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Make You Mine

Page 25

by Louise, Tia

  “It’s a legally binding contract.” Drew gives me that sassy, bossy look I love.

  It makes me grin. “Is that so?”

  “You signed it.”

  Lifting it up, I pretend to inspect it. “Your name’s not on here.”

  She takes it out of my hands. “It’s in my possession. It belongs to me just like you belong to me. Ever since that first day when you carried me out of danger.”

  “You want to marry some guy who lives in a one-bedroom shack behind a garage? A guy everybody says isn’t good enough for you? A guy fighting PTSD? What kind of life is that for you, Drew-baby? You’re a princess.”

  Her cute jaw clenches and she pushes on my shoulders. “Is that guy’s name Grayson Cole?”

  Raising my eyebrows, I shrug. “Sure looks that way.”

  “Then yes.” She gives me a quick kiss. “I’m not a princess. I’m a regular girl who can save herself. I’m ready to save you, too.”

  At that, I catch her around the waist, rolling her onto her back and kissing her good and hard. Her squeal is consumed by the strength of my love. Lifting my head, I grin down at her, loving this girl more than she could ever know.

  “I’ve got great news for you then.”

  Chapter 35


  I’ve heard people say your life can change in the blink of an eye.

  I never believed it until Grayson Cole came back into my life the second time.

  We’re sitting together in church listening to Pastor Hibbert talking about love. He’s talking about how perfect love covers a multitude of sins, and Gray’s hand tightens over mine.

  I glance up at him, drop-dead gorgeous in a slate blue Armani suit with a light blue shirt and yellow tie underneath. My man sure cleans up well.

  He’s also a fucking gazillionaire! Holy shit! Sorry, God.

  After Gray agreed to keep his promise to marry me, he hit me with an even bigger surprise. His family is really obnoxiously rich.

  Well, he is now. Like me, he’s all that’s left of his troubled clan. Unlike me, he has more than just a broken-down house and a name. Gray is the real deal, and I lost no time making sure the whole town found out about it.


  I told Dotty Magee.

  In two days’ time, all the assholes who’d ever been mean to him were falling all over themselves trying to kiss his butt.

  Pastor Hibbert ties his sermon on love into his sermon on forgiveness, which I’m starting to realize is one of his favorite topics. It makes me think of my last visit with my dad.

  I went to tell him Gray and I are engaged. I wanted him to be a part of my wedding, but I didn’t know if that would be asking too much.

  I said the words, and he only leaned back in the chair and looked far away. “I told you you’d end up leaving me.”

  “I’m not leaving, Daddy. I’m here because I want to bring you in. I want you to be a part of our new family.”

  His brow furrows, and I don’t try to deny it. I haven’t even told Gray yet. “He did exactly what I said he would.”

  “No, he didn’t!” My voice rises, but I can’t help it. “He asked me to marry him. He’s richer than Bill Gates, and he wants to take care of us. To take care of you… Even though you’re not giving him much of a reason.”

  “I’m not taking anything from him. His family tried to destroy ours.”

  My chin drops, and I decide to tell him what Danny wrote. “It wasn’t like that. Mom was only trying to comfort Mack. It’s probably where I got my desire to be a therapist. She saw a sad person, and she wanted to make him happy.”

  His expression darkens. “Don’t defend him. You didn’t know him like I did.”

  “Maybe not, but I knew my mother. She was devoted to her family.” I reach out and touch his arm. “Can’t you at least have faith in her?”

  “I won’t discuss this with you.” He rises from the chair, walking unsteadily toward the nursing home.

  I jog to catch up with him, holding his arm. “It’s okay, Dad. You don’t have to talk about it. Just listen and hear me. I love you. I want you to be in our wedding. Gray wants to put the past behind us. Can’t you at least do that for me?”

  His cold blue eyes slide down his nose at me, and I can’t tell if it’s agreement or dissent. I step forward and wrap my arms around him, hugging him with all the feelings I’ve held back for so long.

