Captive of the Alpha

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Captive of the Alpha Page 4

by Laxmi Hariharan



  I plow into the undergrowth, not looking back.

  I had been harsh to her so she'd stop feeling worry for herself. And no it wasn't empathy. I needed her to keep fighting; it was no fun if she didn't.

  That blow job threat? It had been to provoke her. Hell, she was a virgin, I'd expected to intimidate her into doing what I wanted. Instead she had stared at my dick like she wanted to eat it. Then she'd grabbed my cock and fuck... all thought had spilt from my head. Yeah I had come close to spilling myself right there in my pants. It's why I had pushed her to the ground, and then, the way she had sucked and swallowed and taken me all the way in it had made me want to throw her down and slam into her all over again.

  Her green eyes shining up at me, her mouth wrapped around my cock, her tongue sliding around the tip…She had to have had practice in doing it. My shoulders tense.

  Who had she done it with? How dare she have touched any other alpha except me? My chest hurts. A hot need coils low in my belly. Why do I feel this possessive about her? She's only the means to an end, remember? I pick up the pace and pull ahead.

  Not caring that she can’t keep up…no, not true. I want her with me, and surely, it’s only because I am all too happy to have my very own personal slave.

  My omega, who I intend to use and abuse. I can’t wait to be inside of her again.

  Can’t wait to slide my palm over her soft skin, slap her butt, mark that white creamy flesh, close my mouth around her nipples and tug and bite and lick and suck. I want to fuck her again, knot her over and over until every hole of hers has been taken and filled with me. I’d been her first.

  Maybe that’s why I’d claimed her?

  My instinct had insisted and I had followed it. It doesn’t mean anything, does it? I will not be tied down by a mate. Not now. Not when I owe it to my people to free their country from Zeus.

  A jolt of fire digs behind my rib cage, and I rub my hand over my chest.

  I increase my speed, and she stumbles, then rights herself.

  “You’re slowing me down, woman.” I shoot her a glance over my shoulder.

  Her forehead furrows, and her gaze skitters to the side, then back to me.

  “If you try to escape, I’ll hunt you down, and then what I did to you earlier will seem like I had been easy on you.” I turn to go, stop again. Fuck it. I let go of her arm, then haul her up and over my shoulder.

  “Let me down, you Neanderthal.”

  Neanderthal? Really? One side of my lips twitches and I swallow down my chuckle.

  “I can walk on my own,” She beats her fists on my back.

  The patter of those small knuckles sends pinpricks of pleasure down my spine. She’ll make for an interesting diversion on the journey to Scotland, where I'll recon with my team who have escaped Zeus, then wait for my half-brother to find us.

  I keep running, thrashing through the bushes, between the trees. Her body bounces against my shoulder. The hard planes must dig into her ribs and hurt her, but I don’t stop. I don’t care, I don’t. So why do I speed up further?

  Only because no way am I giving her up.

  I can’t let the other alphas catch up with us. When had this become about protecting her, taking her, keeping her, and less about winning back everything that is mine? I shake my head to clear it. The scent of her pussy wraps around me. The sweetness of her arousal seems to cling to my every pore. The skin of my hips where she had grabbed me burns, needing her fingers on my bare skin. Willingly.

  The fuck? I don’t need her to do anything for me.

  I don’t care if she’s willing.

  She is mine to use as I want.

  Mine to take as I need.

  My pussy. My cunt. That is all. My breath heaves; my lungs burn. I need to rut her and get her out of my system.

  I burst out of the forest and onto the road leading away. And on the side is a parked SUV. Next to it a man taking a piss, his back to us. I keep going. He hears my footsteps, turns, his fingers still around his dick. I bend my neck, charge, head butt him in the chest. He crashes to the ground then starts to rise again and I bring my foot down on his head, smashing him back. He groans. The omega screams and thrashes in my hold. I tighten my grip on her, and moving to the SUV, grab the door on the driver’s side and yank it open.

