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Raped Waitress

Page 4

by Paul Gable

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  Linda didn't know how long she'd been unconscious when she opened her eyes again. It was dark and cold wherever she was. The damp air made her shudder and curl her legs up under her ass-cheeks. Linda was afraid to move for several seconds, shifting only her eyes from one end of the tiny room to the other. In the bright moonlight, it appeared as if she were in some kind of jail cell. Suddenly, she heard a cry of agony from somewhere in the distance.

  "Shut up, slut!" a harsh, low voice growled out followed by muffled cursing. Linda felt her skin crawl with horror as the cries of pain turned into sobs. Slowly she pushed up with her legs and stood up.

  Her head was still a little dizzy from that blow Bill had given her. She staggered forward a few steps, reaching out with her right hand as she pressed its palm against the cold, damp stone of the wall in front of her.

  Looking out into the clear night, Linda could see all the bright stars shining peacefully in the sky. Everything looked so calm and pleasant. Yet a man had been brutally murdered and she had been kidnapped and beaten, and for what purpose? Linda leaned heavily against the wall and sighed with unspeakable sadness. She'd wanted excitement. Well, now she had it and would probably die with it.

  Judy! She suddenly thought. Who would take care of her daughter? A feeling of helpless panic crept over her as she pulled her ripped uniform tightly around her body to keep out as much of the damp chill as possible. Would the girl ever know what happened to her mother? What would she think when they found her body buried in some shallow roadside ditch? There was no relative left for the girl to go to. Linda closed her eyes and fought back the tears that welled up in her eyes. Her daughter would be forced into an orphanage! And God, for what? For what?

  Linda's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sounds of footsteps coming up to the door. The cell door opened slowly as Linda turned around to face whoever it was walking in. The bright moonlight soon revealed that it was Chris Orozco.

  "Enjoying your stay here?" Chris asked, nodding to someone behind him who closed the door again.

  "What?" Linda asked.

  "Being a trucker lets me into a lot of things," Chris said evilly as he sauntered up to Linda. She stepped back against the wall. "Let's just call this one of my training centers," Chris added, raising his hand up to her cheek and rubbing it tenderly. Suddenly an expression of extreme cruelty and hatred ripped over his face. His mouth twisted into a thin slash. He slapped her hard across the face, sending Linda crashing down to the dirt floor of her cell.

  "You'll learn what submission's all about now, bitch," Chris said threateningly as he towered over the blonde.


  Linda stared dazedly in front of her. Chris' black leather boots glistened in front of her. There was the smell of freshly polished leather wafting into her flared nostrils as he mumbled some threatening curse at her. In that silver moonlight, Linda thought she could make out some blood on the toe of his boot. What did he want? Money? Power over her for a while? It didn't matter. Linda had the feeling that Chris simply enjoyed the pleasure of stomping helpless victims into the filth.

  "You'll really eat it up, babe," Chris said huskily, still towering in front of her.

  Linda didn't answer him. His big pot-belly hung inches over her head. The stink of his groin hung around her nose like a vile perfume. What was he going to do, chop off her clit with a jackknife? After what she'd seen at the diner, nothing would have surprised her. All Linda cared about was that it would be quick, whatever it was.

  "Don't worry, baby. I'm not gonna kill you, at least, not yet," Chris said as if he could read her mind... Linda jerked her head up and looked into the man's cold, beady eyes. The flesh along her thighs crawled with horror as the big man took a step forward. He laughed as Linda instinctively shrank back.

  "Don't!" she protested.

  "Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you... much," Chris said, chuckling to himself as he reached down and laid his heavy, calloused palm on her shoulder. He shoved her back with such force that her head struck the floor. Linda groaned helplessly as bright flashes of light danced in front of her eyes. She inhaled sharply, afraid suddenly of those boots and the man.

  "Uhhh!" Linda moaned softly as she watched Chris unbuckle his belt.

  "Sit up!" Chris said coldly.

