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Somebody’s Perfect

Page 3

by Kallypso Masters

  In her first trimester, she’d have screamed bloody murder if he’d squeezed them that hard, but as her pregnancy neared the end of its second trimester, she found them to be sensitive but not painful.

  Or perhaps she’d learned to enjoy the pain more. Damián knew just how much she could take, although he also liked to push the envelope a little further each time.

  “If you weren’t so pregnant, I’d take you into the laundry room right now to try that out.” He leaned forward, lowering his voice. “But instead, I’m thinking we’ll continue this in the bedroom.” His whispered promise sent a thrill through her as he placed a firm kiss on her lips.

  Focus. Her clit throbbed. She still stumbled over words like clit, even in her thoughts. But she’d stopped hiding behind euphemisms like chiquita to refer to her…pussy…after Mari chose to name their new puppy Chiquita. Chico, the silly name Damián had given his penis, had gone by the wayside as well. But they’d served their purpose in helping her through her aversion to talking about her genitalia.

  Her entire body craved intimacy. Savannah had never been hornier than during this pregnancy. Hormones might be the culprit, although she decided having Damián in her life made the biggest difference. She’d been so shut down, physically and emotionally, during Mari’s pregnancy and hadn’t wanted anything to do with sex or men back then.

  Damián was the only man she’d ever wished to be intimate with. From their first visit to her cave at Thousand Steps Beach to today. Only Damián. The beach cave held a special place in her heart for many reasons, the most important of which was that both of her children were conceived there.

  Damián, solid and protective, had opened up a world of sexual delights to her that he promised they’d only just begun to explore. They still had to maneuver around her hang-ups and triggers, but she trusted him more each day. She wanted to say she’d reached the point where she believed he’d stay with her one-hundred percent, but her insecurities still got the best of her at times. Still, he’d shown his love and commitment to her despite monumental sexual inhibitions resulting from so many years of sexual abuse at the hands of Gentry and his business clients. That said a lot about his capacity for patience and love.

  Damián grabbed her hair and pulled her head back to open her mouth wider before his tongue plunged inside, demanding her complete attention once more. Why was she having so much trouble focusing today? He fueled the flames inside her into a raging inferno, sending Savannah to her submissive place in seconds. She loved when Damián took control of her. His dominance made her feel safe—free to explore her sexual self in ways she’d never imagined even a year ago.

  Damián pulled away, smiling. She stared up at him numbly, automatically licking his taste from her lips as she struggled to keep from allowing her thoughts to stray again.

  “Take a bathroom break then meet me in the bedroom.”

  Blinking back to awareness, she rose to her feet with his help. Savannah couldn’t wait to find out what he had in mind as she hurried to the hallway powder room, not wanting to waste a second. Undoubtedly, whatever he came up with would take her mind off the trial and everything else, at least for a little while.

  Coming out of the bathroom, she walked upstairs to join him in their bedroom. Seeing Damián silhouetted against the window in his leather pants—bare chested, hands on hips—set her heart racing. All she could think about now was what her Dom, her husband, her lover wanted to do to her. She awaited his instructions, but didn’t have long to wait.

  “Tell me what you have been fantasizing about today, savita.”

  She drew a deep breath. “I’m in my bedroom, undressing in front of the window.” She let today’s fantasy fill her mind again, one she’d played with since leaving the clinic. She hadn’t completely fleshed it out yet, the phone call having derailed her earlier.


  The sting of his bare hand against her butt spurred her to focus and begin the scene.

  Ahem. “What happens next, bebé?” he asked.

  Hearing him clear his throat, she regained her focus, frustrated that she was so uncentered today. While it still embarrassed her to share her fantasies aloud with him, she couldn’t deny his direct question. If she kept delaying, she’d be disciplined—not harshly, but she hated disappointing her Dom. However, she’d always be much harder on herself than Damián could ever be.

