Captive of the Alpha

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Captive of the Alpha Page 3

by Laxmi Hariharan

  I tighten my hold over her thighs, "We need to work on that outdated vocabulary sweetheart. Makes you sound ancient and I can assure you that from where I am—" I tap the curve of her hip, "—the view is anything but."

  The tiny omega kicks out, and her foot catches me in the groin. I wheeze, and not in pain. My balls go rock solid, that's how much her struggling to get away turns me on. She has spunk, this omega and fuck if I don't find that arousing.

  I want her to fight me, hit out at me, scratch me up while she's at it. Gives me the perfect excuse to mess her up. To tame her and show her who is her master. It's going to make the inevitable fucking so much the hell sweeter. “Don’t interrupt when the grown-ups are talking, little girl.”

  I spank her butt and her muscles tense.

  “Little girl?” She elbows me in the back and fuck if I don't just about come right then.

  “You called me ‘little girl?’” She yells and strains in my hold.

  “Saying it as I see it, darlin’.” I tighten my arms around her. Not letting this one go in a hurry. Too much free entertainment. I snicker.

  “You seem to have your hands full.” Zeus’ eyes gleam. “You sure you didn’t get the wrong omega?”

  Fucking sure, not that I am going to tell him that.

  “One omega, the other…doesn't fucking matter.” I massage the rounded flesh of her ass, and she trembles. “She’ll serve her purpose, and I’ll dispose of her. I’ll chop her into such tiny pieces that you’ll never find her—”

  Her body goes still. Her muscles tense; fear rolls off of her. Good.

  “Unless?” Zeus slaps his palms on his hips.

  “You know what I want. Come to Scotland, apologize for what you did to my citizens, then hand my country back over to me.”

  “Never.” He scowls.

  “Don’t be so hasty. Think it over.” I half angle my body away.

  “You’re the one being hasty. Don’t throw ultimatums you won’t be able to stick to.” Zeus drops his arms by his sides again, his gait casual.

  Fucker’s sure changed his stance. Why does he seem so laid-back all of a sudden?

  I ignore his words. “A week—that’s all the time you have.” Turning, I jump onto the wall.

  “No, Kayden, don’t do that.” Zeus’ voice rises in alarm.

  For me? Nah. Not possible.

  “Else she dies.”

  I throw the words over my shoulder, then I jump.



  The wind whistles past my ears, the sound so loud it fills my head with a howl. There’s a screeching noise; someone is screaming. It’s me. I cling to him, the only solace in a world gone wrong. No…he’s not my solace; he’s the bastard who got me into this situation. The alpha jumped…he…jumped?

  We hit the river, and the impact consumes me. Then the water closes over me; the dank gray Thames pulls me under.

  I sink down, dragged by the currents into a dark Hellscape.

  Am I dying? I can’t see anything, can’t sense anything. Except the coldness that swirls around me, sinking into my blood, my cells. My lungs burn and I can’t hold my breath anymore, I can’t. My throat hurts, and there is a pressure squeezing down on the back of my eyeballs. The water eddies around me. I crack open my eyelids and spot a dark shape headed my way. It's coming at me. Straight at me. No… I swivel away from it. Which way is up? Which way is down? I have never been this disoriented…definitely going to die. Guess it was good I managed to lose my virginity, huh? And to the most gorgeous alpha I have ever met, with the thickest, fattest cock. How about that?

  Something hooks around my waist.

  I open my mouth to scream, and instantly the water rushes in, burning down my throat, filling my lungs, pulling me under…under… Light pours over me, and I draw in a breath, and it hurts. It hurts. My lungs can’t breathe any longer on their own. My throat is so raw. I gasp, and water spurts out. More pressure is applied to my back, ow! Is the entire weight of the Thames sitting on me? Pushing, prodding, not letting me sleep. I want to close my eyes and surrender to the darkness…blackness…the water, I am in the water drowning. My eyes pop open, and I see brown…mud…leaves. There’s more pounding on my back, more water spurts out of my mouth…ugh…I am going to be sick.

