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Secret Wishes and Summer Kisses on Lily Pond Lane

Page 10

by Emily Harvale

  'Lucky you. The last time Gill and I had … were romantic was nearly a week ago. Shit!'

  'Ella! We don't use the s-word either.'

  'Sorry. But I hadn't realised it was so long.' She slumped her other arm on the glass top and sighed. 'Oh God, Jenny. What am I going to do?'

  'Talk to him, Ella. You can't go on like this. It's ridiculous. When Mia and Jet had their misunderstanding they didn't let it come between them. They talked about it.'

  'Yeah. But they were both willing to. They both wanted to. I'm not sure Gill wants to talk about it. Last night he made it clear he didn't.'

  'No. From what you told us, he made it clear he didn't want to bicker about it. Talking and bickering are completely different. Bickering is about tossing accusations around, finding fault and blaming one another. Talking is about listening and sharing and being willing to meet the other person halfway.'

  'Now who's being a smart-arse. Okay, okay. I'll talk to him. If I ever get a chance. God, I'm dying for a coffee. You know what you need, Jenny?'

  'A good night's sleep.'

  'Apart from that. You need a little café in here.'

  Jenny gave Ella a look of surprise.

  'You must be able to read my mind. Only the other day, as I stood here in an empty shop, watching yet another torrential downpour, I wished I had a café attached to the bakery. Then people wouldn't simply pop in and out for bread and cakes, they'd stop and chat.'

  'Doesn't everyone who comes in here stop and chat already? I was thinking more along the lines of people being able to get a cup of coffee while they were chatting.'

  'That's what I meant too.'

  'And it would make you extra dosh.'

  'That's true. But there simply isn't room. It'll just have to be my secret wish.'

  'It's not a secret because I know about it. And there is room. At least for one table and a couple of chairs. One of those bistro tables would fit in that corner. And in the summer, you could have table and chairs outside. Or across the lane on the village green.'

  'I'd probably need planning permission or something for that, but you're right about a bistro table. One would fit in that corner. Why didn't I think of that?'

  'Because you're not as brilliant as me.' Ella laughed and winked at Jenny.

  'Oh yeah? Well, I may not be as brilliant, but at least I'm having sex. Sorry. That wasn't funny. I didn't mean it.'

  'Don't worry about it. Listen. There's an old bistro-type table on the garden deck of Sunbeam Cottage. We've got lots of other tables and seating out there, so we could make do without that one for now. It'll give you an idea of what it looks like and whether it would work.'

  'That sounds perfect. Thanks, Ella. That's a fantastic idea.'

  'I'll get Garrick to pop it over later today. He says he's actually going to spend tonight at our place. Since he and Bree got engaged he's been as good as living at Willow Cottage with her. Which really doesn't make sense because Sunbeam Cottage is at least twice the size, if not more, of Bree's place.'

  'But Willow Cottage gives them privacy and a certain amount of peace and quiet.'

  'You're saying Gill and I are noisy? Okay. Maybe I am. But I'm not as noisy as Flora can be. When that kid cries, people in China know about it. And when the twins are born, Sunbeam Cottage will seem like a sanctuary. Even with me in it.'

  'Has Garrick said where they're going to live once the twins are here? I suppose, as Willow Cottage has two bedrooms and Flora will still only be just over one year old, all three babies could fit in the second bedroom. But it's clearly not a long-term option.'

  Ella frowned. 'I hadn't even considered that. Really, when you think about it logically, Garrick and Bree and the three kids should move into Sunbeam Cottage and Gill and I – assuming there is still a 'Gill and I' by then, should move into Willow Cottage. But as both properties belong to Mia and Jet, I suppose it's up to them who lives where, not us. God. I hope we can work something out. Is it just me, Jenny, or does it feel like, ever since the wedding, everything's changing? And not necessarily for the better.'

  Chapter Seventeen

  So Ella wasn't the only one who thought things had changed since the wedding. Jenny had said that she and Glen had also noticed one or two subtle differences in certain people's behaviour.

