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The Tiger and the Dragon

Page 13

by Stephen Makk

  “Oh Innes, he had to put you in the female bunk room. Is that ok?”

  Innes almost dropped his jaw but held it. “Yes Sir. That’s fine.”

  “You lucky bastard,” said Marr, “I tried bribing the Chief, no deal.”

  Innes struggled with a reply. Pike laughed.

  “In your dreams sailor, in your dreams.”

  Pike stood at his Conn. “Planesman, two thirds right rudder, periscope depth, speed twelve knots. Take up position at datum one and come about.” He looked around the dimly lit room, a red light bathed the control room, all wore white anti-flash hoods and stared into screens. Weaps, give me tube status.”

  “Sir, tubes one and two Spearfish, tubes three to six Tomahawk.”

  The boat sailed through the darkness off Hainan Island. After several minutes she reached her datum point and turned to face south west.

  “Raise the comms buoy, get a position fix. Listen for the Ghosts.” Frank Pike knew there was nothing more to be done for now, it was wait. The long wait soldiers and sailors had endured down the centuries, The wait for battle.

  He lay ten miles to the north of the entrance to Yalong Bay. USS Stonewall Jackson was to the south five miles outside the entrance, floating at two hundred feet. Her Pointer drone Scooby waited closer in and south of the entrance.

  All three waited in the black abyss, silent as the grave.

  500 MILES EAST OF HAINAN. 25,000 feet above the Philippine Sea.

  “GHOST ONE COMING UP on datum, wait one.” Four B2 Spirit stealth bombers led by the Spirit of Missouri flew west towards the target. Major Joe “meatballs” Fijewski looked out at the dark sky, stars were visible up in the heavens. He selected the intraship communication button.

  “Ghost one on datum. The People’s Republic Army Navy has been online shopping and the package is ready”

  “Ghost two on datum package ready.”

  “Ghost three on datum package ready.”

  “Ghost four, heading down the delivery glidepath, so long Ghost flight.”

  “Copy four, good luck.” Ghost four fell gradually away on her forward sloping approach to Hainan.

  “Sewer rat one this is Ghost over, sewer rat one this is...”

  “Ghost one this is Sewer rat over.” The voice had an unmistakable British accent.

  “We are at datum Sewer rat. The package will be dispatched now.”

  “Copy Ghost, Sewer rat. Understand package on its way over.”

  “Over to you Sewer rat. Give em hell. Ghost out.”

  “Ok deploy weapons.” The Bombay doors opened.

  The Weapons Officer pickled the stick and three JASSM and seven Tomahawk cruise missiles fell from their hardpoints. The motors lit, and they sped off towards distant Hainan. The other two bombers released their Tomahawks into the night. Bombay doors closed, and they turned back east towards Guam.

  PIKE PLACED HIS HANDSET back on the hook.

  “Sonar, one low power ping, directional to south west.”

  “Sir.” His hands flicked over the controls.

  “Ping issued sir.” That was the Jackson alerted, Pike knew that the whole package would be arriving in about one hour.

  “There we are XO, Weaps. We’re invited to a fireworks party in an hour, don’t forget the bloody matches.”

  GHOST FOUR RAN IN AT 100 feet over the sea on her terminal approach to the Island. She was stealthy, but they were taking no chances, the Chinese base would be equipped with the latest air defence radars and missiles that they had.

  “Six miles to run,” Weapons Officer selected master arm on and made sure the targeting computer was active and ready. Ghost four would soon climb to two thousand feet and release MOP to strike the underground submarine pens at Yulin’s PLAN facility.

  The MOP GBU-57 Massive Ordnance Penetrator is a precision guided bomb of 30,000 pounds, a “Bunker buster.” It was thought it may penetrate and would certainly cause massive shock and possible roof falls inside the pens.

  “Two point five miles to strike datum.” The Weapons Officer selected MOP, there was a tone on his headset and a red light blinked on the multi-functional display. The pilot increased power on the four General Electric F118 turbofans, pulled back on the stick and the aircraft entered a climb. The bomb doors opened.