  I cough, and all of the contents of my stomach flush out. I groan. Then hands grasp my shoulder and turn me over.

  The world swings around me. I make out the face of a man…him…the alpha who’d knotted me.

  “Kayden?” I pant.

  “You’re alive.”

  His lips firm.

  He’s not pleased I made it? Well, not that I am on his list of favorite people or anything. Something heavy in my chest claws from the inside, stabbing at me…struggling, twitching. “Why did you kidnap me?” My chest heaves.

  “Well, you must be feeling okay if you are back to being your bitchy self again.” He leans back on his haunches.

  “You haven’t known me long enough to find out if I am bitchy…” I gasp, then spit out more water. “Or not.”

  The light haloes his massive shoulders and throws his face in relief. The dark crevasses under his cheekbones draw attention to his harsh features. So beautiful. So lethal. A shiver racks down my spine, and it’s not because I am cold.

  In the deepening dusk, he seems like a monster, a man mountain not of this world. My very own personal nightmare. The alpha who claimed me. He claimed me? Oh my goodness, he claimed me. Panic bubbles in my chest and I gasp aloud.

  His forehead furrows, "Don't lose it now Omega." He peers into my eyes, "I am not the kind who'd soothe you while you have a panic attack."

  My stomach churns. Bile burns my throat and I scrunch up my face.

  "And if you are sick, I'll throw you back into the river."

  I glare at him and the sickness subsides.


  "Alpha-hole to you, sweet one."


  "Need to wash out that mouth of yours...and it's not going to be with water."

  I blink. What the blazes? What did he say?

  My gaze slides down to the bulge between his thighs. Big, hard, throbbing. My mouth waters.

  "So you're not averse to what I implied, eh?"

  My gaze swivels up to meet his. My cheeks flush and one side of his mouth quirks.

  He rises to his feet, his movements lithe.

  For a man who is at least six-feet-seven-inches tall, he has a feline feel about him.

  Bet he's spent a lot of time learning how to blend into the darkness, learning how to take people by surprise, learning how to creep up on unwitting omegas and kidnap them.

  “I abhor you.”

  His left eyelid twitches, “Up.” He jerks his chin.

  Didn't he hear what I said?

  Guess he doesn’t care what I think of him.

  I am an omega he took. So what if I was a virgin? So what if I had saved myself for…who…? For him? For this unfeeling brute who is Zeus’ half-brother. The man who had promised to protect me and my omega sisters but would have handed us over to the Vikings to ensure the safety of his citizens?

  He turns and strides away as I lie there gasping. I try to push myself up and collapse back.

  “I don’t have all fucking day, princess.”

  “Yeah, I am a princess,” I snarl.

  “Right, and I am the Chief of Scotland.” He looks at me from under hooded eyebrows, then snaps his fingers. “Oh! Wait, I am.” He smirks. In that moment, I truly hate this man.

  A low growl catches in my throat. Huh! I am not a fighter, or a warrior. No, I left all of that up to Lucy.

  When we had escaped the Vikings who had attacked my native Russia, my sister Lucy and I had made our way to Scotland with some of the other omegas.

  It had been rumored that Kayden’s father was one of the few alphas who respected omegas’ rights and never forced alphas on them. By the time we’d reached Scotland he was dead, and Kayden—this monster—
had taken over.

  Lucy had been the one to appeal to Kayden, and I had never seen his face. But then, she was always the leader, the warrior. Not me.

  I am an honest-to-goodness breeder omega, one of the few of royal blood. I had saved myself for my alpha, my soul mate, had only wanted to have babies, to marry the prince of my dreams, for hey, I am…was the second princess of the Russian royal family, until the Berserkers attacked and everything went to hell.

  Kayden sent Lucy to assassinate Zeus, but she failed.

  Lucy had mated Zeus instead.

  Zeus had overthrown Kayden and imprisoned him.

  And it should have ended there, except Kayden had escaped, and things have come full circle.

  I have landed back in the hands of this man who will trade me in, given a chance, who will kill me without compunction. Unless I am smart. Strategic. Maybe some of the lessons I learned at my father’s court will come in useful. Already, some of the fighting skills he’d drilled into me had allowed me to escape after the alpha had mated me.