  “I glance down at the neighbor’s driveway where I see the Harley Fat Boy parked.” She smiled. “I haven’t been able to resist a man on a Harley since I was nineteen.”

  “Stand in front of the window, facing out.” The sheers were drawn, so their new neighbors wouldn’t be able to see anything.

  Damián went to the closet to retrieve his toy bag. Her breathing became shallow with her growing excitement as she heard him set the bag on the mattress.

  She waited, listening as he rummaged through his toy bag for whatever he intended to play with as they acted out this afternoon’s fantasy. Plink-plink-plink. Plastic clothespins? They’d long since replaced wooden ones for the stronger plastic ones in her ever-increasing need to experience higher levels of pain. He still used the wooden ones in conjunction with his bullwhip, but he definitely didn’t have room to throw a whip in their bedroom.

  No doubt, he’d save that pleasure for a session at the Masters at Arms Club. Nothing could obliterate the world for her better than her Dom and his whip. But tonight, they had dinner plans at the Montagues.

  He stood in front of her and placed a sleep mask over her head. Having her sight blocked still scared her a bit, but she’d come to trust Damián. She took a slow, calming breath as he’d told her to do so many times before when something frightened her and grounded herself deeply into the scene about to play out.

  “That’s my good girl.”

  I’m Damián’s good girl.

  He returned to the bed behind her, and she could hear him going through the toy bag again.

  The swoosh of the cane slashed through the air, which brought her back to the moment in a hurry. Not her favorite implement, but Damián controlled what he wanted to play with now. An over-the-knee spanking wasn’t possible at this stage in her pregnancy, but nothing would prohibit him from swinging a cane at her ass, albeit not as hard as he might have five or six months ago.

  Yes, it would sting like the devil, but it also would provide her with the catharsis she needed today. Her stress over the earlier phone call completely dissipated, though, just thinking about it.


  “Remove your pants, savita…”—his voice came from her left—“as you continue to describe your fantasy.”

  Without her having to ask, he stepped to her side and guided her hand to his shoulder to steady her as she kicked off her slippers. Smiling, she shimmied her slacks down one leg at a time, careful not to touch her panties. She’d learned the hard way to only go as far as he specifically commanded her to do.

  The smell of leather assailed her nostrils a second before he pressed something hard against her chin and firmly tilted her head backward. The crop? Or the handle of a tawse perhaps? A shiver went through her. They both delivered their own delicious level of pain.

  “Remove your blouse slowly as you imagine him staring at you through the window.”

  A brief smile crossed her lips as she began undoing the top button of her blouse to merge fantasy with reality, feeling only Damián’s eyes on her. She loved showing off her breasts to him now, because they were so much larger than they’d been at any time she’d been with him. He’d always loved her breasts, although lately he’d become equally fixated on her belly.

  Her fingers paused on the third button as she remembered he liked to hear what fantasy was playing out in her head. “I wonder if I’m being watched by the mysterious Latino who moved in a week ago.” In her mind, he was none other than Damián. She slipped the button from its hole. “Of course, I’m not pregnant in this fantasy. Not even married yet.”

  The sound of the curtai
ns opening froze her fingers before she could undo the last button. She swallowed hard. The house next door actually was occupied by three college-aged boys attending the University of Denver, judging by their sweatshirts. What if one actually was watching her undressing now?

  In the past, Damián had only required her to do “public” scenes at the club, surrounded by the owners and their subs. Never from their bedroom window. Of course, she still wore her blouse and panties.

  She wasn’t surprised that undressing in front of the open window made her uncomfortable, because it brought back memories of being on display for Gentry’s business clients. But this was her fantasy. She’d merely have to find ways to control where her mind went and her reaction to it.

  Besides, the cool air on her belly, visibly swollen with Damián’s baby, assured her that no other man would find her sexy enough to take a peek.

  “What’s going on in my naughty girl’s mind?” he whispered as he nuzzled her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. “Spare me no details.”