  When Linda hesitated, he reached down and grabbed her hair. He curled a few strands around his fingers, jerking her up close against his leg. Linda's mouth struck the side of Chris' boot so hard that her lip cracked. The blonde could taste blood as the trucker growled some senseless obscenity.

  When Chris raised his hand again, Linda tensed up and cringed back. The big trucker kicked her and she fell to the dirt floor, feeling the loose filth scrape against her legs. While she lay cringing, Chris moved forward. At the same time, the big man unzipped his dirty Levi's. Linda winced as she watched him take out an eight-inch, thick cock and finger it lovingly. She saw that hard-on, heard his heavy breathing, sensing his growing sexual excitement.

  "Like it, baby? All you fuckin' waitresses are hungry for cock-meat. Everybody knows that," Chris said, pulling his lips back across his teeth in an evil, animal-like sneer. As she flattened herself against the wall, drawing herself into a ball, Linda saw his big hand come shooting down through the cold, damp night air. The sound of that slap and her wailing cry reverberated off the stone walls.

  "Okay, baby. You've found out too much about the operation. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with you, but I think you can be useful. You want to play along, fine," Chris said as he still towered over her.

  "You stink with filth!" Linda hissed.

  Chris did nothing for several minutes except sneer down at her. Then Linda saw him clench his powerful fingers into a tight fist. Instinctively, she raised her hands over her face. But the expected flow didn't come. She opened her eyes and peered through her trembling fingers. The fat, powerful trucker still towered over her with clenched fists. But a broad, mysterious smile snaked across his already sneering lips.

  "You really dig this scene, don't you?" Chris suddenly blurted out.

  "What!" Linda couldn't believe she heard him right. That someone who'd done what he had could actually stand in front of her and say that... it was incredible!

  "I can sense it. I can sense those things, when a woman loves all the rough stuff, even if she won't admit it to herself," Chris said in a tight, throaty voice.

  Linda gasped in horror that he could think she actually enjoyed this degrading brutality. She'd seen Max shot down in front of her eyes by the very men Chris employed to his own use. Then she'd been beaten, kidnapped and dragged to this cold, filthy hole of a prison cell only to be beaten again and told she liked all of it! To think that he could actually say that--and yet, as much as Linda hated to admit it, there was a grain of truth in his statement. For all her sense of outrage, indignation and horror, there was a deliciously strange thrill shooting through her body now. There was real fear and hatred. But somehow mixed in with those feelings was a hidden, almost unspeakable delight that actually fed on her fear and disgust.

  "I can tell it in your eyes, baby. You want me as much as you want to spit in my face," Chris said as he slapped her hard across the side of the face. The force of that blow sent her crashing to the cold dirt floor. Suddenly Linda felt the full weight of her fear and humiliation press down on her. Pulling herself up with great effort, Linda suddenly felt hot, burning tears well up in her eyes. She tried to fight them back, but it was useless. Sobs broke from her lips and she cried violently. She gagged and choked with horror and sorrow and fear as her long, tangled hair hung in her eyes. She curled her slender fingers into the dirt and beat the floor with her palms as Chris leered at her.

  He let her cry for a few minutes. But the sight of the sobbing blonde was finally too much for him. He reached down with his right hand and unzipped his fly. Then the big man reached up and flipped the button holding his pants to his waist. Linda loo
ked up in horrified fascination as Chris' Levi's slid down to his knees, exposing his thick mat of pubic hair and long, fat mass of cock-meat.

  "Mmmmm, look lickin' good, huh baby?" Chris said filthily as he circled his fat cock with his fingers and squeezed the hot flesh until a big drop of cum oozed out of his piss-slit.

  Linda leaned back, raising her hands and crossing them over her tits in revulsion.

  Chris was thick and long. His balls were taut, drawn up tightly against the underside of his jerking prick. Linda wanted a knife. She could just picture the startled, pained look on the trucker's face as she reached up with that weapon and sliced that throbbing prick off. But at the same time Linda wanted to reach out and touch that dick. She wanted to feel it with her fingers, her mouth; her cuntal walls. Her crotch throbbed wildly and strangely as Chris leered down at her and smiled that same twisted knowing smile he flashed at her seconds before when he told her that she dug the violent scene.

