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Baby Fever

Page 46

by Landish, Lauren

  Howard chuckled. “Well, that’s exactly why you’re not Dean of this school, my boy. Such logic is not only corrupt, but weak as well.” He shifted in his seat. “But let’s say I indulge your idea for a moment. Why would I want to just sweep this whole thing under the rug, despite all the things we’ve heard from the students around campus?”

  I checked the urge to lean across the table and grab Howard by the collar. That was one bad thing about myself I wish I could fix—my temper. Sometimes, I let people get under my skin far too easily. I’d like to think that some of it was because I was a young, competitive athlete who had too much testosterone raging through his blood. “Because, Sir, Alpha Gamma is one of the most talked about fraternities in the whole state. Shutting it down will not only tarnish its name, but it’ll weaken the school’s popularity.”

  Howard let out a pig-like snort. “You obviously don’t keep up with the news too well. After Baylor, Harvard, and a bunch of others, choosing to ignore this could have far worse ramifications if it turned out to be true.” He glared at me. “Don’t you see what position I am in, Mr. Livingston? What would that say about my character and leadership if I turn a blind eye to the . . . immoral actions that are happening beneath my nose?”

  Howard sucked in a deep breath, closing his eyes. He opened them a second later, not allowing me to respond, and said quietly, “I think we have just about exhausted the possibilities of this conversation, Mr. Livingston, and I think I’ve wasted enough of my valuable time on this issue. The investigation will continue, and if the rumors are verified, all guilty parties shall be dealt with.” He nodded at the door. “That is all.”

  “Look,” I insisted, refusing to just walk away. “I apologize if I came across as disrespectful, but you have to consider everything—”

  “That is enough, Stefan,” the Dean interrupted. “You've said your piece. Don’t make it worse on yourself.”

  “Fine,” I growled. “Bella and I won’t have any part in all of this ridiculousness.”

  “I’d advise you not to do anything rash, Stefan,” Howard warned. “And that’s the final warning I will give you.”

  I walked out and slammed the door behind me. It wasn't too productive, but I did gain some information.


  For the first few days after finding out I was pregnant, I walked around in a zombie-like daze. The unexpected events still stunned me—I had my stepbrother's baby inside me. It was both a blessing and a curse. The thought of having his baby brought joy to me, but having to explain it to everyone would be dreadful.

  In the meantime, Stefan and I had agreed to avoid each other for a while until the rumors and jokes died down. I was to go to my classes, acting as if everything were normal. But ignoring some of the jerks poking fun at me wasn’t going to be easy.

  Meanwhile, the school’s investigation against Alpha and Kappa was heating up, and it was only a matter of time before both Stefan and I would be further pulled into the quagmire.

  When I was done with classes for the day, I was approached by the president of Kappa, Hanna Jones, and her faithful sidekick, she of dildo sucking fame, Veronica George, while making my way across campus to my dorm room.

  I’d heard that they wanted to speak with me, but I had nothing to say to them. I don’t know if it was Kappa or Alpha that started the rumors, but it didn’t matter. Kappa certainly hadn’t helped things until they realized they could be in trouble too.

  Both girls fell into step on either side of me. Hanna was carrying a bunch of books with her hands folded around them while Veronica had nothing. Hanna was the first to speak. “I heard the Dean had a talk with you.”

  “Yes,” I said succinctly, not bothering to hide my displeasure at being approached by them. “And?”

  Veronica scowled. “So? Did you say anything about how girls gain entry to our chapter or anything about hazing?”

  Irritation flowed through my body. “No. Why would I? I have just as much reason to lie as the rest of you. Maybe even more so, considering—” I stopped short of saying the words.

  “You swear you didn’t say anything about me or about our deal with Alpha?” Hanna demanded. “Cause if you did—”

  I hissed in exasperation. “I didn’t say crap! I don’t understand why you two are bugging me right now. Shouldn’t you be back at the house, making sure everyone has their story straight?”

  Veronica shook her head angrily. “I really can’t believe your bitchy attitude, Bella. You should be kissing the ground we walk on for letting you join our sorority. You have some nerve treating your sisters like this.”

  “You aren’t, and never were, my sister,” I said tersely. “Because it was either a Kappa or an Alpha who opened their fucking mouth the first time. Let’s get that straight right now.”

  “You see that, Hanna? You see how ungrateful she is?” Veronica snarled. “I warned you to never to let this chick in. Now we’re forced to lie on her behalf just to defend ourselves, all because she wanted to screw her brother.”

  I stopped in my tracks. “That is not true!” I half-yelled.

  Several students in the area stopped to stare at the confrontation.

  “It’s not?” Veronica hissed, her eyes darting to the onlookers then back to me. “Who do you think you're kidding? Do you really expect us to believe that you didn’t know the guy behind the gladiator mask was your brother or that he didn’t know who you were either?” She rolled her eyes at the sky. “Please.”

  “Shut up, Veronica,” I growled. “No one cares what you think . . . unless it’s about winning dick-sucking contests.”