  Bree was obviously having mood swings caused by pregnancy so she didn't really count, and Garrick was understandably nervous. Having already lost one partner, he was naturally a little anxious. Everyone in the village knew that Bree's pregnancy was nothing short of a miracle. They were all wishing and praying that the birth would go like a dream. But as the twins weren't due until next February, it was a long time for those little anxieties to simmer away in the background.

  Hettie had definitely been acting weird. This map business and wanting to find the natural spring of legend was an unusual and slightly bizarre quest for her. Ella still couldn't figure out why Hettie wanted so badly to find it. What she could possibly be wishing for at her age? Other than a longer life, perhaps.

  Oh no! Was that it? Did Hettie think she was going to die soon? Not such an irrational thought as Hettie was in her eighties, but one Ella couldn't bring herself to consider. Why wouldn't the annoying woman simply tell them why she wanted to find it? She was quick enough to share everyone else's secrets with anyone who would listen. It was completely unreasonable of her not to agree to share her own. All she'd said was that drinking the water meant she could get the thing she most wanted, but flatly refused to say exactly what that was.

  And Fred was no help. When Ella had taken him to one side after he returned from the beach with Daisy and asked if he knew why Hettie was so eager to find it, all he said was, 'I think you should ask Hettie that, dear.'

  Ella's mood darkened as she squelched across the village green, back towards Sunbeam Cottage. The heavy grey clouds rolling in from the sea and threatening more rain, didn't do anything to improve it. As if they hadn't had enough already. If this weird weather continued, Hettie would never find her hidden spring of tears. The entire village would be under water. Ella shook her head. Perhaps she should ask Garrick to forget making his intricately carved and designed wooden furniture and build an ark instead.

  She was so engrossed with her melancholy thoughts, she didn't spot the figure walking towards her and jumped when she heard her name.

  'Ella? Excuse me, but are you Ella Swann?'

  Ella glanced round. She recognised Tabbie Talbaine from the photos she and Bree had seen of the woman in their Google search. Immediately, she straightened her spine and pushed back her shoulders. If she'd had a sword to hand, she would've removed it from its sheath in readiness for battle.

  'Yes. I'm Ella Swann.'

  She was more than a little surprised when Tabbie smiled and held out her hand in a warm and friendly greeting.

  'Oh, Ella, hello. I've been longing to meet you. I'm Tabbie. Tabbie Talbaine. I'm the one who's been taking up so much of your boyfriend's time, for which I must apologise. But he's a godsend. He really is. As if I need to tell you that. We've already uncovered far more than I had hoped we would. And it's fascinating. Truly exciting. But he's no doubt told you all about it. Anyway, I spotted you and from the things Gill's told me, I was sure you must be Ella. I was on my way to get some cakes from Lake's Bakes because Gill says that they're to die for. Aurelia makes delicious cakes, but Gill says you haven't tasted heaven until you've had one of Jenny's cream buns.'

  'Gill's been saying quite a lot by the sounds of it. But he's right about Jenny's cakes. Er. Perhaps you'd be good enough to tell my boyfriend that, if he can find the time to drag himself away from his dusty old books and keep his laptop, and everything else, closed for a while, he could come home and see his girlfriend. She has something very important she'd rather like to talk to him about.'

  'I'm sorry. Have I said or done something to upset you? You seem a trifle displeased. It's because I've been monopolising him, isn't it? I understand completely. But we both get so
caught up in it that the hours simply fly. One minute it's nine in the morning, the next, it's six in the evening and we have no idea where the day has gone. I'll be sure to give him your message if I see him before you, which I doubt, and I promise I'll keep a closer eye on the time from now on. Although you're very welcome to join us if you'd like to.'

  'Thank you, but no. I have my own work to do. I'm an editor, you know. Wait. You just said you'll give him my message if you see him before I do. What did you mean by that?'

  'Gill told me you're an editor. An excellent one. And I didn't mean anything, other than in all probability you'll see him before I do today.'

  Ella frowned. 'You're buying him a cream bun. You'll obviously see him before me.'

  'Um. I'm not. I'm buying Aurelia and myself, cream buns. On Gill's recommendation. He told me yesterday that he'd be working from home today and nipping over to Little Whitting… something or other. I can't recall the name. He said he'd pop in later, but only for half an hour or so.'

