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Seeking Shadows (Royal Bastards MC Tampa Chapter Book 3)

Page 10

by K E Osborn

  She glances at me, then turns to Void. “I thought you were dead. I was so scared when I saw those assholes lighting up the bungalow, knowing you were inside, and I couldn’t do anything about it.”

  “We owe Dash for that, too.” Void turns to Tony. “We owe you a debt.”

  “I’ll hold you to that. For now, get your woman home. Never know if we might need her again,” Tony replies, but it’s laced with humor.

  “Home sounds like heaven. It also sounds like Dash is an all-around hero today,” Ivy offers.

  I shrug. “Any one of the brothers would have done the same.”

  Void grips my shoulder. “We have history, so what you did today… it means a fucking lot.”

  I tilt my head toward the exit. “Then let’s get home and cleaned up because that water was frigid, and I don’t know about you, but I need a fucking hot shower.”

  Everyone laughs as we walk toward the exit of the Farm.

  They might see me as the hero of the day, but I was just doing what’s right.

  For everyone.


  We brought Void’s father back to the club so he can be dealt with, and after much discussion, it was decided Ivy would be the one to deliver his punishment by bricking him up behind the wall in the Bricking Room. Once Nycto let me pass, allowing me inside the clubhouse, I ushered Wyatt downstairs and prepped him for Ivy. Then I made my way back to my room to finally have a fucking shower.

  With everyone back home and safe, I have something I have to mend with Shadow. After scrubbing every inch of dirt off me, I sit on the edge of my bed, plugging my phone into the charger and dial Shadow’s number. It rings, and rings, and rings until it rings out.

  Goddammit! She’s avoiding me. I don’t blame her. I pull up the messaging app to write to her, when her name flashes up on my screen.

  She’s calling me back.

  My face lights up with a smile as I swipe the screen. “Thought you were giving me the stink eye.”

  She snorts out a laugh. “How can I do that through the phone?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  She exhales. “Thought about it, but no, I had my hands deep in dishwater.”

  “You don’t have a dishwasher?”

  She exhales. “I fucking wish. Thing’s been broken since I moved in.”

  “Tell your landlord.”

  “I have, multiple times. I’ve given up trying now.”

  “I need to see this apartment of yours, maybe pay this landlord a visit.”

  She sighs. “One day.”

  “That’s not a no, I’ll take it!”

  She chuckles. “How goes the patrol?”

  Glancing around my small room, I’ve never been so happy to be home. “I’m home. Shit hit the fan, but we got it all figured out.”

  She’s quiet for a moment. “Shit hit the fan?”

  “The bad guys ended up coming, but let’s just say, the bad guys didn’t win.”

  She clears her throat. “Did you get hurt?”

  “Little smoke inhalation, sore shoulder, nothing some rest won’t fix.”

  “What the hell happened?”

  “You know, burning buildings, a rescue, a kidnapping from a satanic cult, mass murder, a general Friday night.”

  She lets out a contemplative laugh. “That was a joke, right?”

  “Yeah… something like that.” A slow smile lights my face.

  “So, umm… I have some news.”

  “Yeah? Hit me.”

  She exhales. “We have a new security guy starting on Saturday night.”

  I’ve been away for too long. I always knew this wasn’t a long-term thing, but I wanted more time with her. “Oh… that’s good. Is he stronger than Garth, the Inadequate?”

  “He’s into MMA and runs a ring downtown. The man’s huge. Twice your size.”

  “In what department, though, ‘cause I mean, he might have muscles but is he packing where it counts?”

  “Dash!” She chuckles.

  “That shit is important, Badass. Tiny dick, small personality.”

  She groans. “You’re such an idiot.”

  “That I am.”

  She exhales. “So, what happens now?”

  “Now, I sleep for a couple days and recover, get back to my full strength, then, I come see you.”

  “Okay… well, you know where I’ll be.”

  Warmth radiates through me at the thought of seeing her again. “Yeah, yeah, I do… Shadow?”


  “I’m gonna hug you when I see you. Fair warning and all.”

