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Baby Fever

Page 13

by Landish, Lauren

  “I checked a few more boxes off the to-do list today,” Nic says as he tells me about his day. “Well, I got a good workout this morning, and yeah, I know I’m still dressed, but you see . . . the nursery is done.”

  “That’s great news!” I cheer, knowing Nic’s been working hard to try and get everything squared away there. “Even the crib?”

  “Double-checked and verified by Brad himself. He said that he’s got your baby shower under control and not to worry about a thing. I signed over two more contracts to my team for monitoring and support, just one big one left. And—”

  I interrupt with a smile, knowing where this is leading. “And that one deal is why you’re buttering me up?”

  He nods, and I lean back against the couch, looking at him expectantly. “That obvious?”

  “A little. All right, well hand me a piece of garlic bread. Nothing can be that bad with garlic bread in my mouth.”

  He smiles and hands me a slice, waiting till I take a big bite and wave my hand for him to continue.

  “This last contract is the one I want to keep as my own. It’s not about the sale itself. Their monetary value really is small potatoes compared to some of the other contracts I’ve handed off. I want to keep this because I like the couple that runs the company a lot. They’re the ones out in Oregon I told you about. And well, they’re sort of a sentimental place for me because of some of the stuff they told me.”

  I search my mind for a second then make the connection, as Nic mentioned it one night when we went for a moonlit walk. “Sam and Susan, right? The off-grid adventure tours?”

  Nic nods, smiling a little. “That’s them. Look, for me to be able to stay home for a while with you and Amelia after the birth, I need to make a trip out there to do a meet-and-greet and make sure everything's running smoothly. And with your being thirty-two weeks now, I need to do it sooner rather than later and as fast as possible to get back.”

  “That’s it? You need to run to Oregon for a quick trip?” I ask, surprised. I thought this was a big deal or something, what with the spread he’s got in front of me. “What’s the catch?”

  Nic tilts his head, and I can see that he’s got more to tell. “Well, ‘quick trip’ is relative here. These guys are totally off-grid. Last time, I spent a few weeks there all told with getting there, the sales and stuff, and then ferrying back and forth to a damn internet connection to get it done and then back. Don’t worry, though. This isn’t anything like that. But I’ll need at least a week . . . and I’ll miss the baby shower.”

  I smile, relieved. “It’s okay, honey.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I nod, taking his hand. “I’m sure. I’m sad you’ll miss the shower, but I’d rather have you here after Amelia is born to change poopy diapers and to deal with my hormones going apeshit again. I’ll be using this as a bargaining chip for a long time, Daddy. Brad and Trey can help me get to and from the shower and take care of me for a week if I need anything. Devon is doing great at the shop, and Dr. Stevens says everything looks great so I’m still fine to work for a few weeks. It’ll be fine.”

  Nic lets out a big puff of breath, the tension leaving his shoulders. “God, I’m so glad you’re okay with it. I really don’t want to leave you, and I knew that’d be a hard thing for you to handle, but I need to do this so that we can hibernate after Amelia is here, just turn off the phones and disconnect from the world to be our own little family. I just want you to know that I don’t want to go, but I need to so that I don’t have to leave for a long time after this.”

  “I get it, and I do appreciate how much work you’ve done to stay here with me and to plan ahead to be here for Amelia,” I reply. “I can handle a week apart when I’ve got at least six weeks to go.”

  He leans in to give me a kiss, smacks and sweetness, and whispers in my ear, “I love you.”

  The words still thrill me, and I kiss him back, loving the tenderness in his every move. “I love you too.”

  He lowers down to my belly, pushing my oversized maternity top up to kiss my belly too. It makes me giggle. I’m unfortunately very ticklish recently, but he knows just how to do it so that I’m not laughing out of control and peeing myself.

  Talking to my belly, he croons to Amelia. “Daddy will be back before you know it. Be nice to Momma while I’m gone, okay?”

  Unable to resist, I lift my belly up a little toward him and mimic a little kid voice. “Only if you feed me some of that damn spaghetti right now. Bitches gotta eat.”

