Pretty Lies: A contemporary YA Romance (Astrid Scott Series Book 1)

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Pretty Lies: A contemporary YA Romance (Astrid Scott Series Book 1) Page 9

by Blake Blessing

  “Well, I don’t know if Jonah will be here tonight. Sometimes he comes to these parties and sometimes he doesn’t. It’s weird because it’s totally not his scene, but he connects with people. I think that’s how he’s been student body president every year. Jonah is likable, but distant. He doesn’t really have any close friends. Not like Rhys does. Now he should be here for sure.” The corners of his lips started to curl. “I’ll try to help you take pictures of him, but it might be kind of hard if he has you next to him. I got the feeling he wanted to hang out.”

  Ryan was a hopeless romantic, and it seemed clear he hoped we would be the next super couple. He might believe it, but I didn’t think there was actually any truth behind his opinions. Honestly, it made me feel a little weird, he seemed so strongly invested, I barely existed in the same world as Rhys. If it hadn’t been for that weird encounter the first week of school, and then dinner, I was positive he’d have no idea who I was.

  “We’ll see, okay. I don’t think it’s going to play out the way you think it is, but we’ll see.”

  “Well, you’re about to find out. We’re here.” He jerked his chin toward the windshield.

  I leaned forward to get a good look at where we were. We were on some kind of long driveway with small elegant lanterns lighting the way. A closed gate slowed us down, but a man appeared out of the shadows with a clipboard. Ryan rolled down his window to greet the man.

  What kind of place was this? Even Rhys’ house, which was gorgeous and immaculate, wasn’t anything like this. Our neighborhood was nice and all, but we didn’t have cute fairy lanterns lining our private driveway, with a guard to keep the common people out. A shiver ran down my arms as the guard stepped closer. The whole scene made me nervous and the guard had no idea.

  “Good night, sir. The code?” The guard bent and took a good look at me, too.

  That was different. My eyes widened as our gazes locked, but he just nodded and stood back up. I guessed I passed his inspection.

  No, sir, no serial killers in this car.

  “Red yeti.” Ryan said.

  The guard waved us through as the gate started to open—how’d he do that? —and scribbled something down as we passed. Probably our license plate number in case we started trouble.

  A mini-mansion sat catty corner to us, with a large circular drive in the front. Two three-car garages sat on either side of the house and there were tons of cars parked everywhere.

  There were dozens of trees scattered throughout the yard, which was odd in Colorado. So many trees in one place had to be the work of a landscaper. The front door opened as we parked and three guys stumbled out with their arms around each other. Loud music poured through the doorway and bright neon lights flashed over the windows.

  So much noise. So many people. I didn’t want to do this anymore.

  “Ryan, this isn’t my scene. If I go in there, I’m afraid you’re going to have to carry me out. Because I’m going to pass out from over stimulation.” I spoke slow and even as I continued to stare through the suddenly foggy windshield.

  Ryan belted out a deep laugh, and pushed my shoulder. “Come on, Astrid. There’s nothing scary about this place. I’ve been to several of Remy’s parties and while they can get rowdy, there’s nothing to fear.”

  Two more girls spilled out and their nasal giggles were almost as sharp as the heels on their stilettos. I definitely missed the fashion memo, because skinny jeans and toms weren’t even on the same cloud as party dresses and fancy heels.

  “I’m also underdressed. Or overdressed depending on how you want to look at it.” The anxiety wracking my body was surprising, but I’d always been a believer of listening to my gut. And my gut said this party was not for me.

  “Don’t be such a baby. You’ll never get your chance at that scholarship if you don’t take risks. And I’ve already floated around the rumor that you’re trying to get on the yearbook staff. That’s why your camera will be out and taking pictures. Genius, right?” He hit my arm with the back of his hand.

  I took a deep breath and released it through my nose. He was right. If I wanted out of my current life, then I was going to have to step out of my comfort zone. Why was this so scary to me anyway? It was nothing different than going to a crazy pep rally at school and I did those just fine. This was a new experience for me. That was it. No one was going to care who I was or what I was doing here. If they even paid attention at all.