  “Fine, one hug, but if you touch my ass, I’m filing a sexual harassment in the workplace suit against you.”

  I let out a booming laugh. “You can’t if I don’t work there anymore.”


  “Ha! Your ass is fair game now, baby!”

  She snickers. “My ass is off-limits to you and your greasy hands, thank you!”

  “I do not have greasy hands! I am exceptionally clean, I’ll have you know… except for the last however many days I’ve been living in the bush, but, besides then, you could eat off my chest.” Her breath catches down the line, and I grin when realizing I’ve made her imagine that. “Stop picturing me naked.”

  She scoffs. “I’m hanging up now.”

  “Don’t forget this security guard does not have small dick syndrome.”

  “Jesus, Dash!”

  “Wash your hands thoroughly from the dishwater before you click your mouse thinking of me.”

  “Bye, asshole.”

  “Bye, bar wench.”

  “I hate you.” She ends the call, and I chuckle to myself as I flop back on my mattress.

  “Fuck, I missed that.”

  I missed her.

  I’m going to get a good couple of days solid rest, make sure Nycto is actually all good with me being back, then I’m going to go spend some quality time with Shadow.

  Because she is the one woman taking up all the space in my mind right now.

  A Couple Days Later

  Standing by the bar with a beer in hand, I’m finally feeling more like myself after the crazy shit that went down with Void and Ivy. I’m just about to head out to see Shadow when Void walks over to the pool table, sending out a whistle to grab everyone’s attention. We all turn to face him as my brothers fan out around him in a semi-circle.

  “I have news.”

  Oh Jesus, what the fuck is happening now?

  Ivy and Eva both jump up from the sofa, fear etched across their faces.

  “Oh God,” Eva mumbles, grabbing Ivy’s hand for support.

  “Ivy, can you come here?”

  She glances at her sister, giving her an encouraging nod. Eva is hesitant to let her go, but Ivy detaches from her, then slowly walks his way. Void reaches out, taking her hand with a slow smile creeping up on his face.

  Ivy scowls, throwing a punch into his pec. Hard. “Fuck you, asshole, I thought something was wrong.” But she can’t fight the corner of her lips turning up.

  Everyone chuckles as I roll my eyes.

  “Always fighting. You’re so fucking strong, Ivy. Your inner strength is what astounds me, time and time again. I made the mistake of thinking because you didn’t have the same life experiences as the rest of us, it meant you were meek and mild. Yeah, I was so goddamn wrong.”

  She tilts her head as if she’s mocking him. “True story.”

  Void gestures to Nycto as he moves in behind him. “You, Ivy Pérez, are tougher than some of the men I’ve met. Your fire, your fight, your will to outdo is intoxicating—”

  “Void… what is this?” she questions.

  “You have a dark side, Ivy. It flows inside you. We used to call it your poison, Poison Ivy. But I’m willing to take every last drop of your crazy even if it kills me.”

  It nearly fucking did!

  She tilts her head. “Used to call it poison? I’m not following, Void… what’s going on?”

sp; Void tilts his head at Nycto, who steps forward with a club cut.

  I should have known this was coming. I’m not surprised really, more bored than anything. This is aggravating me now.

  Ivy raises her brow at Void. “You’re claiming me? This is my property patch?”

  Void lets out a small laugh. “Yes and no… I am claiming you, Ivy, but this isn’t your property patch.”

  I scrunch up my face as does Ivy.

  What the fuck does that mean?

  Nycto turns it around, pointing to the prospect patch on the front.

  What in the ever-loving fuck is this shit?

  “This is a club cut, Ivy. Tampa has never had a female prospect in our ranks, but we’ve voted. With the strength, determination, and courage you’ve shown, you’d make a fucking incredible Royal Bastard if you wanna join us?”

  Ivy’s eyes widen so fucking huge it’s like she can’t even think, let alone speak. “So, wait, let me get this right, I’m prospecting in, and I’m an Ol’ Lady right now?”

