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He's Just a Friend

Page 9

by J. Nichole

  “For real?” His eyes widened. “I mean, it was nothing.” He looked down at my phone. “Did you tell Brooklyn you were here?” I nodded my head. “Is she on her way?” I shrugged my shoulders.

  He started to ask another question and I stopped him before the game of twenty questions continued. “I don’t know man, but I may need you to go find your love with this medicine.” He peeked his head out the door and let me know she was headed back to the room. “You may want to tuck away that goofy ass smile before she gets here.”

  “Man shut up,” he said. As the nurse ran my IV and my meds started pumping, the pain started to dissipate. My eyes started a slow blink as Tony said, “Candace is already blowing me up.” He exhaled. “But you need me to drop you at the house, right?” He said it loud enough for Candace to hear across town.

  I laughed. “Yeah man, and I need my car, but I’ll worry about that later.” Maybe when my girl decided to show up.

  Josiah: Just got meds.

  Brooklyn: Good, that shit should have you feeling great.

  Although she sent a smiley emoji, it didn’t beat seeing her smiling face, but I kept that to myself. Hours in the emergency room, a medical boot on my foot, and high off pain meds—instead of going home with my girl, I had Tony setting me up at the apartment. And all he could talk about was Nurse Nicole. “I may have to go back with you for your check-up.”

  I looked at him from the couch and said, “You know I won’t be going to the ER for my check-up, right?” He seemed to think about it for a second then he smiled. “You got her number?” He shook his head. “You’ll find her on social?” He shook his head again. “Bruh, you aren’t about to break your ankle to go back, are you?” He smacked his lips.

  “Naw, I’m just going to go back OG style and talk to her.” I guess he forgot that quick about his one obstacle. When I mentioned her name he smacked his lips again. “She’s probably done with me anyway. I missed dance class tonight fooling around with you at the hospital.”

  “Dance class,” I shouted. Either Tony was loosing it or I was. “Did you just say dance class?”

  “Look fool, I told you Candace had me all fucked up. But anyway,” he said as he grabbed his keys. “I’m going to tell Brooklyn she owes me one. I was over here doing her job and shit.” I groaned because he was speaking facts, and I hated to be reminded of that. “She must have been super busy to not come check on her man.”

  Before he left I asked him to set me up with some water and my laptop. “Thanks, man, I owe you too,” I said as he walked out the door.

  Just as I was dozing off my phone rang. “Hello.” My voice was groggy.

  “I’m at your door, and just realized it may be hard for you to get up.” Brooklyn was talking fast or I was hearing slow, but I couldn’t think of a response. “Do you need anything?”

  “Naw,” I said without anything else. I was home, stuck on the couch. Of course I needed shit, but the idea of limping to the door was too much so I said, “I’ll be good.”

  “Alright,” she said softly. “I’ll check on you in the morning.” I mumbled thanks and hung up.



  I walked away from Josiah’s door pissed that we still hadn’t exchanged keys. In all the years we’d known each other, it wasn’t ever something we needed to do. We always made pop-up visits but only when we knew we were at home. So we never needed a key. But now, I wish I had a key. I just wanted to lay my eyes on him and make sure he was okay.

  I called Skylar, in my feelings and wanting empathy. “Ma’am,” she answered after a couple of rings. “First of all, do you know what time it is?” I did. It was after eleven but Skylar was a night owl.

  “But were you sleep?” I asked to hear her laugh. She asked why I was calling her, especially after not being there for Josiah. “Tony called you?” I asked.

  “He sure did.” She told me how his scandalous ass didn’t want to talk about me over the group chat ‘cause he knew Josiah would be pissed, but he had to tell her how dirty I did Josiah. “What reason could you have for not being your ass at the hospital?”

  I contemplated telling her, but talking about it would bring up the same feelings as being there so I just conceded, “I know. I should have been there.”

  “Brooklyn,” she shouted. “Josiah would do any and everything for you.” She was right, he would, and that was half of our problem. “Do I need to remind you what y’all had, even before y’all started fucking?” Although I said no, she proceeded. “Remember when those dudes used to pick on you in elementary?” I did, I remembered being the butt of many of their jokes till Josiah threatened to fight each of them.