  "Gonna have that stuffed in your twat, baby. I been watchin' you ever since you came to work at the diner. Too bad it had to turn out this way. But then, maybe you and me are two of a kind. I dig this kind of scene," Chris said, looking around the cell with burning, flashing eyes.

  Linda sobbed, edging back until her ass was pressed against the wall. Her fists were clenched and shoved hard against the dirt floor. Linda was dizzy with terror. She didn't know what he was planning. But something told her that what she'd experience would be things she'd only dreamed about in her wildest, most forbidden fantasies.

  Chris chuckled as he pushed his Levi's to his boot tops. The hot smell of his groin blew into Linda's nose. She felt her body starting to respond to Chris' excitement even though she realized what kind of filthy piece of shit he was. Sweat poured out from under her arms and crotch. It spilled down from her forehead and burned into her eyes. Then there was a cold draft, causing her to shiver.

  Chris moved closer, his big cock waving back and forth with every step he took. He reached down and lifted his filthy, smelly, stained T-shirt, revealing his thick matting of body hair that covered his large, protruding belly. His thighs were hairy and muscular. There was an exciting, overpowering brutality and power about this man as he stepped up to her.

  "Uhhh," the blonde sighed with fear as she felt her tits swell. Her nipples poked out again, scratching teasingly against her bra just as they had when Max made his pass at her. But this time there was a new feeling mixed in with this sexual excitement. It was hotter, more desperate, more forbidden, completely new and unnatural to Linda. A spasm passed through her mushy box. Her swelling clit tingled strangely as she could feel her pussy-lips chewing hungrily against each other. Their fat, hot edges were being lubed gradually by Linda's flowing fuck juices. The blonde felt her thighs shuddering as Chris grabbed her hair and yanked forward hard.

  "Ahhhh!" she moaned as she reached up and tried to pound his fists away with her hands. But the big man just laughed at her, dragging her to the middle of the cell as she groaned and as her eyelids flickered. Finally he let her go. Linda moaned low as she felt him roll her over on her. He was crouching between her legs, hiking her ripped uniform up to her waist with his hands. Soon he was pawing her tits, tearing open the uniform at the top. Buttons showered in the air as her bra cups were exposed. The cell was filled with the sound of ripping material as he tore the uniform off her shoulders.

  He reached up and found her bra strap and pulled hard, jerking the halter off the thrashing woman with one yank. As her tits sprang free and cold air struck the big boobs, Linda yelped instinctively. She raised both hands to protect herself. Chris knocked them aside. Her hands came down on her tits.

  "Stupid bitch!" Chris grunted. He jerked her by the wrists, forcing her arms aside. Her tits bounced up and down with the violent motions as the big, hard, brown nipples glowed hot and twitched up stiff. Chris pushed her arms out wide and held her tightly, his flushed face against her jugs. His teeth raked at her twitching nipples.

  "Ahhhhh, nnnnghhh!" Linda howled with disgust as she wriggled under Chris' heavy weight. She craned her head up and to the right as she tried to avoid looking at the raping trucker.

  "Love them titties. Been lookin' at them jugs for too long to let 'em go," Chris mumbled as he bit, licked and sucked at Linda's swollen boobs. Thrills of lust crawled over her body as chills of revulsion seared through her spinning brain. His body hairs felt like bristled brushes, scraping hard against her soft skin. His teeth tore at her hard nipples, sending painful electric jolts of pleasure through her titties. His sweat ran down her belly, running finally into her cuntal crack and mixing with her hot fuck oils. Her thighs hunched up suddenly as a painful contraction ripped through her pussy. She arched her back high, pressing her flat belly against Chris' T-shirt.

  "Like it, bitch? Like to feel this ole body of mine crawling over yours?" he taunted.

  Linda could sense that Chris knew he was fat and unattractive. But he knew that that turned her on. She was enjoying this violent, disgusting rape scene as much as she was horrified over it. The more he hurt her and humiliated her, the more she loved it.