  Pulling herself together, she remembered her discipline and who she was doing this for.


  “I open my blouse to reveal my bra, and my neighbor’s hand moves to stroke his crotch.” Her panties grew damp as she spread open the panels of her blouse. “I can see a huge bulge.”

  Soon she’d reap the rewards of this slow tease with the bulge she imagined inside Damián’s leathers right now. She couldn’t wait.

  * * *

  Damián caught the telltale hitch in her breathing that signaled her surrender. It had taken her longer today than usual, probably because of the state of mind he’d found her in when he’d gotten home. But this was lightning fast compared to the struggles for her to let go even four or five months ago.

  He tossed the crop onto the bed and unhooked the tawse from his belt carabiner before standing beside her. He admired her swollen belly, wanting to stroke it, but they hadn’t moved that far in this fantasy yet.

  Savannah’s face glowed now, just the way people always said a pregnant woman’s face did.

  Until this afternoon.

  He took a deep breath of his own to keep from letting his emotions get the better of him. Fucking Gentry would pay for everything he’d done to harm his sweet Savannah. Right now, though, Damián’s job as her Dom was to take away any thoughts of that cabrón. To achieve that, he needed to maintain his focus on her and this scene.

  Don’t waste this bonus bedroom time together.

  To help them both stay focused, he smacked her ass cheek with the tawse. Damn, he’d never grow tired of that sound. Both cheeks would soon be red, which brought a smile to his face.

  “I asked you to continue describing your fantasy, savita,” he reminded her.

  The hand-tooled leather toy he’d made himself delivered maximum pain with minimal impact, which was perfect during her pregnancy. Taking her to her pain limit would help her forget about the phone call and everything but him and what he was doing to her body.

  “Y-yes, Sir. Well, m-my new neighbor is quite handsome and totally ripped.” Her shoulders relaxed again as she wrapped herself in her fantasy. “Rich, brown skin, a neatly trimmed goatee, and long, black hair pulled into a ponytail streaming halfway down his back. He usually wears leather pants and a jacket with the Harley Davidson logo on it.”

  “Sounds familiar.” He smiled, self-satisfied that he held the starring role in her fantasy. Perhaps he should carry this scenario a little farther and turn it into a role-play.

  “Madre de Dios, I can’t take my eyes off this beautiful chica undressing in front of her window. How did I get so lucky as to move into this neighborhood and find the woman of my dreams next door?” He couldn’t resist adding, “That she doesn’t close her curtains concerns me, though. Perhaps I should go have a talk with her about privacy and personal safety.”

  Savannah inhaled deeply before picking up where she’d left off. “Suddenly self-conscious, I close the curtains.” She smiled as she moved to do just that, probably thinking she’d outsmarted him, but he halted her wrist with a slap of the tawse.

  “Hands at your side,” he commanded. After she assumed the position, he continued. “This woman’s high, firm breasts inflame me. I must remove that bra and touch them, lick her nipples.” Damián paused several moments then knocked on the wall. “My dick throbs as I wait for her to answer her door.”

  Savannah cocked her head slightly but held her arms still. “Who could that be at this hour? I walk down the stairs to the front door, check through the peephole, and see it’s my hot neighbor. I open it.” She made a door creaking noise and gasped for dramatic effect. “What are you doing here? His gaze roams down my body before slowly rising to look into my eyes once more.” Her breathing grew more shallow and rapid. “I find myself becoming…wet as I take in his muscular, near-perfect body and ask, ‘How may I help you?’”

  Always so fucking refined. He hoped to cut through to her earthy core soon. “Chica, it is I who has come to help you.”

  Her eyebrows rose above the blindfold as she cocked her head slightly.

  “Sí. I am quite concerned that you are exposing yourself to me and the rest of the neighborhood from your bedroom window. That isn’t very wise in this day and age. You never know who might be looking in.”