  “Skylar,” I said trying to interrupt her.

  “Hell, he’s even been there for your family. Your mama and Phoenix.” Facts. “Hell, he’s been there when I can’t even be there.” She laughed. “He always tried to take my place as your bestest friend.” I chuckled as I sat in my car with my head against the steering wheel. “And Brook, when your dad passed, Josiah damn near became the man of your house.” The tears started flowing and I wanted to hang up, to avoid the pain, but I just listened as Skylar continued.

  “Just think I was hoping you’d make me feel better.”

  “Me? Oh, no ma’am. You’re my girl, but you know I’m the first to remind you when your ass is fucking up. And tonight was an epic fail.”

  I sighed. “What should I do now?”

  “For one, you need to figure out why the hell you weren’t there. Then you need to talk to him and fix that shit. Then, you need to realize a relationship is a commitment, a compromise, a partnership.” Reverend Skylar was preaching and although I didn’t want to hear it, I’m sure I needed to. “Stop thinking you have to be so damn independent. Better stop singing ‘Independent Women’ before your anthem is forever ‘Single Ladies,’ okay?”

  I had a full belly laugh and Skylar did too. “You done?” I asked when we both stopped laughing. She was done and I promised to make things right.

  From my bed, I blew up Josiah’s phone, but he didn’t answer my calls or my texts. I’m sure the pain meds had him knocked out, but the next morning when I called again and he didn’t answer, I decided to make another visit to his house after work.

  I stood in front of his door shifting from foot to foot as I waited for him to open the door. Then I stepped back and pulled my phone from my back pocket.

  Brooklyn: Oh y’all just not going to answer the door?

  I sent that to Tony because I peeped his car parked outside. They were likely sitting on the couch battling each other in Madden or NBA Live. I waited with my hands across my chest, expecting Tony to open the door. When my phone vibrated I was shocked to read his reply.

  Tony: My name is Bennett and I ain’t in it.

  His corny ass.

  Brooklyn: Wow.

  Now Josiah was just being petty. He couldn’t use the pain meds as an excuse if he had sense enough to tell Tony to stay out of it. I walked to my car fuming. I was going to call Skylar but I knew her response would likely be the same, she had spoken her piece.

  On my ride home, I decided I’d rather not sulk alone. I turned my car around and headed for the bar. I called Phoenix on my way and told her, “All drinks on me if you join.” She laughed before she quickly responded and told me she’d meet me there.

  The bar wasn’t too packed, a few folks sitting at tables and a few more at the counter. When the bartender asked what I’d like, I replied, “I’ll take a Whiskey Sour.” Phoenix walked up as the bartender placed my drink in front of me.

  “What are you drinking?” she asked eyeing my glass. She turned her nose up when I responded, and said, “I’ll take a tequilla and Sprite.” She smiled widely when the bartender carded her.

  “I’m so glad I can use my own I.D. now,” she whispered when he walked away. I shook my head. She was lucky we favored, especially in my younger years. “So what’s up? Why the sudden need of company?”

bsp; I smirked. “Josiah is ignoring me.” She squinted her eyes.

  She took a sip of her drink before popping her lips. “Okay, he’s never done that before.” She side-eyed me. I still didn’t share the news that we had started dating. But from the skeptical look on her face, I’m sure she knew.

  “Phoenix,” I groaned. “We started dating.” Her expression remained the same. Unbothered.

  “Since before we had breakfast all together?” I nodded my head. “So you lied to Mama?” I shrugged my shoulders and nodded again. “I already knew.” She took another sip of her drink. I’m sure she was going to use this opportunity to take in all the free drinks available.

  “Anyway.” I rolled my eyes. “He broke his ankle, and I didn’t go to the hospital.” Repeating it again felt awful. “Now he won’t even talk to me.”

  Phoenix, like Skylar, preached to me about how I have such a hard exterior but, “Deep inside you’re gentle, and kind, caring.” Her nose wrinkled. “You just don’t know how to show it.”