  “You’re right. That is genius. I’m ready.” I glanced over and gave Ryan a large, pain filled smile. “Let’s do this.”

  He whooped and slapped his hands on the dash. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

  The music was so loud, it sounded like it was coming out of Ryan’s speakers when he turned the car off. Not paying any attention to it, he jumped out and ran around to open my door. I had a brief thought of what it would be like on a date where the door was opened for me. There wasn’t any time to dwell on it as he hauled me out of my safety bubble.

  Hand in hand, we walked toward the entrance where we would hopefully find my targets for the night.

  Ready or not, here I come.

  Sweaty bodies and cloying perfume clogged the foyer as soon as we stepped through. The music was so loud inside it seemed to be coming from every direction. Actually, that was probably some kind of surround sound set up going on.

  “Ryan!” Pat was pushing his way through the gyrating crowd with a huge grin on his face.

  I didn’t think Ryan would have to work too hard to get another date with this guy. From the moon eyes Pat gave Ryan, the guy would probably end up asking Ryan out before the end of the evening.

  Ryan released my shoulders to give Pat a hug and a kiss on the cheek. It momentarily distracted me from the chaotic flash of lights and bass. It was super adorable.

  “Pat, where are you hanging out?” Ryan’s voice dipped in alto as he stared dreamily into Pat’s eyes.

  A giggle lodged in my throat, but somehow, I managed to tamp it down and keep on my cool girl façade.

  “I was waiting for you. Let’s go out back. Remy has a fire pit going.” Pat grabbed Ryan’s hand and started leading him through the crowd while I was left there clutching my camera in my hand.

  Ryan stopped and doubled back to snatch my hand. “Come on, crazy. You can’t just stand in the doorway like a lunatic. These brats will think you’re going to go Carrie on their asses.” Ryan laughed and we traveled through the house like kids crossing the street, holding hands in a duck line.

  I tried to absorb everything as we passed through the house, but it was just too much. I did recognize a few kids from school, but we were already gone before I had time to properly see who was here.

  We passed through open double doors onto a huge, fancy patio. When Pat had mentioned fire pit, I pictured burning barrels in the yard, surrounded by kids in grunge hoodies. In reality, there was a swanky stone fireplace open on either side of the fire, with a dance floor set up on the far side of the patio.

  The same club music and strobe lights were set up around the back yard, even classing the place up with a smoke machine. Could I call this a yard? I felt like it was more of an estate.

  Even still a bit intimidated, I was really digging the scene. The place had so many people, it had that anonymous feel going on. I could totally get behind this kind of party.

  Pat led us over to a group of couches around a smaller stone fire pit. There were a couple people lounging over the furniture that I recognized from their group at school, but no Rhys.

  When I entered their orbit, several looked my way and my heart started to thump erratically. At least they weren’t sneering at me. They had more of an uncaring indifference in their expressions.

  “Hey guys. This is Ryan and his main chick Astrid. Right? Astrid?” Pat sat down and with a tug, Ryan and I followed like dominos on the side loveseat.

  “Um, yeah. Hi.” I smiled and my eye twitched a little.

  “’Sup guys.” Ryan did the
chin lift that instantly made him cooler.

  Their conversations picked back up and I was left out, thank God. They chatted about shopping and ski trips. I’d have nothing to add to the conversation. I doubt they did bargain shopping like I did to stretch my budget.

  I let my gaze casually roam over the people dancing and standing off to the side. Many of the more popular kids were out here but I didn’t see either of my targets for the night.

  “Where’s Rhys?” Ryan whispered to Pat as he squeezed my hand.

  I doubt anyone noticed but a flush still stained my cheeks. I was sure Pat thought he was asking for me—which he was, but not at my behest.

  “He hasn’t shown up here. Neither has Trey. They’ll probably be here later.” Pat eyed me thoughtfully and shrugged.

  Yep. He totally knew Ryan was asking for me.

  I pulled the camera bag over my shoulder and grabbed the short lens to keep my hands busy. The cool night air that kissed my skin was just the right temperature to keep from shivering. I scooted to the edge of my seat but the little bit of heat from the fire pit still eluded me.

