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Asa: Military Romance (Overwatch Division Book 2)

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by Coco Miller

  I throw some money down on the bar and start to get up. I look over at this woman again and grin. Just because I can’t fuck her, doesn’t mean she shouldn’t know what my cock has been thinking. I lean toward her and she turns her head. Holy fuck, I am speechless. I thought she was beautiful, but no she is stunning.

  “Can I help you?” she says, grinning sexily.

  “I just wanted to let you know how beautiful you are.”

  I take out some cash and throw it on the bar.

  “Your next drink is on me. Night.”

  I don’t wait for a reply or a thank you or hell, even a rejection. I just walk out of the bar, throw my helmet on and tear out of there with all the sexual tension taking over my body.

  When I get back to my sister’s house I walk in and her and the kids are sitting down for dinner.

  “Look, girls, it’s your favorite uncle. Just in time.”

  Fuck, I can’t catch a break. I want to be alone and beat my dick to the image of that stunning woman, but I can’t walk away from my family.

  “Asa, grab a plate, don’t just stand there. I want to hear all about the house hunting.”

  * * *

  It’s been five days since I put in my bid on the house and I got a call saying it is mine. Never have I been more excited about anything other than when I finally landed back on United States soil. Very shortly I will be sleeping in my own bed in my own house.

  When I told April, she was so excited you’d think she just bought a house. Almost as excited as she was when I started work the other day. She really does want to see me happy. That’s one of the things I love most about her.

  She wouldn’t let up on me taking out her friend’s friend either. I was in such a great mood that I finally agreed. What the hell could it hurt? I mean, maybe it will end up being fun. Maybe I might even get lucky.

  “Oh, Asa, before I forget. I set up your date for Valentine’s Day,” she says nonchalantly.

  I have no words.


  Valentine’s Day?

  Is she serious?

  She wants me to go out on a fucking blind date on the made-up, ridiculous, love holiday? This is what I mean about her being in my business.

  Fucking Valentine’s Day.

  Even if I did agree to this, I’m sure the chick she has me dating would be one of those romantic types. The kind that wants to fall in love. The kind that would have certain expectations from me just because we’re going out on Valentine’s Day.

  And I can not handle any part of that shit.

  I can’t handle anything really, not in this state I am in. I just want to be left alone. I just want to live my own little quiet life and not be bothered by what a woman wants.

  Especially on Valentine’s Day.

  Chapter Three


  It’s midnight and I’m still sitting at my desk trying to find a date for April’s brother. And it’s not going good. Most people have their plans set in stone for Vday. Like who wants to try something new on that day? Honestly, I can’t believe her brother even agreed to go out on the biggest love holiday of the year.

  I close my eyes, trying to picture the type of man that would like to be set up on a blind date on the biggest holiday for lovers around. Valentine’s Day is in two days, and I can’t find anyone. There are no clients who are willing to take a chance on a guy with no job, no house, and who isn’t looking for anything serious.

  Hell, I don’t blame them. That’s not what they’re paying me money for. They can find a man living in his mommy’s basement on their own.

  I toss my reading glasses on my desk and scrub my face. I’m beyond frustrated. This has never happened before. I can always match up my clients with very little effort. It’s what I do. But this whole thing is making my head spin and not in a good way.

  My cell phone rings and it pulls me out of my thoughts. I pick it up and stare at it shocked that April would be calling me this late.


  “Hi, Hillary. Listen, it’s only two days until Valentine’s Day, so I assume you have found someone for Asa. I figure we should go over all the details now, so I can tell him. I’m sorry, by the way, for the late-night call, but my kids didn’t want to go to sleep until I read them the same book three times in a row. I can’t exactly talk about this with them around,” she says laughing.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  What am I going to tell her? I’m going to have to be honest. I’ll just tell her that I couldn’t find anyone. I know potentially it could mean she will talk shit about my business, but what else can I do? It’s my fault anyway for agreeing to this.

  “April, I need to explain exactly what’s been going on.”

  “That’s the point of this phone call. Oh, Hillary, I need to just say thank you. I know I put a lot on your plate and it wasn’t easy, but you came through. I realize I can be pushy, but I do it with love.” She laughs lightly into the phone when actually I feel like she’s bulldozing her way through this conversation.

  Oh hell. This woman really must be in sales.

  And like the average sucker, I succumb to the pressure.

  “It wasn’t easy, but I did find someone. Actually, it’s me.”

  What in the world am I doing? I hear her suck in a breath and I just close my eyes. Ugh, I may have just fucked up my whole business.

  “Your single?” She asks incredulously.

  “I am.” And thanks for not judging me for it.

  “I had no idea matchmakers went out with clients.” The clip in her tone is pronounced.

  No, no I don’t.

  I’ve never in my life done anything like this, but for some damn reason, I can’t say no to this woman.

  “April, I assure you this is the first and last time I will do anything like this. I’ll be honest. None of my clients were willing to just go out for a night of fun. They want serious candidates. So if one date is what you want, then I’m your only option.”

  There’s dead silence on the phone. I imagine if she was sitting in front of me, that she would be staring at me slack jawed.

