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Somebody’s Perfect

Page 36

by Kallypso Masters

  “You’re going to have a waiting room full of visitors tonight, but I don’t want you to overdo it,” he admonished, one hand stroking her hair and the other the baby’s.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll give you a wink when I need a nap. Maybe we’ll limit them to fifteen-minute visits tonight. I’ll let you police it.” While she was getting better about asserting herself, this evening, she just wanted to chill.

  “Before everyone returns from Adam and Karla’s,” she asked, “shouldn’t we talk about what we’re going to name this little guy? Have you come up with any names you like?”

  He bit the inside of his lower lip. “How would you feel about my mother’s maiden name for his middle name?”

  “Diaz.” She used it with the one she’d thought of, and it sounded so perfect.

  Time to see what Damián thought of her choice. “I love it. And…I was just thinking about recognizing Aidan for being a part of bringing him into the world. But two Aidans in such close proximity might be confusing, especially for Mari. How would you feel about using his surname, though? A word that also holds special meaning to me after what I went through last year.” She glanced down at the baby. “How does Justice Diaz Orlando sound?”

  He repeated it aloud a couple of times then nodded with a smile. “Bueno. It’s strong.” He said it again out loud. “Sí. It’s perfect, just like you.” He leaned closer and captured Savannah’s lips in an open-mouth kiss that left her uterus clenching. “Ouch. No fair! My hormones aren’t my friends right now.”

  He chuckled. “Sorry. I’ll try and keep my hands and lips off you for a few weeks.”

  “Wellll,” she said, drawing out the word and giving him a sly grin, “the nurse said any activity that makes my uterus contract is good, so that I can start getting it back to its normal shape and size. And you definitely make my girly parts spasm, Sir.”

  His low growl had her clit spasming now. How long did Doctor Palmer tell them they had to wait to have sex again? And what might they get away with short of intercourse in the meantime?

  The world faded away to only the three of them for the next few minutes. She would have to get used to calling him by his proper name now, rather than Baby Orlando.

  Savannah didn’t know how much time passed with them simply staring at and touching their precious baby when she heard Damián’s phone vibrate. He pulled it out.

  “Dad says they’re back and wants to know if it’s a good time to bring Marisol back in.”

  “Text him a photo.”

  She smiled, bending toward the baby so he would be included, and gave a thumbs-up. While Mari had seen the baby already, no one else had yet. Savannah was ready to show off her little man to the family. “Tell everyone to come and meet the newest addition to the family.”

  “I’ll bring them in.” Before he left, he whispered to the baby, “Justice Diaz Orlando, be good for your maman while I’m gone.”

  Alone again with her baby, Savannah turned once more to the sleepy little boy lying skin to skin against her bare breast. She kissed his forehead and whispered, “I’m so happy to have you in my arms at last, Justice Diaz Orlando.”

  In some ways, the pregnancy had seemed longer than Mari’s, but that was all behind them. While this scene with just the two of them reminded her of the way it had been after Mari was born, Savannah reveled in the knowledge this period of aloneness was temporary. They would have Damián in their lives forever—or as long as God willed it. She wouldn’t have to face everything on her own again.

  She heard Mari’s chatter a few seconds before the door opened and she came bounding into the room and up to the hospital bed. Adam and Karla followed.

  Mari’s gaze was fixed on the sleeping baby on Savannah’s chest, his head covered in a crocheted skull cap. Savannah briefly pulled the sheet away for her new visitors to inspect him for the first time.

  “He’s so beautiful, you guys,” Karla said. She cleared her throat, and Savannah saw her eyes had brightened. For Adam’s sake—and Karla’s—she hoped her hormones weren’t going to go haywire. They already had their hands full with the triplets who weren’t even walking yet.

  “Isn’t he?” Damián grinned from ear to ear.

  Adam clapped him on the back. “I still can’t believe you delivered your own baby.”

  “Neither can I, Dad. Neither can I.”

  Karla moved closer, leaning over Mari for a better look.