  “You’ll now be known as Toxin. Generally, we don’t give road names until you officially patch in, but seeing as you’re being claimed as well, we agreed to having your name known early.”

  She lets out a loud laugh as she races forward, threading her arms through the club cut.

  Well, shit! Ivy and Void’s relationship drives me goddamn crazy enough, but now she will be the same rank as me, working alongside me at the club as a what? A brother? Fuck this!

  Everyone cheers, bar me, as she turns then hurtles herself at Void, her lips pressing against his. Void wraps his arms around her, his fingers creasing against the leather of her cut.

  Fuck! Jealousy? Is that what I am feeling? Not of Void and her because frankly, I couldn’t care less, but the fact she has a damn road name. The woman’s been a prospect all of five minutes, and she’s already receiving a special privilege.

  “Thank you, Void. Thank you for doing this. I’m sure it was you who suggested I join the club and is sponsoring me. I can’t imagine not being part of it. It’s like this is where I belong like this is what I’m meant to be doing.”

  Void brings his hand up, caressing the side of her face. “I know. I knew from the second I saw you bricking Andrés up behind that wall, you were born for this club. And now, you’re my Ol’ Lady, so every fucking thing is perfect.”

  She grins at Void. “Toxin, huh?”

  “Thought you’d like it.”

  “I love it.”

  They lean in kissing again.

  Nope—I’m out.

  This is some shit going down.

  I need to get out of here and go somewhere I feel appreciated.

  Fuck, maybe I’m being an entitled asshole right now, but I don’t give a rat’s ass.

  I march out of the clubhouse and over to my bike.

  I want to see Shadow—I’ve put my relationship with her on hold and in jeopardy because of this club—I won’t do it anymore.

  Shadow comes first.

  My patch can fucking wait.

  I don’t care right now.

  Chapter Ten


  The bar is dead tonight. As I wipe down the counter, Scarlett flirts with Jett, the new security guard, and I snicker to myself at her overly sexual gestures. Jett doesn’t seem to mind, though. My problem is every time I look at Jett, I keep thinking of him as having a small dick, thanks to Dash.

  Fucking idiot.

  The door to the bar swings open, and I don’t have time to look up before a deep voice calls out, “Honey, I’m home.”

  My eyes lift. Dash is walking inside, his arms open wide, and he’s smiling brightly at me. He looks just as fucking breathtaking as ever. His club cut is back on, his ripped jeans and his black tee fitting snug against his chiseled abs.

  Damn, this man is gorgeous.

  “Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in!” Scarlett drones.

  “Nice to see you, too, Scarlett. You’re looking lovely this evening.” Dash’s sarcastic tone is not lost on Scarlett or me.

  Scarlett scoffs, turning on her heels, and walks over to the bar next to me, folding her arms over her chest, pushing up her tits. “We are not happy with you, sir!”

  I turn to look at her with wide eyes. “We’re not?” She narrows her eyes on me intently. “Oh right, no, we’re not!”

  Dash strides to the bar, taking a seat in front of me. “I know. I have some groveling to do—”

  “Groveling? Oh, honey, you have an Olympic medal in fucking-shit-up, so I suggest groveling is only the beginning of your training. Then there’s retail therapy, favors, not to mention chores and everyday living expenses.”

  I chuckle, staring at Scarlett like she’s lost her damn mind. “What are you talking about?”

  She waves me off. “Just roll with it.”

  “Everyday living expenses, huh?” Dash replies.

  Scarlett slams her hands down on the counter dramatically, making me jump, as Dash continues to watch whatever this is playing out. “You, sir, are fully liable for my client’s needs. You wrongfully duped her, and therefore she needs compensation.”

  I hip and shoulder Scarlett out of the way. “Sorry about her, she can get a little dramatic when she’s fighting for justice.”

  Scarlett turns storming off. “Freedom and liberty for all!” She throws her hand in the air as she stalks away leaving me alone with Dash finally.

  He grins mischievously. “So… she hasn’t changed.”

  “Not in the slightest.”

  He reaches over, grabbing my hand. The faint hint of a spark tingles beneath the surface as we both glance at our joined fingers. “I am sorry I left without telling you.”