  Ella shot a look towards Sunbeam Cottage. The car was in the drive. It hadn't been there when she'd left to go to Lake's Bakes less than twenty minutes ago.

  'He's working from home.' Ella smiled at Tabbie. 'Great. Thanks. Enjoy your cakes. See you later.'

  'It was lovely to meet you,' Tabbie said, as Ella hurried away.

  'Yeah. Same here. Whatever.'

  Ella dashed up the drive and raced into the hall.

  'Gill? Gill, are you here? Gill?'

  He rushed into the hall from the dining room.

  'I'm here. What's happened? What's wrong?'

  There was a worried look on his face and Ella smiled as she breathed a sigh of relief.

  'Nothing. I saw the car and wondered where you were.'

  He let out sigh far louder than hers.

  'Then why did you scream my name at the top of your lungs? Jesus, Ella. You nearly gave me a heart attack. I thought something terrible had happened.'

  'It nearly did. It still might. But I'm wishing with all my heart that it won't.'

  'What? I don't understand. Are you trying to tell me something?'

  'Yes, Gill. I am. I think we need to talk.'

  Colour drained from his face and he removed his glasses.

  'This isn't a good time, Ella. Can't it wait?'

  'It can, I suppose. But I don't think it should. Can't you leave whatever it is you're doing for now? This won't take long. At least I hope it won't.'

  He sucked in a breath and slid his glasses back in place.

  'You're going to tell me that's it's over, aren't you?'

  'What? No. That's what I was hoping you'd tell me.'

  'I beg your pardon? You want me to be the one to end this? Seriously?'

  'Oh. I … I thought you had ended it. When Tabbie said just now that you're working at home today, I thought that meant it was over.'

  He looked utterly confused. 'What has Tabbie got to do with it? Or where I'm working?'

  Ella frowned at him. 'She's got everything to do with it. I thought your crush on her was the nail in the coffin of our relationship. But if you're over that, perhaps it isn't. Perhaps we can still sort things out.'

  'Over what? I don't have a crush on Tabbie. What are you talking about, Ella?'

  'You've been spending every second with her since the moment she arrived. I know things were a little odd between us before that but it got far worse when she appeared on the scene. I do need to know though. Has anything actually happened between you?'

  'Between me and Tabbie? Are you serious, Ella? The only reason I wanted to spend time with Tabbie, was because burying myself in research for her project helped to stop me thinking about you and Justin.'

  Ella's mouth dropped open.

  'Me and Justin?' she eventually managed. 'There is no me and Justin. We're merely friends.'

  'And former lovers.'

  'Yes. But note the word, “former”. That means precisely what it says. Besides, that's a pretty lame excuse. You couldn't care less about me and Justin. You didn't bat even as much as one little eyelash when he asked me to dance at the wedding. 'You actually said, “Be my guest”, so don't use him as an excuse for your little fling with cat woman.'

  'I didn't have a fling with cat – I mean, with Tabbie. Little or otherwise. And what did you want me to say? Don't come anywhere near my girlfriend or I'll deck you?' He sucked in a breath. 'Did you just nod? Bloody hell, Ella. Is that what you want? Men fighting over you. Justin and I are friends. Although I'm not happy about what's been going on. Not happy at all.'

  'I didn't say that, but it wouldn't be the worst thing that could've happened. The worst thing is my boyfriend acting like he didn't give a damn.'

  'Didn't give a damn? I was eaten up with jealousy! Watching the two of you, arms wrapped around one another, staring into each other's eyes and laughing like there was no one else in the world. Christ. I nearly did come over and punch him. I wanted to march over and drag you away. But I'm not a Neanderthal. And I told myself I was being stupid. That you loved me and that you and he were, as you say, just friends. Which would be fine, even though I'd still feel jealous. But–'

  'Really? You really wanted to do that? To drag me off somewhere? Like to a cave or something? And then ravish me? I wouldn't have minded that one bit. Next time, bear that in mind, will you?'

  'Next time? Is there going to be a next time?'