  Fucker left it unlocked. Figures. Zeus’ alphas are well-trained, but they are susceptible to bodily needs…like me. Yeah, she weakens me. It’s why once I am done with her, I will walk away from her. Fucking her and knotting her is a way of pissing off Zeus. So he knows that I can mess with what belongs to him. It's a way of getting back at him.

  Yeah, that’s all this is.

  I shove her inside, pushing her until she has no choice but to move over to the other seat. Then I follow her in.

  Tearing the shirt from my chest, I grab her wrists and loop the fabric around them, then thread it to the door handle and secure it. She wriggles around in the seat, and frowns at me. How adorable. If looks could kill, I’d be bleeding on the ground. Still I don’t put it past her to try to escape, not that she can, but hey, not taking any chances. I grab the sheath she’s wearing and tug. The material is wet. I yank it once more, and it gives with a ripping sound.

  She screams, then glances at her naked self.

  My gaze rakes over her breasts, down to where her pussy glistens. The scent of her deepens in the air, and my cock twitches. Fuck. Need to get the hell out of here and to a place where no one else can see her, no one but me. I drop my head, and she screams and tries to sidle away.

  “I am not going to hurt you.”

  “You already did.”

  Yeah, but if she knew what I really wanted to do to her...It would only scare her further, and I’m considerate like that. Better show than tell and use the element of surprise. No preconceived notions that way, get me? And she’ll only be more open to enjoying the many ways I plan to take her. Tear up her pussy, take her ass, wrap my fingers around that glorious hair, and shove my dick inside her mouth again. Right before I drag her across my lap and palm her butt, the backs of her thighs, and come all over her. Mark her with the imprints of my fingers, streaks of my cum. Drag my tongue into every nook and crevasse of her body. My head pounds. I start the vehicle, and it leaps forward.

  “You don’t need to tie me up. I have already shown you that I will come willingly.”

  I shoot her a glance sideways. Right. I don’t say anything, but I am sure my look communicates my level of incredulity. She sets her jaw. Is she going to argue the point? Her shoulders hunch, and a shiver ripples over her skin. She pulls up her legs and huddles into herself.

  “You’re cold.”

  “Your powers of deduction are incredible.”

  I glare at her. “Enough.”

  She shivers again, then firms her lips.

  Bet it turns her on when I command her to do my bidding. Bet if I leaned across and fingered her pussy, I'd find her soaking wet. Bet if I keep up this line of thought I'd come in my pants. I tighten my grip on the steering wheel. Can't you go a few seconds without thinking of burying your dick in that soft pussy of hers? I force my attention back on the road.

  “We’ll find a place soon where you can get a fresh set of clothes.”

  Headlights brighten the interior of the car. The fuck?

  I glare at the rearview mirror, then swear under my breath. She’d distracted me, slowed me down enough that I’d let them catch up with us. Never again. Taking my hands off of the steering wheel, I lean around, grab the seat belt, and snap it into place around her.

  “What the—?”

  I tune her out, grab the steering wheel again, and press down on the accelerator. The SUV leaps forward, and she screams.

  I keep going, but the car follows.

  Another few minutes, and he seems to be getting closer.

  I increase the speed, and the following vehicle accelerates further.

  The tires screech, but hold.

>   I focus on the road ahead, stay on track, pick up the pace, up the next rise, then slow down to nudge the other vehicle aside and brake to a stop.

  I slam on the brakes, the SUV careening, then stopping so suddenly that sparks trail the wake of my car.

  The other vehicle pulls ahead. I step on the accelerator, then swerve to the left, nudging the fender of the car ahead. It crashes off of the road and plunges into the undergrowth.

  I stay on course and keep going.

  Silence descends on the car, except for her breathing. I glance at her face. Sweat shines on her brow, and her knuckles are white where she’s holding the door handle. She looks straight ahead, the skin stretched over her cheekbones. Her legs still curled in on the seat, showing the front of her legs. White, creamy skin that is soft to touch. I turn and focus on the road.

  “I’ll find us a place and get you some clothes.”