  Tears knock at the backs of my eyes.

  I will not give in to the fear, to the tiredness that drags at my limbs.

  He doesn’t know who I am, and I am going to keep it that way. In this situation, the more I can keep from him, the more I have to work to my advantage.

  I raise my head. “You sure don’t look like a leader.” I rake my gaze over his massive shoulders, the torn and muddied shirt that clings to those sculpted planes of his chest, to the concave stomach, and don't look down. Don't. My gaze slides further to where his pants tent. I gulp. Is the bulge bigger than before?

  A cloud of heat spools off of him and slams into me. The musky scent of his arousal fills the air and I gasp. How would it feel to taste him? Feel him pulsing inside of me and filling me again? My pussy throbs and saliva pools in my mouth. The hell am I thinking?

  He took me without asking for my consent, remember?

  I definitely don't want to taste him. I don't.

  Had he purposefully planted that thought in my head?

  I raise my gaze to his face, and catch him staring. My cheeks redden.

  “You can’t lie to save your life.” The alpha-hole smirks. Then his lips smash together in a straight line. “Get the fuck up.” He snaps his fingers. “I won’t ask again.”

  The hushed dominance in his voice sweeps over my spine and tugs me up.

  I look down to find I am standing. Oh, hell. He is so macho, so full of himself, so commanding… everything in me insists that I follow him.

  That I throw myself on the ground, part my thighs, and ask him to mount me again and again. I don’t want to submit to my base nature. And not to the man who has no respect for me.

  He glowers at me. I shiver.

  He jerks his chin, and I straighten my spine.

  Perhaps it’ll get easier if I play the role, he demands of me? What if I pretend to be an omega who has given in to her needs? What if I take what he is offering? Can I use him to find my release?

  I hold his gaze and walk over to him.

  My knees tremble, but I keep moving. Put a little twitch into my hips, thrust my breasts out, and make it to him. I place my fingers on his crotch, and his pulsing length fills my palm.

  His hips thrust forward, and I curve my fingers around his rigid shaft. Hot. Throbbing. So full of life. My throat closes. My breathing quickens.

  His eyebrows slash down, and I almost keen with anticipation.

  A growl rips out of him, and I can’t stop the whine that bleeds out of me in response.

  If I don’t hold on to that secret part of me, I will have submitted to him before the night is over. And while that may be inevitable, I plan to hold on to some shred of my dignity every step of the way.

  Which means I will do this…but on my terms.

  I place my hand on his massive dick, and one side of his lips curls. “So, you’ve finally come to your senses?”

  He folds his palm over mine and squeezes my fingers around his shaft. The shape of him is full and hard. The length of him is so enticing. Moisture pools between my thighs.

  His chest swells; the cords of his throat move.

  “Take it out.”

  “What? Here?”

  I look around at the water of the Thames behind us, the banks beyond, and the building that marks the complex from which we escaped.

  “Don’t make me wait.”

  His free arm snakes out and grabs the nape of my neck. He firms his grip, and I part his already undone fly. His dick springs out. My gaze drops to his cock. Long, angry. The head is already purple and looking up at me. Moisture beads the slit.

  “Touch it.”

  I fold my fingers around his dick and his thigh muscles flex. I scoop up the mixture that beads the head of his dick, then bring the moisture to my lips and lick it.

  A low snarl rends the air.

  “Fuck this.”

  He presses down with his fingers. I sink to my knees in the muddy sludge until I am at eye level with that monster cock.

  Up close I can see the vein that runs up the back of the shaft.

  I fold my fingers around his dick, and they barely meet around the girth.

  It’s bigger, more imposing than I had thought…and that…that thing has been inside of me. I swallow. No wonder it had hurt. He had filled me up and fucked me senseless.

  A trembling sets off in my belly.

  His dick lengthens further in my grasp. “How is it possible you are aroused after that near-death fall?” I jut out my chin. “Or maybe it’s because of the experience that you are turned on? Does jumping into a river with a helpless woman in your arms make you feel all macho? Or maybe it’s because you fucked me against my will? Bet that was a notch in your already-long list of accomplishments?”

