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Entrusted to a Highlander: Highland Promise Trilogy Book Two

Page 13

by Donna Fletcher

  Purity cringed at his words and shook her head. “That is beyond horrible and I thank God you escaped him, and I can understand your need for revenge. But I beg you, Arran, not to take any unnecessary chance with this evil man. If you should be captured again, it would force me to plead with the devil himself for your release.”

  Arran’s dark eyes flared with fury as he vaulted over the table so fast that Purity stumbled back startled. She winced when his hand clamped around her arm, but he was so intent on his anger that he didn’t take notice.

  “Listen well, wife. NEVER. EVER will you make yourself known to Brynjar. He takes whatever woman he wants and gets his pleasure from causing her pain—the more pain, the more pleasure for him. I have seen a woman take her own life, tired of suffering at his hands. He cannot be reasoned with since he sees no reason but his own. You will stay far away from him.”

  “Then promise me you will do the same,” she said softly.

  Arran noticed the slight cringe to her brow and around her eyes and realized his grip on her arm was far too tight and pulled his hand away. “I cannot promise you that, but I will have your word on it.”

  “I cannot, for I would tempt hell itself to see you safe.”

  He ran his hand over his head in frustration and anger, then pointed his finger at her. “If I find myself in hell it’s because I deserve it and I forbid you from coming after me.”

  “You can forbid all you want. I will do as I please just as you do,” Purity challenged.

  “I do what must be done,” he argued.

  Her chin shot up defiantly. “As do I.”

  “I liked you better when you were meek and compliant,” he spat.

  “I didn’t, and that’s what matters. Never again will I be silent and obedient. I will always voice how I feel to you whether you like it or not. That includes letting you know when I feel you’re wrong and letting you know time and again that I love you.”

  Arran reached out, his hands gripping either side of her face as he came to stand so close to her their bodies brushed. “I fear your stubborn bravery and also admire it.”

  Purity smiled. “I need it to be wed to you.”

  Purity was certain she’d caught it even though it was in a blink of an eye that she did. The corners of his mouth had turned up in a smile that tried to surface, disappearing before it had the chance to fully blossom. It was a start and it also let her know that inside him still lurked the old Arran who smiled often, and she couldn’t be happier.

  “Come to bed,” she urged.

  He rested his brow to hers. “There is too much anger stirring in me right now.”

  She placed her hand gently on his arm. “All I ask is that you lie beside me, nothing more.”

  The problem was he wanted more, so much more.

  “After hearing this news, I need you there beside me, husband.”

  He scowled as he questioned, “So that you know where I am?”

  “So that I can rest safe at least for one night. Will you deny me one night?” she asked softly.

  His response was to scoop her up in his arms and carry her upstairs.

  He wouldn’t deny her one night, but he would deny himself from satisfying the ache in his loins. His anger was too close to the surface to make love to his wife. The unexpected thought had him almost stumbling on the stairs, but he caught himself.

  Make love.

  Where had that thought come from? And why had it aroused him?

  He placed her on the bed as soon as they entered the room and once she stretched out beneath the blankets, she threw back the blanket on his side waiting for him to join her.

  “Hurry, there is a chill in the room tonight,” she urged.

  That gave him an excuse to delay, going to the hearth and adding wood. Both animals slept near the heat. King opened one eye to look at him, then closed it and returned to sleep curled against Princess who snored lightly.

  Arran’s arousal didn’t abate, if anything, he feared his anger was fueling it. All he could think about was stripping his wife naked, flinging her legs apart, burying himself deep inside her, and pounding into her again and again until she cried out his name in satisfaction. That was not how he wanted to introduce her to coupling.

  He went to his side of the bed and kept his back to her as he disrobed, then sat so she couldn’t see his arousal. He pulled the blanket over him as he slipped under the blankets and turned on his side, away from her.

  “Go to sleep,” he ordered.