  The blonde refused to answer any more of Chris' questions. But she couldn't stop herself from wanting Chris' mouth on the silky flesh of her thighs, bruising the tender skin as he chewed toward her clit. She shuddered with revulsion and unspeakable delight as she pictured his sharp teeth between her legs, ripping at her outer labes then tearing at her clit.

  Linda felt his fingers fumble around her waist. With three violent moves, the big trucker ripped what remained of her uniform from her body. With the same quickness he peeled off her panties and garter belt.

  Linda shuddered at this sudden stripping and pulled back, whimpering.

  Chris wouldn't let her go. Holding her wrist with one hand, he jammed his palm between her legs, forcing them wider apart. As he stared hotly into her sparkling eyes, Chris ran the calloused tip of his thumb up and down the hot cuntal slit.

  "Ahhhh!" Linda cried out, tilting her head back and babbling out some mindless obscenity as the trucker worked his thumb deeper and deeper into her juicing crack. Finally Chris shoved his thumb in hard at an angle, finding her swollen clit with its tip. While Linda jerked her hips convulsively from the sudden contact, the brutal trucker crushed her clit under his ragged thumbnail.

  "NNNNGHHHAIYEEEE!" Linda shrieked. Her cry covered the other moans that were coming from the cell next to her. Panting now as the veins in her neck stood out, Linda fought hard to keep back another agonizing cry.

  Chris was obviously pleased with her response. He finally pulled her hand away; making a muted sucking noise as it slid out of her hole.

  "I've fucked around with you long enough," Chris grunted, moving his hands up until they were at her shoulder level. With one big heave, the trucker knocked Linda back to the cold, hard floor again. This time, the blonde didn't notice the discomfort of the dirt against her flesh. She stayed supine on the floor, clenching her thighs and feeling the clit-ripping electricity that sputtered uncontrollably in her box. Linda felt the terror slowly recede. Yet she realized that she had to show some kind of fear if she were to keep some semblance of dignity. Linda couldn't figure that one out yet... It was just a feeling that crept over her as Chris crouched panting over her.

  "Oh, don't!" Linda wailed as the big man flung himself on her belly. He pried her legs roughly apart with his stubby fingers, grunting and wheezing. Linda turned her head to the side and tried to keep from vomiting as she felt the big trucker's body slithering across her flesh. It was like being fucked by a big vat of hot slime. She clenched her teeth and held her breath as Chris' hot dick pushed up and down on her flat belly.

  "Fuck, you're beautiful!" the trucker punted as he reached up and pawed her titties like an animal.

  "Uhhhhhh," Linda wailed, biting her lower lip until she tasted blood again. Yet at the same time, the blonde couldn't ignore the spasms of lust that were attacking her belly. He forced he
r legs apart, but Linda didn't do anything to snap them back together. As she groaned in revulsion, Linda felt her snatch-lips unsticking and spreading further and further apart in excited expectation for a big fucking. She didn't have to wait long. Chris's cock-shaft pushed past the mass of her tangled blonde cunt hair, then burned through her snatch-lips. The woman screamed, her eyelids flying open as she reached up and raked the grunting trucker's back with her fingernails.

  "UNNNGH!" Chris cried out, half in delight, half in pain. He shook wildly, trying to knock Linda's hands off. But he too seemed to be enjoying the pain that went along with this fucking.

  "No! Oh, God! Mother of God, you're raping me!" Linda shrieked as she clenched her fingers into two tight fists and started beating his back as hard as she could. Chris ignored her and plowed his meaty cock-head in further. The force of that sinking dick sent shock waves through her pussy and into her tits and belly. Her head ached and spun wildly as she felt that big fat root edging closer and closer toward her flattened cunt-lips.

  "UHHHHH!" Chris moaned as his fat, hanging balls finally rested against Linda's upturned ass-cheeks. He was all the way in her hole now. His fat belly pushed down on her stomach, making it hard for the blonde to breathe. Before Linda could say anything, Chris pulled back, then slammed into her, stretching her cunt open even further. He fucked her harder and harder.


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