  “Strike vector green. Designated release point coming up, one thousand one hundred, three hundred, easy girl.” As they reached the correct point the targeting computer released the weapon.

  “Bomb away,” said the Weapons Officer. The pilot banked the aircraft to the left and entered a shallow dive to the southwest. The B 2 would fly low over the sea until eventually climbing for the cruise back to Guam.

  Having flown northwest up the Vietnamese coast, just north of the city of Da Nang a flight of Tomahawks turned northeast over the sea bound for Hainan.

  As they reached the coast, their targeting radars updated the flight computers and they turned east for Yulin base. The missiles had port dock cranes, known fuel and weapon stores and three frigates targeted.

  To the northwest flying down the centre of the Island with the Wuzhi Mountain on their right the second Tomahawk flight headed for their targets. A Destroyer and another fuel store.

  Air defence missile and radar installations would get special attention from the Tomahawks and JASSM. Two of the JASSM missiles were targeted on a low building five miles inland from the base. Situated in a forested area the building lay behind a tall barbed wire fence guarded around the clock. It had been surveyed by ROC special forces who sneaked in through the trees and set up electronic monitoring devices. The discovery that it was the true air defence control centre hadn’t been expected. No radars in sight. They didn’t need to be, they were miles away connected by underground cable.

  The Pentagon called it The Nest, a nest of SAM’s.

  At 2.28am three JASSM from Ghost one went feet dry from Tufu Bay, they turned left and followed the G98 south at a hight of 100 feet, after two minutes one JASSM banked to the left and went its own way. It was the first to make target. It slammed into the forward air defence emplacement linked to many SAM sites overlooking the base. The brick and sandbagged structure was blown apart, debris and bodies flew in all directions men on the periphery ran or took cover.

  Soon after the other two JASSM flew into The Nest, the whole structure was ripped asunder in less than a second. Down closer to the Yulin Tomahawks struck SAM sites, radars and vehicle-mounted missile launchers blew apart. One site had got a few fleeting return contacts from Ghost one and was preparing to launch, it too was blasted by a Tomahawk launched from Ghost two.

  Then it was as though the world had ended for many in the area both military and civilian. Ghost one’s MOP detonated.

  The blast rose hundreds of feet into the sky, but it was the impact and explosion that people remembered. Many swore an earthquake had shook the land like a rag doll. The MOP was devastating. Miles away birds dropped from trees. Voles and rats ran for life. Flocks of birds took to the skies en mass.

  What it was like below ground in the pens was a terror, lighting failed. Tons of falling rock smashed into many boat’s hulls. It was the Chaos of hell incarnate. After a time emergency lighting was restored, crews were recalled to their boats. Slowly some sort of order was restored. Reports had been made to Beijing and the order came back disperse the nuclear fleet. Open the pen doors. One was partly opened but both stuck and the Engineering teams spent two hours restoring functions. Finally, the two great doors opened.

  It was every man for himself and the first four serviceable boats were three SSN’s and a Song class diesel electric boat. These were followed by a type 94 Jin class SSBN the Auspicious Dragon. The SSBN got part way out of the dock, as its bulkhead six cleared the doors two 660 pound warheads of Aluminised PBX ripped themselves out of the two Stonefish mines. The vessel was pulled open, it’s back broke and it sunk the short distance to the seabed. The pen’s access was now blocked by a 13,000 ton boat with 12 tubes carrying
36 missiles each with the power of 4.5 Nagasaki type weapons.

  AT PLAN NAVAL HEADQUARTERS red faced Admirals issued curses not heard since their days as a midshipman, politicians breathed fire down the telephone. Many SSN’s and the remains of China’s SSBN force were still stuck inside Hainan. The order went out. Protect Yulin at all costs, dispatch a large part of the task force.

  The order went out to the commander of the straits fleet, he read it with falling spirits. He was angry but more than that he was sad, as the task he’d been given “Operation Dragon’s breath, the liberation of Taiwan” fell from his grasp.


  COMMANDER PIKE LOOKED up from his monitor, the periscope had carried out a 180 sweep of the land to his west.

  “Take a look XO. Weaps come on, you too. That’s what a right good kick in the bollocks looks like.” The view was in night mode, fires burned all over the base and in the high ground behind. “Uncle Joe will be bowing up and down from the waist for a while.”

