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Lucifer's Cage (After Dark Book 6)

Page 18

by Sarah Bailey

  Ignoring her, he spied Jaxon in the corner, looking sorry for himself.

  Where is she?

  He strode over, stopping next to the table with Candace’s friend. Jaxon almost jumped out of his chair.

  “Tell me where she is, now,” Lucifer said.

  “She ran in the loos,” Jaxon said, pointing towards the door. “What are you doing here?”

  He didn’t bother answering the boy’s question, walking away and shoving open the door to the ladies toilets. In one of the cubicles, huddled by the wall was Candace, her head in her hands, sobbing quietly. The sight of it broke him.

  What the fuck did that boy say to her?

  He knelt down at her feet, putting a hand on her leg. He didn’t want to startle her.


  She raised her head slowly. Her eyes were watery and bloodshot.

  “You came,” she whispered.

  “I would’ve been here sooner if you’d told me where you were.”

  “I… sorry, I didn’t think. Shit.”

  More tears fell down her cheeks as she hiccupped on a sob. The smell of sick assaulted his nose. He stood, flushing the toilet and grabbing some paper from the holder. He leant down, dabbing her mouth and cheeks. He chucked it away before putting his arms out to her.

  “Come here.”

  He helped her to her feet and bundled her up in his arms, kissing the top of her head. For once, he really did want to be gentle with her. Seeing her so upset made his heart ache.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked.

  “No,” she sobbed. “I just want to leave. Take me back to the flat, please.”

  He hooked his arm under her legs and picked her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest.

  I’ll take you wherever you want, my little witch, as long as it makes you happy again. That boy’s days are numbered.

  All eyes fell on the two of them when he carried her out of the toilets. Jaxon stood up.

  “Candace,” he said.

  Lucifer glared at the boy, striding away. Candace didn’t even look up, she just clutched him tighter.

  “Well I never,” the bartender said quietly. “She was serious about getting with the Devil. Go Candace.”

  What? Does Candace know this vampire? Did she mention their involvement with each other?

  He could ask her about it later. They were out the door the next moment and up on the street. He took to the skies and it wasn’t long before they landed outside her flat.

  She gave him her keys from her bag, which was slung across her chest. He set her down on her bed when he’d let them both in. She put a hand over her mouth and dashed into the bathroom. The sounds of her hurling her guts up made him follow her.

  She looked pale as she sat back after flushing, breathing heavily. He picked up a face cloth from her bathroom sink and wet it. He rang it out before kneeling beside her and wiping her brow.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “You shouldn’t have to take care of me.”

  “Why not?”

  “I feel like you’re always rescuing me.”

  “You told me I wasn’t a knight in shining armour.”

  “Perhaps I spoke too soon.”

  He smiled, stroking her hair. She reached up, cupping his face.

  “Te amo.”

  He never wanted her to stop saying ‘I love you’ for as long as they were together. He couldn’t imagine her not looking at him as if he was her everything.

  “Let me brush my teeth,” she said, dropping her hand from his face.

  He helped her to her feet and went into her kitchen, pouring her a glass of water. There was a strange envelope on her counter. He stared down at it. It gave him an ill sense of foreboding.

  A moment later, he felt two arms band around his waist and a forehead pressed into his back. He closed his eyes, running his fingers over the backs of her hands.

  “I don’t care if you don’t agree with me,” she murmured. “You’re mine.”

  Her possessive tone made him smile.

  I’ll always be yours, little witch. You stole my heart and you own my soul.

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “Yes.” One of her hands ran down his stomach, coming to rest just above his belt. “If no one else can touch me, those same rules apply to you.”

  He felt the tingling sensation of her magic. Looking down, he spied pink smoke curling around his belt buckle and tugging it open. There was no doubt in his mind what she was after now.

  “I’ll hurt anyone who tries,” she continued. “They’ll wish they never laid eyes on the Devil when I’m done.”