  “Uh, if you’d rather pass, I totally understand. Your check is sitting right in the drawer at work. Hasn’t been cashed.”

  “Oh, maybe you misunderstood my reaction. I think you’d be the perfect date for him! Now, let’s go over the details. Remember, you are a friend of a friend.”

  “I thought we agreed that you were going to tell him.”

  “I told Asa that he was being set up. That’s what we agreed on and that’s what I told him.”

  She yawns on the phone. I’m not sure if she’s actually tired or disinterested in this conversation.

  “You know what I meant, April. I thought I was clear about that.”

  “Sheesh, it’s not a total lie. He’s my brother and I’m fine with it. Why can’t you be?”

  What the hell am I getting myself into? This is so wrong on so many levels. So many many levels. But the more April goes on about her brother, the more I realize I’m actually kind of excited.

  Not in a dating type of way, but just to be going out. I haven’t gone out in forever. I can’t even remember the last time I went out and let loose.

  Whether or not I have fun or not is not the point though. I’ve agreed to the date, I’ve put my reputation on the line, and now I have to honor my commitment. I will break my rules this one time, and then we can both move on.

  Chapter Four


  After being on the phone with April for two hours last night, with her doing most of the talking, I decided to just sleep in my office. There was no point in driving home to be back here this morning. I have a cot in the back. Thankfully I only have one client today, then I’ll go home. I apparently have a lot to do for my date tomorrow.

  “Miss West, didn’t you go home last night?”

  I look up at Martha and shake my head. “Nope. I spent the night trying to find April’s brother a date, and around midnigh
t I realized it has to be me. There is no client who wants just one date.”

  She sits down in the chair in front of me and gives me a tight smile. “Are you sure that is the best idea?”

  I stand up and start pacing the room. “No, Martha. It’s a horrible idea, probably the worst idea I’ve ever had. I had no choice. This woman doesn’t take no for an answer.” I tug at my hair, letting the frustration and exhaustion takeover. “If you have a better idea, I’m all ears.”

  She walks over to me and puts her hands on my shoulders to stop my pacing. “Hillary, you don’t always have to be number one. You are so busy making sure everyone else finds love that you forget about yourself. Maybe this date will be good for both of you. You can have a night to just go out and have fun. When was the last time you did that?”

  I stare at her in complete shock. Martha never says much, but I guess when she has something important to say, she lets it out. “I went out for a drink the other day.”

  She laughs and squeezes my shoulders before walking toward the door. “Maybe it’s time for you to think about you. Even if it’s only for one night.” With that said, she leaves my office and has my head spinning.

  “Well shit.” I plop down in my chair and let her words sink in. Maybe she’s right. What is wrong with going out for a night? Well, besides the fact that it is based on a lie? Or that I’m getting paid for it? I could use a night to get drunk and hang out with a man. I could actually use a lot more if I’m being honest.

  The more I talk to myself, the more convinced I am that this might not be such a bad idea. I am always putting everyone before me. I am so worried about making their relationships work that I forget about myself. Let’s be honest here, if it wasn’t for my little bullet vibrator I wouldn’t even have time for an orgasm.

  The last time I had sex with a real cock, embarrassingly, was almost a year ago. A year without the touch of a man, not that I’m saying that will happen with Asa. It’s only one date. I’m just saying that I deserve a night out.

  With my mind made up that this is a good idea, I go on with my day, just like I would any other.

  * * *

  “April, I wanted to touch base and make sure that you spoke with Asa. Also, I wanted to make sure that he knows this is a setup.”

  I hear a door close and water turns on before she whispers, “Yes, I spoke with him and he is excited. He knows I’m setting him up with a friend’s friend. I told him your name is Hillary, but I sure as hell didn’t tell him what you do for a living. I think that is something we can both leave out.”

  I roll my eyes as I pull my dinner out of the oven. “I don’t like lying. What am I going to tell him I do for a living?”

  “Just tell him you work in an office. Honestly, I don’t think he’ll care what you do for a living. Listen I’m with him now, so I can’t stay on the phone. Relax and have fun. He’ll be there tomorrow night.” She hangs up before I can even respond to her.

  I toss the phone on the counter and lean against it. All day I’ve gone back and forth about this. Every time I think this is a good idea, something like this happens and makes me question it all. I’m not the kind of woman who lies, so I’m having a very hard time with that. Even though I know I won’t see him after tomorrow night, it is still fucked up.

  I put my chicken and potatoes on my plate and go into the living room. I sit down on the couch and call my friend, Kelly.

  “Hey, Hill’, what’s up?” She’s the only person who calls me that. Probably why I love her so much.

  “Kelly, I need some advice,” I tell her the whole situation and am greeted by complete silence on the other end. “Say something.”

  “Give me a second. I’m trying to picture the perfect matchmaker, lying her way through the first date she’s had in months.”

  And this reminds me why I hate her so much.

  “Thanks a lot. You’ve been very helpful.” I’m just about to hang up, but she starts talking again.