  “I love you, Daddy. Please try to let go of that old bitterness. Please come back to your family…”

  Pastor Hibbert finishes his sermon with a prayer for God to help us learn to heal and forgive, and when it’s over, we all file out to the lawn.

  “Grayson!” Florence Stern waves her handkerchief as she jogs across the grass to where we stand, my hand in the crook of his arm. “Grayson Cole!”

  I feel him exhale deeply as he turns to face her. “Hi, Mrs. Stern.”

  “My goodness!” She puts her hand on her chest, smiling like he just paid her a compliment. “What good manners you have, Grayson. You always were such a good boy.”

  I swallow the puking noise I want to make, and she proceeds to go on about how she’s organizing a big welcome home celebration for him. Naturally, she didn’t do it six weeks ago because she wasn’t sure he’d be staying, what with all his East Coast family connections and all…

  “Sure.” He doesn’t hesitate, but my eyebrows quirk up.

  We’re back at my family house eating my signature dish, shrimp and grits, before he even brings it up. “I guess it’s okay for her to do what she does. It serves a purpose.”

  I’m indignant. “She’s a two-faced bitch, and you don’t have to go to her stupid party. In fact, I’d be happy to skip it.”

  He gives me a little smile. “We’ll go. And we’ll have a fun time with the good people in this town.”

  A few days ago, I gave him Danny’s journal. He kissed me and took it down to the grave to read it. When he came back, he was so changed. I could tell he’d been moved by what he read, but he didn’t want to talk about it.

  He didn’t need to. I understood.

  Looking around the kitchen, he nods before meeting my eyes again. “We can get some contractors in to do repairs on this place. We can stay down at the lake house while they work here. Then I’ll have them fix up that place, too.”

  “Gray, you don’t have to—”

  His expression is stern. “It’s going to be our place when we’re married, right?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  He nods. “And I want to move your dad to a better place. Do you think he’d agree to go to Betty Ford?”

  I can’t take it anymore. I go to him and put my arms around his waist, resting my cheek against his chest as the tears fill my eyes.

  “Hey…” He puts his arms around me. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t raising my voice at you. I really want to do these things.” His words turn my tears of gratitude to tears of joy. He lifts my chin. “What’s going on with you?”

  “I guess I’m more emotional lately.” Lifting my hand, I place my palm against his cheek. “I have another surprise for you.”

  His brow furrows, and our eyes meet. My stomach tickles, and I’m not sure I can say the words. I don’t know why I’m suddenly so shy.

  “What is it, baby?”

  Swallowing fast, I just say it. “We’ll need baby-proofing, too, since I’m… well, I’m pregnant.”

  For a brief moment, everything goes quiet. My heart beats so hard, I think I might be sick. I’m blinking fast, not sure what to do, if I should say something more, until at last his expression breaks.

  He takes a step back, his eyes moving from my face to my torso and back again, as the smile I love slowly curls his lips. “You’re… pregnant?”

  “I’m pregnant.” I nod as we both say the word at the same time.

  All at once, I’m off my feet. His face is in my chest, and I hug him to me as we turn around once.

  “Drew.” He lowers me to my feet, his voice full of w

  He places his hands on the sides of my head like I love, and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him look this way as long as I’ve known him.

  “How long have you known?”

  “I started suspecting about a week ago, but I only took the test this morning.”

  “And you’re sure?”

  “Those tests are pretty accurate.”

  Once again, I’m pulled to his chest. His strong arms surround me, and we breathe together as I listen to his heart beating fast.

  Then he starts to laugh. He holds me out again, pure joy radiating in his eyes. “We’re going to have a baby.”

  A smile breaks across my face, and I’m laughing, too. “We are.”

  Next thing I know, I’m naked in my bed, thoroughly fucked with Gray’s face right above my navel.