  She doesn’t reply. Her teeth chatter, the sound harsh, and I set my jaw. She’s clearly going into shock. A pulse tics at my jaw. Yeah, well, you did take her against her will, then dove off the building into the river, made her give you a blow job… That’s the kind of man I am. The man who’d adopted me was someone who’d respected women, who’d drilled into me the need to be different from the other alphas, who’d wanted to usher in a new way of living where omegas were given the same positions as alphas. “Equal rights,” he’d called it.

  He’d said that’s how the world had been once.

  I had believed him, too… I had wanted to be like him, idolized him. The same need to play by the rules, to be the kind of human he was, had caused his death. Killed by one of his own alphas. His closest friend and advisor.

  When I’d seen Ethan, he’d reminded me of that double-timing bastard. I’d killed my father’s assassin. Had sworn I’d never let another get close enough to kill me. My belief had only been borne out by Zeus. He’d taken my country. I’d taken an omega from his harem…quid pro quo…not.

  This was turning out to be far more complicated than expected. But it didn’t need to be, not if I simply stuck to my plan. Used her body to assuage my needs, then negotiated a barter with Zeus. Luckily, my half-brother has many faults. Ego is one of them. I can count on that for him to follow me to Scotland, to find a way to get her back. I simply have to regroup with my team before that.

  She groans low in her throat.

  I look to her and find her shivering. She leans her forehead on her knees, and her muscles quiver. Sweat beads her shoulders. The scent of slick saturates the air.

  A growl rips from my chest. “You are going into heat?”

  “Good guess.” Her teeth chatter, making a sound that tears at my gut.

  My belly clenches. My vision narrows. I can’t let anyone near her when she’s like this. One whiff of the potent omega slick is enough to send any alpha into rut. My dick strains, warning me I am not far from losing control myself. Oh, wait, I did lose it, not once, but twice with her already.

  I press down on the accelerator, and the SUV picks up speed.

  I need to put distance between us and Zeus. The further away we are, the safer.

  She moans again.

  I shoot her a glance to find she has lowered her feet to the ground.

  She wriggles her hips; her shoulders snap back and those full succulent breasts thrust out.

  “The fuck you doing?”



  His gaze rakes down my exposed breasts, to my lap. My feet are flat on the floor, and I rub my thighs together, again and again. I need to fill that aching space between my legs.

  “Stop that.”

  His voice whiplashes over me. Dominant. Demanding. My thighs quiver, and I pause, heaving.

  The gnawing sensation in my core only worsens. I curve my spine, and my head falls back. “I need…” I gasp, sliding my tongue out to lick my cracked lips. “Need…”

  “You’re going into heat?”

  “It was a few days away." I choke out the words. "I’d felt the onset, but the stress of the forced…” I swallow. “The forced knotting, then the stress of the escape, it—”

  “Sent you over the edge.”

  I raise my head and shoot him a glance.

  His profile is regal. Hooked nose, square jaw, that beautiful neck, and below that the cut torso of his streaked with sweat and mud. I take in his concave stomach and gulp. One, two, three...eight. He has an eight pack? Who has an eight pack? I've never seen an alpha with an eight pack.

  My gaze lowers and oh, wow! His half-undone pants ride low on his lean hips. That 'V' of his torso is so defined. So this is what the other omegas refer to as a 'man chest,' eh? I swallow, and right on cue, the fabric over his crotch tents. I swear his cock hardens, stretching his pants as I watch. Does my staring at it turn him on?

  It must.

  My lungs burn and I draw in a breath. The rush of oxygen goes to my head. The world tilts and I dig my feet into the floor for purchase.

  "Don't faint on me."


  "If you do, I'll have to fuck you back to consciousness, and I don't like to knot inert bodies. Much prefer my omegas conscious and fighting."

  I snap my head up to stare at him.

  "That got your attention, huh?" One side of his lips twists. "Bet you don't feel lightheaded either, eh? And I was just kidding, sweet thing. I wouldn't do that to you now." He shoots me a sideways glance. "Or maybe I would?"

  Is he as nasty as he makes himself out to be? Or is it all an act? I mean, no one can be this...this arrogant. This full of himself. This much of an unfeeling brute, right?