  'Well, unless you're saying I can't ever dance with any man other than you, yes. There's going to be a next time. But don't actually hit anyone because that would be bad. And don't drag me off either because only bullies drag people around. Just ask me nicely. Simply say, “Ella, will you please come with me so that I can make mad, passionate love to you?” Okay?'

  'And you'd come with me, would you? Even now?'

  'Of course I would. Don't you know that?'

  'The events of the last couple of days seem to indicate otherwise.'

  'Because I lost my temper over you and Tabbie?'

  'Once again, Ella, there is no me and Tabbie. I was referring to you and Justin.'

  'And once again, Gill, there is no me and Justin. Nothing happened between us the other night. We merely talked. About you, as it happens. And last night I spent the entire evening discussing the same thing with Jenny and Glen. About how worried I am that I might lose you.'

  'Lose me? Why would you think you'd lose me?'

  'Because since the wedding things have been a bit odd between us. It was as if you were backing away. And I was scared. I love you, Gill. In fact, I adore you. I'd go anywhere with you. Even though sometimes you're bloody annoying.'

  A smile spread slowly across his face and he took a step towards her.

  'You mean that?'

  'Of course I do.'

  'I feel the same about you, Ella.'

  'You do? Really?'

  'I do.' He grinned. 'And you'd go anywhere with me? Even to Margate?'

  She hesitated and a small furrow creased her brow. 'Yes. Especially to Margate.'

  He took another step towards her before hesitating. 'Wait there. Don't move an inch. I mean it, Ella. Not an inch.'

  He raced upstairs but was only gone for a minute or two before he came thundering back down, taking two stairs at a time.

  'I haven't moved an inch. I haven't even moved a muscle.'

  'Excellent. It's good to see that you're learning how to obey me. That'll come in useful for the future.' He winked at her and smiled.

  'Obey you? Hmm. Good luck with that.'

  She smiled back, her heart fluttering like a caged bird longing to break free and – in this case, throw her arms around Gill and smother him in passionate kisses, but she didn't move.

  Gill coughed, removed his glasses, checked the lens and put them back on without wiping them. Then he took a deep breath and in a voice crackling with nervous energy said, 'I'm nowhere near as wealthy as Justin will be, but with the inheritance from my grandfather's estate, and the money from my books, I think I can affo
rd somewhere a bit more exotic than Margate for our honeymoon.'

  'For our … Did you say honeymoon? Are you … are you asking me to marry you?' She blinked several times as she stared into his eyes.

  'Yes, Ella Swann. I'm asking you to marry me.' He got down on one knee and produced a ring, as if by magic, from the front pocket of his jeans.

  'How long have you had that? Is that why you just dashed upstairs? I thought you were merely desperate for a pee.'

  'No, Ella. I went to get the ring. I've had it since the week before Tabbie drove her car into Aurelia's pond.'

  'The week before? But wait. That would've been about one week after Mia and Jet left for their honeymoon.'

  Gill nodded.

  'Then why didn't you ask me? Why did you act so weird every time I mentioned Mia and Jet's wedding? Or their honeymoon? Or Bree and Garrick's wedding?'

  He shook his head and took another deep breath.

  'Because it suddenly occurred to me that you might think the only reason I was proposing was because everyone else was getting married. Or worse still, that I was only proposing because I was worried you might run off with Justin. Which of course I was. And that got me thinking even more. You're always saying that I'm posh. I know it's a joke, but I started feeling that perhaps, in some way, you were making fun of me. That I didn't match up to the hunk that is Justin Lake. Or that I wasn't as good in bed as Justin. Or as passionate. Or as virile. I know I'm not as good-looking as him. Or anything at all in any way like him, come to that.'

  'But I don't want Justin. I want you.'

  'Well, I wasn't sure you did. Not forever, at least. I started wondering if you only dated me last year because you knew Justin was leaving. Or whether you started dating me hoping to make him jealous and that after he left, you simply continued dating me because there was no Justin around anymore.'

  'I ended it with Justin because I fell in love with you, you jerk. Sorry. You're not a jerk. You're a wonderful, kind, caring and passionate man. And I love you.'

  He smiled at her. 'Finally, I didn't ask you because I started worrying that you might say no. At least if I didn't ask you, you couldn't do that.'


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