  Veronica’s faced twisted with rage and she got in my face. “You dirty brother fucker—”

  Shifting the books into the nook of her arm, Hanna pushed Veronica away from me. “Stop it, V. We already have enough problems on our hands.” She looked at me. “Actually, we didn’t follow you here to quiz you on what you said to the dean.”

  I glared at Veronica, who was scowling at me with hatred, and crossed my arms over my breasts. “Why are you here, then?”

  Hanna took a deep breath. “I’ve come up with a plan to protect both Alpha and Kappa.”

  I studied her warily. “And what plan is this?” I really didn't trust any plan that Hanna or Veronica could come up with. After all, it was their silly Sacrifice tradition with Alpha that had us all mixed up in this mess in the first place. Any plan that they came up with certainly wouldn't have my best interest in mind.

  “I had a long talk with Jace Randall today,” Hanna began.

  I let out a groan. Great, dumb meets dumber. Jace might have been one of the most popular guys on NSU’s campus, but he was a total douchebag.

  “And he believes,” Hanna continued, ignoring my glare, “that it would be in the best interests of us all if you pretend to be his girlfriend for a while. Going around together, making a show of it, will do much to quell the rumors about what happened the night of your Sacrifice.”

  “No,” I was saying immediately, shaking my head. “I refuse.” I have to be honest, I was a little taken aback at how they were all banding together to save their own skins.

  Hanna stared at me like I was crazy. “Why not? Have you seen Jace? He’s hot as hell.”

  I glowered. I didn’t mention how he or one of the other members of the frat were probably some of the assholes who started the rumor mill that had us all in this fucking mess. I’d already stated that fact. More than anything else, though, I just didn’t trust him. “Jace is an absolute douchebag.”

  “Seriously?” Veronica asked in disbelief. “One of the hottest guys in the school wants you to be his girl and you turn him down? What’s the matter with you? You claim you didn’t mean to sleep with your stepbrother. Here’s your chance to prove to everyone that you didn’t. Not to mention, it's just pretend anyway.”

  “Yeah,” added Hanna. “Don’t you want to try to squash the rumors?”

  “No,” I said flatly. “I’m not pretending t
o be Jace’s whore.”

  Hanna’s eyes flashed dangerously. “You made an oath when you joined Kappa—”

  “An oath that became null and void when I left,” I cut in.

  Hanna ignored me, continuing on. “And you are honor-bound to help your sisters, just like we're trying to help you now.”

  I laughed inside. Hanna and Veronica didn't give a damn if I dropped dead right then. They just wanted me to go along with their plans because their precious sorority was in danger.

  “I’m sorry,” I said after a moment. “I can’t help you guys. Besides, whoring myself out got us all into this mess. I don’t think more whoring is going to get us out.”

  Veronica stepped toward me, but Hanna reached out and stopped her. “Well, you had better start thinking about the consequences if you don’t,” she said, “because I can guarantee you this—if Kappa falls, so will you.”


  I sat in English class, my thoughts consumed by Bella. I still couldn't believe that she was pregnant. She was carrying our child. The very thought seemed alien to me. It was crazy how I’d come to NSU for a brand-new beginning and wound up with just that, an absolute, life-changing one.

  Whatever the case, I was going to do whatever I could do to minimize the damage I’d done and make sure Bella was taken care of during her pregnancy. The problem was, I had limited options.

  It was clear to me that Bella would only be able to finish out the semester at most. After that, we'd both probably have to put school on hold for a while.

  Fleeing back home wasn’t an attractive option. Our parents would wonder why we were not finishing out our degrees, and once Bella started to show, the questions would really start to fly.

  “What’s on your mind, handsome?” asked a sultry voice.

  I started and looked over to my right. It was a chick named Veronica George. With giant hoop earrings and lush, dick-sucking lips, she was dressed in a skin-tight halter dress that made her obvious implants stand out and some shiny black heels. She didn’t look like she was carrying any books, but when you were that hot, why study when you could blow the professor for an A+?

  Still, with all that going for her, Veronica was as fake as Barbie, and she couldn't hold a candle to Bella. I'm sure some guys dig that fake shit though.

  She probably lies there like a dead fish in the sack anyway, I thought, sizing her up. Stuck-up girls who think they are hot like her always do.

  “Hey,” I said in a casual manner that said I didn’t think Veronica was anything special, not letting my eyes linger too long on her body so she wouldn’t get the wrong idea.

  “It’s a shame what’s happening with the investigation and all,” she said, leaning forward in her seat. “You know, for all of us.”

  Got it. She’s a Kappa. I ignored her. There was no point in engaging in conversation with someone from Kappa about the night of the Sacrifice.

  “Hey, do you hear me talking to you?” she hissed when I didn’t respond.

  I looked up from my work and gave her a blank stare. “I thought you Kappa chicks were good at taking dicks—I mean, hints.”

  Veronica’s eyes flashed dangerously, and I could instantly tell that she was one to watch. “That was a really low blow.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said with false sincerity, “but seriously, I don’t want to talk about it.”

  Veronica became silent for a moment. “I don’t see how you both can claim you didn't recognize each other.”

  I clenched my teeth, jutting out my jawline. “We didn’t.”

  Veronica’s look turned soft. “Tell me how. I’ll listen.”

