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Seeking Shadows (Royal Bastards MC Tampa Chapter Book 3)

Page 14

by K E Osborn

  “Nope, but I do want to keep you happy.”

  I hesitate. “Then I have a question for you.”


  “Seeing as I opened up to you, I think it’s only fair you do the same. I told you about my past, so tell me yours?”

  He grimaces, slumping back in his seat like I’ve completely deflated the conversation. “I suppose that’s fair…” He pauses. “I have a big family, three sisters and a brother, all younger. Umm… my mother, she does the best she can raising the rest of them. I support her where I can. I joined the club for them.”

  “For them? Why?”

  He turns away from me, looking out the window. “My dad… we didn’t get along when I was younger. He was always looking for a fight with me. It was fucking bad, so I left. Went to LA as a street kid and took up residence in group homes. Found my way around the system until I was old enough to make my own way.”

  “Things were so bad with your dad that you left your entire family behind?”

  “Yeah… then just over a year ago, he died. Cops ruled it a suicide, but I knew he wasn’t the type to take the easy road. I came home for my family, then started looking into it. I knew something was off. That someone did that to him. That someone targeted him. I thought my family wasn’t safe, so I joined the club purposely to protect them.”

  “You stepped up. You are taking care of them.”

  He shrugs. “I try.”

  “That’s noble of you.”

  “Noble? The right thing maybe. I left them for years, only keeping in touch when I wanted. I was a shitty brother, but they adore me anyway.”

  “It’s easy to adore you.”

  He chuckles, leaning across, planting a soft kiss on my lips. Our glorious spark is there, but like always, I pull back.

  “Thank you for telling me.”

  He dips his chin. “Okay, home to get changed, then to daycare.”

  “Let’s do this!”


  Dash was adamant he didn’t want to stay in the car when I went in to get Cruz. I told him as long as he didn’t wear his cut, I was okay with it. So here we are, walking into the daycare center. My nerves wreak havoc with me as Dash bounds along happily, unaware that every woman in here is judging me heavily.

  “Mama!” Cruz calls out as he comes rushing over, but then his eyes turn to Dash beside me, and they open wider than saucers. “Dash! You here!” Cruz diverts past me, his little body slamming right into Dash’s legs.

  “Hey, buddy, how was your day?”

  Cruz pulls back, scrunching up his face. “You’re all wet!”

  I snicker as Dash bobs his head. “Yes… yes, I am.”

  Cruz widens his eyes and nods his head once with a hum. “O-tay,” he says like the matter is settled, then grabs Dash by the hand and starts dragging him away. “Come see my dwawing!”

  Dash glances at me for confirmation, I smile, but it’s too late. He’s already being led away as I stand back, arms crossed over my chest. I love how easily Cruz has taken to Dash. I just hope he doesn’t get attached too fast. If Dash and I don’t make it, the last thing I want to do is hurt my son.

  Out of the corner of my eye, a shadow appears to my right and Katrina slides in beside me. My body instantly tenses as I inhale deeply. “Katrina,” I drone out a greeting.

  She clicks her tongue, her eyes shifting to Dash, as she looks him up and down. “You know, Shadow… Cruz was talking about how Mama let Dash sleep over last night.” Katrina lets out a mocking laugh. “That kind of thing can influence a child’s behavior, not to mention their social standing.”

  I turn to face her, my eyes staring daggers into the depths of her soul. “My child’s social standing is none of your concern, Katrina. Where he does or doesn’t sit in the hierarchy around here is not a depiction on me and the company I keep. It’s more on you and who you deem worthy.” I take a deep, steadying breath. “You don’t like me, I don’t fucking know why, but I swear to God, if you threaten my son again, I will show you what this gutter trash can really do if you push me.” Katrina’s eyes shoot wide open, along with her mouth as I turn with stiffened shoulders. “Cruz, baby, time to go!”

  He peers up with his adorable smile like he has no clue. I might have just lost him his place at this center, but honestly, if Katrina is going to keep coming at me like this, then maybe Cruz is better off somewhere else. Katrina huffs, storming off.