  “Is that so? A rather bold claim.”

  She tugged his shirt out of his trousers, tucking her hands underneath and trailing them along the bare skin of his stomach. His muscles tensed.

  “You might be able to stop me using magic, but that doesn’t apply to others.”

  Her assertiveness was too much of a turn on. He was rock hard and wanted to fuck her against the counter.

  As much as I adore her hands on me, I should make her talk about what that boy said.

  “Mmm, you’re welcome to use it on me for pleasure, little witch.”

  Those were not the words he meant to say. Pink smoke trailed up his torso before his shirt was ripped open. Her magic against his skin tingled, brushing over his chest with the gentlest of touches. She ran her fingers up his arms, tugging off both his jacket and shirt. Her breath against his back was quickly replaced by her mouth.

  “Candace,” he hissed.

  “Not going to tell me I have to do as you say?”

  He shuddered involuntarily when she ran a hand over him. Her fingers curled around his cock.

  “No,” he replied, almost breathlessly. “You said I’m yours, so perhaps you should use me as you please.”

  She’d started this game and now, he never wanted her to stop.

  Fuck, I want her on her knees, staring into my eyes with her mouth wrapped around me, taking it all.

  Memories of when he’d forced her to that first time almost made him groan.

  “Turn around.”

  He stilled, staring down at that envelope again. It bothered him. He needed to stop this and get her to read whatever was inside it.

  “There’s something for you here.”

  She let him go.

  “Don’t care. Turn around.”

  “You can do with me what you wish after you’ve looked at this.”

  She let out a long frustrated sigh.

  “Lucifer, I want to wrap my lips around your cock before I push you down on my bed and ride you. Is it really more important than either of those things?”

  Fuck. No. It’s most definitely not.

  Hearing her tell him she wanted to suck him off made his blood pound in his ears. He picked up the envelope anyway, turning around and holding it out to her. Her cheeks were flushed, her violet eyes dark with unconcealed desire, lust, love.

  She looked down at what was in his hands. The blood drained from her face. She snatched it from him, ripping open the envelope and looking down at the embossed card. Her eyes scanned over it. She said nothing, reaching around him and slamming it back down on the counter.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  She didn’t answer. Her hands shot out pressing him back against the counter before she tugged at the zip of his trousers. She had him freed the next moment, dropping to her knees, she did exactly what she told him she wanted to do. Wrapped her lips over him, her small hand curling around the base. And she sucked hard, making him groan.

  Fuck. Little witch. I can’t fucking think straight.

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Lucifer’s hands curled into her hair, encouraging her to slide her lips over him and take more.

  “Fuck,” he grunted.

  She looked up at him.

  Shit, she is sexy as fuck on her knees, worshipping me.

  Her violet eyes
flickered with anger, but he imagined it wasn’t directed at him. She took him in long, drawn out strokes of her mouth. All he wanted was to bury himself down her throat.

  “Little witch, you’re going to make me come quickly if you keep that up.”

  She smiled, her lips wrapped around him, increasing her pace.

  Fuck, that’s exactly what she wants.

  Her teeth grazed over him. He shuddered, fingers digging into her scalp.

  “More, fuck, Candace, take it all.”

  He gripped the back of her head. Her pretty lips were already halfway down his length, but it wasn’t enough. She tilted her head up slightly and he hit the back of her mouth. Slowly, he inched down her throat until she almost choked.

  Her eyes weren’t panicked. She stroked his thigh, encouraging him to fuck her in the way he clearly wanted to. He groaned, thrusting in and out her throat until the intensity had him pulling back. She released him entirely, taking several deep gulps of air.

  “Shit,” she muttered.

  Before he had a chance to ask her what was wrong, she took him again. Gone was any need to tease. Within minutes, he gripped the counter and cursed several times.

  “Little witch,” he grunted.

  His body tensed, the pleasure riding over him in waves.