  I wondered briefly if it was worth my time engaging her. She obviously had ulterior motives, and the way she presented herself made me feel that she couldn't be trusted. Either way, I decided there was no harm giving her a little bit of the truth. And maybe I just needed someone to hear the truth about that night.

  Talking quietly as to not disturb the class, I told her all about my starting at South State as an All-Star, in-demand athlete, my fight with a fellow teammate, and then my subsequent transfer to NSU.

  “And so, that’s how I wound up here,” I said when I was done with the story. “I had no idea Bella was enrolled at this school. I thought she was going to a different school, which is why I didn’t believe that the Sacrifice could be her.”

  “I see,” Veronica said softly, her expression fraudulently empathetic. “I can see how that could make your eyes lie to you.”

  I sighed inwardly. I could tell that she was lying and that she didn’t believe one word I said, but it didn’t matter. None of these people mattered.

  Instead of continuing the conversation, I went back my work and ignored Veronica for the rest of the class. I’m sure it drove her crazy, but I didn’t care. In fact, I took enjoyment that my snub would bring her estimation of her hotness down a notch or two.

  When class was called and I was gathering my books, Veronica stepped up to my side.

  I was immediately hit by a bubblegum-type fragrance that made me think Veronica George was cheap.

  “We should totally hang out sometime,” Veronica suggested hopefully, placing a hand on my shoulder. I knew what she was offering—a good time and sex—which was surprising, all things considered. She wasn’t my type even before Bella, and now . . . I eyed her wearily, and decided that she needed to be knocked down another peg or two. “Sorry,” I said with a wide, mocking grin. “Your mouth isn’t wide enough for my dick.”

  Dusting her hand off my shoulder like it was an annoying insect, I let out an amused chuckle and walked off, leaving Veronica standing there with her mouth wide open in shock. I probably shouldn't have, but from what Bella told me about her, she deserved it.

  * * *

  After a long day of classes, I walked back to the Alpha fraternity house. Unlike Bella, I hadn’t moved out after the night of the Sacrifice. I was seen as somewhat of a hero. The guys had all been willing to cut me slack about what happened, especially because of Bella’s smoldering looks, and some even thought better of me because of it.

  I didn’t think it was fair, but little did I know that I was about to get my first dose of criticism from a bunch of enraged feminists.

  On the manicured lawn in front of the Alpha frat house, I encountered a small group of female protesters holding up signs. I figured they were part of a religious chapter of NSU, given the signs of protest they carried. Huh, religious feminists. That was a new one to me.

  I found it amusing there was not one guy among their group. For a moment, I debated on ignoring them and continuing on inside the frat house. But then I thought I needed a laugh and walked over. As I approached, the majority quieted down, seemingly surprised that I had the balls to confront them.

  “Is all of this really necessary?” I growled menacingly at the girls, walking up with faux anger. I stopped in front of the group and assumed a stance of authority, placing my hands on my waist and glaring at them.

  “We are protesting the sin that goes on in this house,” a protester said. “It is a filthy affront to the decent students who go to this school with all the drinking, partying, and sex that goes on in there. Not to mention members like you, who exploit your position.”

  I didn't bother to respond. There really was no arguing. They'd get tired soon enough.

  Inside the frat house, it was a hub of activity. There were groups of my brothers sitting around the dorm living room, engaged in conversation with serious-looking school officials. I lowered my head and quickly walked through the room, not wanting to be called over and badgered with questions.

  Someone had contacted me earlier in the day with a note stating that Todd James wanted to talk to me. I thought now was as good a time as ever to get the conversation out of the way.

  Since the night of the Sacrifice, Todd was one of the ones who had treated me with even more respect, which was surprising given the fact that he was Alpha’s president. I figured he was the political ty
pe and would have been covering his ass as hard as humanly possible.

  After several moments, the door swung open. Todd was standing there shirtless and wearing gym sweats, a grin on his face. “Stefan, my man,” he greeted me cheerily. “Come on in.”

  I stepped into the room and Todd shut the door behind me. Being the president of Alpha, he had the best room in the dorm, but it wasn’t saying much. His room was a mess, littered with clothing on his bed and floor and several sets of dumbbells scattered all around. Posters of hot supermodels hung on his wall. Nearby, his laptop was open on his desk, the screensaver set to an eye-catching photo shoot of Kate Upton.

  “What’s all that out in the living room?” I asked, staring at the screen. “I thought they were supposed to be interviewing us individually.”

  Todd made a face. “The school decided they wanted to question a group of us all at once, as if that was going to change our story. So far, everyone has been sticking with the same storyline—nothing really happened that night, and the Sacrifice is just a game of destroying your most-prized possession for the fraternity.” He gave me a look. “Of course, we know what the Sacrifice really is, but we can’t let those assholes know that.”

  I still thought it funny that Bella and I were being protected by our peers only because none of them wanted to see their chapter fall. I also found it amazing that no one had cracked and told the school administrators what really happened. They were loyal—I have to give them that.

  I suppose I should have been relieved, all things considered.

  “There’s just one problem,” Todd said slowly.

  I tore my eyes away from the laptop’s screen saver and looked at him. “What’s that?”


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