General Neil L Cooper, USAF.

  National Security Advisor, Stockhaisen.

  General Cotton spoke.

  “Lady and Gentlemen. There is now unmistakable signs that the PRC has a large Task Force moving into position off Taiwan. PLA units ashore in eastern China are mobilising. Is this it? An invasion, or an exercise mounted to intimidate the Republic of China? Whatever we may think privately our job is to prepare for the worst. Has everyone read Lieutenant Kaminski’s report? There were nods around the room.

  “Yeah,” said the Commandant of the Marine Corps Bruce Nanut, “looks like she may have hit it right in the balls. Admiral Kamov, how do I get that broad transferred to the Corps?”

  Kamov grinned and shook his head. General Cotton stood and poured himself another coffee. “Admiral Kamov, I assume the USS Stonewall Jackson is sniffing around for an advance guard?”

  “Yes, she will be, no doubt we’ll get to know if she detects something.”

  General Cotton smiled and looked about the table. So, based on the as yet unconfirmed possibility of Kaminski being right. What do we put in place and where? We’ll start with air, Neil?”

  “Are you asking me to talk Military or Political?”

  “Both, we have to live in the real world.”

  “Ok, I used to move mud so.” General Cooper was a “Vark” pilot an F111 deep strike aircraft. Get down low and get in amongst them. “So, we’ll need Close Air Support to disrupt the landings and should they be successful, support ROC ground forces. So ideally F16, A10 and Army Apache,” he turned to Sally Weingarten and nodded, “these based in Taiwan itself. We’ll need long range top cover so F15 and F22 in Okinawa and The Philippines if possible politically. Guam and maybe southeast Asia if not. At least one carrier battle group with F18’s, but that’s Nicolaj’s patch. We’ll have B2’s on Guam but I’d like to hold em back for now. Every Goddamn tanker we have.” He shrugged and looked at Cotton. “State needs to get moving on the politics of basing, we need that stuff soon. If we can’t base here, then we’ll need to go there. Get em moving. Also any help we can get from allies. ROK, Japan Aussies?”

  “I’m on to State already they’ll be getting sick of me, if they’re not now. Admiral?”

  “Carriers, we’re going to have the Ronald Reagan and the John C Stennis available within six days. The Gerald R Ford group is heading for Pearl now and will be in the area in twelve days. I have two SSN’s on the way USS Cheyenne and Chicago, the USS Hampton is in San Diego and under the late stage of repairs. She’ll be ready soon.”

  “Ok sounds good.”


  “13TH and 15TH Marine Expeditionary Units are embarking on the LHA USS America and the LHD’s USS Makin Island and Essex. These are heavily reinforced with elements of the 11th MEU. They’ll come ashore mainly at Yunlin County south of the Cho Shui Hsi river, that’ll be about 30 miles away from Taichung City. From there they’ll move to the south east and east of the city. A key task will be to hold the bridges over No-name river at Dongshi and over the Da’an river north of Houli District.”

  “No-name river?” Cotton frowned.

  “They couldn’t find the name so a Captain in the planning group called it No-name, it stuck.”

  “Time on target?”

  “Sir, the America, the Essex and the Makin Island, our Goddamn Gator navy for this op will be sailing in a few hours from Pearl.”

  General Cotton gaped.


  Bruce Nanut grinned. “Prepositioned the ships. We got every USAF gasoline shit-hawk including civvies from Delta and United to fly us out there. The first on the beach will be the first on the fucking beach sir.”

  “Sally, how the Army shaping up?”

  “We’re getting the Apaches over to Taiwan on transports. Special ops are knocking on my door all hours of the day and night. Most of the Green Beret’s are on their way, with some already there. The 75th Ranger Regiment are moving the 3rd Battalion out by air from Fort Benning Georgia prepared for a battalion air drop from Guam. We’ll take and hold the bridges over the Da’an river. The Marines and the Rangers need to hold these bridges to stop the Chinese Mar
ines from pushing up to Taipei.”

  General Cotton nodded and looked her in the eyes.

  “You’ve got contacts with the ROC Army, what are they up to?”

  “Yes I do,” she said, “I was on exchange attachment with them back when I was a Major.”

  “So you know Taiwan, that’ll be useful.” Weingarten smiled.

  “10th Army Corps will be first on the scene. 234 mechanized infantry brigade are pushing into the city, they’re using the new Clouded Leopard IFV.” Sally Weingarten when on, “586 Armor brigade is joining the spearhead and 58 Artillery are positioned for backstop. 8th Army Corps from the south are moving up to reinforce them. Air cavalry units are positioning themselves north of the Da’an river, ready to move to wherever they’re needed. There’s a general call up of reserves which is creating a big stir among the population.”

  “That’s good people.” Cotton grinned. “I’ll let you know when the next meeting is. Go to it.”

  THE OFFICERS LEFT BUT Admiral Kamov hung back. “Yes Nicolaj?” General Cotton sat.

  “Sir, I’m concerned about how long this is all taking.” General Cotton started to say something, Kamov raised his palm. “I know they’re doing their best, but it’s the lack of support for Stonewall. I know the administration is still very edgy about rubbing the Chinese up the wrong way, to my mind we’re past that now but.” Kamov shrugged, “I’ve a feeling that we’re going into this with one arm tied behind our backs. I understand with the mid-term elections not far away there’s all manner of political bull involved. But still, we have men and women out there with their asses hanging on the line. Sir, I must tell you, I put some feelers out, very quietly. It may be better if it didn’t go beyond this room...”


  THE TWO GARRETT/HONEYWELL jet engines roared as they increased their revs and the turboprop Grumman S-2 maritime patrol aircraft pulled up and turned to the left. After a brief flight, it turned left again on a bearing parallel but opposite to its original heading. The aircraft was low, around three hundred feet above the waves. Out to the rear it trailed a magnetic anomaly detector, sensing the changes in the Earth’s magnetic field a passing submarine would make.


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