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Seeking Shadows (Royal Bastards MC Tampa Chapter Book 3)

Page 8

by K E Osborn


  “Be safe,” I tell him in case he really is out there doing dangerous biker shit.

  “You too. And Shadow?”


  “Feel free to punch me when you see me. I deserve it.”

  A small laugh escapes me. “I’m gonna hold you to that.”

  “I bet you look gorgeous.”

  I peer down at my dress. “You’re totally missing out.”

  He groans like he’s frustrated. “I really am sorry, I’ll make it up to you.”

  “You bet your ass you will.”

  “I gotta go. I’ll talk to you as soon as I’m able to, okay?”

  My bottom lip trembles. “Okay.”

  He exhales. “Okay…” he hesitates but then ends the call, and I sink into my seat further, feeling the weight of the world falling onto my shoulders.

  Do I believe he’s gone off on protective detail or is he just saying that to run away from ‘us?’

  I guess I’ll never know.

  But I want to rub salt into his wound just to make myself feel better. I wipe from under my eyes. Plump up my cheeks and perk out my tits a little more, angling my phone to take a selfie. Even with the crying, I still look hot.

  I take the snap, write a caption on it ‘your loss’ and hit send.


  Serves you right, asshole!

  Chapter Eight


  Getting a phone call from Nycto seconds after I hung up from Shadow wasn’t in the plans for today. I’d just finished telling her I was going to meet her for lunch at Café on Logan, then my president calls, telling me I need to pack, leave now, don’t spare one second, and tell no one. It’s all part of my damn punishment. So, I pack a bag—whatever can fit in a backpack for survival out in the woods. He told me I need to take my bike and get on the road because I have to get to the destination for protection detail for the occupants of the bungalow, to which he sent directions to my cell.

  I wasn’t told who or why, just that I need to get my ass down to Pearson Island—which is a three-hour journey—as fast as fucking possible and keep out of sight. They’re not to know I’m there keeping guard, and if they find me, there will be hell to pay.

  Right at that second, I knew I was not only going to miss lunch, but I was also going to leave Shadow hanging for hours after our meeting time because I would be riding and not be able to contact her.

  The entire situation—FUCK, such bullshit.

  I feel like a fucking asshole, but if I don’t want the club coming after me, I have to do what I am told. So, I pack like a bat out of hell, get on my bike and leave, feeling like the mother of all fuckers every mile I ride away from Shadow.

  Pulling up to the bungalow hours later, I turn off my engine near the entry so whoever’s inside can’t hear my ride, then I walk the rest of the way into the long brush. This place is surrounded by greenery. Honestly, you could hide anything out here.

  I walk my way around the back to peer through the rear door, to see none other than Void and Ivy sitting intimately on the sofa cuddling.

  For fucks sake!

  What the hell, Nycto? Why send me out here to watch over Void and Ivy when there are dozens of brothers who could do it. I turn around to leave, but then I overhear them talking.

  “You’re a good man, Void,” Ivy says.

  I snort out a laugh. Debatable.

  It’s fucking weird listening in on my VP and Ivy as they talk intimately. “Not always.”

  “Not everyone can be good all the time. But the majority of the time, you do the right thing. You’re always looking out for my best interests, even if they don’t match yours.”

  Fuck me! This is stupid but for some reason I can stop myself from listening!

  “You’re important to me, Ivy. I might not be great at showing it, but I… I care about you.”

  Well shit! That’s the most emotion I’ve ever heard coming from Void. There’s a reason they call him Void because he is void of emotion, but here he is openly admitting he has feelings for Ivy. She leans in, kissing him. The second their lips connect, it’s like Void’s body relaxes as if he needs her to simply be.

  This is fucking weird.

  But like a train wreck, I can’t stop watching it play out.

  Watching Ivy kiss Void makes me uneasy, but it doesn’t hurt like it should. Actually, I feel nothing but fucked off for being put in this position. I turn away, leaving them to it—I am not going to watch that shit play out no matter the punishment Nycto thinks I need.