  Dash walks over with Cruz. “Everything okay over here?”

  I raise my chin. “Let’s just go.”

  Dash moves his hand to my lower back, and we walk out of the center, Cruz leading us as we exit. Dash’s tiny gesture, having his hand on me as we leave, is exactly what I didn’t know I needed. As we reach the car, Dash helps by strapping Cruz into his booster seat, all the while joking with him. Their light laughter makes me feel better with each passing second.

  Dash closes Cruz’s door then he’s on me in a flash. “Okay, now we have a second, you wanna tell me why you looked like you were ready to start World War three in there?”

  Rolling my shoulders, I huff. “Cuntrina Mulligan. She runs the center. The bitch just… aggravates me.”

  The corner of his lip turns up. “Cunt-rina?”

  “I said what I said.”

  He pulls me in for a hug. “Okay, I mean, I am a biker, I have ways of dealing with her. If you need me to—”

  “Dash, stop! But really, could you?” I shove him away from me and raise my brow with a smile.

  He waggles his. “Just say the word, baby.”

  I pat his chest twice and take off for the driver’s side. “Oh, Dasher, if only you were kidding.”

  He slides into the passenger side, and I move to get in the driver’s seat to make our way back to the apartment. Our conversation is lighthearted, but I know in a second, I could have Dash and his club take anyone I wanted out, and that thought is terrifying.

  But somehow, I find it completely comforting.

  What the hell does that say about me?

  The drive home isn’t long, but Dash and Cruz sing and talk the whole way home. He wasn’t kidding when he said he’s good with kids. I have to admit, it’s really great to see them together.

  It’s so nice seeing Cruz this happy.

  I have work in a couple of hours, so I need to get dinner done. Dash is staying before I head off, so we introduce Dash to Cruz’s favorite Dino nuggies, and we all sit around the television, waiting for Iris to come over. I feel for Dash. At least I got to come home and get changed, the poor guy’s been in wet underwear since this afternoon at the beach.

  A knock sounds at the door, and I smile as Dash and Cruz sit together playing with Mister Sprocket. Dash is telling Cruz all about bike engines as I make my way to the front door. Opening the door, Iris stands there.

  We’ve been through so much since she rescued me all those years ago.

  We’ve been on the run together.

  We’ve stayed close to each other.

  She was in the hospital room with me when Cruz was born.

  She’s basically my stand-in mother and Cruz’s grandmother. We both changed our names to keep safe. Even Cruz isn’t his real name, though he doesn’t know that. I’ll tell him one day. When he’s old enough to understand why I had to change who we are. Where we lived. Why we ran. Why we need to be in the shadows.

  It’s so fucking important he be kept safe.

  Iris reaches out touching my arm. “You’re thinking about it. I know that look.”

  I blink rapidly trying to clear my head. “We have company,” I whisper.

  Her eyes widen, and she tilts her head like she wasn’t expecting me to say that. “Oh, anyone I know?”

  “C’mon in.” I wave my hand through the air, and she walks in as Dash holds onto Cruz like a plane, soaring him through the air. Cruz chuckles his little head off, and I bite down on my bottom lip as Iris raises her brow at me, then clears her throat, gaining Dash’s attention.

glances over, pulling Cruz into his chest, holding onto him tight while he continues to giggle against him. “Hey! I’m Dash.” He places out his free hand for Iris to shake.

  Iris side-eyes me, then back to Dash, hesitantly shaking his hand. “How do you know, Shadow?”

  My eyes widen at Iris’ forthrightness, but she’s protective. She has already saved me from one psycho partner who was trying to kill me.

  Dash slowly places Cruz on the sofa, obviously sensing this is a serious conversation. “Just a biker who walked into a bar…”


  “I might be a Royal Bastard, but I’m not an actual bastard.”

  “Bwad word, Dash.”

  Dash grins. “Sorry, buddy!”