  “That must have hurt sir,” said Weaps.

  “Yes, but some boats will have got out, we’ll have company soon enough. Now it’s the Royal Navy and the United States Navy’s turn. Planesman, trim fore and aft for descent, down fifteen, make your depth 100 meters, hold our position.


  Sonar.” Petty Officer Melanie Mercer looked at him wide eyed from inside her white anti-flash hood, a wispy curl of blond hair fell over her forehead. Unlike the rest of the crew she wore black Bowers & Wilkins P7 headphones.

  “Yes sir?”

  “You know what’s going to happen now don’t you?” she shook her head.

  “Uncle Joe’s boats are going to be heading this way. I hope they’re running like a fly into a steaming turd. But they might not be, if Joe’s cool he may try to sneak out. Keep those cute shell likes hunting for him. Catch him Mercer, catch him.”

  She smiled, “I will sir.” Mercer turned back to her workstation. Pike knew if PLAN boats were out there, she’d hear them. She’d ears like a shit house rat.

  Pike could sense them, they’d be coming out, some of them. They’d have to get by the Billy Ruffian first.


  “SIR, I HAVE SCREW SOUNDS from Yalong, it’s shallow in there and they’re mixed, there could be more than one boat.”

  “That’s good Benson,” Nathan stood even though there was no need, “Weaps, warload?”

  “Tubes one to four Mk 48, five Harpoon, six empty waiting for Scooby to return.”

  “Flood tubes one and two.”

  A few minutes went by. “Sir, we have a confirmed Shang class SSN leaving Yalong bay. Speed 14 knots heading south,” said Benson.

  “Weaps, give him ninety seconds and then slap him with an active ping from Scooby.”

  “Aye sir.” The seconds ticked away, Nikki looked briefly at him and smiled.

  “Active ping,” said Weaps.

  “Sir,” Benson looked up, “the Sheng has increased revs and is turning to his port, he’s trying to escape Scooby.”

  “That’s what we wanted, he’s Bellerophon’s now. Keep an ear out for more of them.”

  SEVERAL MILES TO THE northeast Bellerophon’s control room was bathed in the dull red of night ops.

  “Sir, I have a confirmed contact, the library gives high probability of a Sheng SSN,” said Mercer. Bearing two thirty, range 5,000 meters, depth 60, speed 19 knots.”

  “Thanks, I expect more of them,” Pike turned, “Weaps, designate contact as tango papa one. Flood tube one, open outer doors.”

  “Aye sir.”

  “Weaps. It’s unlikely he knows we’re here, I want you to launch tube one but keep the Spearfish on the wire at low revs come left and upslope from deep. Set the fish to an up and under shot but wait till late to cut the wire and commence the high-speed run in.”

  “Will do sir. Launch tube one. Fish running keeping slow and low.”

  “Mercer, let me know if he shows any signs of knowing we’re here or an attack is in progress.”

  “Aye sir,” she jiggled her Bowers & Wilkins headphones.

  “Turning fish up slope. Go on fishy, dinners ready,” Weaps chuckled.

  The fish climbed the slope out of the gloom, at 300 yards it was time.

  “Cutting wire, revs full, fish pinging, pinging. It’s acquired Tango Papa 1. Fish terminal.”

  Mercer punched the air. “Hit, Hot datum Tango Papa 1, Hot datum.”

  ABOARD THE STONEWALL Jackson Benson heard the dull explosion.

  “Bellerophon’s got him.” It wasn’t long before he heard another Shang SSN leave the bay.

  “Now Weaps,” said Nathan.

  Scooby made an active ping toward the Shang. The boat immediately increased speed and set off towards the northeast. Fleeing an obvious enemy boat waiting for him.

  Nathan smiled, “There you go Frank, skin that one too.”

  He walked to and stood in the centre of the room.

  “Planesman, speed ten knots, move in towards the bay exit. The next one’s ours. Stand off one point five miles. Weaps, flood tubes one and two, open outer doors.” USS Stonewall Jackson edged her way through the darkness, closer to the exit the PLAN boats would have to pass through.