  “He’s still red,” Mari whispered, as if afraid to awaken or insult him.

  “That’s normal for the first few hours, sweetie. You looked like this, too.” Actually, it was uncanny how much they looked like twins, just born eight years apart.

  “Now that you mention it,” Damián said, “he does look like Marisol’s baby pictures.”

  Mari reached out tentatively to touch his cheek, and he opened his mouth to begin rooting for a nipple. Savannah smiled and adjusted his head to help him find it. Even though he would only get colostrum now, it was never too early to start practicing breastfeeding.

  “What’s he doing?”

  “Learning to eat. My body will make milk for him for as long as he needs it, and he’s getting his first lesson in how to find it.”

  “Wow,” she said in awe. “That’s totally ah-mazing.”

  “Have you chosen his name yet?” Karla asked.

  “We were actually talking about that before you came back. Justice in honor of Aidan Justice, who helped deliver him, and Diaz for Damián’s mother’s maiden name.”

  “Justice Diaz Orlando. I love that!” she said.

  “I think we should have named him Aidan,” Mari announced.

  “We did name him for Aidan, just used his last name instead. It might get confusing, Princesa, with two Aidans living so close to each other,” Damián explained.

  Mari’s idol-worship of Aidan once concerned Savannah, but after what he’d done for her in her kitchen this afternoon, the boy had won her undying respect and gratitude. As far as how he acted with Mari, he treated her more like a little sister than anything.

  Of course, she still had regular talks with Mari about good touch and bad touch and that no matter who made her uncomfortable or crossed the line, she was to tell Savannah or Daddy about it. And if she didn’t want to talk with her parents, she could talk with Tía Grant or Grammy Karla or any adult she trusted, because sometimes it was easier to tell a non-parent.

  Savannah didn’t want to be hypervigilant but also wouldn’t pretend that sick, perverted individuals didn’t exist in the world. At least she’d had a hand in putting one of the worst monsters away for life. Damián had also had a talk with Aidan about making sure he didn’t overstep Mari’s personal boundaries. Sad, but necessary in today’s world—not that it was anything new.

  Hoping to move from her gloomy train of thought, Savannah asked, “What do you think about being a big sister, Mari?”

  She cocked her head as she continued to scrutinize the tiny baby. “He’s not much fun now, but I’ll help you take care of him, Maman. When can he crawl like Rori, Pax, and Kate?”

  “Not for at least six months. Remember, your aunts and uncle are almost eight months older than our baby. But watching Grandpa and Grammy’s babies, you’ll always know how to help your brother get to the next phase. And I’m sure he’ll like having you play with him eventually, but for the next few months, don’t forget that he’s just entered into the world. He has so much to become accustomed to.”

  “Is he gonna sleep all the time?”

  The baby had dozed off again when he hadn’t gotten any satisfaction from her nipple, but he’d remained latched on. She’d have to keep her nipples well-lubricated with olive oil, which Anita had advised her to use with Mari. Those tiny jaws and gums could be brutal.

  Savannah tried not to grin at her daughter’s disappointment. “Yes, I’m afraid newborn babies are like kittens. Remember how much Boots used to sleep when you first got him?”

  “He still sleeps a lot.”
  “Not nearly as much as he did a year ago, though.”

  Mari hitched the corner of her mouth. “Can I go back out to the waiting place with everybody?”

  Savannah smiled. “Sure. Who all is out there?”

  “Marc and Angelina, Ryder and Megan, Rosa, and Grant.”

  “Who’s watching the triplets?” she asked Karla.

  “Luke and Cassie. José’s there, too.”

  Savannah’s eyes filled with tears. God, she loved being a part of this family.

  “Would you like to hold him?” she asked Karla.

  “Would I ever!”

  Savannah bundled the diapered baby in the receiving blanket so he wouldn’t be cold, and Karla scooped him up. “Oh. My. God. I can’t believe how light he is! How much did he weigh?”

  “Seven pounds, twelve ounces, so not as light as you think,” Damián said. “And nineteen and three-quarter inches long.”