  The memory of the café springs back into my mind, and I slowly pull my fingers from his. His eyes watch me as I take a step back from the bar to put some distance between us.

  I can’t think when he’s this close to me.

  “How’re things at the club?”

  He scoffs like that’s a loaded question. “Ivy prospected in.”

  I jerk my head back in shock. “Umm… as in, she’s a member?”

  Dash bobs his head like this news deeply annoys him. “She’s the same rank as me.”

  “Excuse my ignorance, but since when are females allowed in an MC?”

  “Apparently, now they are.”

  I grimace. “Ouch, sore spot right there, huh?”

  He rubs the back of his neck. “They’re taunting me. I will have to do all my prospecting duties with her beside me as well as run the la—” He looks up at me stopping mid-sentence like he’s already said too much. “Never mind.”

  Tension runs through me as I crack my neck to the side. “Do you still have feelings for her?”

  His head snaps up, concern in his eyes. “What? No. It’s just… fucking awkward.”

  “Then I guess you need to decide what means more to you. The patch or not feeling awkward?”

  “Why are you so smart?”

  Chuckling, I shrug. “Why are you so stupid?”

  “That hurt my fragile heart.”

  “You’ll survive. So anyway… are you back for a while, or will you have to leave again?”

  His eyes meet mine, a genuine caring expression seeping through. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “You still have to make it up to me!”

  He bows his head. “I know.”

  “And if you pull a stunt like that again, Dash, I promise that’ll be it. I won’t talk to you anymore.”

  His somber eyes meet mine. “I know.”

  The anger resurfaces as my bottom lip begins to quiver. “I don’t forgive you.”

  He reaches out grabbing my hand in his again. Those fucking sparks seem to ignite tenfold. “I don’t deserve it.”

  My breathing comes in rushed and hard as I stare at him. “You. Hurt. Me.”

  He stands, quickly making his way around the bar. “I never meant to. I had no choice at the time.”
br />   I shove him in the chest. “But you did! Choice or not!”

  He steps closer, grabbing my shoulders forcing me to look at him. “Shadow… I’m sorry.”

  I turn my face away because I don’t want him to see my eyes welling with tears. “You’re such a fucking bastard.”

  “That’s what the patch says.”

  I spin, glaring at him. “Don’t make this a joke, Dash.”

  His eyes meet mine. “This… us… it isn’t a joke to me, Shadow.”

  “Then why do I feel like you’re always one foot out the door?”

  His face scrunches like I’ve just sucker-punched him straight in the gut. He shakes his head like he can’t find the right words. “I’m not out the door, I’m in, Badass, I’m all fucking in.” With that, his hand slides up into the back of my hair, yanking my head forward. His lips slam against mine unexpectedly, and my eyes widen in shock. Our lips connect as his free hand slides to my ass, pulling me forward onto him. The second our lips connect, it’s like the bar illuminates around me like fireflies light up the room making everything alive and buzzing with energy. The world is so much brighter, intensely more beautiful. Like it’s spinning, but Dash and I are the only things standing still. It’s euphoric, a cataclysmic, earthshattering, seismic event, rocking my foundations to the core. His cock hardens against me as he pushes me back against the bar in a frenzy.

  I had no idea kissing Dash would be this fucking good, but now I’ve had a taste, I never want to let it go. My hands slide up around his neck, pulling him closer to me, my leg making its way up around his thigh, needing to be closer to him. I feel everything as my clit begins to throb. I let out a small moan into his mouth, the emotion becoming too much as I kiss him frantically.

  “Get a fucking room!” Scarlett calls out, reminding me not only I am at work, but there are other patrons around us.

  I slowly pull back from Dash, dropping my leg. He has the biggest, dorkiest grin on his face, and one massive tent in his jeans. I bite down on my bottom lip. “I thought you said you were going to give me a hug when you saw me? This was not a hug.”

  He takes my hand in his. “C’mon, let’s go somewhere more private.”

  “I’m not fucking you at work, Dash.”


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