  “Are you a peeping Tom?”

  “I would hardly be a man if I did not want to drink in your beauty.”

  “Well, thank you for pointing out the error of my ways. I’ll be sure to close the curtains next time.”

  “What is your name?”

  “Savannah. But I don’t know your name.”

  “You can call me Sir.” He continued, “Is there a man in your life to take you in hand and guide you, Savannah?”

  She lifted her chin up. “I am a professional woman and don’t need a man for anything. I can take care of myself.”

  His mind flashed back to when he’d first found her again, working at the clinic in Solana Beach where he’d taken Teresa for treatment after she’d been raped by her father. Savannah had had to fend for herself for so long.

  He reined in his own errant thoughts. “I am sure you can. But I could also make your body burn with an internal fire that would leave you consumed, a fire that could only be quenched by me.”

  “I don’t know. We’ve only just met.”

  “Ah, but I know you. I’ve been watching you through your bedroom window for almost a week now. In fact, I know you quite intimately, even though this is the first time we’ve met.”

  Again, he heard that hitch in her breathing as excitement kicked up another notch for her. “I have a confession to make, Sir.”

  “What is that?”

  “I knew you were watching me. Our bedroom windows face each other. It wasn’t prudent for me to undress in front of that window—in front of you—but I did so anyway. Every night, I hear your Harley pull into your drive and know that, within fifteen minutes, you’re going to be stripping off your clothes and heading to the shower.”

  “I see. Well, I guess you’ve seen a lot of me, too.”

  She nibbled her lower lip as if wondering if she should say something else.

  “What are you thinking, querida?”

  “That I’d love for you to…take me for a ride sometime.”

  He drew a fingertip from her earlobe across her cheek and down her neck, stopping short of her breast and admiring the trail of gooseflesh he left in his wake. “You’d like to warm the back of my bike, little one?”

  She pursed her lips into a pout, and it was all he could do not to bend down and kiss her before moving this to the bed. “Among other places, Sir.”

  He grinned. “Then, by all means, we’ll have to take the hog out together sometime.” Was Savannah missing their rides? She hadn’t been on his hog since her first trimester, mostly because he refused to let her due to safety reasons. But they’d get back out there again when the doc gave her okay after the birth of the baby.
r />   “I’d like that, Sir.”

  “There’s something you should know about me before we go any further.”

  “Yes, Sir?” She swallowed hard, nibbling her lower lip in a teasing sort of way.

  Muy caliente. “I like my women submissive. As in totally surrendering to my authority.”

  She tilted her chin up. “I’m strong-willed and independent. I’m not sure I can submit to any man.”

  “But haven’t you ever wanted to let a man take away the burdens of your day and pamper you?” His voice had grown husky as he became more turned-on.

  “Every working woman I know fantasizes about that. But that’s only temporary submission—and this isn’t a fantasy.”

  “Isn’t it?” His finger trailed up to her shoulder and down her bicep and forearm. “Place your hands at the small of your back, but if you feel any tingling or discomfort, tell me. It is my responsibility to keep you safe.” He waited until she complied. “What’s your most deeply hidden fantasy…something so taboo you have hardly admitted it to yourself, Savannah?”

  “I’m curious about…”


  “Having sex on the back of your bike.”

  His dick jerked against his zipper. “That sounds fucking hot. I’d totally reward my good girl with anything she desired.”

  “What if I’m naughty?”

  “I’d discipline you when needed. If you consented to a Dom/sub relationship, of course.” A pink flush crept from her neck into her cheeks. “Breathe, savita,” he whispered.

  “I’ve never allowed a man to take charge of me to that extent.” Again, her defiant little chin poked out. “I’m not submissive,” she reiterated in a breathy voice with much less conviction.

  “But I am a Dom, and I strongly suspect you have a submissive streak. I’m not interested in a vanilla relationship, so we would negotiate. Can you entrust your body into my care, Savannah?”


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