  Carefully, stepping away from the bungalow, I make my way back into the woods. I could have been spending time with Shadow. Instead, I’m stuck here babysitting two people I couldn’t give two shits about.

  When Nycto said he had a punishment in store, I had no idea he would hand me Ivy and Void on a platter served cold.

  As the erotic sounds of Void and Ivy come from inside the bungalow, I move further and further toward the giant creek. I don’t want any part of this shit. I have somewhere else I need to be right now. Pulling out my cell, I dial Nycto. It rings once then he answers. “Are you there?”

  “I am, and I have to say this is some bullshit.”

  “You didn’t think your punishment was going to be fun, did you?”

  “Prez, I don’t need to see or hear them going at it. I know they’re together.”

  “You may know they’re together, prospect, but do you understand what’s happening and why I have you there guarding? There’s a threat to both of them. You heard about the heart in the box, well, that was directed at Void and Ivy. Someone is coming after them, so we’ve sent them away. Now you’re there to keep an eye on things and to respect their relationship. This respect goes two-fold for your VP. Do this or don’t, I don’t give a fuck. But if you don’t, prospect, you can kiss your patch goodbye. We won’t have a brother who does not respect rank.”

  Groaning, I grit my teeth. “Yeah, yeah! Fine! I get it.”

  Nycto chuckles. “It’ll do you good. To hear another man taking her… should be enough to clear your damn stupid head and make you not want her.”

  Completely ignoring his barb, I state, “I have an important call to make, Prez. I’ll update you if anything comes to light.”

  “You’re getting cocky, Dash. Don’t fuck it up.”

  “I won’t, Prez.”

  Nycto ends the call, and I sit down on a log taking a long breath.

  Time for me to face the music with Shadow.


  Shadow’s taking this call better than I thought she would. My mind wanders, thinking about what she might be wearing right now. “I bet you look gorgeous.”

  “You’re totally missing out.”

  I groan out in frustration. “I really am sorry, I’ll make it up to you.”

  “You bet your ass you will.”

  I love that she’s still my little spitfire.

  “I gotta go. I’ll talk to you as soon as I’m able to, okay?”

  She hesitates for a moment. “Okay.”

  I exhale. “Okay…” I really don’t want to end the call, but I have no clue how long I’m going to be out in these damn woods, and I only have one portable charger. If I’m out here for too long, I’ll be without a phone.

  So regrettably, I end the call.

  She was frustrated, angry, hurt, every emotion played out in the call.

  I made her feel worthless.

  I never wanted that to happen. Even though I had little choice, I still feel like such a goddamn asshole for doing it to her. I just hope she lets me make it up to her. The fact I’m out here protecting Ivy is going to be a sore point, though.

  When Shadow finds out, I have no idea how she’s going to take it.

  Suddenly, a snap comes through, I open it to see Shadow in her car, looking sexy as all sin with the caption ‘your loss’ written on it. My chest squeezes as I exhale. The way she looks right now, yeah, it is my fucking loss. But a slow smile cros
ses my lips as I look at her cleavage. Fucking sexy bitch. She’s just given me something to look at while I’m in this hell hole.

  Thank you, Badass!

  A Few Days Later

  The smell of something fucking delicious wafts from the bungalow making my stomach growl. I’ve been living on protein bars and the same bottle of water for days. I’m going to run out soon, then I have no fucking clue what I’m going to do. Making my way up to the bungalow, I spot Ivy in the small, outdated kitchen whipping up a storm. I’m not sure what she’s baking, but my stomach is telling me I fucking want some.

  She walks the tray over to Void who appears less than happy. I ignore their banter trying to keep my gurgling stomach under control.

  Void takes a cookie, then pats the sofa next to him. “I just spoke to Nycto.”

  Now you have my interest.


  He takes a bite of the cookie, his eyes widening. “Fuck, Ivy, these are aweso—”

  “Tell me what’s going on, don’t change the subject.”