  “And a good and peaceful sleep to you as well,” she said and cuddled against his back and draped her arm over his waist, her hand resting far too close to his aching shaft.

  He was never going to get to sleep tonight. Never.

  He silently argued with himself to couple with her and be done with it. Back and forth he went, finding endless reasons why he should and endless reasons why he shouldn’t. The one that made the most sense was that their vows had yet to be sealed, but he was reminded with her own words that no one would know if they didn’t tell them.

  He was close to deciding on complete surrender when he felt her soft breath whisper against his back in a gentle snore. She had fallen asleep. The decision had been made for him and he silently cursed himself.

  Arran decided there and then that tomorrow he would see their vows sealed properly and ease the ache that had been lingering too long in his loins. Maybe first thing in the morning when she was still warm and drowsy with sleep.

  The thought was torture, but he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about how it would feel to touch her intimately and kiss those intimate places that were for his eyes only. He quietly groaned, his lips aching to do just that.

  Don’t think about it. Don’t think, he silently warned himself. It didn’t work and it felt like endless hours before he finally drifted off, looking forward to morning.

  Morning didn’t turn out as he expected. He woke to find his wife gone.

  Chapter 14

  Arran was about to get out of bed when the door opened and his wife entered smiling and with a basket hooked on one arm and a jug tucked snug in the crook of her other arm.

  “Good, you’re awake. I’ve brought us food so that we may share a couple of hours alone before the day begins.” Her smile faded some but didn’t disappear. “I’m assuming you wish to leave for home today after yesterday’s news.”

  “I’d be derelict in my duty as your husband and the future chieftain if I didn’t see to the well-being of the clan immediately,” he said, wishing it was otherwise. After reuniting with his family, he’d been surprised at how much he wanted to spend more time with them.

  “I understand and I do agree. It is our duty to see to the clan, especially in my father’s absence.” She placed the items she carried on the small table not far from the bed. “But first we will steal a couple of hours for ourselves.”

  “And we will not waste a minute of our time together.” He drew back the blanket on her side of the bed. “Join me—but first disrobe.”

  Flutters made their way throughout her body and a knot of worry settled in her stomach. This was it. They would make love, something she had been looking forward to, but was now suddenly nervous about doing.

  Arran saw her apprehension, her hands clutching the sides of her garment, the uncertainty in her eyes, and the way she nervously nibbled at her lower lip.

  “If you prefer to wait—”

  “No! No!” Purity hurried to say. “I feel foolish to admit that now that the time is here, I’m a bit nervous.”

  “Understandable, and if you are uncomfortable with anything I do, you will tell me and I will stop,” he said, fear of or dissatisfaction with intimacy being something he’d not tolerate between him and his wife.

  Purity decided it was best she voice her concerns instead of letting them twist her stomach tighter. “You’ve had many women who knew how to please you. I don’t know how to please or pleasure a man.”

  She never expected Arran
to rise out of bed and when he threw off the blankets, his long legs swinging off the bed to stand to his full height, his shoulders drawn back, his chest broad and his arousal obvious, she quickly took a step back—but not fast enough.

  His arm snagged her around her waist and drew her up against him. “And I don’t know how to please or what pleasures you—yet. We will learn together what pleases and pleasures us both, and enjoy the lessons along the way.”

  His lips caught hers in a kiss before she could respond. It wasn’t a gentle kiss nor was it demanding. It was one that tempted and urged her to join in the pleasure, and she did. His hand found its way down along her backside and he gave one cheek a tight squeeze as he pushed her tighter against him.

  She gasped in his mouth when she felt his shaft press against her. It had grown considerably in such a short time.

  His mouth left hers briefly. “I am eager to slip inside you and make you mine.”

  Again he kissed her before she could respond, but words weren’t necessary. Her response came instinctively and it surprised her. She slipped her hand down in between their bodies to take hold of his shaft and caress it.