  Nic shakes his head, leaning back and putting his hand to his forehead like some sort of wannabe Southern belle. “Oh, my poor ears! The mouth on this kid already. She’s gonna be a spoiled brat if Brad has anything to do with it. Look what he’s done to you.”

  He smirks like he got me good, but he still goes to my plate and twirls up a forkful of pasta that looks so delicious I’m thinking I’m the winner here either way.


  All of my bags are packed and it’s nearly time to go. Just one last call, and it’s gonna be a bitch, but I need to do it. I’ve taken care of as many other things as I can, even speeding up the process by taking this ungodly early flight today so I can land tonight and jump right in the rental to get out to Sam’s camp early tomorrow. After a couple of rings, Brad answers, the sound of a high-pitched motor going in the background. “Bitch, there’d better be a damn fine reason you’re calling so early in the morning.”

  I cringe, knowing he’s not too happy with me, but there’s nobody else I can really trust with this. “I know, I know. Sorry, but I needed to check in one last time before I get on my flight. You’ve got my back here while I’m gone, right?”

  Brad tsks through the phone, and I can practically imagine him rolling his eyes at me. “No, I don’t have your back, but I have Rose’s. Anything she needs, I’ll take care of. Just go do what you gotta do and get back here.”

  I can live with that. “Thanks. I hate that I’m leaving,” I say before adding, hoping this’ll get me a few brownie points, “and that I’m going to miss the fabulous shower you’re throwing for my girls. Jesus, man, what the hell is that sound in the background?”

  “Gasoline-powered giant vibrator,” Brad replies. “Why, wanna ride?” he pauses a beat like I’m actually gonna answer that before continuing, “It’s the blender for Trey’s smoothie.”

  “Very funny,” I shoot back. “But seriously, man, thanks. I’ll be back as soon as I can, but I have to do this so I can be here.”

  My plea seems to have worked as Brad’s voice sounds a little less grumpy when he answers. “I know. I’ll handle anything that comes up. It’s fine. I’m just grumpy at this time before the rooster even crows, and it’s my turn to make the damn breakfast smoothies. But now that I’m up, I guess I could go for a little cock-a-doodle-doo, if you know what I mean.”

  I laugh but attempt to cut off details before he thinks he can give them to me. “Well, thanks again. See you guys when I’m back.”

  I’m not sure if he realizes he hasn’t hung up yet, but before the line goes dead, I hear him in the background. “Tre-e-ey, I have a nice breakfast sausage for you!”

  Thankfully, that’s all I hear. I take one last look at my sleeping Rose, memorizing the spray of hair across the pillow, her mouth soft in sleep and her hand resting protectively on her full belly. Not wanting to disturb her nest of pillows, I land a light kiss to her forehead and whisper in the bedroom air, “I love you, baby.”

  * * *

  It’s a long day of travel, commuting first to the airport and then flying into Oregon. My secretary arranged all the travel and assured me that the best option was to stay at a hotel my first night in Oregon so that I could safely ride an ATV out to Sam’s place in daylight hours. Admittedly, my first reaction was ‘fuck that’, and I’d planned to travel straight through, but now I’m glad I listened to reason because the long flight has me exhausted, and a ride as the sun sets and the woods become darker and more dangerous is
definitely not the best option.

  Settling into the hotel, I look around and realize how alone I feel. “Homesick already,” I muse out loud as I fire up my computer, glad the motel’s got Wi-Fi. Dialing up Rose, I hope she’s still awake. Time zones can be a bitch at this distance. After a couple of rings, her face fills the screen and I feel my heart jump in my chest.

  “Well, hello there, stranger. I missed you this morning,” she greets me. “Didn’t even leave a note.”

  I chuckle, knowing that her soft chide is just a joke. “I couldn’t bear to wake you up. You were sleeping so well, and I know that’s harder these days, so I wanted you to get your rest.”

  Rose smiles, leaning back on the bed. “I did sleep well for a bit and then went into the shop for a few hours. Two hours after I got there, Devon sat me in a tall chair behind the register and told me not to move. She helped all the customers and just sent them to me to ring out.”

  I laugh, knowing that Devon’s totally one of those people that I’m so glad is in Rose’s life. “Sounds like she’s got it under control . . . the shop and you.”