  My thoughts exactly!

  “The heart…” Ivy’s hand moves to her chest like she’s preparing for the worst possible outcome. “It wasn’t Dash.”

  She clenches her eyes, letting out a long exhale. “Is he okay?”

  She cares? Didn’t expect that!

  Void leans in kissing the top of Ivy’s head. “Yeah, Nycto’s had contact. Apparently, he’s fine.”

  And standing outside hearing every damn thing you’re saying!

  “Thank God.” She pulls back. “There’s strain in your voice. You’re not telling me something.”

  I noticed it too. There must be something else going down at the club. I’m so out of the fucking loop right now.

  Void hesitates, and Ivy withdraws, stands, folding her arms across her chest in defiance. “Void! What the hell is going on? Don’t hide shit from me. Not here. Not now.”

  I shuffle forward a little closer, so I make sure to hear what the hell is going down.

  “Another package was delivered to the clubhouse.”

  She’s trying to remain stoic, but one look can see her walls are crumbling. “Another heart?”

  “A timer.”

  “A timer? What for?” She scowls.

  “It’s counting down. Apparently, it has three days left on it.”

  She lets out a heavy exhale, then starts pacing. “Three days! Three days till what?”

  “Nycto is assessing whether to keep everyone locked down or to get them the hell out of the clubhouse.”

  Wait? What the fuck?

  Why the hell didn’t Nycto tell me this shit?

  Ivy’s head snaps to Void, her eyes wide with sheer terror. “They’re going to attack the club looking for us… in three days? But Eva… Eva’s there!”

  Void stands to go to her, but she turns, heading for the door. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  She spins, glaring at Void. “I have to go back. I must help Eva.”

  “And what are you going to do that the entire club isn’t gonna do? Think this through, Ivy. You’re one woman. The club is better off with us here. Then they don’t have to be concerned about protecting us as well. They will be better able to defend themselves properly if we stay away. After all, whatever this is… it’s leveled at us.”

  She lets out a low growl, throwing her hand in the air in utter frustration. “This is bullshit!” She turns, heading for the back door.

  Right where I am.



  I almost fall on my ass as I scurry away trying to rush off into the woods. But their yelling can still be heard.

  “Ivy, it’s for the best.”

  “What would you know? You took me away from my sister, and now she could die. Dammit! I might never see her again. This is all your fault!”

  Well, this is a turnaround. I never envisaged them at each other’s throats like this.

  “Don’t you dare follow me. I don’t want to see you right now. Déjame solo!” Ivy slams the door in Void’s face as she mumbles to herself in Spanish, heading off straight into the woods. My job here is to protect them both—they’re splitting up—this wasn’t part of the plan.

  Okay, what to do!

  Void can take care of himself, so I take off after Ivy in the shadows. Watching her. The way she walks is so full of confidence. The way she storms through the woods is like she’s a hurricane waiting to take down anyone who dares enter her path. I see why any man would fall for her. The attraction to a woman this intense is there, but my focus shifts to Shadow.

  Two women—the same fierceness but two completely different people.

  Shadow is funny, uncomplicated, the life of the party.

  Ivy is chaos, an ever-changing swirling cacophony of drama and antagonism.

  How I could be attracted to two women so uniquely different.

  They don’t look anything alike. Ivy with her long chestnut hair and thin frame. Shadow with her shorter blonde hair and toned, curvy figure. You couldn’t get two women more opposite.

  Ivy no longer has that magnetic pull, but when I see Shadow—when I even think of her—my entire body comes alive. That’s how I know this thing, this infatuation I had with Ivy was never real.

  She starts heading into the creek.

  “What in the fuck?” I murmur to myself while marching toward her to stop the woman from doing something fucking stupid.

  I get you’re angry, Ivy, but there’s no need to drown yourself.

  Then just as suddenly, she lays in the water fully clothed, floating on her back gazing up at the sky. I stand still, staring at her, wondering what in the hell do I do?