  Iris stands taller. “I don’t know that I like—”

  “Honestly, he’s fine, Iris. He’s a friend, and he’s leaving soon anyway.” I try to calm this situation down as Cruz jumps from the sofa, running over to Iris, slamming into her legs. She cuddles into him, seeming to soften the second she is near him.

  He has that effect on people.

  “Hey, little man, how was your day?”

  “I did a dwawing of a spwace ship and, and, and… I made a bwig sandcastle.”

  Iris smiles. “You did?”

  He nods his head emphatically. “Mm-hmm…”

  “And den Dash came, and he was wet.”

  Iris’ eyes shift to Dash.

  “I went swimming without a towel.”

  “Well, my boy here certainly seems to have a liking for you, Dash.”

  “Right, it’s time for us to leave.” Dash widens his eyes. “Dash, your bike is still at the bar and that’s where I am headed,” I announce.

  “It’s been a good day… I’ll see you again soon, Cruz.”

  He waves with a huge smile as I dip my chin at Iris. Leaning down, I plant a kiss on Cruz’s head. “Be a good boy for Iris, okay?”

  “O-tay, Mama.”

  “Be safe,” Iris tells me, her eyes shifting over me to Dash.

  “He is a good guy, Iris.”

  “Just… be safe,” she reiterates.

  I lean in, planting a kiss on her cheek. “I will. See you in the morning. Love you both.”

  “I wuv you, Mama,” Cruz calls out.

  Iris nods her head as I close the door behind me.

  Dash doesn’t say anything as we descend the three flights of stairs, but as we enter the car, his silence breaks. “You’ve known Iris for a while, huh?”

  Closing the car door, I turn to him. “She’s been my neighbor for a long time.”

  “She adores Cruz.”

  “We adore her… let’s get you to your bike.”

  He frowns. “You tryin’ to get rid of me?”

  “You plan on getting wasted again tonight?”

  He groans. “No. You’re right, I should get back to the club. See what shit is going down.”

  I pat his chest, then start the car. We did have a great day, and I have to admit, our moment in the ocean was fucking amazing, but it always comes back to the fact that Dash is a member of an MC, and I just can’t see how it fits in with Cruz and me. With our history, the bad guys tend to not bode so well for me.

  I guess I just have to figure out if Dash and his MC are the bad guys or the good guys I so desperately seek.

  Chapter Fifteen


  My morning with Shadow went far better than I could have hoped for. Sure, I wasn’t counting on meeting a kid I didn’t know about, but my time at the beach with Shadow was fucking everything I could have wanted and more.

  Walking into the clubhouse, I feel like a fucking king. I don’t really know where Shadow and I stand, but I know she wants me around. She’s okay with me being near Cruz, and that’s good with me. When I met her, it never even crossed my mind that she could be a mother, but all the signs were there, and I should have taken notice of them. She’s a fucking great mom. I’m just glad I’m here to help her in whatever way I can, be the support she needs. Because honestly, the last few years for me I’ve been putting on this persona, this happy-go-lucky Dash who everyone thinks is a practical joker and the life of the party, when I was slowly fading away inside.

  After my father’s death, it changed something within me. I had to step up. Be the man of the house for my family because it meant something to me. I had to stop running away from them. I had to stop seeing them as the enemy and protect them because whatever came for our father could come for any one of us next.

  I just don’t know what the fuck, or who the fuck, it is that came for him.

  Mom’s no help. She’s as tight-lipped as they come. When it comes to my past and all the shit that went down between my father and me, she tends to stay out of it. Says it’s too painful to talk about. I let it go more often than not. I just wish there was more I could do. So, I did the only thing I could think of—join the club, protect my family.

  Having brothers who would call to arms in an instant is exactly what I needed. And as I walk inside the bunker, seeing my brothers all drinking and getting rowdy, I smirk, loving the fact I’ve gotten my patch.

  I’m one of them.

  A brother.

  A fully-fledged—

  “Justice!” a sweet voice calls out desperately, interrupting my thought process. I turn around still not used to people calling me by a road name as Toxin rushes up to me.



  “Where have you been? I’ve been trying to call you,” she huffs out frustratingly.