  I didn’t expect Phoenix to understand me not going to the hospital, so I didn’t bother explaining. I sipped my drink then said, “If he would just answer I’d help him as he recovers.”

  She yelled to the bartender, “Can we get a couple of tequila shots?” I stared, eyes wide open, as I watched her scoot a shot glass in front of me. “There’s nothing we can do about Josiah right now. Might as well enjoy the night.” And by enjoy the night, she meant get shit-faced.

  On our fourth shot, neither of us should have been behind a wheel or operating a phone. She called Derek to drive us home, and as I sat in the back seat, eyes half closed, I said, “Thanks, Derek. You’re a good guy.” Phoenix laughed from the passenger seat and I said, “We all need good guys.” Then the tears started to flow. “Josiah is a good guy, Derek.”

  “Call him,” he said from the driver’s seat. And in my drunken state, that seemed like the best idea yet.

  Or the worst, ‘cause he didn’t answer, and my drunken, crying ass left a voicemail. “Josiah, I love you. And I just want to sign your cast. Give you a sponge bath.”

  Phoenix reached for my phone and shouted, “No drunk dialing,” before she hung up. Then her and Derek walked me inside my apartment. “You good?” she slurred before turning to walk away.

  “Yeah, I’m good,” I mumbled to her back.

  I knew I’d had one too many shots when I woke up the next morning and my head was throbbing. I rolled over and saw I still had on my clothes from the night before. I put my hand to my head and felt my pixie cut void of my silk bonnet. I tried to sit up in my bed but my head wouldn’t let me. Instead, I cocked it just enough to look at the clock, nine in the morning. I closed my eyes then cursed at myself. It was Saturday, and any minute my first client would be waltzing her ass through the door downstairs.

  I grabbed my phone to see who that first client would be, and that’s when I finally saw Josiah’s name in my notifications. I smiled then opened the text.

  Josiah: Brooklyn, for real?

  My smile dropped and so did my heart. I hadn’t talked to him in a couple of days, and that’s what I got?

  “Ugh,” I groaned. I slowly climbed out of bed and into my bathroom.

  After I brushed my teeth, took a quick hoe bath, and changed clothes, I was on my way to open the shop. “What’re you getting today?” I asked as I started typing a text to Josiah.

  Brooklyn: Are you talking to me now?

  “I need a twist out,” she said, interrupting the stare down with my phone. There were no dots to let me know he was replying but I was hoping he would before my day got hectic.

  “Twist out it is,” I said as I draped the cape around her neck. “You got plans this weekend?” I asked.

  “Yeah girl, I’m headed to the city for a day party.” Grown folks shit. Headed to the city for a party. “Hopefully find me a man for the weekend.”

  “Just for the weekend?” Ciara and I had known each other for years. She transferred to our high school sophomore year, and quickly became the it girl. If I remembered correctly, Josiah and Tony both wanted to hook up with her but she turned them both down for the quarterback of the football team. After all these years though, I’d never know her to be in a serious relationship.

  “Yup. I have too much other shit to be worried about to be worried about a full time man.” She laughed. “Too much of a hassle.” If she wasn’t telling the whole truth.

  As soon as I got her under the dryer, my next client walked in, but only needed a trim. “Alright, boo, you’re all set,” I said as she stood from the chair and brushed her shoulders off. While I waited for my next client, I checked my text messages. Still nothing. I rolled my eyes and swept the hair from the floor.

  In all of our years of being best friends, Josiah had never ignored me. Never. Not even when I pissed him off and missed his playoff game in high school, or when I sided with his mom on rare occasions when he was tripping about life.

  Between my throbbing head and emotions, I just wanted to cancel the remainder of my appointments and crawl into bed, but after the bar tab we racked up, I needed to keep pushing. As each lady came in, the shop became noisy, and the town tea was served.

  The chattiest of my clients, Danielle, was like the town scribe. She knew it all. So when she said, “How you feel about Marcus dating Josiah’s ex?” I believed her, but couldn’t believe they actually hooked up.

  “What?” I asked, looking at her in the mirror as I styled her freshly relaxed hair.