  Two of the girls on the couch to my right kept glancing at me curiously. Fuck, I needed to get out of here before someone actually tried to make asinine conversation with me.

  “Ryan, I want to get some shots and work on my skills.” I lifted the camera in my hand.

  He looked at me as if I suddenly appeared out of a cloud of glitter dust and rainbows. How nice. He forgot I was here in his love haze.

  “Yeah, sure. I’ll be right here.” His eyes widened in his plea to stay put.

  I sighed. I’d probably be less noticeable if I were alone anyway.

  “I’ll come back when I’m done.” I stood up when Pat spoke.

  “What are you taking photos for?” A hint of suspicion entered his eyes. Of course he’d have thought it was weird to take pictures. He probably thought I wanted blackmail material.

  He wasn’t that far off.

  “She wants to get on the yearbook committee. I told her to start documenting big events that the seniors would want to see and then present it to the committee. This is a great place to start. Remy’s parties are epic.” Ryan replied smoothly.

  “Oh, got it. You know, Astrid, I’m on the yearbook committee. Show me what you have on Monday. We definitely want the yearbook to be epic this year.” He smiled kindly.

  “Sure thing.” I smiled and dipped out of their little seating area. Pat would be awesome for Ryan, with a genuine heart. It kind of burned my soul to outright lie to him. I had no intention of meeting him on Monday.

  Strolling around the back, I took some random shots of people on the dance floor. Nothing too scandalous, but I needed to have something to show on Monday in case Pat pushed the issue.

  Surprisingly, people didn’t really pay attention to me with a camera in my hand. They were so absorbed into themselves and each other, I wasn’t even a blip on their radar. It probably helped that I stayed on the edges.

  So far, I’d witnessed three couples making out, two girls and a guy trying a three-way kiss, an argument over cheating, and Bella dancing with her boyfriend but making eyes at the basketball star she favored so much. I really didn’t understand that one. He clearly had no stamina.

  I was ready to head inside to see if I could find Rhys or Jonah when movement through the trees caught my eye.

  That was odd. I assumed there wasn’t anything past the trees, but this was obviously a huge property. From what I could tell, there were at least two or three people past the light and all male. Curiosity was going to be my downfall, damn it.

  The light didn’t stretch very far, and after a few steps it was basically pitch dark. The new moon didn’t help either. I made it to the copse of trademark Colorado trees, walking through the Christmas tree grouping, and carefully tiptoed to avoid making any extra noise. The bumping music was distant and the silence was overtaking the open space.

  Well, silence was subjective because the murmuring of the people out here still trickled through.

  I moved closer and soon I could see three guys standing behind the garage. A motion sensor light was on but too far away to show their features clearly.

  Whatever they were talking about wasn’t pleasant. In fact, from their body language it seemed like two guys were ganging up on the third. The third guy turned more in profile and I gasped.

  Was that… That was Jonah. And one of the other guys was Mike from art class.

  “I’m done with all that. You would be too if you knew what was good for you.” Jonah gritted as he bunched up his fists by his thighs.

  Mike shook his head, but all the anger he’d had in class was absent. His posture screamed weary and beat down. “You don’t get it. You don’t ever get done with them. It’s not an option.”

  This was a good shot. Caught in the shadows, confrontation in the night. I flipped the on switch of my camera and inched closer. The shot would be all light and shadows but it would be beautiful. Exactly what I was looking for.

  “No, I’m doing everything I can to get out of there. I’m set to be valedictorian and I’ve already been accepted into several universities with scholarship options. I’m done.” Jonah crossed his arms and braced his legs apart. His stance was intimidating, so at odds with the Mr. Academic vibe he gave off at school.

  I lifted the camera to my eyes to line up the shot.

  “You’re going to end up dead!” Mike rushed Jonah and pulled on his shirt.


  The flash went off. The flash went off illuminating the guys!

  Fuckity, fuck, fuck, fuck. This was a fuck situation.

  I spun around and crouched, hiding in a small ball. There was no way I’d be able to run. Even if he didn’t catch me, he’d see who I was as soon as I entered the light.