  Rose fakes indignation, pointing a finger at me. “Hey, I don’t need anyone to control me. I’m doing just fine.”

  I tilt an eyebrow, thinking that a little bit of control is exactly what we both need right now. I drop my voice down, letting the gravel rumble the way I know she likes. “Rose . . .”

  I see the smirk cross her face as her eyes light up, realizing that I’m shifting the mood. She almost wiggles, and I wonder idly just how far we could take this if we ever wanted to. “Yes?”

  I lean forward, undoing the top button on my shirt and showing her a little bit of my chest. “I was thinking back to when I traveled before and missed you so much. Do you remember what we did?”

  I watch as her eyes go to my exposed skin while she bites her lip and nods. “How could I forget? And I am rather . . . needy tonight. These damn hormones make me horny all the time.”

  I smirk, knowing that it’s not just the hormones that are making her feel so needy for sex. Because I feel the same way every time I look at her. “I know, and I fucking love it,” I half growl, undoing my cuffs and rolling them up my forearms. “You just do what I say, and I’ll take care of you, okay?”

  Rose purrs, looking into my eyes. “Okay, and just what do you want me to do?”

  “Thought you didn’t want anyone to control you?”

  Rose smiles, trailing a finger down her neck to her chest, where I can see her nipples already poking through the thin cotton of her t-shirt. “At work, I’m the boss there. Like this, with you, it’s different. Now, are we gonna have a therapy session or are you gonna make me come long-distance?”

  I laugh a little. No matter what, the woman’s got sass. “Oh, I’m definitely gonna make you come, but not till I say you can. Deal?”

  Rose grins, and I realize again that somehow, I’ve found the perfect woman for me. “Deal.”

  “Take off your clothes and lie back on the bed, spread your legs wide, and set the laptop down between them so I can see your whole body.”

  Rose does as I ask, and I say a little prayer of thanks for HDMI cables, because after plugging my laptop into the TV in the motel room, I can see every inch of her body in sexy thirty-six-inch detail. My cock’s already throbbing, and we’ve barely begun.

  “Lift your shirt and tease your nipples nice and slow,” I command, my voice raspy. “Just like that. Now, lick your fingers and circle them around your nipples. Slow circles, baby . . . tease yourself for me.”

  I watch as she does as I ask, circling closer and closer to her peaked nubs with each hand. Through the video feed, I can see her eyes almost glowing, staring as she watches me.

  Rose’s fingernails catch the sensitive tips of her breasts and she takes a huge inhale, trying not to give herself away.

  “Nuh-uh,” I playfully admonish her. “I didn’t say you could touch your nipples, naughty girl. You do exactly what I say and only what I say. Understood?”

  Rose whimpers but nods. It’s not quite domination. We both know that as much as I’m commanding her, she’s just as much in control . . . but whatever it is, it’s sexy as fuck. “Yes, baby.”

  I nod, making my voice stern even as my hand reaches down to massage my cock through my pants. “For that, you’ll have to be punished a little bit. Pinch your nipples, both at the same time.”

  Rose does as I say, throwing her head back to gasp, and I reward her by stripping off my shirt, letting her see all of my upper body.

  “Now,” I continue, standing up to let her see me better, “push your tits together. Lift them up and let me see how big and full they’ve gotten. And slide your thumbs across your nipples. Soothe that bite away from the pinch.”

  She does as instructed but suddenly jolts as her nipples start dribbling a little milk. She stops, blushing nearly bright pink as I watch the whiteness dribble down her skin. “Oh, shit, sorry.”

  As far as I’m concerned, it’s sexy as fuck. I don’t want her to be embarrassed. “Move your hands. Let me see those milky tits. You’re gonna feed our baby with those, and I’m gonna get plenty of it too. You’re the mother of my child. Everything about you is sexy. I’m just wishing I were there to suck and lick you right now.”

  She calms at my words, getting back into the mood and beginning to rub her nipples again. “Nic . . . you make me feel so good.”

  I groan lightly and undo my belt, showing her just a little bit of the happy trail of hair that goes from my belly button down to the base of my cock. “When I get back, you’re getting a nice big surprise. Cup yourself for me. Grind your pussy into the heel of your hand.”