  Not only her actions but her bold words shocked her as well when she pulled her mouth away from his to say, “I can’t wait to feel you inside me.”

  Arran groaned and worried he’d climax, like a young lad who had yet to learn how to control his passion, before he could get inside her.

  He rested his brow to hers. “I love that you touch me, but I need you to stop, get naked, and get in bed with me. NOW!”

  She smiled, pleased at his reaction to her touch and her own, realizing that she quite enjoyed touching him.

  His hands were at her garments before hers were and both their hands were brought to an abrupt halt when a knock sounded at the door.

  “I’m going to kill who’s ever there,” he whispered.

  “I’ll help you,” Purity said and once again thought she caught the slight lift at the corners of his mouth.

  “An urgent message from the Clan Macara awaits downstairs,” a servant called out and footfalls could be heard retreating.

  Arran stepped away from Purity letting loose with words in a language she didn’t understand, though had an idea as to what they meant.

  “We can be hasty about it,” she offered out of her own need, her body aching for satisfaction.

  “There will be no haste in our first time together,” he snapped, grabbing his garments to slip on. He had given the idea a quick thought himself, but had dismissed it equally as fast, since a quick coupling was not how his wife’s first time should be.

  “What of this ache that torments me?” she asked, annoyed.

  He cocked his head, his brow scrunching. “Is that blame I hear directed at me?”

  The words left her lips before she could stop them. “You are my husband. It is your duty to see to my needs, especially when you caused them.”

  Arran tucked his plaid at his waist tight, a scowl surfacing on his face. “I will not take your virginity with a quick poke.”

  Purity went to argue and found herself being scooped up and dropped on the bed, her husband coming down beside her and his hand quickly finding its way under her garments. She gasped when his fingers found their way inside her.

  “Good and wet, you truly are aching,” he said and his lips settled over hers, robbing her of her response.

  When his thumb found her intimate spot, she tore her mouth away from his and let loose with a groan.

  Arran wouldn’t allow himself to think of anything but bringing her to pleasure and as quickly as possible before he lost his resolve. Seeing her respond so quickly and easily stirred his own passion, but now was not the time to let it loose. He would wait even if it killed him and he feared it just might.

  Purity grabbed his arm, his name falling in desperation from her lips, “Arran.”

  “Let go, wife, I’ve got you,” he whispered and moved his fingers in a way that he knew would bring her to climax.

  Purity’s eyes went wide and her mouth fell open, calling out Arran’s name as she felt the most exquisite sensation explode within her and ripple over every part of her until it ended with a shudder that faded with the most pleasurable delight.

  “That was wonderful,” she said on a heavy sigh after her senses finally returned to her.

  Arran brought his lips to hers. “That was nothing compared to what you’ll feel when I’m inside you.” He kissed her quick and was off her.

  Purity leaned up on her elbows. “Tonight. We can do that tonight, right?”

  “You can count on it, wife,” Arran said and went to the door. “Come, we need to see what message has been sent from your clan.” He left the room, not waiting for her, not trusting himself to wait for fear he’d surrender to his own aching need.

  He forced other thoughts on himself as he hurried down the stairs, his wife keeping step behind him. By the time he reached the Great Hall, he had his arousal almost under control and when his brother introduced the man at the table, he let his annoyance take rein.

  “Arran, this is Freen from the Clan Macara,” Royden said.

  Arran recalled the name his brother had once mentioned to him. Freen was one of Wolf’s warriors he had been left behind as he had done with Penn here at the Clan MacKinnon. Freen appeared a man of good height and sturdy build. His full beard, trimmed neatly, was slightly lighter in color than his long, light brown hair that was braided on either side of his head. The few small scars on his face didn’t mar his good features, though spoke of a man well versed with battle.

  “Sir,” Freen said with a respectful nod.

  Before he could say more, frantic barking was heard just before Princess bounded into the Great Hall with King leading the way while Quiver trailed behind them. They both hurried to Purity.