  A low growl rumbles in his chest. The sound coils around me, tugging on my nerves.

  Heat fizzes down my spine, slapping into my womb. On its heels, a streak of cold coils in my chest. My entire body jerks and I moan. Darn it, it hurts. The estrus is creeping up on me.

  I squeeze my thighs together, dragging the edge of my elbow down, trying to reach between my legs. “K…Kayden.”

  His gaze shoots to me. “Alpha.” He glowers. “You call me Alpha. That’s all I am to you.”

  “O…okay.” Guess he is every bit as unfeeling as his façade. I swallow down the crushing disappointment that expands in my chest.

  “What do you need?”

  The vehicle seems to speed up further.

  Good thing there are no other cars on the road. Good thing I am near him. Near all that testosterone. That force of will which thrums against my veins, drawing me in, tugging at me, pulling at me. Urging me to go closer, closer.

  I strain against the bindings. “Please.” That hated word again.

  He betrayed my sister. Stole me from my sanctuary, and I… I can’t get enough of him. His cock…that’s all this is about.

  I drop my gaze to where his pants tent.

  The hard column of his shaft strains the fabric. Precum stains the cloth and I lick my lips. I want to hold him, pet him. Take him in my mouth, feel that rigid muscle inside of me, tearing up my cunt, filling me…loving me. What? No. That thought shoves aside the sexual haze in my head. I straighten, breath coming in gasps, and shake my head.

  “Changed your mind about asking me to rut you?”




  Another moan wells up, and I bite the inside of my cheek.

  “It’s only going to get worse. Think about how easily I could put you out of your misery, when you’re trying to give in to your instincts and find every part of yourself shuddering, and wanting to tear out your hair, your skin, your nails.” He swivels around to look ahead.

  A breath hitches in my throat.

  He’s trying to scare me. I’ve only heard about omegas going insane with heat, without medication to ease them through it, or alphas to break their cycle. He’s using it as a subtle form of coercion, no doubt to force me into begging him. I won’t. I will not.

  Tremors flood my skin, pooling in my chest, between my thighs. I want him. I need hi
m. I will not ask him. I will not.

  Ask him.

  Ask. Ask. Ask.

  I drop my head and moan. “Drat you to Hell.”

  “That’s, ah!" His mouth twitches, "Drat you to Hell, Alpha.”

  “Fucking alpha.”

  “You only have to ask.”

  “Never.” I squeeze my eyes shut. Straighten my shoulders. I have my pride…sort of.

  “Or maybe you don’t want to be given a choice. Maybe you want me to simply throw you down and rut into you and put you out of your misery, you little liar.”

  “Not. A. Liar.” I hiccup.

  The cold digs in its claws into my guts. Am I going to die from this need tearing me up from inside?

  Why hadn’t anyone told me this? Why hadn’t they warned me that going into heat with a potent, muscle mass of sheer alpha male within arms-length is like sweet death? Like every single wet dream rolled into one double-fisted punch that will take every single thought, breath, coherent intent away from you?

  I dig my nails into the palms of my hands.

  He clucks his tongue, and I flinch.

  “There you go again. You have two options. You ask me, and I rut you.”

  “The second?”

  “You don’t ask and I still…rut you.”

  The arrogance of this man. I draw in a trembling breath. “But… I… I thought you said you’d give me a choice?”

  “I haven’t decided yet. You have a choice until you don’t. Maybe I’ll lose my patience and take you anyway. Use you, then hand you over to my men to finish off the rest of the cycle, how’s that?”

  “You…you wouldn’t.” I stare at him in horror.

  “Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do. It’s up to you how this plays out. Satisfy me, be a good little hostage, and perhaps I may go easy.” He shoots me a sideways glance under hooded eyes.

  Is he lying? I can’t tell if he is. He’s wiped all expression from his face. Given how he’s acted with me so far, chances are he’ll carry out his threat.

  “Bastard.” My teeth chatter. My jaw aches. My very cells seem to be tearing apart. Anything, anything to be put out of this misery. Anything.


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