  “Hello, in there,” he calls softly, and I start to laugh again.

  “You’re acting like the baby’s down a well.”

  He cuts mischievous eyes up at me. “We’ll have to get her a dog.”

  “It could be a boy.” Reaching down, I thread my fingers through his dark hair.

  “Boys like dogs, too.” I laugh and my stomach moves. His eyes widen, and he smooths his palm over my still-flat stomach. “We’ll have to move up the timeline on that marriage thing. How does next weekend sound to you?”

  I shake my head, reaching for his face, and he scoots up to capture my lips in another long kiss. I’m happy to marry him tomorrow if it’s what he wants.

  Our life is everything I dreamed it would be that night I asked him for a promise on a coaster.

  Nope, it’s better.

  It’s a life that started out heartbreakingly sad. It’s a life where two orphans were saved by love. It’s a life where Grayson Cole took a hero’s journey through the darkness and the hatred, but he never lost his noble heart.

  Now he’s here with me promising never to leave. I promise him the same in response. It’s the dream I’ve been waiting for all my life. It’s the promise he made one night in a dark room.

  When I come back, I will make you mine.

  And I’ll be forever his.



  I thought the day I married Drew Harris was the greatest day of my life.

  We fast-tracked the planning, with the help of Ruby and her mother, and I flew all of us up to Delaware to do the whole thing on my family’s estate. What would become our family estate.

  The thought of what’s mine being Drew’s made me happier than I realized it would. I was happier than a tornado in a trailer park.

  Clearly, I’m still learning to be a rich asshole.

  The housekeeping staff really showed their worth in getting everybody set up in rooms and helping arrange the gardens for a wedding. I know it all belongs to me, so maybe I shouldn’t say this, but the place was pretty damn impressive.

  Drew was a goddess. She walked down the aisle in a strapless ivory dress that hugged her curves all the way to her ankles. Over it all was this sheer lace veil with these branch-like patterns stitched into it.

  I don’t know a lot about fashion, but Ruby said it was the latest thing, very expensive. Drew said it would be an heirloom. I didn’t care. I gave Ruby my credit card and told her to get Drew everything she wanted.

  I had to give it to Ruby because my bride got some weird notion in her head that she didn’t want to use my money for her wedding gown. Luckily her best friend said I’m the answer to her insanely rich fiancé prayers.

  I have no idea what that means, and I don’t really give a shit about being insanely rich—other than it lets me give my Drew-baby everything she deserves.

  Needless to say, the wedding was fantastic, I married the girl of my dreams, the mother of my child… but the best part of it all was when Carl Harris stood and walked her down the aisle.

  Before he left, he handed me a note, and once all the dances, toasts, cake cutting, and throwing of things was over, I slipped out of the party to read it.


  I cannot take back the years that have gone before, and I won’t try to explain the reasons behind my actions. Some old ghosts are better left buried. Still, my anger was real. My hurt was real.

  My daughter says I was wrong, and in her way, she forced me to look at the past through a different lens. Maybe I knew the truth all along. Either way, I couldn’t let go of the shame, my wounded pride.

  You don’t have to accept my apology. You don’t have to take my advice, but here it is. Don’t let pride ruin your life like I let it ruin mine.

  I don’t blame you for what happened to my son. I don’t blame you for what happened in the past. I’m sorry for the way I’ve treated you. I was wrong. You are a good man.

  You make my Andrea very happy. Take care of my daughter.

  With my blessing,

  Carl Harris

  The words hit me harder than I expected, and I needed a minute before I could return to the reception. It seemed to come out of nowhere, but I later learned my bride had talked to her dad the week before.

  I guess for once, he listened.

  The highlight of the night came much later, when Drew met me in the bedroom wearing nothing but that expensive veil. It was sexy as shit seeing her beautiful breasts, her flat stomach, and round hips shrouded in sheer lace.

  We made love so many different ways that night. She rode me like a champ, and when it was all over, the bed was nearly in the middle of the room.