  His jaw hardens. “Less talking, more putting that mouth to use.”

  If he puts his dick in my mouth, I am going to—

  “Don’t think of it.” He scowls. “If you bite me, I’ll make you suffer so much you’ll regret the moment you set eyes on it.”

  “I regret it already. I—”

  He grabs my hair and tugs. My head falls back, my mouth opens, and he shoves his cock in.

  Hot. Pulsing. My pussy clenches even as I cough.

  My senses are full of him, tangy, salty, the skin so soft, and underneath it steel, throbbing life.

  His cock slides over my tongue, bumping against my teeth, and he groans.

  I peer up at him from under my eyelashes to find the skin pulled over his cheekbones. His chest rises and falls, his gaze locked on my face.

  I pull back then flick out my tongue and curl it around his flesh, and his shoulders twitch.

  I close my lips around his dick and suck, and a growl rocks his chest.

  I have never given head before but heard it described by the other omegas. That, and something insane inside of me directs me to squeeze my fingers around his cock and swallow.

  He draws in a breath. “Fuck.” His other arm drops, and he cups the back of my head. “Take me in.”

  He yanks me forward so his dick slides in and stabs at the back of my throat. I gag; tears spring up and run down my cheeks. He lets go of my hair long enough to scoop up a drop and bring it to his lips. He sucks on it. A strange glow comes into his eyes, then fades away. The planes of his face harden, and a shutter seems to close his features. His hand descends to the top of my head.

  He lets go of my hair only to grab my nape. He pulls me forward, and again. With each move his dick slides down my throat. He goes at it, using my mouth to pleasure himself.

  I am another omega who can give him what he needs. How many others has he fucked before me?

  My belly clenches and a slow burn starts in my chest. Why should I feel jealous? No way. Not after how he took me.

  The man’s forcing me to give him a blow job, and all I can think is I can’t bear to have anyone else near his dick. I swallow, taking him in further down my throat. My gag re
flex kicks in, and I choke.

  A low purr ripples up his chest.

  He squeezes my nape and I peer up at him from under my eyelashes. A muscle tics at his jawline. Color reddens his cheeks.

  I must be doing something right for he's enjoying it.

  I raise my other hand and grab his hip. My touch seems to fire him up. He yanks and tugs and shoves me back and forth, back and forth, until his dick lengthens, his breathing goes harsher.

  Spit dribbles from my mouth, flows down my chin. Fresh tears leak from my eyes, but he doesn’t stop.

  His chest heaves; his hips jerk. He bites down on his lower lip, and the sight of his white teeth digging into that full, plump flesh sends a fresh burst of slick flowing out from between my legs. The scent of my arousal, sugary sweet, envelops us.

  His nostrils flare, then his dick pulses, and hot cum shoots down my throat. It fills my mouth and overflows, and still he keeps coming. It’s too much. I gasp, choke, and he doesn’t let go. My body sways, and I grab his hip for purchase.

  He keeps me right there, daring me with his gaze to move away. Bastard. I fucking hate the hold he has on me.

  There’s a sound behind us, footsteps pounding up the riverbank. My shoulders jump, but he doesn’t stop.

  He restrains me, until I swallow down the last drops. Only then does he release me.

  I open my mouth, and his dick slips out, still partially erect. What the hell, is he still aroused? Are all alphas this way? How long can he keep going?

  I sit back on my haunches, and my butt lands in the mud with a wet plop

  The taste of his cum…tangy, with an underlying hint of something else…a dark edge that is quintessentially him. The scent of him fills my senses. I flick out my tongue and lick my lips, and his gaze narrows.

  More footsteps sound, closer, and I look over my shoulder, peering into the darkness. Zeus’ men are no doubt right behind us, and he fished me out of the river, then couldn’t wait for me to give him a blow job. Here. Either he’s insane or he gets off on danger. Probably both. Sick fuck.

  He snaps his fingers, and I swivel my head back to him. I hate it when he does that.

  He grabs my wrist and breaks into a run.


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