  Fuck, she knows how to drive me fucking crazy.

  When the last pulses faded, she pulled away, standing up.

  “You have no idea how much it turns me on having your cock in my mouth. I need to fuck you. Now.”

  Barely giving him time to register what she’d said, she launched herself at him. Her mouth met his, her kiss electrifying. Her fingers tangled in his hair.

  “I’m so fucking angry. How dare she invite me to a fucking dinner in honour of my fake engagement. Fuck her. I’m not marrying that piece of shit. After all that crap with Jax, this is the last thing I need. Fuck. My heart fucking hurts. How could he lie to me about his feelings? All this fucking time. Fuck you, Jax. Damn it. I’m fucking angry and yet I’m so fucking turned on I can barely think straight. I’m so fucked up. I need him in me, like right fucking now so I can lose myself for one minute.”

  The onslaught of her thoughts made him freeze. He pulled away, holding her shoulders so she couldn’t capture his mouth again. She panted, staring up at him with confusion.

  “Your mother invited you to a dinner?”

  “Yes, fuck, you heard me. I forgot about that.”

  She ran a hand through her hair.

  “Can’t you see I need you? If only you could feel how wet I am. Fuck, seriously, Lucifer, I fucking ache right now. Please, let me fuck you and then I’ll talk.”

  The pleading notes in her voice broke through all his concerns.

  Just how wet is she? I need to know.

  He took her hand, tugging her into the bedroom with him.

  “Where do you want me?” he asked.

  “Bed and no clothes.”

  He grinned, obliging with a click of his fingers as he lay down. Her eyes roamed over him with unconcealed desire.

  “Fuck, every time I look at you, I get so wet, so fucking turned on,” she whispered.

  “Do you want to show me how turned on you are?”

  Her eyes snapped to his.

  “Oh, you’ll see soon enough.”

  She crawled over him, taking one of his hands and shoving it above his head.

  “I know you’ll be able to get out of this, but let me do this my way. Just this once.”

  “I’ll let you have your way many times over if it means you’ll suck my cock like that again, little witch. Just say the word.”

  Pink smoke curled out of her fingers. When it dissipated, two lengths of rope lay in her free hand. She placed one of them down on the bed beside them before she laced the rope around his wrist and tied him to one of the metal poles on her headboard. She took his other hand, doing the same with that one. He stared up at her with a grin.

  “Tying me up? That’s a little kinky.”

  She leant down, her breath tickling his ear.

  “I think you’re the king of kink with your desire to restrain and whip me until I’m panting and writhing beneath you, begging you to fuck me.”

  He tested the restraints. She certainly knew how to tie a knot, but he wouldn’t try and escape regardless. Tonight was about giving her what she needed and if that was him at her mercy, then he’d oblige until she was ready to talk.

  “You won’t like not being able to touch me, Lucifer. I’m going to make you beg. Maybe I’ll say yes if you please me.”

  She pulled away, winking at him before jumping off the bed. He bit his lip. Candace wasn’t holding back. He’d opened her eyes to a new world of sexual pleasure. He knew she’d never let anyone hurt her before. Now, she wanted his pain because it got her off.

  Their dark desires called to each other. The whirlwind of lust caught them up in its storm, rendering it impossible to escape. They’d never be free of each other. He didn’t want to be. He wanted to be trapped in her gilded cage forever just as she was in his.

  “Tell me, little witch, how long have you fantasised about restraining me?”

  “I’ve fantasised about a lot of things involving you. I intend to make them all a reality.”

  I bet she has. That mind of hers is always churning away.

  Her fingers went to her shirt buttons. She undid them one by one, watching him carefully. Seeing her undress slowly made him ache. He already wanted to beg her to impale herself on his cock so he could feel her heat. Her boots came next, sliding down her shapely legs. Her jeans followed soon after. She stood in lacy pink underwear which did little to conceal her assets from him. Not that he was complaining.