  “I guess I’m just used to my three who are all closer to nineteen and twenty pounds each now.”

  She remembered how fast Mari had grown and understood completely.

  “Can I get up there with you, Maman?”

  Savannah patted the mattress, and Marisol scrambled up, laying her head on her mommy’s breast much as her son had done moments ago. Was she feeling a little insecure about her place in their hearts?

  Savannah stroked her hair. “Your little brother is going to love having you for a big sister. But you’ll always be our little girl.”

  Damián must have noticed, too, and added, “We loved you first and will never stop loving you. Having a new baby in the family just helps our hearts grow bigger.”

  “I’m glad.” Savannah couldn’t see her face but heard the smile there. “I can’t wait ’til he comes home. Can I hold him?”

  “Sure,” Savannah said. “Sit on that chair over there, and Grammy Karla will bring him to you.”

  Adam brought a spare pillow over to place behind her. “You’ll put your arm on the rest here and be sure to keep his head steady.” The man certainly had come a long way with babies since his own had arrived. Seeing the grandfather he had become to Marisol did Savannah’s heart good, too.

  Karla handed Justice to his new big sister, and Savannah watched Mari’s eyes grow wider as she looked at him in awe. She babbled to him in a low voice for several minutes and held him as if he were a raw egg she was afraid to break.

  Damián leaned down to kiss Savannah on the forehead. “How are you doing, bebé? Tired?”

  “Getting there, but let me visit a little longer with Adam and Karla and spend a few minutes with everyone else waiting out there.”

  He nodded. “But when I think it’s time for you to get your sleep, I’m going to send everyone home. You’ve been through a lot today.”

  She loved how he took care of her, first and foremost.

  “Okay, I’m done holding him,” Mari announced.

  Karla asked Adam if he’d like to hold the baby. “Absolutely.” He lifted Justice out of Mari’s arms. Savannah smiled, remembering how reticent he’d been with his own babies during their first few weeks, but now he was an old pro.

  “Hey, buddy. I’m your Grandpa Adam. Welcome to the world.” Seeing the tough former master sergeant cooing at her newborn son brought tears to her eyes.

  Savannah noticed Damián seemed close to breaking down, too. Despite his equally tough exterior, he wore his heart on his sleeve for his family.

  Adam came to her bedside and handed the baby back to her. “You’ve given the family a beautiful new addition, Savannah.” Adam placed a fatherly kiss on her forehead, and tears sprang to her eyes again. So many feelings for this man. He’d been there for her countless times since she’d come to Denver and had even come out to California to testify and provide moral support during the trial.

  “Thank you, Ad—” She stopped, unable to continue. “Would you mind if I call you Dad, too?”

  His eyes had gone a little misty, too. “I’d like that a lot, hon.”

  Karla cleared her throat before speaking. “Why don’t I go out and see who else wants to come in for a brief visit before we leave and let you get some rest, Savannah?”

  She nodded, unable to say anything.

  Adam and Karla left minutes later with Mari. Damián gave her a chaste kiss on her lips. “I’ll be right back with more visitors.”

  No sooner had he left the room than Savannah’s eyelids grew heavy. She heard rather than saw the door open and close. Positioning the baby between her breasts, she fell asleep.

  * * *

  Damián returned to find Savannah sound asleep. After letting in Rosa, Marc, and Angelina to take a peek at the newest Orlando, he thanked them for coming and promised to let them hold Justice next time.

  Damián planned on spending the night with Savannah and would make sure she slept. He couldn’t do a lot for the baby right now except change his diapers and bring him to her whenever she wanted to hold or feed him. He sat and stared at them for a long time then heard a light tap at the door.

  Dad peeked his head in. “How are you holding up, son?” he whispered as he took a seat next to Damián.

  “Other than overwhelmed and totally blessed?”

  “It’s one of the greatest feelings in the world, isn’t it?” he said as he sat down next to Damián.