  Do I go in there and get her out?

  Blow my cover?

  Do I leave her to float in the murky river?

  No normal person randomly floats in the river like that with their clothes on. She’s obviously having some sort of fucking episode.

  The more I get to know Ivy, the more I see how left of center she is, how fucking crazy she is. I’m not the right brand of crazy for her. Maybe she knew that all along. Maybe she could see we weren’t the right fit.

  “What’s wrong?” Ivy calls out, shocking me from my thoughts.

  I internally panic. She’s seen me! But Void rushes into the water fully clothed moving frantically to Ivy, then pulls her into the tightest of embraces. “Don’t you ever… ever scare me like that again. What the hell are you doing out here?”

  “Just recharging my energy.” She holds on to him while he pants hard. “I get this is stressful for you… but it is for me, too, Void.”

  He pulls back, his hand comes up to caress her face. Leaning in, he kisses her so intensely I have to turn away not wanting to interrupt their moment.

  “I’ve never been as petrified as when I saw you floating. I thought you were dead. For fuck’s sake, I swear a piece of me broke seeing you like that, Ivy.”

  Widening my eyes, I look back. Hearing Void express his emotions toward her again is just something I’m not used to. He brings out her crazy, and she brings out his caring. They balance each other out.

  “I’m sorry. I’m trying to process this the only way I know how.”

  “You could’ve talked to me—”

  “Can we not talk right now?” She moves in, wrapping her legs around his waist, her body floating in the water. Void moves his hands to support her ass as Ivy presses her lips to Void’s. With her legs wrapped around him and his hands gripping hold, he walks them out of the creek and over to the grassy patch. Void kneels on the greenery, lowering Ivy to the ground, his lips never leaving hers.

  His fingers move to her button-up blouse, ripping it apart with ease.

  How the fuck am I going to get away from this and keep them safe?

  I see now how deeply Void cares for Ivy. She’s not a plaything for him, his feelings are real. I respect that. Respect them, and I think this is Nycto trying to teach me a lesson. But it was
n’t needed, I already knew things with Ivy were never going to be any more than friendship. I just needed a good wake-up call.

  With the sounds of them going at it and them completely distracted, I make my way up to the house, sneak inside and steal a few cookies, fill up my water bottle and head back around to the front of the house.

  Looks like I’m here for the long haul.

  The one person I want to talk to right now isn’t here, but she is a phone call away. Walking as far away from the bungalow as I can so Ivy and Void can’t hear me, but I have a line of sight through the trees, I find a seat on a log, pull out my cell, and call Shadow.

  I need to hear her voice.

  It rings a couple times, then she answers. “Hey… was wondering if I was going to hear from you again.”

  Those words—they cut me like a knife. They’re blunt, to the point, but from her perspective, truthful, so I try to explain as best I can. “Of course, you were, I’ve had to save battery. I’m basically camping with nowhere to charge my battery except for a power bank, and so I’m conserving the power.”


  I hear how this sounds, and she’s reacting exactly how she should.

  I blew her off at lunch, and now I’m making these wild reasons why I can’t call her.

  I’d be calling bullshit, too.

  “I know this all sounds fucking farfetched, but I swear to you, when I’m able to explain, I will… I… I needed to hear your voice.”

  She’s quiet for a while, then she exhales. “Dash, I just… I don’t know what to believe.”

  Scrubbing at my face, disappointment flows through me. At myself for not being straight with her. I wanted to do this face to face, but I don’t want this shit to continue for one minute longer. “I didn’t want to have to tell you this over the phone, and honestly, I’m breaking a hell of a lot of rules by telling you. If my phone is tapped, I’m putting everyone here in deep shit.”

  She exhales. “Dash—”

  “I don’t want to lie to you, Shadow.”

  She’s quiet for a moment, then inhales. “Okay, tell me.”

  “I’m here on protective detail. I’m hanging in the shadows, out of sight where no one can see me.” Rolling my shoulders, I hope she doesn’t hang up on me.


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