  “What the hell? Who’s there?” Mike stepped away from Jonah with panic written all over his voice.

  “Run. I’ll see who’s here.” Jonah said as he started jogging my way.

  It was probably the worst thing I could have done but I curled up tighter, hugging my knees to my chest.

  I’d learned a lot about myself since I moved to Silver Ranch. And what I knew was, between this situation and walking in on Thatcher, I possessed neither fight nor take flight. Nope, I froze like a damn petrified statue. Footsteps passed me and then doubled back. I shook so hard from fear of getting caught, I was going to pass out at any minute.

  Damn it. That would be bad.

  The footsteps circled me before they stopped. I peeked through my hair to see him swinging his phone around, using his flashlight app to find me.

  I was looking at him when his light landed on me. I couldn’t see his face but he paused.

  “You? Are you following me?” He sounded outraged.

  I was outraged too. Outraged I didn’t make sure the auto flash setting was off.

  “Um… no.”

  I guessed it was time to stand up and stop looking at this guy through my hair like the girl from the ring. When I got to my feet, I tucked my hair behind my ears and bit my lip. If I acted like he was crazy and imagined it all, would he believe it? No, that was a lame idea.

  “No. So you weren’t just stalking me through the trees, and you didn’t just take a picture of me?” His flashlight app was still shining in my eyes and I couldn’t see past the insanely bright light.

  “Do you mind turning that thing off?” I shielded my eyes. “No, I wasn’t following you.” Only a tiny lie. I wasn’t following him at that particular point. “And I did take a picture. But it wasn’t of you necessarily. I like taking pictures of people. The light was very dramatic and I was trying to capture the mood. I didn’t realize the flash was on.” I sniffed.

  He dropped his hand and the sudden darkness invaded my vision. I could see his silhouette, but that was about it.

  He sighed and stepped so close he was touching my side. My arm tingled where his hard stomach pressed into me and I almost stepped back,
but I wanted to know what he was doing. Not to mention, he smelled good, and it was playing havoc on my senses with raging adrenaline coursing through my body.

  “Let’s see it.”

  Ah, that was the only reason he was close to me.

  Begrudgingly, I turned on the camera and selected the pictures option. The last picture I took of Jonah and Mike came into view. It was a great composition with lots of movement and action. Their expressions were a mixture of aggression and indignation. He was going to ask me to delete it, damn it, and I couldn’t think of a way to keep it. Mike was stretching Jonah’s shirt to the side and… I squinted to see what was peeking out and then decided to zoom in. A tattoo curled over his collarbone in reds and blacks.

  “Okay, that’s enough of that. Please delete it now.” Jonah blocked the picture with a hand over the screen.

  Ugh. There it was.

  “I really like the picture. I swear I won’t use it for anything.” I glanced up and his features were slightly outlined by the light slipping through his fingers.

  His face truly was a work of art. Straight lines and firm lips set into a deep frown. His glasses definitely added a bit of mystery in the dark.

  “Please,” I whispered, tilting my face up to his.

  He looked toward the building behind me, then he grabbed my hand and led me toward the front yard, not unlike Pat led Ryan.

  “What are you doing?” I tried to tug my hand out of his grip, but he tightened his hold.

  He stopped at the corner of the building where the front was visible but we were still hidden in the shadows. Athletic guys stood in circles, high fiving and horsing around while watching beautiful, giggling girls stumble over each other as they strutted toward the house.

  “Do you see them?” Jonah stepped behind me and whispered in my ear.

  “Of course.” My fingers tightened on the camera.

  “Those people, they have it all. Good homes, trust funds, bright futures. It’s all laid out for them already. Their biggest worry is who they’ll take to prom.” He paused, letting it sink in like he was telling me some forgotten secret.

  “I’m not like them. My family and this town are trying to pull me under and keep me chained to a life of misery. I have to fight for everything I get, and I’m fighting to get out of here. I refuse to let anything stand in my way. I’m the only one that gives enough of a shit to change my future. Do you understand?” His lips moved against my ear and his hand dug into my hip.


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