  She does as I say but stops just before her hand makes contact with her pussy. “You, too. Take off those pants and put the laptop where I can see you stroke yourself. Show me how turned on you are to watch me because God knows, I want to watch you.”

  I whip my pants off easily, adjusting the laptop on the table so that she can see everything from my knees to my hair, sitting upright on the edge of the bed so she can see me grab my cock in my fist, giving it a few strokes. “Is this what you want? You want me to jack off for you?”

  Rose moans, her hand moving to massage her pussy and her palm grinding down on her clit. “Fuck yes, Nic. Tell me . . . tell me what to do.”

  I keep stroking, slow and easy to stay in control. I don’t want this to end quickly. Not until we’re both totally satisfied. “Slide a finger into your pussy. Slip it in nice and slow.” She groans a bit, and I see her pussy clenching around her finger, searching for more. “What do you feel?”

  She looks me in the eye, slowly moving her finger in and out in time to my strokes. “Hot, so hot and slick like silk. I’m dripping wet for you.”

  I hiss, my mind filling with the memory of what it feels like to slide my own fingers inside her, the way she clings to me. “Fuck, I want to feel your heat, wrapping around my fingers as I open you up, making you squirm while I stroke your G-spot just how you like.”

  She whimpers, spreading her lips for me, and I pump a little faster, grinning. “It’s not as good as my cock when I pound into you, is it? Keep yourself open with your other hand. I want to see your hard little clit pulsing, greedy for attention.”

  She moves her hand up, pressing her pussy lips wide, and I see her clit peeking out from its hood and throbbing with her heartbeat. “Like this?”

  I nod, a clear drop of precum already oozing from the tip of my cock and making my shaft glisten as I smear it up and down my throbbing shaft. “Yes. Take your fingers out and rub your clit . . . slow and easy. Keep yourself spread so I can see.”

  As she does, I can’t help but jack myself a little faster, already close to coming. God, it’s hot to watch Rose, my perfect mix of innocence and naughtiness. And all mine. She smiles, her breath coming in short gasps. “Slow down or you’re gonna come before I do. Or can I speed up to match you.”

  Her fingers blur as she match
es my tempo, and I growl, shaking my head but letting up a little on my strokes. “No, I told you slow and easy. I think you need a smack for that. Now.”

  She meets my eyes, a hint of defiance, but I know she likes it and won’t hurt herself. Her eyes don’t leave mine as she gives her open pussy a little spank, her fingers centered right over her pussy as she makes contact with her clit, her hips jerking at the sensation. I watch in lustful awe as her pussy contracts and more of her honey leaks out. “I think you liked that. Scoop that gush of nectar out and smear it all over your clit, get it nice and wet, then smack it again.”

  She groans as she spreads her juices before crying out as she smacks herself lightly again. My cock jerks in my hands and I grin, knowing just how to torture her. “You’re my dirty little slut, aren’t you?”

  “Just. Yours.” She moans, shaking her head. “Fuck, Nic . . . I’m on the edge, Nic. Please . . . please, let me . . . I need to come.”

  Unable to wait much longer myself, I give her what she wants. “Rub your clit, Rose. Fast and hard, and watch me come for you. We’re gonna come together, no matter how many miles are between us. Got it?”

  She moans her agreement as she starts to strum across her clit in a blur and I move my hips to fuck my fist. It’s hard, watching her and trying to keep in time, but with Rose, I find the ability to keep going to give her everything and deliver on my promise.

  Rose sees my torture and smiles, helping out like only she can. “Grab your balls, squeeze them just like I do, and come for me.”

  I use my other hand, never stopping the rhythm of my hips to do as she asks, and giving my own instructions in between whimpering grunts. “Slide two fingers in, Rose. Fuck your fingers and come for your man.”

  There’s a moment of silence, just panted breaths as we stare at the screens, eyes locked on each other, and then we both erupt, shudders and shakes overtaking us as our moans echo both in our empty rooms and through the screens. I spurt all over the floor in front of me, but I don’t give a shit.


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