  Quiver stopped out of breath a few feet from her. “For some reason they got upset and rushed to the keep.”

  Arran almost shook his head. He’d been so obsessed with his wife this morning that he had failed to notice the animals’ absence.

  “They’re agitated. Something is wrong,” Purity said, watching them pace around her.

  Arran might not know the two animals as well as Purity did, but he’d come to pay attention to their alerts. He turned an angry glare on Freen. “What aren’t you telling us?”

  Freen didn’t hesitate to explain. “Wolf will not wait to see what Brynjar will do. He’s sent warriors to guard the clans. They arrive in the area soon.”

  “And we are to trust his word that this is to defend against Brynjar and not an attempt to take over our clans once again?” Royden demanded.

  “Arran and Purity’s marriage settled the last of the clan issues,” Freen said. “Wolf has no wont for any more battles.”

  “As long as we are loyal to him,” Arran clarified.

  “In numbers there is strength and in loyalty those numbers increase until they become a force too great to conquer,” Freen said.

  Anger stirred in the pit of Arran’s stomach. “You are warning us that we are better off being a part of that force than against it?”

  “Wise men not only make wise choices, they make necessary ones,” Freen said.

  Princess let loose with a howl just before the bell tolled alerting the clan to unexpected arrivals.

  Arran turned to his brother. “I need to get to the Clan Macara.”

  Royden nodded. “Agreed. Keep me abreast of what goes on and I will do the same.”

  Royden hurried out of the keep and Arran went to his wife. “Eat something while I see to readying everything for departure.”

  “I don’t think my stomach could tolerate anything right now,” she admitted, the thoughts of Wolf’s warriors being in the area leaving her worried of what might come.

  Arran understood, his own appetite having disappeared. “Then gather what you think you may need and be ready to leave within the hour.” He looked to Quiver. “You will stay with Purity at a
ll times.”

  Quiver gave a sharp nod. “Aye, sir.”

  Arran looked from King to Princess, both sitting to either side of Purity. “Guard her well, my friends.” He leaned down and kissed his wife’s cheek. “Do as I say. Don’t make me worry.”

  She rested her hand on his chest, needing to touch him, and smiled softly. “You have my word.”

  He turned and walked off and he felt the slight lift of his lips when she called out for all to hear.

  “I love you, husband.”

  It was like the words caught at his heart and wrapped around it in a loving hug and at that moment he felt grateful that Purity was his wife.

  Purity was still teary-eyed as the MacKinnon keep faded behind them. She was glad Arran claimed Hope fit enough for them both to ride her. It made their departure, snug in his arms, a bit easier.

  “You’ll be able to visit with Oria and Wren as soon as this matter with Brynjar is settled,” Arran said, intending to keep his wife close and protected.

  “I know, but our departure was a bit more difficult than I had thought it would be. It was nice to have Oria and Wren to talk with again, but sad that it was for such a short time.”

  Arran agreed, though he kept the thought to himself. He had not expected sadness to overcome him when he bid his da and brother good-bye. It wasn’t like he was going far, the Clan Macara only a short ride away. Or maybe it was that he had actually felt something, a familiar tug that had caught him unaware.

  “At least you have some time before your father returns home,” Arran said, hoping it would bring some cheer to her.

  “I wonder where he went,” Purity said, her brow wrinkling. “What took him away from the clan for so many days? And to leave the clan unattended…” She shook her head. “That’s not like him.”

  “We’ll find out when he returns. It should be a good homecoming for him, finding us wed, since it’s what he’s wanted for so long.”

  “Aye, I suppose he will be pleased.”

  “Suppose?” Arran asked, curious, hearing doubt in her words.

  “I wish I could say I knew my da, but I don’t. He spent little time with me, his choice, not mine. I never knew what to expect from him, a kind word or being completely ignored. So I never truly got to know my da,” Purity said and turned away in an effort to keep tears from falling.


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