  Everyone else had gone home, but Dad had promised to stick around to keep him company, at least until Savannah woke up. He’d watched over Damián many a night during some of the darkest days of his life. He’d taught Damián a lot about living, too.

  Damián didn’t want to lose his shit in front of him, but the enormity of what had happened today suddenly hit him like a helmet to the face. His leg began shaking the way Grant’s sometimes did.

  Dad chuckled. “Take a deep breath before you pass out on me.”

  Damián filled his lungs several times. “He’s so little. I can’t believe a few hours ago he was inside Savannah’s belly and now he’s a living, breathing human being who I need to protect more than ever.”

  “I know where you’re coming from. Been there, done that—and not all that long ago. At least you only have one helpless baby to deal with at a time.”

  One was more than enough.

  They sat in silence watching Savannah and Justice sleep for a long time before Adam broke the silence. “He sure got your black hair. And look at that fist he’s making.”

  Damián chuffed. He’d been known to put his hand through a wall—or a face—a few times, not that he intended to exhibit those behaviors in front of his newborn son.

  Justice’s tiny fingers held onto Savannah’s ring for dear life—the same one Damián had inherited from his parents and had given to Savannah on their wedding day. Justice would gather strength from the Orlando women who had worn this ring over three generations. Tears stung his eyes with thoughts of his mamá and abuela.

  “What if something bad happens to him? What if I’m not there for—”

  Dad squeezed his shoulder. “You’ll be there. You’re one of the most responsible family men I know. As for protecting them, just remember your training, take precautions, and love them to death.”

  “Death is the last thing I want to think about today.”

  Dad clapped him on the back. “Then stop getting all maudlin on me. All you need to be thinking about now is that precious gift you’ve been given—three of them, actually. The three biggest threats to your family—Gentry, Gibson, and Julio—have been neutralized for the next decade, if not for the rest of your lives. And you know we’ll all have your backs until we’re old and decrepit. Then we’ll have the next generation to take care of us in our old age—a lot sooner for me than you.” He shook his head as if he couldn’t quite figure out how he’d grown older. “Pax and Justice will kick the asses of anyone who messes with any member of our family.”

  “Don’t count Marisol out—and I have a feeling you’ll be teaching your own daughters how to protect and defend, too, w
hen the time comes.”

  “Yeah. Guess that was a little sexist.” He chuckled unapologetically. “You and I sure chose some kick-ass women to share our lives with. I won’t underestimate any of their children.”

  With Savannah sleeping, Damián went to the bed and carefully lifted the tiny bundle off her chest, careful not to disturb her sleep. She opened her eyes briefly then smiled and went back to sleep.

  Like Karla, Damián couldn’t believe how little the boy weighed. Cupping the back of Justice’s head, he returned to the chair next to Dad’s and held him out in front of him so that they could have a closer look. Justice stared right back at him. Weren’t they supposed to be practically blind at this age?

  Dad cleared his throat. “I will always be eternally grateful for the help Aidan gave our family today. That’s one fine-looking boy you have, Damián. In no time at all, our sons are going to be playing baseball together and fighting over girls.”

  “Soccer. I want him to play soccer,” Damián said firmly.

  “Let me enjoy him as a baby a few years, you two,” Savannah said. Damián turned to find her smiling at them. “And your daughters might want to be on a soccer or baseball team, too.”

  Seeing humor and love on her face, he grinned back at her, surprised she’d overheard them. “Quite true, querida.”

  “Point taken,” Dad chimed in.

  Her gaze drifted to Justice, and she sobered. “I just don’t want our children to grow up any faster than they have to.”

  “I’d better head back to the house.” Adam stood. “I wish you all every happiness there is. God knows, you’ve earned it.”

  Damián stood and returned the baby to Savannah’s chest before approaching Dad and wrapping his arms around him in a bear hug.

  “Proud of you, son.”

  Damián’s eyes burned with unshed tears. “Love you, too, Dad.”

  After he’d left, Damián turned to Savannah and pulled his chair closer. His stump hurt like hell, but he wasn’t leaving their sides tonight to go home and take care of it.


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