  “Alright, sorry. Don’t get your underused vagina in a twist. If you want my honest opinion, I think this is a fabulous idea. When was the last time you went out and had fun? When was the last time you got drunk or hell, had an orgasm that made you see stars?”

  She’s right, I can’t even remember. “I’m not going to sleep with him, Kelly.”

  “You don’t know that. Go out and have fun. Don’t say what you will or won’t do. Get drunk, unwind. If it leads to his bed, let it happen. It’s been way too long, and your body needs the attention.”

  I laugh even though she is right. “Well, it’s not going to happen, but thank you. What about the lying about my job part? That’s what bothers me the most. It’s totally unethical. I’m taking money from this woman and going out with her brother.”

  “You don’t necessarily need to lie. When he asks what you do, deflect. Tell him that you’d rather not talk about work. That way you won’t actually be lying.”

  “You do this often, don’t you?”

  Laughing, she answers, “Maybe. Come on, stop thinking like a matchmaker or Mother Theresa. Think like a woman going out for a night of fun. That’s all it is, Hill’.”

  Okay, okay– this is why I love her.

  “Thanks, Kelly. I guess you’re right.”

  “Of course I am. You better call me and tell me exactly what happens. Love you, girl.”

  I tell her I love her and we hang up. I make the decision to stop stressing about it all and just enjoy my dinner. What’s done is done. I’ve agreed to the date, so I should see it through.

  After staying up and watching TV much later than I should have, I pin curl my hair, and finally climb into bed and fall asleep with just a little bit of excitement for my date tomorrow. I haven’t felt this way in a long time. I’m excited and nervous. I don’t even know what he looks like. He may not even be my type, but I’m going to make the most of the night anyway.

  I wake up the next morning, later than normal, and it feels so good to sleep in. Getting out of bed, I head to the kitchen to make coffee and go through my emails to see what I’m missing at work. Surprisingly, I don’t have any emails. This just means that everyone that I have set up for today is happy, which makes me proud.

  I drink my coffee outside on my back deck and enjoy the warm morning sun. It’s nice to not rush around and relax for once. I really have become one of those women who is totally dedicated to her job. I don’t take time for myself, and maybe I should be thanking April for being so pushy because it’s made me realize that. I need a little more balance in my life, a little more fun, and I need to create more opportunities to meet men. If I don’t do that, I’ll end up needing a matchmaker myself. I don’t think people want a matchmaker setting them up who can’t even find love herself.

  After two cups of coffee, I go back inside. Tonight I’m meeting Asa at ‘Steve’s’ which is a local bar. They serve food, drinks, and have an awesome dance floor space. I haven’t been there in a very long time, but I used to love hanging there. It’s not a place that you need to dress up for, but I still want to look good. I have my favorite pair of jeans that have a few strategically placed slits in the legs, and I’m thinking about wearing my black off the shoulder shirt. It is sexy, flirty, and classy. Which is how I want to feel tonight.

  I have no expectations for tonight, in fact, I don’t want anything to happen. That doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy myself and part of that is feeling good about how I look. My phone ringing pulls me out of my thoughts and I grab it off the counter.


  “Hi, is this Hillary?”

  I scrunch my brows in confusion. “Yes, it is. Who’s this?”

  “This is Asa. Asa Grant. My sister, April, gave me your number.”

  My heart sinks into my stomach. I was not expecting to hear from him and silently curse April for not giving me a heads up. I don’t like surprises. I’m big on preparation.

  “Oh yes, hi. How are you?”

  “I’m good. I just wanted to ca
ll and make sure that we are still on for tonight?”

  This is so awkward.

  “Yes, everything is still on. Looking forward to it.”

  “Great. Would you rather me pick you up instead of meeting at the bar?”

  What the hell?

  “I appreciate the offer, but let’s just keep things the way they are. Is that all right with you?”

  “Of course. Probably best, unless you want to ride on the back of my bike.”

  Damn, his voice sounds so sexy. I wonder if he is hot as he sounds. Plus, he rides a motorcycle. It makes me feel like maybe he’s got a bit of a bad boy in him. I also remember reading in the file April gave me that he has tattoos.


  Oh shit. Just had a brain fart thinking about that visual. Motorcycle. Tats. Sexy voice.

  “Sorry, I’m here. Honestly, I’ve never ridden a motorcycle, so probably should wait on that.”

  He chuckles and it sends a shot right to my much-neglected pussy.

  “Good plan. Well, I just wanted to touch base. I guess I’ll see you tonight around eight.”

  We hang up, and I squeeze my legs together to try to relieve the buildup I’m feeling. What in the bejezeezes just happened? I need to get it together.

  * * *

  I put the last few curls in my hair with a flick of my flat iron and stand back to look at myself in the mirror. Damn, I look pretty good. My makeup is on heavier than normal making my caramel eyes pop. I go into my closet and pull out the shirt I want to wear and a pair of black heels. Hopefully, Asa isn’t short, because I’m 5’5 without the heels.

  After I’m dressed, I look at myself again and smile. I walk to the living room and grab my purse. Time to head out on my date.

  Here’s to hoping I’m not making a huge mistake, and that I still have a good business reputation by the end of the night.


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