  It didn’t take long. Benson looked over his shoulder at Nathan.

  “Another sir, it’s a Song class diesel-electric, I don’t need the computer to know. He’s clear of the bay.”

  “Weaps, give him the good news.”

  Weaps grinned. “Scooby’s pinging him.”

  “He’s turning to the northeast increasing speed,” said Benson. Nathan knew the Song boat was at point blank range.

  “Snapshot, snapshot, launch tube one.” Weaps ran his fingers over the screen. One touch and death slid from its tube.

  “Fish hungry and in pursuit. Pinging, pinging. Cutting wire.” The Mk 48 sped through the coal black sea, its prey in sight.

  The fish slammed into the Song amidships, exploding, ripping her into two parts. The aft end still ran its prop, the forward half hung downwards making way, the two linked by a twisted tearing hull section at its lower side. Massive gas bubbles escaped for the surface, the Song class boat finally fell to the slope below. Now another shipwreck.

  “Hot datum sir.” It was said without the normal enthusiasm.

  “Ok people, we may have another yet, keep listening.”

  Soon Benson twirled his finger in the air.

  “It’s another, wait one, wait. It’s an SSN, a Shang class. On its way south, wait,” seconds went by, “it’s leaving Yalong harbour now. Clear.”

  Nathan gripped the Conn rail. “Weaps, get Scooby to bark at the boat.”

  “Pinging.” The Shang didn’t turn east as he’d thought.

  They felt a ping through the hull, faint but there.

  “It turned towards Scooby and pinged again. It’s turning back to us. He must realise that it’s a decoy. He’s seen us, he must have. His revs are increasing he’s facing us.”

  “Planesman all ahead full, all hands secure yourselves,” barked Nathan.

  “He’s still coming sir.” The two submarines each seven or eight thousand tons were racing towards each other.

  “He’s coming at us,” said Benson, “this is fucking Chicken.” Nathan had been here before, he knew, turn away and your opponent had the advantage. Stay on course and, well let’s not go there. This Captain was a ballsy one.

  “Range Benson,”

  “Point nine miles.” Bensons tone rose.

  “Point eight miles.”

  “Weaps, get Scooby pinging again.”

  “Point seven five,” said Benson an edge to his voice.

  “Weaps, Scooby to simulate launch sounds.” Nathan tried to make him break off the charge.

  “Scooby, SIM Launching Mk48.”

  “Point six five.”

  “Shang is pinging,” said Benson, “directional ping towards Scooby. He’s turning to Scooby, just.”

Point five. Point four five. He’s turning back this way. Scooby’s simulating fish running.” Nathan knew the Shang wasn’t fooled.

  “Three point five.” He knew this had to end.

  “Snapshot, snapshot. Launch tube two.”

  “Tube two launch sir,” said Weaps, “fish is hungry, pinging, pinging.”

  “Sir, fish in the water type Yu-6. It’s pinging us.”

  “Range to boat Benson?”

  “One point eight miles. Fish closing.” Nathan closed his eyes and counted down in his head. Now.

  “Come hard left then maintain course, ready countermeasures right side. Go, now. Launch countermeasures.” The two spinning, hissing, devices were blown out of the hull and gassed off, causing the torpedo’s homing sonar to search.

  “Two more countermeasures.” There was a slight delay as sailors aft worked to load them. The countermeasures were ejected.

  “Mk 48 closing, terminal. Hit.” The boat rocked to the left blown by the shockwave and expanding gas. Benson raised both arms and cheered. “Hot datum. Hot datum. Enemy torpedo has gone for the second set of countermeasures. Shit, it’s turning searching sir.”

  “Planesman, hard left all ahead full. Weaps, get Scooby to ping the fish.”

  This was it, Nathan knew. “Ready countermeasures left side, go left and emergency deep, emergency deep.”

  USS Stonewall Jackson plunged down the slope at full revs.

  “Fish running to west, explosion, it’s gone up. It went for Scooby.”

  “Ahead one third, trim for ascent, pull up.” The room breathed again, Nathan included. Nikki turned to him and gave him a beaming smile.


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