  In the meantime, we’ve restored the Harris home. We’ve updated and improved the lake house. It’s better than it ever was.

  I agreed to join the board of directors for Ralph Stern’s almond business, and I have to agree with his mom, Ralph’s pretty obsessive, but he could be onto something.

  I even turned the garage over to Billy.

  He claims he’s never changing his work shirt again. He’s convinced he’ll wind up as Lee Iacocca one of these days. Hell, I told him if I’m any indicator, it could happen.

  It just so happened, Leslie Grant was hanging around the garage that day. I told her to wait as I dashed into the cottage and found the stack of photos I’d set aside of her and Danny.

  “I’m not sure why you gave me these.” I held them out, and she gave them a quick glance.

  “Thought you might see something you liked.” Green eyes cut up to mine. “Something you might’ve wished you could have.”

  “I saw a lot of shots of Drew and me. Is that what you meant?”

  Her expression sort of twisted, as if she just remembered something. Then she just shook her head and laughed.

  “Misguided attempt at blackmail.” Taking the small stack of prints from my hand, she slipped them into her purse. “You always really loved her, didn’t you?”


  And that was the end of that.

  It’s been nine months since my last vivid dream. I don’t know if I can say I’m cured, but what I do know is I’m meeting with a counselor at Drew’s clinic on a regular basis. I’m keeping a journal, and we’re keeping on top of it. I’m not going to let the bad guys win.

  So all of that has been amazing, but nothing… nothing… compares to today.

  Drew started the morning feeling strange. She’s so adorable, just as I imagined she would be with her pregnant belly under one of those cute little dresses. Her skin just glows, and I only want to feed her and rub her feet and treat her like a princess.

  She won’t let me do any of that shit. She says I’m trying to make her fat. You’ve heard of those ladies who love being pregnant? That is not Drew.

  After waking up feeling strange, she decided to go for a long walk, to hopefully “get this thing out of me.” I’m sure she’ll feel a lot differently once our little girl is born.

  It worked, because as soon as she got home, her water broke. It was all hands on deck after that.

  I carried Drew in my arms to the truck along with her little overnight bag and called Ruby, who met
us at the hospital. Ruby’s mom kept going on about how long it takes for first babies to be born, but I guess Drew was really ready to give birth.

  Our little angel made the scene screaming her head off in less than thirty minutes. Drew’s doctor clocked her in, weighed her, and did all that technical stuff.

  Now we’re here, my little angel happily nestled on her mother’s breast eating.

  “Good call, little Dani,” I tease, smoothing my palm over her halo of white-blonde hair.

  Yeah, we decided to name her Danielle, in honor of her late uncle.

  “She has your eyes.” Drew’s voice is soft. “She’s really beautiful.”

  I tighten my arm around her shoulder, giving her a nudge. “Kiss me.”

  Her head drops back, and I cover her mouth with mine. All the times I wondered where I belonged, the answer was always right here. I don’t know what brought us together or what kept her believing in me, all I know is I’ll be forever grateful.

  Our lips part, and she looks down at our little girl, who has finished eating and is now nestled on her mother’s chest.

  “Are you happy?” Drew looks up at me again, and I can’t even put into words…

  “I never knew this kind of happiness existed.” Leaning down, I kiss her nose.

  “You knew.” She kisses my lips in response. “It’s why you signed that coaster.”

  “It’s why you kept it.”

  The world is cruel and hard. People put you in a box and try to keep you there. What I’ve learned is when you find the person who believes in you, hold on to him or her and never let go.

  Drew’s that person for me, and as hard as it got, our promise was irrevocable.

  Dani makes a noise, and my chest squeezes with love. I touch her mother’s cheek, and when our eyes meet, I mouth I love you.

  I don’t have to say it, but I make her a sacred vow, through good times and bad, no matter what I have to face, I’d do it all again.


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