  Shit, she has no idea how sexy she is. How her confidence in her own skin makes me want to fuck her so hard. Damn, why did I just agree to allow her to tie me up?

  “I don’t have to ask if you like what you see, I can tell.”

  “Are you going to stand there and let me look at you in that all night? Because that’d be just plain cruel.”

  She laughed, kneeling on the bed and running her hand up his calf. Her touch sent tingles up his spine.

  “No, that would be cruel for both of us. I’m going to ride your cock, that’s a guarantee, but whether I let you touch me is still up for debate.”

  “Tell me, what else have you fantasised about?”

  She crawled over him, her fingers trailing up his stomach and chest.

  “Mmm, would it be terribly naughty of me to want you to fuck me when you’re all angelic, wings, halo, everything?”

  His lips curved up into a smile.

  “I think I’ll crown you the queen of kink before the night is over.”

  “Am I your queen?”

  She ran her nails down his chest, the sharp tug of pain made him harder.

  She’s right. I will be begging her to let me touch her. Fuck.

  “You’ve been my queen since the day we met. The Queen of Hell. Do you want that? Do you want me to make you my equal?”

  Her expression changed from lust-filled to shock and confusion. She’d told him they weren’t equals, but he didn’t see it that way. She was his equal in every sense. Her passion, her fire, her vulnerability, the way she cared. Everything about her was perfect. Even when she was sometimes cruel and scathing.

  Fuck do I love this woman. I would defy my own Father for her if she asked it of me.


  “Did I not make the question clear?”

  “I… that’s… Lucifer, you can’t just spring that on me when we’re about to fuck. How is that fair?”

  He grinned at her.

  “All’s fair in love and war, did no one tell you that?”

  Her nails dug into his chest harder. She leant down, her mouth brushing over his, her violet eyes narrowed. He tried to kiss her, but she kept just out of reach.

  “War… I’ll draw the battle lines right here,” she whispered, capturing his
face in her hand, her finger dragging over his bottom lip. “If you want me to kiss you, then you have to ask nicely. Perhaps I’ll give you my answer.”

  The way she’d gone from confused to back in control made his blood pound harder. He imagined her inner monologue wasn’t calm and collected.

  Quite possibly why she won’t kiss me. She can’t prevent me hearing what’s on her mind.

  “You’ve grown bold, my little witch. It’s incredibly sexy. Are you sure you want to continue teasing me? When I break free of these restraints, I won’t hold back, unless you like it when I’m rough with you.”

  “You know the answer to that already.”

  Her nails ran down his chest, hard enough to almost draw blood. He growled, the sound echoing through the room.

  “Tell me where you went when my dad was here. Why did you look so angry and haunted?”

  He stiffened under her touch. This was not a subject he wished to discuss with her, especially not when they were playing this game with each other.


  “You see, I think you need to talk about what hurts you.” Her nails dug harder into his chest. “You told me I’m your everything, that I have your soul, but I don’t think you’ll ever be free to give me this.” She placed her other hand over his heart. “Until you let me in.”

  That’s what she wants? Fuck, Candace, you have that already. I fucking love you so much it physically hurts to be away from you.

  “Kiss me, little witch.”

  “Mmm, you didn’t ask nicely.”

  Her violet eyes caught his, her gaze intense. She wasn’t going to take no for an answer nor was she going to give in.


  Her expression softened. Her mouth hovered over his for a long moment. Her lips brushed against his, gentle and unhurried.

  “I want to be your queen, Lucifer. I’ve laid bare my soul to you. Isn’t that enough? Will I ever be enough for you to let me in?”

  Her thoughts tore at everything inside him. She was enough. She’d always been enough.

  Why would you ever think you weren’t? You are my queen.

  “Because you won’t tell me anything. I live in fear you’ll get bored of me and make me leave Hell.”

  He wanted to curse. How could he make her see sense? He broke off from their kiss.


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