  I continue walking, but she keeps her stride with mine. “Out.”

  Her eyes drop to my jeans, and she furrows her brows. “Wait… is your crotch wet?”

  Letting out a small laugh, I run my hand through my hair. “Yep, sure is.”

  “Do I even want to know why your crotch is wet but the rest of you is dry?”

  I wink at her. “I like to keep up the suspense, adds to the mystery that is Dash.”

  “Or I can just pretend you pissed yourself?”

  I bump into her shoulder. “Sorry I missed your calls, I was…” I glance down at my wet crotch, “… indisposed.”

  Toxin slumps, her eyes drooping as she loops her arm with mine. “Dash, this prospecting shit is difficult. I needed my friend today. They’re harder on me because I’m the first female to prospect in, and they think I won’t be able to hack it.”

  I scoff, jerking my head back. “Of course, you can, Toxin! You’re stronger than hell!”

  “That’s the problem, Dash. I’m not. Not physically. They’ve got me lifting shit and trying to break stuff there’s no possible way a girl my size can lift and break.”

  I feel for her.

  I do.

  But it’s all a part of the hazing process.

  Reaching out, I grip her shoulder. “You don’t have to be stronger… you have to be smarter. You can’t break it, find something or someone who will. Think outside the box… they love that shit.”

  Her eyes widen like she has realized something. Racing forward, she takes me into a giant embrace. “Thank you! Thanks for helping me.”

  I pull back. “Don’t show them your weaknesses, Ivy. You’ve never been weak, don’t start now.”

  She straightens her shoulders like my pep talk was all she needed to hear. “Yeah, you’re right. I can do this.”

  “Of course, you can.”

  “Sorry about bugging you today.”

  “I was just preoccupied.”

  “With the woman from the bar?”

  “How do you know about her?”

  Toxin sheepishly grimaces. “I followed you there last night to make sure you weren’t going to kill yourself drinking and driving.”

  I can’t even be mad. She was only trying to look out for me. She reaches out, gripping my arm. “I never stopped caring, Dash. I just didn’t care the way you wanted me to.”

  “I know, but it turned out for the best.”

  “So… bar girl?”
She grins.

  I can’t help but smile. “Bar girl!”

  “You gonna tell me about her?”

  “There’s nothing to tell.”

  There is, but it’s between Shadow and me right now.

  Toxin purses her lips like she knows I’m holding back. “Okay, tell me when there is.”

  “Will do.”

  I turn, heading for my room. After talking with Shadow about Tyler and the Order, I need to know more. But first, I need a shower and a fresh set of clothes.


  After a long shower, I’m now sitting at my computer in my room trying to find any information I can on The Order of Abaddon, but I’m coming up blank. I guess if you want your organization to be a secret, having information about them on Wikipedia isn’t the best place to start.

  So, I move my search to Tyler Caddick. A few hits pop up, but nothing in the age range I would be expecting. Whoever this Tyler is, he’s hidden himself far too well.

  At least from the everyday internet.

  I can’t do this on my own.

  I need help.

  Gathering my notepad and cell, I head out into the main room to find the man I need right now.

  My eyes search the dimly lit bunker for our tech guru, Voltage. He’s quiet, a little more reserved than some of the other more boisterous guys here, but he will get the job done. Spotting him sitting on the sofa in front of the kitchen with Trixie firmly on his lap, her fingers threading through his hair as they chat like long-lost friends, just slightly more intimate. His hand firmly placed up her skirt.

  Striding over, I stop in front of them.

  Voltage glares at me as Trixie acts like she’s not even bothered by me being there while Voltage is finger fucking her. His hand doesn’t stop its movements beneath her skirt, not even for a single second.

  Clearing my throat, I go to talk, but Voltage grunts out, “This better be worth interrupting me, Justice. My hands are kinda busy right now.”

  Smirking as Trixie begins to pant, I slide a stool over and sit down in front of him. His eyes narrow on me like he’s pissed off, but this takes precedence. “I need a search done. I tried doing it myself, but nothing is coming up… I need dark web shit.”


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