  She nodded her head. “Saw them together a few times.” The town was only but a minute big, so running into them a few times was likely. “And they were cozy.” Funny, ‘cause Marcus never liked to be cozy with me in public.

  “Guess I have to be happy for them,” I said begrudgingly.

  She smirked and looked at me over her shoulder. “A little switch-a-roo, huh?” I cocked my eyebrow at her then shook my head. “Yeah, I heard about you and Josiah too.”

  I couldn’t give her an excited grin, but didn’t want her to alarm the streets that there was already trouble in paradise. So I faked a smile and said, “Shhh…” She winked in return and I finished her hair so I could get her out of the shop before she picked up on anything else.

  My phone dinged as Danielle was walking out the door.

  I held my breath as I checked my text messages.

  Josiah: Never stopped talking to you.



  I wobbled between my couch and the kitchen a couple of times before I got pissed at myself again for getting hurt. Playing basketball with Tony, who needed to vent about his chick, and here I was needing to vent about Brooklyn.

  Her not showing up to the hospital was fucked up. I couldn’t even act like it wasn’t. I’m pretty sure she had a reason, but I couldn’t help but think she was just heartless as I hobbled around fending for myself. At least my mama came to check on me. Came in with pans full of food so I didn’t have to worry about that.

  She still didn’t know about me and Brooklyn switching it up to couple status yet, but even she asked, “Brooklyn hasn’t been by to check on you?” She looked at the mess that was starting to accumulate around me on the couch—empty food wrappers, blankets, a random t-shirt.

  “Naw.” I shook my head. “Guess she’s been busy.” My mom scrunched her face then sat beside me on the couch, grabbing trash around her.

  “Hmm… too busy?” She sat back then said, “I don’t believe that one.” Hell I didn’t either, but it was all I had. “And you and Alana broke up, right?” I nodded my head. “Tony been by?”

  I laughed. “Yeah, he feels bad for asking me to play ball that night.” My mom cocked her head.

  She grabbed the t-shirt and threw it over her shoulder, then folded the blankets and placed it all in a neat pile beside the couch. “I brought you enough food for a few days. If you need anything don’t be afraid to call me, bug, I got you.” I felt like I was a kid again. I could always c
ount on my mama. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. “I’ll let myself out. Don’t worry about wobbling over, I’ll lock up.” She laughed as she made her way to the door.

  Then it was me and the silence of my apartment again. I listened to the drunken voicemail Brooklyn had left and thought, “She obviously wasn’t too concerned if she went out and got drunk.” I still couldn’t help but laugh at her message, especially Phoenix rescuing her from the drunk dial.

  As I was sitting on the couch, my phone vibrated.

  Brooklyn: Can I come check on you?

  I wanted to see her badly, and I couldn’t stay mad at her for long. I replied telling her to come. At least my mom had cleaned up around me, but I hadn’t had an actual shower since the day I was hurt. I sniffed under my arm and shook my head.

  With my leg out of the boot, I carefully balanced myself in the shower, cleaning myself, and feeling better with each scrub. Something about being clean that changed my whole mood. I pulled on a shirt and basketball shorts, before maneuvering my leg back in the boot. I heard the knock at the front door, but it took time for me to make my way over there. I hollered, “I’m coming.”

  Brooklyn’s eyes were wide when I opened the door. Her face fell into a pout when she looked down at my leg. “Josiah,” she gasped. “I can’t believe you got hurt playing ball.” She took my arm around her shoulder and helped me back to the couch. “You know, seventeen-year-old you would be laughing right now, right?”

  I looked at her and shook my head. Of course she would find something to laugh about. “Wonder if seventeen-year-old you would have come to the hospital for me,” I said, not wanting to let her off too easy.

  She bit her lip and slowly nodded her head. “I apologize for not coming,” she said before pausing. “It’s not an excuse, but I should explain.” I waited for the explanation. “When my dad was sick, I spent countless days with him in the hospital.” She looked down at her hands clasped in her lap. “When he died, the mere thought of a hospital triggered all types of memories.” She looked at me, sorrow in her eyes. “Just coming up there to visit you was too hard.”


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